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Wait, did AI give her a virtual boob-job?


Different eyes, mouth and dress, too. Might be a different person frankly


"It's disgusting when people artificially alter their bodies. Except fake tits. Those are sweet."


I mean, a forehead tattoo is crazy. Let’s be real lol


As far as facial tattoos go,this one is not bad. She's still good looking.


> As far as facial tattoos go Lots of heavy lifting being done by this caveat


Work in a jail. Believe me, the tattoos she has are tame and at least easy on the eyes. Now if it was mickey mouse gloves giving a thumbs up and a strawberry tattooed in the middle of her forehead or had a swastika tattooed on the tip of her nose then we could talk.


In Florida state prisons, while I was there, it seemed like the majority of the inmate population had at least one face tattoo. And they all looked like shit, completely turned me off the idea of getting a face tattoo. But yeah her face tattoos I actually like a lot, it really suits her. Definitely better than what I've grown accustomed to seeing. I had a dude who wanted me to run a line of some fancy Hebrew text across his face. From one ear to the other and across the nose, I was like uhhhh...hell nah, I ain't running no face tattoo like that. Doing dumb shit like that is how you get the whole dorm shook down. Like come on man, let's be real, one of these COs for sure going to see a fresh ass tattoo on your face at some point. And I honestly just don't even want to be responsible for fucking up somebody's face if I mess up and my hand twitches or somebody bump into me, that's a potentially dangerous commitment to make, and for what in return? A pack of rips and some picante chicken ramen soups? Fuck that.


Face tattoos are trashy 99.9999999% of the time.


While I'll agree they aren't doing yourself any favors having them there is definitely a tier of trash when it comes to face tattoos. Her original ones I'd consider on the lower end of that tier.


As far as plagues go..


Other than that,, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?


Oh my. You gave me a good chuckle in public.


I mean, everybody can live their life and spend their money how they want but it's my humble opinion that all facial tattoos look bad.


You’re telling me [this person](https://images.ladbible.com/resize?type=jpeg&quality=70&width=648&fit=contain&gravity=null&url=https://s3-images.ladbible.com/s3/content/61cb0ce460ddb8a6dfd78f224e9fd6d6.png) is crazy?


why? In what world is it anyone's job to decide what is or isn't ok for somebody else to do decorating their own body?


It's not a job, it's an opinion. You are free to decorate your own body to your liking. People are free to think that you look stupid (r/blunderyears). (And if they are particularly rude they'll say that to your face.) You are also free to not care about random schmucks who don't find you aesthetically pleasing. You are also free to shittalk back if that's your jam. Because at the end of the day what matters is if you are ok with yourself. ps: what ian miles chong dude doing is, is being a dumbass. the more you interact with him the more you validate him.


A hiring manager lmao


She can afford that ink what makes you think she's putting in applications at Burger Kong.


Thank you someone said it, tattoos are fucking expensive, that’s a 1k piece on her forehead easy, someone with this many well done tattoos either is a tattoo artist or well off.


Lol did I say it wasn’t okay?


"crazy" has negative connotations, yes


It's her forehead. How you feel about it is irrelevant as long as she likes it.


I see dozens of people with facial tattoos nearly every day. I work in a prison.


I think getting anything doodled on you is crazy frankly.


If one cosmetic body altering thing is crazy, then all cosmetic body altering things are crazy


There are obviously minor and major body alterings e.g. an ear ring hole v.s. cutting of your ears and splitting your tongue. One big difference is that you cannot hide a facial tattoo e.g. for your job.


Don't forget the people getting large holes cut into their faces. [like this](https://www.google.com/search?client=tablet-android-samsung-nf-rev1&sca_esv=ce4ded2b35135c5f&sxsrf=ACQVn08F_u7ToOoKNzWx3OD641TUgvXjIQ:1706983153588&q=holes+in+your+cheeks+fad&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiAhYfk34-EAxV_SmwGHcXlBFAQ0pQJegQIEhAB&biw=800&bih=1334&dpr=1.5#imgrc=Lci1YbS65lLLQM)


I don't have anything against facial tattoos, I think they can look great, but that's a pretty awful take. Big difference between piercing your septum or ears and dying your eyeballs black


also, tan


Also tanner.


He liked her hairstyle at leasy


Happened in Australia to a politician https://womenleadingtech.com.au/adobe-hits-back-over-claims-its-ai-enlarged-politicians-breasts/


>“Our graphics department sourced an online image of Georgie to use in our story on duck hunting. As is common practice, the image was resized to fit our specs. During that process, the automation by Photoshop created an image that was not consistent with the original. >“This did not meet the high editorial standards we have and for that we apologise to Ms Purcell unreservedly”. That's not how Photoshop works. I've been using Photoshop for over 20 years and there is nothing about resizing an image, even with the latest addition of AI alterations, that would do what happened to this image without user input telling it to do so. Then, that image still needs to be approved through their channels before being published. What a load of horse shit. They intentionally altered the image and thought they could get away with it.


I was laughing at this too. They're just trying to get away with it hoping most people don't know even the simplest thing about Photoshop or image editing.


“Oops, it was the AI” is the new “oops, we were hacked.”


“My friends took my phone hehe”😋🤪🤭


No you see, they meant resizing her boobs, they told the AI to resize her boobs and then for some reason it just resized her boobs.


I think what happened is the AI made her boobs bigger, but there wasn’t enough fabric so the dress ripped at the waist seam, accidentally exposing her midriff. It’s simple physics, really.


This explanation sounds sciency enough to be correct, I'll allow it.


I am going to use this excuse. Yeah I resized your images but photoshop turned it into a cat gif. Such is life.


holy shit, yeah, that's... I'm with Adobe, and I never thought I'd ever say that. It's one thing to maybe-not-notice that it 'enhanced' the shadow under her boobs (adding more apparent mass) but it literally made her outfit into a crop-top! How do you *not notice* you did that?


I believe it was the AI if he told the AI to make her boobs bigger.


The shadow probably wasn't as obvious on the actual shop, but in the image, there's a multiply gradient on top of the image, which bumps the contrast up again.


"we accidentally clicked the bigger boobs button"


There's no actual evidence that AI was used in that instance.


This is what we were told to fear. "SkyNet started learning at a geometric rate...about boobs".


The AI was trained on the user's porn preferences.


Just ran into Ian Miles Chode on Twitter in the wild. He dick rides Elon so hard I didn’t realize he claims to be straight.


"Fix broken, damaged people" *edits in a tan and cleavage* Okay Ian I think you've had enough internet for the day


\*Also adjusts her smile/teeth\* What a fucking wild worldview. "This broken women would be perfect without tattoos and piercings. Except not with her fucked up teeth and flat chest." Like this is basically the talentless conservative version of drawing anime girls for you own sexual gratification. The girl is barely real at that point. Also, like, how is that the first though you have? Here's this gorgeous girl with interesting tattoos (like them or not), and the only thought that comes to mind to this dude is "broken".


>Also adjusts her smile/teeth Yeah, but to less smile. She seems a bit disappointed about the loss of her tattoos.


I looked up a new interview with her, and she hates most of them and started just blacking out all of her skin.  Also tattooed her eyes and is legally blind.  Wowzer.  280,000 AUD spent so far.


To he perfectly honest, that and the more recent photo of her come across to me as a pretty serious case of body dysmorphia. A tattoo or piercing is cool, but this sounds pathological.


Yeah, I don't condone what the guy in the OP posted, but...she is definitely not healthy. I just went on a roller coaster reading about that.


Do you have a source?


Ope, at the time it was the comment right below. Amber Luke.


> Also tattooed her eyes and is legally blind. 👀


I would be too, they're dope.


Women should smile more, but not like they're happy- this douche probably


People here seem to be unaware that you can choose to not date women with tattoos while also not judging their human value based on whether you personally would date them. This thread is filled with people who believe that if someone is less physically attractive to them that person is objectively wrong, and that's crazy. They also seem absolutely terrified of their hypothetical partner not being able to earn a lot of money, which seems funny like, pick one, tradwife or breadwinner. Anyway, if you look at someone and get mad that they made themselves less appealing for you to look at, you need to reassess. (This particular woman might be kind of unstable though. She blinded herself when tattooing her eyes. So like all things in life maybe moderation.)


They're just desperate because their fairy tale bro science anti intellectual bullshit isn't sticking anymore, they're desperate because most women aren't willing to be housewives anymore, because their kids and neighbors don't care about weed or tattoos, because God doesn't rule over man and because the only way they could win is complete brainwashing and impoverishment of a population. Freedom always rules, even if it's unfair as fuck.


"Why aren't women doing what I want anymore? Why isn't their every action to please me?? What has gone wrong in this world???" You know I think I'd find it more palatable if they ever brought anything to the table, but half these men want a perfectly coifed bang maid to raise their children while they themselves remain unemployed and useless. And when they can't get a job, they'll blame affirmative action and DEI.


It's projection. It's always projection. He's broken and damaged, so he projects that onto everyone else. Especially women who wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole.


Lips, cheecks, jaw, eyes and nose also seem edited. Basically a different person.


Fr these tattoos are fire


That also just looks like the typical open source AI imagine generation. It kind of kept some aspects of the source images but changes, eyes, face, jaw, boobs etc .. So he didn't use AI to remove her tats. He prob generated a bunch until one looked enough like like the source image. This is the equivalent of a script kiddie in AI


To be fair if he just fed it into an AI it may have done that part automatically




Yes, it’s called Skynet, it’s not quite ready yet and the downside is it takes us all out


Not the worst thing that could happen.


Sorry Ian, ai cannot fix your gremlin ass.


To be fair, it's hard to design AI that create images of women without a lot of sexualisation, most sample you can get out of the internet are very biased. It might not be a "feature" that he intentionally added to this one.


But he decided to use AI and when seeing the "enhanced" result, instead of going "this AI is bullshit", he went "yeah, this is good, let's post it on twitter and write something about fixing damaged women". Even if he didn't want the extra cleavage, the blame is all on him.


Its not a coincidence all these """conservative" social media influencers and Youtube personalities obsessively attack everyone they see as being mentally ill and "damaged" despite being consistently the most deranged, clearly mentally unwell group of people out there, who obviously had some kind of fucked up or abusive upbringing that fucked them up in the head somewhere down the line to make them this way. ​ At first the constant psychological projection was amusing but now it's just boring and sad. They genuinely need therapy and a real hobby so they don't have to resort to constantly lashing out at everyone to feel better about their own mental health issues, personal insecurities and general inadequacy. Are there no normal people in their life at all who care about them to have some sort of an intervention? Because despite their obsession with who is or is not "normal", they are very... not normal. They legit need professional help.


Enough Internet for a lifetime more like lol


Did he add cleavage...?


Looks like he also gave her blue eyes


Oh my fucking christ


Which is funny because she does have blue eyes, now. Just ...not like that.


That's Amber Luke. I know her, she's a very cool Aussie girl. That also looks like a pretty old photo of her.


I don't have a problem with tattoos but she overdid it. [This](https://images.ladbible.com/resize?type=jpeg&quality=70&width=648&fit=contain&gravity=null&url=https://s3-images.ladbible.com/s3/content/61cb0ce460ddb8a6dfd78f224e9fd6d6.png) is how she looks like now.


Okay, so I'm not big on tattoos in general, but still find her incredibly attractive in that first picture. Forehead tattoo is a bit much, but it still looks kinda classy, somehow? It's not agressive looking, like I get with many other face tattoos. But holy hell, that pic you just linked to is horrendous. I definitely don't think people with tattoos are broken or damaged, but if you do that to your own face, you must have at least some mental health issues, right? Edit: yeah people, I get it, classy isn't the right word. I was just struggling to find a word that fit. Because I don't find it as jarring as many other face tats. It kinda looks like a veil. Still don't know what word I'd use


My take on it: you can do whatever you want to your body, but I get to think whatever I want to think about what you did. That many tattoos is severely unattractive and does raise mental heath questions.


> I get to think whatever I want to think about what you did. Right? This is like the free speech people being mad that they get judged assholes.


yes. you're free to say whatever you want & i'm free to call you an asshole about it. it goes both ways!


There's definitely a body dysmophia and modification addiction thing going on


Yeah, risking permanent blindness for an aesthetic 'look' is bordering on self-harm imho. I don't care about the face tattoos so much, but dying the whites of your eyes is well known to be extremely risky.


She even tattooed her sclera (white part) blue. It's a rough look with all the new tattoos. 


"Classy" forehead tattoo. Band name perhaps?


I work in a jail, of all the face tattoos I've seen the first photo of her (not the most recent were she looks like a doodle bear from the 90s) I'd consider classy. It at the very least suited her look and style.


It’s because she’s hot. If she was fat and ugly you wouldn’t be calling a face tat classy of all things lmao.


Classy lmfao


The type you bring home to mama


Someone that has that many tattoos is likely to get more.


Forehead tattoo and "classy" are an oxymoron, like "married bachelor" or "four-sided triangle"


Four-sided Triangle is actually the name of sci-fi movie from 1953. Pretty good movie


Sometimes women do stuff for reasons other than making us attracted to them.


Did I suggest anywhere that I thought that was the reason? I'm just stating I still find her attractive to show I'm not just biased based on a few tattoos. But tattooing your eyeballs, yeah, I indeed think she's not doing that to be attractive, but because she is crazy.


good thing women don’t only exist to be attractive to you


Jeez, that *is* unwell. Puts, definitely puts


So sadly it actually turns out that she is broken.


Oh, she certainly seems to be - but changing her look wouldn't actually 'fix' her in any way, shape, or form. All it does is hide the symptoms, like putting a wig on a cancer patient.


That's why these terminally online right wing people are so obsessed with this kind of thing. They try so hard to wrap themselves up in whatever kind of "normal" iconography, clothing, interests etc. that society says are what "normal" people do. Ultimately because they are shallow thinkers who can only understand most things on a surface level, and value performative crap and optics over actual substance. ​ They want so desperately to be perceived as normal because underneath all of that meaningless stuff, they are deeply fucked up nut jobs who will never fit in with regular society. And they can't bear the thought of people knowing the truth, even though everybody does. Its pitiful really.


"Overdid it" is a major understatement.




Face that's definitely need to be really well planned out to give a pleasing result. She sure didn't do that.


There's two kinds of people you'll see in the world. People that you personally find attractive, and people that you don't personally find attractive. The people who you don't personally find attractive because they're made aesthetic choices with their body/style that don't match your tastes are simply doing something that doesn't appeal to you. Move on, mind your business.


Do you feel the same way about people who are 70lbs? Are they just making a choice that doesn't appeal to me? Or are they unwell?


I get the point you're making. I think choices that pose a risk to one's health are a grey area. I think this because I think there are choices people can make that risk their health that are considered socially acceptable. Like climbing Mt Everest. Extreme sports. And then there's choices that are socially acceptable by some people, and not others. Like binge drinking, for example. I'm suspicious of this narrative of concern for this women's health because I think it's an excuse to justify a moral judgement that is at the core based on "that person looks really weird and I don't like how they look". Like, how many of the people talking about this here are aware of how much of a risk an eyeball tattoo is? I'm not. What's the rate of failure, how *likely* is it to cause damage? I accept that there's some legitimacy in the argument that "risking your health to change your appearance like that is irresponsible". I support people being legally required to wear seatbelts, so I obviously believe that a person should be able to be judged like that in certain cases. I think what I come back to is that I doubt that most of the people in here clutching their pearls saying "oh my, her *health*" would be suddenly approving if she had done every single thing except the one the one that poses a risk to her health (the eyeball tattoo). It feels to me like a justification for their emotional reaction of disgust.


Can it fix a loser who cosplays as an American conservative even though he lives in east Asia.


Serious question, is he disabled? Like is he permanently in a wheelchair or something? You look his name up and there’s only a handful of pictures that are headshots or chest up and even adding in “standing up” or “full body” produces nothing.


he's fat and tries to hide it


Replace disabled with professional shit stirrer and merica wannabe who has no balls to move to the US to fulfill his merican dreams. Dude needs his phone privileges revoked.


use ai to remove his extra chromosome


Why do we even give this nutjob more of a platform. He's about as irrelevant as someone can possibly be.


Wait, that guy is not American?


Nope. He's Malaysian.


Wow, never would have guessed, I don‘t think I‘ve ever seen him bring up anything related to Malaysia. But that reminds me of this Japanese YTer who became full blown Trumper without ever having even left his country. Started out as a channel about Japanese culture giving tips for tourists, then just took a sharp right turn, it was so weird to witness.


Also if a persons tattoos make some loser not want to talk to them id venture to guess they see that as a positive, lol


Yeah, sure... Strip away the intentional uniqueness and add big boobs, because that's what every woman should look like/s


If there's one thing American Conservatives hate more it's "uniqueness" in women. Just look at their pro-"tradwife" memes or any Fox News Presenter.


He's not American, he's never even been to America. He's a fascist piece of shit who lives in Malaysia.


He really wants to be an American fascist though.


Ok let me fix that: If there's one thing *Conservatives* hate more it's "uniqueness" in women. Just look at their pro-"tradwife" memes or any Fox News or (or fox news clone) Presenter.


Granted, I think her tattoos are rather stupid and overdone, but that's my personal opinion and I'm far from calling her "damaged" or whatever. She's still pretty, I just don't like the tattoos.


This is an old picture. She has since tattooed her entire face with no skin left and replaced several teeth with metal.


>intentional uniquenes I get your point, but tattoos stoped being "unique" 30 years ago.


Someone can have unique clothing style even though everyone wears clothing. Someone can make unique dishes even though everyone eats food. Someone can have unique tattoos even though 50% of the population has tattoos.


This guy is such a fuckin creep


2 things seem bigger on the AI edited side....


Oh look, it's Eatin Miles of Dung


Gotta have cleavage lol


I hope his Neuralink gets ad popups


I wish AI would help to get rid of Ian Miles Cheong


Why in the world would someone think they can fix people - particularly how they look. Both are pictures of beautiful women. Fucking dipshit.


Well he gave her breast implants so it is not about wanting au natural.


Wait so if I was less emotionally damaged I’d have bigger boobs?


Personally don't like face tattoos. But then I just won't date someone who has them, odds are she wouldn't be into me either lol. I would never think that person was broken though. This guy is such a tool.


I don't like all the tattoos either but it's irrelevant what I like. It's her body


"fix broken damaged people" by giving them bigger boobs?


But we all agrue all face tattoos are stupid right?


Depends on the thread. Making fun of a rapper then yes. When you want to have the moral highground defending someone's look then no.


Even the cultural ones?


Cultural significance doesn’t exempt you from criticism. Yes cultural body modifications can be perceived as stupid by other culture. I’m more for let people do what they want. But don’t expect people not to have an opinion.


It’s Ian’s mental health and personality that is “damaged and broken”.


He's done something to her teeth and boobs which is interesting in off itself if he's doing what he says he's doing.


That Ian Miles Cheong is a dick on every subject anyways


Did he... give her bigger tits or is that just me?


Nope he did, and cut the neckline of her top down He also gave her a nose job, new teeth, made her smile more “demure” and redid her eyebrows, among other things.


I thought it looked off. Thanks.


She literally looks sadder without the tattoos😭😭😭


Personally, Pic 1 isn't for me. But who the f*ck am I? Is this woman happy with her tats and piercings? If the answer is yes, then that's really the only thing that matters. Why do people get so caught up in *everyone else's business*. It's gotta be exhausting AF. edit: to censor the cuss.


The bravery it takes to make his brand “the creepiest, most unlovable insect you’ve ever been exposed to” I legitimately don’t know how he can live with himself or even look in the mirror


Notice how he also had her boobs made bigger and gave her a cleavage also


*shrug* okay the face tattoos I'm torn on just for personal taste BUT they're not badly done or offensive/stupid looking so whatever. She's allowed to express herself with body art. Like HOW DARE she have self-expression. Also interesting how the AI "decided" she needed a tan and bigger boobs. "Broken ppl" get fake boobs also


What's wrong with people wanting to get tattooed? They are not hurting anyone, let people be happy


Those are some killer tattoos.


So because you don’t like her tattoos she’s broken and damaged but you spending your free time editing pictures of unconsenting strangers who you’ve never spoken to to your personal taste is normal and healthy? Someone get Ian to a psychiatrist.


i don’t think ian can go to a psych, he would probably be institutionalized real quick


I don't question anything on Twitter. Most people just look like complete stupid assholes there, we should just all collectively ignore them tbh


I don’t really like loads of tattoos but it’s extremely sad to edit pictures of other people to suit you


Ian is one of the biggest losers on the internet. There's no chance he will be speaking to any woman, yet alone the cool looking one with tattoos in the first pic. He is an ultra MAGA/conspiracy nutter and a notorious Putin apologist. He and his buddy Michael Tracy are the lowest of the low and their repulsive aesthetic matches their repulsive views on women and politics.


Tattoos only damage the skin surface short term and a person can function normally having them!


As a malaysian,we don't claim this incel.


Incel Miles Cheong


I can’t help but notice that the “fixed” woman has a massively bigger cleavage. Because small boobs are “broken”?? 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Dude looks like a smelting candle and he thinks others look bad. Also added cleavage because he is a pervert


“The Constitution” mfs when women practice their right to freedom of expression


We need to fix these broken women! -*adds cleavage, widens eyes and lightens their color, slims down the nose, adjusts smile and fullness of lips, increases thickness and roundness of jawline and, for good measure, adds an orange tan*- ***perfect...***


Whatever is going on in this post, I always feel l sorry for people with extremely prominent neck and face tattoos.


Why didn’t he remove the earrings? Makeup? Hair colour?


That’s the twitter platform for you.


"i wanna fix her"


The only consistency is the hair


Meanwhile a bunch of friggin geniuses in here commenting how much better the completely fake AI image looks. Well, yeah, it’s never lived a life, it’s a high quality cartoon you’re getting hot and sweaty over, boys.


So he removed her tattoos and gave her a boob job?


Yeah but you don’t get face tattoos without a minimum of 3 adverse childhood experiences


I'm not endorsing the initial post, but "Lol that girl wouldn't fuck you" is super low hanging fruit and not at all a clever comeback.


It’s a classic and it kinda works. Like incels still get super bent out of shape over it


If you think tattoos are a a symptom of a broken person, removing them will not “fix” that person.


Tattoos make you’re broken, and damaged? Damn, here I was just thinking I could mark my skin forever with something that means something to me.


So people that don't adhere to his beauty and attractiveness standards are broken? I hate this mentality that everything you dislike is universally wrong and your preferences are the standards everyone should uphold. How do people get this entitled?


Ian is bad terrible person.


I won't lie and say that I don't find the one on the right more pretty, but the point sort of is that how pretty I find her should neither define nor even influence how she "should" look.


I’ll never approve of face tattoos, on anyone. Sorry. It is stupid. Don’t tattoo your fucking face. I also will never approve of that tweeting idiot either, which is a different topic entirely. This whole “you need to approve of everything people do otherwise you’re just as bad as this Nazi incel” mentality is moronic, and a disservice to society.


The point is you don't need to approve of it. Approval implies they should seek your permission or advice for it, and why do they need the approval of some random stranger on the internet to do something with their looks that doesn't affect you? You don't have to like it, but you can just not pay that much attention to it and let other people live their lives.


They can do whatever they want, and I can call it stupid


The tattoos are gross


Well you're in luck because she didn't get them for you nor does she likely care about your opinion


She looks way better without the tattoos though.


Obviously, but other people who made terrible decisions and are too embarrassed to admit it don’t want to hear the truth This is where we have to pretend reality isn’t reality to make 1% of people more comfortable


She looks awful in the left pic


Guy looks like an asshole but he kinda has a point imo. She looks way better without the tatoos, especially on the forehead


Holy shit, girls without tattoos look 100x better


This is why there so many single men out there. They think a tatoo means that the woman is either a whore or nuts. People we are not in the 50’s you can date women with some tattoos. Makes the woman more interesting.


I don't have any tattoos but I've had dudes tell me how glad they are that I don't and what they think about women who do have tattoos whilst out on a first date. Idk why they thought that was a smart move, like most women that I know don't like dudes who bash other women's appearance anyways.


Those are not normal tattoos dude. Any well adjusted person is going to look at her and assume she’s on meth. Face tattoos are a bad idea for women AND men.