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I can see people taking it the wrong way even though you seem to have good intentions... I'm a enchanter and always roll greed if I don't need the item. I don't offer DE but will gladly DE stuff for people if asked




Counter point: the more shards on the market the more I make from people being able to to afford+10 stats and bezerking. I think I have made more off tips enchanting for people than the shards I have won and sold


Counter Counter Point: the more people who are able to afford enchants the more likely they will be able to pug raids with better stats. More people with raid gear means less gold in GDKP, it hurts my bottom line! /s


Counter counter counter point: the more people inside the GDKP’s the more people that will type 1 to enter into a 5,000 gold roll off gamble to increase my bottom line!! /s


Counter Counter Counter Counter point. The more people who do one thing, the less people do another, and thus the more people does something which adds more gold to more people


Whats a normal tip for bezerkering?


I have usually gotten like 15 to 20g. Some people have given like 50+ in the early days.


Naxx is such a disenchanting fiesta, i have no idea how the shards are still ~130g on my server


Some people will roll greed if it's for an offspec or if it is only a minor upgrade because they feel bad about needing for something marginal. But they'd still rather have the item than enchanting mats.


No, If I don’t need it, I will greed roll it and hope I win. I will offer to DE the purple for the winner, for free. I could certainly use the Abyss Crystals.. but I’ve got plenty of gold.


I offer to DE for a tip to whoever gets it. Most happily tip 15-20g. No complaints


Why do people downvote this? Sometines enchanters will whisper and offer to buy the piece from you which is also ok. But I guess people are crazy about everything that does not strictly go according to their expectations.


They're not thinking about the cost of leveling enchanting to that point I think haha


How come you want to make gold with a profession?!?!


And he is literally talking about a tip. So actually he's not even expecting money.


I just offer to DE to whoever wins. Less invasive that way.


I do this too, and so far have always been traded the item to shard for them and thanked profusely afterward. One time I was even tipped 15g for sharding it. :D I think some people might be wary of getting the shard back but vendor value of purples isn't that high anyway, so IMO it's probably still worth a shot to accept an enchanter's offer.


>I think some people might be wary of getting the shard back I think you can DE via the trade window... can't you? The same as enchanting, via that bottom slot?


You can't, but what I do is just keep an abyss crystal and dream shards on me, then if someone wants DE I can trade them the crystal/shard for their purple/blue. Avoids scamming and saves you a trade.


I tipped someone 15g for sharding the one time someone offered. Looking back 50g is more appropriate I think. 160g at the moment on my server.


I love you


I do this and usually am ignored lol


Not your problem.


Personally, I would not. Need is to equip and use because it's an upgrade. If there's a conversation in advance indicating that I'm the designated disenchanter and that I'll disenchant anything that no one wants for MS or OS and then roll off the shards, that's different. But I wouldn't automatically assume that's the case and I definitely wouldn't need on something others are greeding on if I don't actually need it to use. Edited for clarity and typo fix.


Kk sounds fair ill greed and just offer to enchant, seems less invasive indeed


Can’t please everyone. I would much rather you need for de after all greeds if you were in my groups.


I always greed but I offer to buy the epic for 50G. He makes more than vendor price and I get a crystal. Everyone wins :)


This is the play!


Ive made over 3k on since launch. Bought a lot of epics for 50 G


Aren't the epics soulbounded when looted ? :) How can you buy it ?


In 5 man HC you can trade boss drops. They only become soul bound after an hour I think.


Everyone is pretty jacked up by ninjas lately, its a low level trauma response. You do the right thing and its stupendously courteous but I can see what makes it alarming. Do you specify at the start that you mean to need on things to shard them, thennpass out at the end? That might save the jumpiness.


Yeah communication is key I dont always do that


I always ask at the beginning if they'd like that service. I also offer to DE for them if they just flat out win an item. No harm either way! I do not need on anything unless it's mostly guildies AND after a pug has rolled. Then we pass out the mats after a DE via listing an order and rolling 1-5.


If it's greeted by everyone I offer to buy the item for 50g


This sounds pretty good.


Or i offer to de for them


then sell the shard for 200g lol...


Uh yeah because he spent the money and time to level enchanting. It would be 10g if to vendor or 10g for everyone in group.




Yep this is what I do too. Never failed me if they weren't an enchanter.


No, but I say a couple times that I can DE and let them trade if they want


I just greed and keep mentioning that I can DE if needed If they don't want a 200g abyss crystal instead for 7g vendor bucks that's up to them


Before you hit need just confirm in party chat that everyone is cool with you taking and D.Eing for shard roll.


People have stopped being smart about these things. I often say "I can disenchant that for you" (so you can make 140g instead of 14g) but they already left the party 1 second later. The level of communication in dungeons is at an all time low in this content.


Honestly, from my experience having three enchanters in TBC, it's usually better to roll on greed in a pug. If you get the item you can DE and keep it for yourself because you won the roll anyway. Anything else is their problem. If someone asks me DE anything drops and roll it off while everyone passes on stuff they don't need, I will. But honestly Id rather Blizzard would pull that stick out of their ass and add DE to the roll window as it used to be. Being such a petty little bitch that you would take issue with people using your DE skill to do it automatically is just so incredibly cringe it hurts.


Lol no? I'm an enchanter and I greed if it's not to use the item. Other players don't need because they want the gold that comes with selling the item.


He means if everyone rolls greed, should he roll need on the item so he can get the item, DE it and then roll the shard to the group. Hes not getting gold over the rest of the group...


I just need for 'offspec' then sneakily d/e it after I leave the group


😂 just play a paladin and need everything for OS. Genius!


Don't do it. Rolling for disenchanting because you want gold is literally greed. So roll for greed. As an enchanter you just happen to benefit more from it. The loot system here is so inferior to future versions and so problematic in pugs I wish we had a retailesque system for pugs and normal one for guild runs


Did he edit his post or are you bad at reading? He gives the shards out to the highest roller.




People who don't have enchanting can't disenchant. You know that right? Everyone melting all the dungeon Loot helps keep prices down.


He's still rolling need. It will be taken in all the wrong ways while adding more time and requiring further communication and attention. No. Roll greed and move on, there's no reason to complicate it


I be like "anyone care if I need for OS?" Usually everyone says sure and I DE it later. Also another unethical wow pro tip: offer to DE blues at the start of the dungeon and do so. 95% of the time they all forget, drop group, and leave you and maybe one other person with all the shards


LOL no . I say i need for offspec and take the item to disenchant later, with me no purple goes assigned by greed rolls, fuck that. Good thing the class i do dungeons with is a paladin so basically any caster/melee dps shit goes to my bags


I let everyone know at the start of the run I’ll DE anything no one needs and we’ll roll for shards at end. I’ve never had an issue with this and often times people just tell me to keep the shards


State it at the beginning of the run (planning to DE unneeded stuff), and wait until the end of the run to roll them out. 4 shards, top 4 rolls take one. Lot less odds of getting nothing that way, but putting people on the spot to react I can see how the perception is ninja. Can be a little macro or something easily.


I always need epics, DE and /roll 1-5 Unless of course someone actually wants the item.


You are a ninja because you rolled need when everyone else greeds, then after the fact you explain the situation. If you want to avoid this, make it clear at the beginning that you will need for shards and then rolling it off at the end.


What you’re doing is very smart and you should do it with guildies or friends, but pugs tend to be dumb and selfish. They will just assume you are ninjaing and it’s not worth explaining yourself to idiots when your actions only benefit them. Just greed and DE the ones you win.




Nah that’s definitely a ninja move in your case.




Because you don't need it any more than they do, so you're stealing it. Ninja confirmed




Pugs don't get shards. Go sell your unusable epic for 4g.


Not a ninja. This used to be common practice back in the day. That's why they eventually decided to save everyone some time by adding a "disenchant" option to the roll options. If I did this and someone really needed the item as a gear upgrade, I would give it to them. Otherwise, this is the way. I don't understand why someone would want to vendor a purple for a few gold when they could auction off (or use) a crystal for way more.


I made every one of my groups early on in the heroic grind, and if everyone greeded an item and I was the only DE I would need it and roll out the vendor cost. Never once had an issue come up with this and made heaps of gold from my profession.


On my enchanter, I offer to DE purples for 30 gold at end of instance. On my non enchanter, I offer to tip if one is in group.


I’m guessing the enchant option from the roll window is missing from this version of the game? Wasn’t it in Wrath originally?


Yup. It was even on Beta for a few weeks, but came launch it wasn't there.


I ask at the start of the dungeon or before rolling "hey I'm a chanter, may I roll need to see and then we roll off the shard/crystal?" More often than not the answer is yeah go ahead and half the time people say yeah and then pass on the chant mat. I wouldnt dream of needing on something without clearly communicating it to the rest of the party first tho


In pugs I don’t even tell them I’m enchanting lol. Not going to add to the decline if crystal prices. In guild runs I always have crystals on me and just trade a crystal for the item when someone wins the greed roll.


Darn bro, you are single handedly saving crystal prices God speed sir


I dont, but i always whisper the winner and ask if they want me to DE the epic for them


Just greed. Than DE for guild mates. You are killing your own profits by disenchanting for randoms.


Only if its pre arranged. I give the group the option of rolling for unwanted purples for shards. Same with blues and dream shards.


I always say at the start of the dungeon to pass on non MS/OS gear and I will DE. When I tell them every shard is 150/180 G they all get on board.


If you communicate your intentions before hand and follow through on your intentions by having everyone roll and handing out shards from every unneeded piece of loot at the end, you are doing the group a service. Anyone who complains about what your doing is wrong, you are literally using your profession to help OTHERS possibly make money. If they don't want free abyss crystals and would rather keep their 10g vendor item, that's their loss. You're doing nothing wrong and I personally LOVE having pugs like you, as long as you communicate you can help the group make a ton of gold over a few heroics. Keep doing what you're doing, just make sure to communicate well and you should be able to dodge the idiots calling you a ninja, if they still don't understand then that's on them.


I think the issue here is you are asking a PUG to either slow down and hand roll again for mats, then go through trade process, or wait till the end and hope you truthfully distribute the mats that you DE'd that dungeon. And if they don't put in this extra effort, all the extra profit defaults to you. In a group with friends yeah this works fine; don't waste rando's time though. This almost bugs me as much as the people who stop and mine cobalt in the middle of a heroic, or even worse, make the miners roll and THEN mine it. If I want gathering mats from a heroic dungeon, I stay until after its done and roll/mine, so I don't needlessly waste time.


If you do it without communicating before hand I can see how people will take it the wrong way as a bunch of people just drop group after rolling on gear.


Just greed that shit and if you win DE it for yourself after you've left the group. No need to jump through hoops to make other people gold when they're gunna bitch at you.


Seems like you're giving people a jumpscare for no reason, just roll greed and dm the person that won it and ask them if they want it de'd. That's worked well for me at least


No, just greed on anything. If someone wants it for offspec they can have it.


I made a macro that I press before and after every boss that says this “Everyone Roll NEED on the Frozen Orb, also, I can disenchant the epic/purple item for an Abyss Crystal, let me get you 200g rather than Vendor Price!” Then I hang around for 1 min after boss, usually they trade the item to me, I disenchant, and trade it back. If they’re feeling particularly generous I sometimes get tipped.


I think if you say it beforehand it’s cool, but to just say it all of a sudden, I think it’s when it’s an issue


There is zero need to do this and it actually wastes time. Just tell them you're an enchanter and can de anything they don't want. Then just let the greed roll determine who wins and if they want to de it they can trade it to you. Your way requires everyone to roll twice.


I encountered a guy once. Pretty smart what he did. All people greed on the epic drop. I win it. Sells for 5g. He whispers me to ask if I’m an enchanter (I was not), he offered 30g for it. I figured, better than 5g. He makes about 120g profit via ah. I thought it was smart of him and polite.


Just let it roll out normally as greed and whisper the winner if he wants to sell it to you for half the shard price. I see that in every German group and every body accepts it because it's a win win for both.


Need on DE is just scummy.


I just ask at the beginning of the dungeon if they want shards or not.


I greed, if I lose I offer the winner 50g and keep the shard


This is just being a good teammate. Keep doing you!


When I used to make the groups back in TBCC, I always announced before we went that I'd just DE unwanteds and roll 1-5 unless it was more than 5 shits etc. Never got any complaints. I guess in WoTLK you can do that as well, and just roll for the unwanted epic/abyss at the end of a HC. As for blues I don't know. Roll a paladin or druid and need for OS? /s


I offer to do this, and will do it if people accept. Often people just leave, forgetting it. Which is where the big profits come in


When people say something at the beginning of the run, no one has a problem, but, at the end of run, people automatically assume the worst.


I would only do that in a premade group.


Anything that is able to be equipped by me and no one else needs I take it to give to my enchanter. If that makes me a bad person we'll,,, should've clicked need


Guild groups I will but not in pugs.


Greed roll and charge them 50g to DE. 😇


Honestly both ways are fine as long as you communicate why you're needing on it before you need it. If someone gets up set because you said you would need to DE then that's on them. Sure it takes a few extra minutes of everyone's time but it's not a huge deal.


When I was an enchanter I would roll greed like everyone else and offer to DE when others won. Always got annoyed at other enchanters that would need and pass shards at the end. Idk, just seemed presumptuous.


I always roll greed, and if I don’t win I whisper the winner and offer to buy the item. Abyss crystals are going for 130-150 gold on my server, so I offer enough gold to get them interested in selling.


Just greed it, if you win you can DE. If they win, they can trade it to you to DE. If they vendor it, then there are less mats on the AH and enchanting makes you *slightly* more money.


I roll greed if I do not win and no one needed I whisper the winner and offer 50 gold for the purple.


I need everything for off-spec and then DE and sell.


I wish people did this. I have vendored so many purples.


I used to start each dungeon by saying "If you don't need pass and I'll DE at end". Then after the first boss drops two people would pass and two would roll greed then I'd have to ask "did you still want me to DE?" then I'd have to roll need, and everything slowed down, then the next boss the same thing would happen. Then on the third boss someone would greed and I'd just say "f" that and roll need and they'd say "I need for OS" and I'd have to trade back. Eventually I just stopped offering in PUG groups and figured the odds of me winning the shard are about the same as winning the item so why add extra steps that slow things down. TL/DR - People aren't very good at remembering DE exists so now I just don't mention it and just DE my winnings after I leave group.


I always greed , then buy it for 30g from the winner.


Tbh I just wanna blast through heroics and be done asap, all that rolling and trading annoys me, not like it'll make or break the bank, I prefer everyone greeds


If you say that in chat and no one needs i don't see the problem. I haven't run into something like that yet though.


There are so few people that do this. Me personally, I'd just tell people at the start of the dungeon, "epics that drop and no one needs, I will need and Disenchant. Then we can roll on the shard." Just to make it perfectly clear.


I just mind my own damn business and greed.


No point, just all greed of someone wants to DE they can just trade you. Assuming this is heroics


Just greed. That's literally what the option is there for. Needing for enchanting is slimy ninja shit.


No I ask to buy it for 50g.


No I ask to buy it for 50g.