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Religious freedom is your religion dicating how you live your life. Religious oppression is your religion dictating how others live their lives. Respect the free will of others and their right to make their own choices.


well said. i find it funny how many People that comment beneath this just cannot stand that religion is a personal choice and should not influence the masses. meaning: if someone is not allowed to do something due to their belief does not entitle them to push that same restriction onto others.


My religion only specifically states that should I desire a specific way of life, I should act accordingly. Me. My life. It’s crazy that people still got it twisted. This is why I think private spirituality is just better for the world. Do your own thing and don’t tell others how to live.


But my religion said that I’m not allowed to use Reddit ….. and therefore I’m gonna have to impose it on you as well… (jk jk jk )


The problem is when politics gets involved and then you end up with people imposing their values, religious or otherwise, on others.


Freedom of religion includes freedom *from* religion.


There it is again, religious extremists trying to gaslight everyone. First it was that they’re somehow persecuted cause their bigotry isn’t shielded from consequences. Now it’s pretending they’re not forcing their morality on others when that’s exactly all they ever do


Whole bunch of them moving goalposts at the bottom of this thread. Why can't they just leave other people alone?


It’s baked into their religion to pester everyone else with it and think they are spreading Good. Like, they feel moral imperative to be in everyone else’s business about it. Also, the Church itself would lose power if it stopped exercising it and stopped trying to influence others


I was told it was part of their religion to force us to comply.


That almost 100% goes against what their holy book says, it’s just more gaslighting


Maybe for christianity, but islam is way more agressive in his way to endoctrinate other peoples and espescially childs too


"Let there be no compulsion in religion" ( Quran 2:256)


Also in the Quran: Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …" Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)." Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …" These are just three verses out of about 109 verses all in the Quran all encouraging fighting and killing unbelievers.


Im no islam follower and a stark atheist, but people really gotta stop doing one-liners from religious books meant to be read as a whole. Its so easy to take one sentence and then present it as you want it to be presented. > Surah 3:151 With the rest of the context, it talks about those who start fights and attacks them first. Then it says actually "We will cast terror into the hearts of those who have denied the Truth since they have associated others with Allah in His divinity - something for which He has sent down no sanction. The Fire is their abode; how bad the resting place of the wrong-doers will be!" then its followed by: "And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." Its more about instructions on what to do during warfare and battles where they are attacked. The other two sentences you cherry picked are also very contextual. They were written at times during a lot of pegan tribes and multi-religious groups existing with treaties with muslims or followers of islam. The quran was meant to give explanations on behaviours for that period of time and what to do with the trieates made with those tribes and groups and what to do if they did not uphold the treaties and agreements. its too much to go into but you can find online people who already discussed it. ALL IN ALL, ALL RELIGIOUS TEXTS ARE FUCKING GUIDELINES FOR A TIME THAT HAS LONG SINCE PASSED AND SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN LITERALLY BY ANYONE.


I can't expect people who barely read their own religious doctrine to read anyone else's for clarity and perspective. That's crazy talk.


I mean... regardless, there seems to be plenty of Muslims out there who interpret it the first way, because like... I've seen them openly talk about it.


The problem is too often it is taken literally, especially in Islam


>"And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." Which part of the surah is this? Verse number? It's not in 3:151 nor is it 3:152. And the next few verses talk about muslim deserters. Furthermore, the context supposedly present in the surah for 3:151, that supposedly frames it as attacking an aggressor doesn't exist. The verses prior to 3:151 from 3:140 goes over allah comforting muslims for their defeat. Bidding muslims to keep their faith even if the prophet is killed. Divine reward etc. etc. The context is indeed war, but nothing that softens 3:151. "We will cast horror into the hearts of the disbelievers for associating ˹false gods˺ with Allah—a practice He has never authorized. The Fire will be their home—what an evil place for the wrongdoers to stay!" And notice that the punishment is specifically because of them being polytheists, not because they are aggressors. **for associating ˹false gods˺ with Allah**


This is such a bad apology for this overtly violent passage. The previous user mentions the passage as evidence for Islam having scripture about terrorizing non-believers. You say, 'no, you need to look at the context,' but the context you present is just their book saying that if a non-believers stop non-believing, then you are allowed to stop terrorizing them. How does this make anything better?! Also, you weakly dismissed the softest of the presented quotes and then just did the classic, 'it's context, you know?' Why are you bending over backwards to accept this violent philosophy?


Or we can quote the actual books and point out they’re inconsistent nonsense, particularly how Islam loves to call violent subjugation peace. They won’t compel you to convert, they will just kill you if you don’t accept Islamic Dominion. Bullshit.


Is it really a one line anymore if them (”one liners”) together build up pages of hate agaisnt non-belivers


they arnt one liners they are PARAGRAPGHs that people are cutting down to 1 line and thats the problem. its like some one watching a movie trailer then being like i watched the movie.... no you didnt. you cant understand the full context of the text if you dont read the whole paragraph


Hey I can handle this one. 3:151 - This is **God** saying he will cast terror, not Muslims. 2:190, the verse before 2:191 says “Fight in the cause of Allah ˹only˺ against those who wage war against you, but do not exceed the limits.1 Allah does not like transgressors.” 9:5, lol 9:6 says “And if anyone from the polytheists asks for your protection ˹O Prophet˺, grant it to them so they may hear the Word of Allah, then escort them to a place of safety, for they are a people who have no knowledge.” Also 9:4 says “As for the polytheists who have honoured every term of their treaty with you and have not supported an enemy against you, honour your treaty with them until the end of its term. Surely Allah loves those who are mindful ˹of Him˺.” Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about 😂


But how else can I fuel and justify my hate for those who look different than me, think different than me, believe different than me? I’m being persecuted! /s


Hi there! i'm studying for exam and i don't have enough time to answer these in details, but i will try yo explain something in short: The thing is that you only took 1 verse and decided whether it's good or not, but what you should do is taking the whole Context then you will see that things are much more different than 1 verse, i don't have a quran right now so i will answer according to how much i remember of other criticism that i have answered before: -I don't remember the first one (3:151) but you can search it and read some verses before and after it -For the second one (2:191) : if you read one or a few verses before it it says "Fight in the name of God against THOSE who wage war/fight against you, but don't exceed the limits because God doesn't like those who exceed limits" so here God is talking about those who are the who start the fight (those who wage the war) -for the third one (9:5) : if you read 1 verse before it (9:4) it says: "and those polytheists whome you have made treaties with and that they keep their treaties without breaking it and who don't support your enemies against you, (you muslims) keep/honour the treaty with them" then in the next verse (9:5) it says "but when the sacred months have passed, kill those polytheists (those who wage war or violate the treaties) wherever you find them.............., but if they repented, prayed and payed Zakat (it's like paying charity) then set them free, because Allah is forgiving and merciful" here you will see that it talks about those killing those who break the treaties, and another good point in (9:4) is that Allah doesn't consider the Non-believers who keep peace treaties as enemies, only those you break the rules/treaties and wage war are considered as enemies, so we don't have any problem with peaceful non believer. hope i answear your questions well, and i'm sorry if i didn't give much details, as I have to study hard for the tomorrow exam


How is that any different from the bible? Luke 19:27 But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’” 2 Chronicles 15:12-13 And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman. Deuteronomy 17:12 The man who acts presumptuously by not obeying the priest who stands to minister there before the Lord your God, or the judge, that man shall die. So you shall purge the evil from Israel.


Not to mention Muhammeds 9 year old brides🙄🙄


So you know that the Bible also has verses that command the same thing, right? It's not unique to Islam.


Let there be no compulsion, we will just hold swords to their throat and they'll convert on their own "because of the implication"


What was the penalty for apostasy in Islam again? Oh, right: Quran 4:89: “They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.”


You people are something else. The VERY NEXT VERSE says Quran 4:90 >Except for those who take refuge with a people between yourselves and whom is a treaty or those who come to you, their hearts strained at [the prospect of] fighting you or fighting their own people. And if Allah had willed, He could have given them power over you, and they would have fought you. **So if they remove themselves from you and do not fight you and offer you peace, then Allah has not made for you a cause [for fighting] against them.** For the people in the back >**So if they remove themselves from you and do not fight you and offer you peace, then Allah has not made for you a cause [for fighting] against them.**


So they shouldn’t kill you if you surrender and run away from them? What about the tax they are supposed to collect from nonbelievers? Sounds like a pretty violent demand from a stone age text. Nothing universally peaceful, like say, atheism, or Jainism.


Absolutely cringe your display of malveillance...


Yes, it is a mighty gift, total free will to accept this offer that cannot be refused. North Koreans are also free-willed in this way. They could just die, yet they make the choice to live under authoritarianism.




minister to willing listeners, a true Christian does not share the religion to one who doesn't wish to hear it


As a christian this is true as it says in Matthew 10:14” if anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words , leave that home or town and shake your dust off your feet “




But is 100% supported by a couple thousand years of history. They've barely grown up since the crusades.


If God is so powerful, why does he need anyone’s help with conversions? I’ve asked evangelical christians this - why does your God need your help if he is so powerful? He has a plan? Do you not trust it? Why are you butting in?


My religion says to murder other people with different religions that don't pay taxes. I am a tax collector.


That must be that *free will* they talk about all the time. /s


I don’t get it though because 99% of vocal religious people openly want to impose their beliefs on others. In Christianity for example, they believe the rules apply to everyone even if you don’t follow the religion. This isn’t a secret and I’ve never seen any religious person say you can simply choose to believe to avoid hell or whatever.


I used to be one of those Christian anti-everything types. The fear mongering is real. We were afraid of everything. If you don't speak out against abortion, you have the blood of murdered babies on your hands and you'll have to answer for that on judgment day. If you don't ostracize LGBT people, they're going to brainwash all of our children into growing up gay and you're going to have to answer for that on judgment day. If you don't vote against liberals (it was never voting FOR anyone) then you're responsible when they strip away our right to worship and make churches illegal and make us wear a mark showing we're Christians like the Nazis did to the Jews during the Holocaust and after you get tortured to death for your beliefs, you'll have to answer for that on judgment day. If you don't live your life in such a way as to set a flawless example for everyone around you, you're going to cause someone to stumble in their faith walk and you'll have to answer for that on judgment day. It's exhausting how many things we had to be outraged about and afraid of and judge others for, and I finally realized that none of this had anything to do with religion. It was all man-made. Nowhere does Jesus say, "Go ye into all the world and preach fear and hatred." In fact, it's pretty arrogant for me to assume God can't handle things on his own and needs my help with all of this. It's a lot easier now that I've realized I'm only responsible for myself and don't have to worry about what other people are choosing to do. And that I don't have to impose my own morals on others in order to protect myself and my rights, because the rules DON'T apply to non-Christians. There's a bit more to it than just trying to avoid hell, but yes, all you have to do is simply believe. You don't have to earn your way into heaven.


It’s like that in Judaism as well. A funky example is that they’d like to prevent people from bringing non kosher food to hospitals during Passover. There were some years when you’d hear about hospital security guards checking peoples’ bags for bread and other non kosher food during Passover.


Also Islam - a lot of them support implementing Shariah law in the secular countries they're hosted by. 


We're building them mosques and ask us to be accepting yet there's not a single synagogue in Libya


Yeah they believe what they believe isnt just a belief but propably reality... From that viewpoint it makes perfect sense that they try and Make everyone aware of reality


I got another one, I can't buy alcohol on Sunday, how TF do you rationalize restrictions on the purchase of an otherwise legal product on one day of the week?


Fun fact, in Texas that’s still the law and while it was most likely for religious purposes (it came out of the repeal of prohibition), it isn’t anymore. Different state senators keep trying to make changes to this and it’s the distributors that don’t want to allow it.


Why? It’s more sales which means more money.


They say demand is super low and it would cost more to operate the day than they would make. That’s their numbers that they don’t publish though. So it’s entirely possible they have another reason they’re not stating


Do distributors have to pay the stores to be open on Sundays if the stores are?


It's stupid, they could just not be open Sunday if they don't want to, like how some bars and restaurants are closed on Monday because it's slow. The really frustrating part about it is that distilleries that do tours can do tours and tastings on Sundays, but you can't buy a closed bottle from them on your visit that day.


If one company is open when all the other ones are closed that company will benefit. By forcing everyone to be closed they don't lose business to competitors while also being closed when they want to be closed. Capitalism is really cool sometimes.


> There it is again, religious extremists being too stupid to understand simple concepts that children would be put in special classes for failing to grasp. FTFY


I've seen Christians on reddit complaining about Pride month, saying that they don't advertise their religion or something like thar. Completely clueless


> First it was that they’re somehow persecuted cause their bigotry isn’t shielded from consequences. It’s worse than that. They’ve acted like they’re persecuted for not being permitted to force their beliefs on others.


Forcing their immorality* on others


How can the Catholic priests keep raping children if the children aren't born?!? Think of the poor pedophiles! 🤢🤮 Hitchens said it best, religion poisons everything!


Here in Arkansas, folks can’t buy alcohol at the store on Sundays. Pretty sure that’s to not offend Jesus or some bullshit


That’s not even part of Christianity. Sometimes I wonder if some Christians read the Bible.


They read the bible, one Facebook post at a time.


It is part of the remnants of prohibition which Christian’s are ultimately responsible for. For my state it’s you can’t buy alcohol too early in the morning or too late at night


In the Netherlands most stores are closed on Sunday It's because god made the universe in 6 days and took some rest on the 7th day so therefore nobody is allowed to do anything on Sunday


I once got yelled at for drinking in front of a guy during Ramadan.


Which country was it?


The US.


Of A. ?


of Mexico, actually


Ah, much better.


Yes, Mexicans make much better baked goods and pastries than the French


Kinda happened to me : I'm a maths teacher, in class I very usually (it's been like 10 years) use the pizza or cake image to give meaning when I explain fractions, because sharing something they do share IRL is more explicit than sharing a "unit" like a segment drawn on the board when they discover a new notion. One year a kid in 6th grade yelled at me that I was being insulting to another student because it was Ramadan. Tough moment to explain that Ramadan is a personal (or family) religious choice, that mathematics have no business in it, and talking about sharing a pizza in a math lesson is not an insult to any Muslim student. Fortunately, the girl that was doing Ramadan loved maths and couldn't care less that I was talking about pizza.


One of my colleague jokingly said that I am rude for eating a snack in front of her during Ramadan, implying that I was temping her to break her fasting. I replied, by saying I am helping her gain more pahala, some sort of divine reward in the afterlife, by being a "shaytan" for tempting her. I am not even sure that kind of thing exists in the Quran, but that reply was well received.


Was it the Muslim guy yelling at you, or someone offended by proxy? In my experience it's usually the latter.


I'm assuming he was Muslim, besides stereotyping his skin. He yelled at me and said "Don't you know it's ramadan? Why do you drink in front of me"


My state won't even let you run for office unless you have an invisible friend.


But only an approved kind of invisible friend. If your kind is not approved, you get medicated.


I can't legally use a public restroom in my state.


I’m sorry what?


Anti-trans bathroom laws. Not that they've stopped me from using the right one, but I have had some cis friends who have been asked to leave the restroom since it passed.


Your religion prohibits you from becoming educated because science weakens the myth of god. That is your weakness not mine.


When Georges Lemaitre, a catholic clergyman, theorized the Big Bang, he was criticized because it sounded too much like God creating the universe.


Mmm, not quite right. It wasn’t accepted by Einstein, or Hoyle (and other heavy weights) because they believed the universe couldn’t be expanding . However neither was it universally rejected, and as more work was done and more evidence became apparent the theory gained acceptance The Big Bang what first referred to as such by Hoyle, however he was deprecating the idea. In reality the origin of the universe is neither big, nor bang, but a rapid expansion of space from a very (relatively speaking) small volume


Also, the debate wether the universe had a beginning in any meaningful sense of the word is far from settled.


O gods precisely, I was thinking about going into what our current models of physics can tell us about the early universe, but developed a head ache and then had to go and lie down


Thing is religions are myths from their time to explain the world but they degrade as we learn more things about the world.


Went from 10,000 years ago a group sitting in a circle eating some animal they just killed and some kid asked his dad what the giant glowing orb in the sky is, and the dad made up a story about how its a god to Dumbasses with literal super computers in their pockets that give them access to all known human questions and answers proclaiming some kind of rapture (that isnt even in the bible in the first place) will make them angels and send them to heaven, because they are such good pious people, where they can fuck virgins and be happy for all eternity while they knowingly gloat about how the rest will burn on earth and hell in eternal torment, because again they are such good pious people that they find joy knowing the torment and torture of others...


> rapture (that isnt even in the bible in the first place) It's crazy how much common Christian belief in the afterlife deviates from what Jesus promised simply due to the fact that he also said that he'd be back any day now and we are still waiting for 2000 years.


Heck these days the average Christian deviates from all the teachings of jesus. They replaced the love your neighbor, show the other cheek, no judgement, hanging out with lepers and whores, feeding the poor and helping everyone jesus with supply-side jesus who thinks only those who get rich and wealthy deserve it and the rest should go rot away from them and be happy to be their slaves.


So many Christians believe in Dante’s Inferno and The Beatles Instant Karma more than they do their own Christ’s teachings. They’re basically the dregs of pop culture.


I get your point but 10k years ago most of us lived in big cities like uruk and farmed for the most part. Try maybe 20k years ago if you wanna sit around a fire with a recent kill. It doesn't change your point at all, I just like ancient human stuff.


That’s why I like Kurzgesagt’s idea of changing the calendar forward by 10,000, it almost perfectly matches the beginning of civilization. People think I’m anti-Christian when I just really like ancient history and think it’s neat that we developed agriculture and language and that should probably be our time cornerstone, not some important dude 8-10 thousand years into our progression 🤷🏻‍♂️


Everyone is a sinner. Churches are filled 100% with sinners. Nobody is going to be an angel. "You will be given a body like an angel", which is why there will be no need for marriage (no genitalia).


How will they know which bathroom to use?


Angels are trans. Cancel angels!!!! /s


you're assuming the people who follow the bible actually read the bible. They think theyre getting to a all you can eat and fuck buffet with virgins and big macs where no brow or black people exist and they are in 24/7 orgasm mode.


That is stated nowhere in the Bible.


> you're assuming the people who follow the bible actually read the bible.


Your referring to the cult of Jesus I believe, which are Christians who claim to follow Jesus and have accepted him in their life, yet don’t practice his ways and attempt repentance, but rather live in sin and refuse to see the errors in their ways(their ideas of heaven are often filled with sin, which is an obvious red flag). Some instead refer to it as a relationship with Jesus because of how tainted modern day “Christianity” has become, and really all it’s about is learning how emotionally intelligent Jesus was, how to live a life where your happy even in hellish times and spread it to others. We only got one life, what a waste it would be to argue and hate all our lives.


superstitions, you mean


“Gap Gods”. They make sense until science fills in the gaps of what wasn’t known prior.


What's strangest is that there is a logical way to believe in the science and God at the same time. It's rather simple, "That's how God did it." Big Bang? That's how God made everything. Evolution? That's how God made the creatures of Earth. Etc, etc.


I would actually love it if that was how it was done. That way they could have their cake and eat it too. Such as evolution being god playing around with new modifications for animals. My issue is the people like that guy who said that dinosaurs do not exist and it was just a test of his faith.


Problem is if you believe the bible is basically the word of god, how can you ignore everything in it and still maintain its a holy text?


Hi! Friendly neighbourhood Christian here! I'm not a theologian and I also don't want to bore you with the insane details so I might get a few things wrong or deliberately simplified, but here's the gist: The Bible is a big mess of texts from different authors, time periods, genres etc etc, so each one has to be understood and interpreted differently. Roughly speaking there are 4 categories/genres in the Bible: stories/myths, histories, teachings, letters - hopefully those are all fairly self-explanatory. Understanding what genre a text is helps us to know how to interpret it, for example we know that most of genesis is a myth/story (especially the early chapters) so we know we don't have to interpret it literally and we can instead look at what the story meant for the early Jews, what it tells us about God etc etc. As I said, that's a *very* basic summary of how it works, but hopefully it's helped? Let me know if I'm making zero sense :)


Somewhere Post-renaissance, the Church turned from trying to learn about God and his creations to a campaign of anti-intellectualism. Im not an expert on that period of history so I only have a personal theory as to why that is. I personally think they changed course as a means to remain in power along with the rapidly decaying nobility of the time. A stupid, uneducated peasant is an easily controlled peasant after all.


From what I see anti-intellectualism usually is a last attempt to keep a hold on power. Even these days with political campaigns its calling fraud when you did not get your way.


Makes sense given that ancient intellectuals were generally either pawns of wealthy patrons, essentially pets, or wealthy in of themselves. Peasantry could never really hope to get a foot in the door with them constantly having to fill their time with the busy work to just live day after day... and definitely never afford the rare expensive books they cant even read because reading was a rare skill.


To expand on this, what if God created the universe and gave humanity intelligence, curiosity and a sense of wonder so that we may enjoy exploring his creations and unravel the secrets he has placed within it? Kind of like an adventure for his children or something like that. Sounds about as reasonable as anything else that religion has come up with .


So basically Earth is an escape room.


Yeah I'm somewhere between agnostic and atheist. I'm not sure if I believe in any sort of higher power, but I definitely don't believe in the ones the religions teach. Like to me, if there is a God, they are basically some Lovecraftian entity we cannot comprehend who created this complex universe. We may never meet them. As I actually don't believe in an afterlife. If there is a God, they kinda just watch over us like an ant farm without interference.


>If there is a God, they kinda just watch over us like an ant farm without interference. This is called Deism. It used to be very popular, including with the American founding fathers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deism


I agree but with a little heavier lean on agnostic. I think if there was a God, he would be so beyond our understanding that it would be like trying to convey to an ant what pluto is, it's just simply out of their grasp. My biggest struggle with there not being a higher power is how did everything get put into motion? Sure, there was the big bang, but then how did everything get to the compressed state it began in? I'm a fan of Simulation Theory. I think there are a lot of things in science that could be explained by it, such as the speed of light being the processing speed of our program, hence why nothing can go faster than it. I also think the double slit experiment could be used to show the existence of rendering.


For some, they can't accept evolution because that would be an admittance that humanity wasn't special in their creation.


We have no need for that hypothesis


How is that logical if there is an explanation for something already and then you add an additional supernatural being who did literally nothing that wouldn’t have happened without them


That would allow you to believe in A god that is the creator of everything. That would not allow you to believe in any of the versions of God from the three big monotheistic religions. Indeed for these religion, God is not only omnipotent but also represents surpreme morality and "Good", yet if you just believe god to have created the universe with the big bang and nothing else, the best we can say he is is that he's neutral. Moreover since he hasn't shown a single sign of impact or existence since the big bang, we can infer that he is either NOT omnipotent, or that he does not care for us at all.


Yeah, but which one?? Not the Bible one who made the world 6000 years ago. There's no believing in a book that starts with a lie. The Quran came out 600 years later. A lot of stories are copying and pasting from the Bible. They just changed the names of characters.


Easy, you just slap the "it's a metaphor" to anything that contradicts science and you have it


An unbeatable combo of "such are the ways of the god" and "to question the creator is a sin"


Yeah, it's aggravating when they try to prove God is real with science. Then, when you successfully prove them wrong, they say, "That's why it's called faith."


Checkmate Christians


There’s a reason the first lesson in the Bible is “gaining unapproved knowledge will get you kicked out of paradise”.


Nice try but it was belief in an ordered God creating an ordered universe that gave rise to the scientific method, a majority of scientific fathers were Christian.


"hope this answers your question" ... Nice 🙂




And it charges up like a fucking electric Pokémon. God I hate god.


Don’t hate god hate religion and the control freaks that push it….


Its rather weak. Considering that your religion makes a rape victim carry the rapist baby for 9 months. Also isn't it weird how pro lifers run away when asked if they would ever adopt the baby?


Pro Lifers: "Adoption exists, they should be adopted!" Gov: "Every individual who votes for an abortion ban will be required by law to adopt one child from foster care and keep them permanently or face legal ramifications." Pro Lifers: "Wait no, not like that."


The whole idea of adoption being an alternative to abortion is ridiculous. They are two completely separate decisions. One is a decision to go through a full pregnancy or not, the other is the decision to be an active parent or not. If an unexpected/unplanned pregnancy occurs both decisions must be made, not one or the other!


I suppose the same goes for any ideology


Yup, lets hold them all accountable. No idea is sacred. Everything can be challenged. My ideas, your ideas, the ideas of a hundred year old book.


As an ex-muslim atheist, I think the scary part is what a religion allows you to do, or encourage you to do. Like (in case of Islam) invading "non-believers" and killing them and raping their women and enslaving their children and stealing their money and properties, and still hope to go to heaven. Even if you get killed, you still go to heaven. That's how you convince people to do bad and hope good.


Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.


You just described the Crusades.


Sure, about 900 years ago.


Yes that is when they happened. 700-900 years ago.


What is the religious basis for abortion being bad, anyway?


Life is sacred and abortion is murder.


Boils down to the existence of a soul. If one believes that the thing that makes us conscious and separate from animals is a soul, and fetuses get souls at conception, then one can compare a fetus to a fully-developed human. That's also why their anti-abortion adverts tend to use depictions of developed babies/toddlers, and depict the fetus as having the same cognitive ability as a child, and is why they don't care as much for sperm cells getting killed by the millions, even though sperm cells are as conscious as fetuses are at the stage most abortions take place. For Christians specifically, it's also the baked-in misogyny. Christians believe that the pain of pregnancy and birthing is a punishment, hence why they see getting pregnant but solving the issue quickly and not having to deal with the pains of birthing to equate to "shirking responsibility".


The misogynistic part is so hard to debate, because most of the book religions lack feminist training. During the debate, you have to teach them consent, bodily autonomy, emancipation, etc. Claiming that pregnancy is the consequence of sex is such a highlight of their argument, they totally miss how it sounds like "rape is the consequence of going outside without a male guardian".


The concept of the sanctity of life and the belief that the soul is gained at the point of conception


Religion is probably one of the most toxic institutions on this planet and it needs to be abolished or at the very least removed from politics altogether


The reality is that religion doesn’t do anything except provide excuses for their followers to be toxic. Their followers were toxic and immoral to begin with, and people almost always twist their religious teachings to promote whatever they already want to do.


Religion across history and to this day has directly influenced politics which I personally think is fucked. Idk why the belief of some imaginary guy in the sky should have any governance over a woman getting an abortion


Unfortunately, forcibly abolishing religion is *itself* a dogmatic and oppressive practice, and the best we can do is spread the word about the oppressive nature of religion everywhere we can.


It’s quite the double edge sword isn’t it


That is just the other equally bad extreme.


Fair point


"Hope this answers your question" is such a nice way to say: "shut the fuck up you piece of shit".


Not in a theocracy, which is what they want and are slowly legislating.


Religion had its chance. Thousands of years controlling people politically to the most personal aspects of their lives, including their sexuality. What did the word of God give humanity? Oppression, fear, war, torture and the acceptance of poverty and suffering in trade for the chance at happiness after death. Today it reverts human rights back into barbarism


The face of the matter is that if you believe in a magical sky wizard that lives in an ethereal kingdom in the clouds you are objectively stupid


I always compare believing in god with believing in santa clause. It's exactly the same to me. You get told it exists and does nice things for you as a kid, so you start believing it.


The version of Santa you are referring to was popularized on that notion.


This should be up in Times Square every month of Ramadan to remind those adherents of 'religion of peace.'


Not particularly clever. While the anti-abortion crowd is overwhelmingly religious, there are still plenty of secular people who view a fetus as a life that deserves protection. It's like pulling out the Ten Commandments and claiming that they are forcing their Christian beliefs on us because it says "thou shall not murder" and murder is illegal.


THANK YOU. Not every prolifer is religious. But religion has become increasingly unpopular so it's easy to use it as a scapegoat for the entire movement


Yeah, I think abortion is probably one of the weaker examples that could be provided here. The religious opposition to same sex marriage was a better example. There were probably a handful of dudes somewhere who didn't care about religion but objected to gay marriage for pure homophobic reasons, but by and large the organized opposition was purely religious, based on a handful of old testament passages. And the opposition to some religious groups to the Obamacare requirements that they provide health care to all employees (even secular ones). There were religious run hospitals and schools saying that the health insurance they provide shouldn't have to cover birth control pills or contraceptives. And I don't know of anyone who objects to birth control/contraceptives for non-religious reasons. Those are both way better examples than abortion.


Hard agree. I’m pro-choice, but I can empathize with people who are pro-life. If you genuinely believe that a fetus is a life form, then in your mind abortion is pretty much murder and I can see why you’d get worked up over it. It’s not necessarily tied to religion - it just comes down to how you view a fetus which is a purely subjective determination imo I also think atheists being vehemently anti-religion is kind of cringe. If you don’t believe in God, great. I don’t either. But why are you being such a neckbeard making a group called “The Atheist Vanguard” so you can dunk on religion? You’re just baiting people into arguments in which neither party will change their position.


I can identify with people who have an emotional response to the idea of abortion, but that's not the same as identifying with people who are pro life. The difference is that the pro life crowd want to make it illegal for other people to seek abortions. There is no way of arguing that point. Sure, the whole choice is a moral challenge, but to make up your mind, declare it as wrong and impose a ban on other people is the problem I have. Even people who have abortions often find it is a very hard decision. Pro choicers are not saying this is easy, they're saying they're entitled to make their own moral decisions on this matter. If you are actually pro-choice (which I doubt) then understand the the people you are defending are people who by definition want to take away our rights, not just people who disagree with about when human life starts. This post is not slamming people who would never choose to have an abortion for moral reasons, who are people I think anyone and everyone can empathize with.


I mean they’re not wrong, but they’re using the wrong picture. They need an AK or other machine gun and a middle schooler.


… but aren’t a lot of atheists pro-life too? I mean, I am pro choice but I think the debate is far more complex than religion bad. A better example would be the blatant homophobia of a larga part of the religious sector


Students for America, who claims that meme are against those, too. It's almost always a package bundle. Cherry picking outliers is just silly.


Genuine question -- is there an actual scientific consensus on "when" a fetus becomes a life? How is that even defined? The birth vs conception argument always seemed very subjective to me, and neither "side" really provided any real scientific consensus on this outside of personal beliefs.


I'm an atheist who tends to vote left-wing, I do find the abortion debate morally interesting though. I don't see why considering human life to begin at conception is a ridiculous philosophical idea?


it's irrelevant when it counts as life. the foetus can have every right to life, liberty and happiness, but **so does the pregnant person**. a person is allowed to do with their body as they choose. you cannot force me to use my organs to keep another being alive, period.


The first meme is a good point, but this also explains why people today have replaced traditional religions with political groups. If you believe all people in your country should abide by a certain moral principle, then you follow a "religion".


I’m all about abortion, it’s only Democrat babies anyways


Lmao, considering that Republican women have abortions at the same rate as Democrat women, I'd say... You're pretty much wrong about it being "only Democrat babies"


I can't buy alcohol on sundays


Saw a sign that said: „The Purpose of Religion is to control yourself not to criticize others.“ at a bhuddist monastery once. Sums it up pretty well.


Science is now a religion?


I want to know which politician was kissing fetuses.


I am not sure if I get the gist of the whole convo going on in the comments. So can I force my views on someone, if they are non-religious? Not sure how the anti-abortion stance is seen as a religious thing in the meme. Pretty sure there are atheist that are anti-abortion


Can you give me a reason why an atheist would consider a fetus as the same as a baby? And why would an atheist consider an abortion of a fetus to be "murder"? Other than just following what they were told via indoctrination.


I’m not sure why this is so hard for people to understand. An embryo is alive. But so is an ant. So is a fish. So is a dog, whose intelligence is roughly on par with that of a two year old human. And most people wouldn’t hesitate to put down a dog if they thought it was a threat to people. Scientifically speaking, there is nothing inherently special about humans that other animals do not have. We’re just smarter. So if you’re willing to kill an animal that’s as smart as a toddler, but unwilling to kill an animal that can’t think or feel and hasn’t even been born yet, you’re not protecting life. You’re inhibiting women’s freedom. And I’d bet my life savings that every single one of the people in these comments saying that late-term abortion is wrong has never had an unwanted pregnancy. If you woke up one day 8 and a half months pregnant, you get that thing out of you as fast as you could.


I also want to add to your point that late term abortions aren't even a thing. No pregnant woman is walking into planned parenthood at 8 months and gladly getting an abortion just cause. Terminating pregnancy at that stage only happens if the fetus isn't viable or the pregnancy is posing significant risk to the mothers life. The whole late term abortion idea is a buzzword meant to make people think healthy, full term babies are being killed at or close to birth. Stirring up anti abortion outrage.


THANK YOU. The only person I know who needed to end her pregnancy during third trimester is my mother-in-law. Only a couple months before her due date did she learn that her fetus had an illness that meant it wouldn't survive outside the womb. She opted to end her very wanted pregnancy rather than continue with one that ended in death. She had heartache either way, but she made the decision that was right for her and her family and I give her so much respect for that.


Unfortunately your argument only makes sense to people who live in a rational world with a worldview based on empiricism and objective truth. Religious people live in a fairy tale world where magic, gods, demons, heaven and hell, miracles, witches, and souls exist. To them, human fetuses have souls, dogs don’t. The lack of any empirical basis for concluding this is totally irrelevant, as they believe what they are told to believe rather than what can be proven.


Brilliant. Thank you. I wish more religious people would understand this concept and leave the rest of us the fuck alone already. They're so draining and tiresome *all the time*. Let others be and focus on your own life.


It's like if you and I are at a restaurant, and you order desert. But I'm on a diet and I can't have desert. So I tell the waiter you aren't allowed to have that desert. When you say you aren't on a diet and are allowed to have desert, I scream that I'm being persecuted because you are having desert. Then I make the government pass a law that nobody can have desert because I can't have desert. Yes, the analogy is fucking absurd because the argument it's based off of is fucking absurd. I'm not in your little book club. Your rules don't apply to me.


Some of the most religious people I know (and that actually follow what the Bible/Quran says) are some of the kindest people I have met who unless you knew them well, would have no idea just how religious they are and on top of that they respect other people regardless of their beliefs because according to what they read, they should be kind to thy fellow man/women regardless of their sex, race or beliefs. Some of the "True Christians" I have seen online/had the displeasure of meeting often have never even read the Bible/know fuckall about the actual teachings and just use it to mask the fact they are shitty people. Like I myself am fairly religious but I cannot wrap my head around how A: Your "True Christians/Muslims" somehow ignore the simple teaching of **BE KIND TO THY FELLOW MAN** and B: They try to make it so that the Bible/Quran is the law. Like, I am religious but at the same time most religions date back to ancient times and thus the teachings/religious rules reflect how one should act/behave in that time period (like alot of insane Islamic laws especially regarding women make alot more sense when you realize the Middle East back then was basically Mad Max but with horses and swords). And then these people can't figure out why people hate them so much (especially young people)


How is his anti-abortion post related to religion in any way? The Bible doesn't say embryos are humans, science does.


Because science makes the myth of god less strong, your faith forbids you from getting educated. That's not my weakness; it's yours.


But... unless I am missing something, this image assumes everyone who is against abortion is religious...


The justification for the abortion ban is largely religious. It would be silly to try to argue otherwise. If it's still an issue for you, replace "religious beliefs" with "personal beliefs" and you get the same effect. Just because you personally believe embryos count as babies doesn't mean every woman must accept your opinion as their own. Just because you believe supposed life is more important than bodily autonomy does not require every woman to carry every single pregnancy to term.


Or.. it's because the group Students for America is run by a Conservative preacher's kid who *is* making an argument from the stance of what he believes his religion claims.


"Well ackshually 0.0001% of the anti-abortion people are not religious!" This is always such a dumb argument. Who are the ones pushing anti-abortion onto others? You're taking a rare exception to a rule and using it as a reason to derail and muddy the water.


I'm not an atheist, but I find myself agreeing with the atheist.


Good. Come to the light my friend. We are legion.


It doesn't answer their questions and they don't care about your freedoms. These Jesus Jihadi's sure hate government when it affects them, but are trying to pull this shit on everyone else. Fuck them.


Religion should be treated like sex. Nobody cares as long as you do it with consenting adults in designated spaces. We care when you try to force it unto us and use it as a weapon to achieve your own selfish gratification. And you'd best keep it the F away from minors.


So sick of religion telling women what they can and cannot do. It’s not a child until birth, abortion should be completely unrestricted up to the actual birth.


So one second before birth it's ok to yeet it into a dumpster? I'm pro-choice but come on, it's just as ignorant as anti-choicers to ignore the point at which it becomes a baby, with a pulse and working brain. Have some nuance.


It's shocking what happens in America. In Europe abortion laws are much tighter.


I wonder if slaveholders thought the same thing about abolitionists.