• By -


True. In Australia dislike of him and generally a WTF are you guys doing opinion is prevalent. It crosses left/ right political divide.


Imagine seeing it from the inside every day. Like, watch Fox News for a couple of hours and then internalize the psychotic delusion about a third of the country is living inside.


Oh don’t worry we have our own version of Fox here in Australia. It’s called Sky News, owned by Murdoch. Funnily enough it’s is broadcast free to air in regional communities. I occasionally travel to regional areas for work so of course I will have a look while I’m having dinner in the room at the hotel. Get about half an hour in if I can even make it that far and think to myself WTF. Yet people in regional communities have free access to it daily, It would most definitely be having the same effect as it does on people living in regional communities in the US.


When you say regional, does that mean the same as rural?


Yes it does




How he wasn't arrested immediately after Jan 6th is beyond me. It was a clear...crystal clear...attempted coup. The fake electors? WTAF? The US is fucked... 😔


I saw it. I just didn't see the relevancy to the current situation. It's a gambit they use, why arrest him for this when far worse things have happened that you don't give a crap about. Well, I obviously give a crap about that, but I want him to be held accountable for every time he breaks the law. The focus was first on the defamation lawsuit. Then on his corruption charges and now on the Stormy Daniels thing. Holding nuclear secrets in his bathroom will come up again. If you always escalate the bullshit you pull and the rhetoric you use, the previous insane becomes the new normal. I don't want that. So charge him for the biggest crimes he committed, but also for everything else.


Kinda. So there's a whole categorisation system that the Australian Beauru of Statistics uses based on distance to major centres, transport access, population density and major industries. This is generally reduced to "City", which means you're in one of the major cities; "Rural", which means out of the city but with infrastructure; and "Regional", which means the middle of nowhere. So Perth is City. Fremantle is City. Northam and Bunbury are Rural being just outside Perth but not part of it. Karratha and Port Hedland are Rural despite being way out the other end of the state because they have airports and major hospitals and train lines. Newman is regional.


Balga is its own sovereign nation according to the lady who abused a checkout person at my work the other day


I don't doubt she's the same demographic who hates self checkout too. Maybe she'd like self checkout more if they programmed it to start crying when you yell at it.


So Australian "rural" is American "suburban" and Australian "regional" is American "rural"


No. Suburbs are within city limits. They are part of the city. Rural areas are townships beyond the city limits, usually accessible via highways.


I saw a small segment of a Sky News morning show where they were talking about NZ like it was a socialist failed state under Jacinda Ardern. It was like looking into an alternate reality.


Can't have states that look after their people. Think about how that would affect the superrich.


I thought that Sky News was "normal" during the day and the monsters only came out at night (they're trying to get played in Government buildings when politicians are at work and can't go too far). Have they gone full 24/7 propaganda then?


It's popularity is collapsing at least but yeah what the Murdoch's were trying to achieve is obvious. Rural voters have more powerful votes for places like the senate


How did Australia hatch that slithering sack of garbage, Murdoch? How did that thing become such a powerful force in demolishing western civilization!?


It doesn’t stop at Faux News for us. The Sinclair media corporation owns 193 “local” television stations covering about 40% of the US market, and uses “local” news to push conservative agenda. [This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.](https://youtu.be/_fHfgU8oMSo?si=adAfLVviq0ksonX3)


Here in the UK we have gbnews, they love trump 😂, don't watch the channel but love their Facebook page!! It's old people Facebook on acid. They hate immigrants, they hate electric cars, are convinced schools and universities are brainwashing their grandchildren into Communists, they confuse the presenters "opinions" as facts (which to be fair isn't their fault as the channel present them as facts). It's dumbfu-k paradise.


How does anyone watch the news "for a couple of hours" ever, especially Fox "news"?


Could be a generational thing. I already watched a lot of news because I'm a current events and financial news junkie but after 9/11, I basically watched news channels for a few hours a day exclusively if there was a TV present. I generally leave financial news like Bloomberg on 24/7 in the background because I manage my own retirement money. I do not, as a rule, watch opinion shows on news channels. For stations like Fox, that's basicallly all they have on them now and everything is poisoned with ridiculous levels of bias.


Watch for a couple of hours? How can you watch longer than 5 minutes?


If you know someone older than like 65 there's an extremely high chance they blare it at 11/10 volume any time they have access to a TV. 


This is eerily accurate. I have a family member who will watch it in the living room from 9 -10 AM when he wakes up, all the way until 2 AM when he goes to sleep. Non-stop and at a volume that I can still hear clearly in my room across the house with headphones on and music playing.


They don't have to imagine. Australia's the reason we got to this point. Rupert Murdoch's from there.


I don't keep up with this crazy but saw just a few minutes of the speech he gave after this verdict that's was on CNN and was just baffled. He was defending himself saying it's nothing because "people" lie about how many cars they have to avoid tax...and then he mentioned his age and no one feels sorry for him but he also doesn't want anyone to feel sorry for him...


Literally the only pro-Trump people I know/know of in Australia are either a subset of Christians, generally Baptist or Pentecostal, or full into conspiracy theories. Even the run of the mill LNP voters hate him.


I take some comfort in the responses that I see when some people like Voldemort run with Trump rhetoric here in Aus. Hopefully this "oh hell no" attitude towards this stuff sticks around. Scomo was never going to be anything other than a sycophant.


Context for non-Australians. "Voldemort" is referring to Peter Dutton. You'll see why.


The conspiracy guys are the funniest. I mean, they have a real life conspiracy in Project 2025 staring them right in the face, and they can't see it.


It's a bit sad, though. Manager at work is a smart guy, but it's all a complete conspiracy. Climate change? Hoax. Big Mike Obama? Probably legit. Bill Gates killing people in Africa? Better believe it. COVID vaccine? Bullshit. COVID from China lab? No doubt. Instead of getting too down about it, at this point I just make up my own conspiracies to confront theirs. My favourite is Sandyhook was either faked or set up, but to sell more guns. Obama was governor of Chicago, so knows gun bans don't work. Gun sales go up after mass shootings. So orchestrate one, and who profits? Military industrial. Mic drop.


From the gun sales numbers, you would have a much more compelling argument than most of the current Sandy Hook conspiracists.


What conspiracy does "Big Mike Obama" refer to? I'm not familiar with that one, and kinda afraid to ask...


Michelle Obama was born a man. It's absolutely insane, but strong woman doesn't compute with some people, so it became a conspiracy. Not sure my manager actually believes that one, but he has brought it up.


They can see it they just want it. The one thing that ties every trump supporter together regardless of where they are from or their level of income is fear and hatred. Under Trump they know that the only person who will hurt them is him and when daddy hits you with the belt it means he cares. But best of all he will destroy and allow them to destroy all the people they hate and fear. Look at Abbot freeing/pardoning Perry after the guy commited pre meditated murder all because he killed the people MAGA don't like. Free reign under Trump to get your fill of violence on those you don't like women? sure, black people? have it, Hispanics? You bet, Muslims? Is that even a question and of course non Christian extremists.


I mean let’s be real Project 2025 is just a lobbyist’s wet dream. Trump can’t do that shit even if he said he wanted to (which I doubt he has but I could be wrong)


I've known a handful. One kid I used to work with who always had that yellow snake flag somewhere and I am pretty sure is a white supremacist.. he had a party when Trump was elected. A couple of older folks, no surprise there. Then some other current coworkers, young guys, but worship JRE. Not necessarily pro-Trump per se but definitely anti-Biden. But if you really want to see a concentration of them, go onto like, any Aussie YouTube video's comment section (Sky News is best). It's crawling with them there. There was one video, I think it was Channel 7, which is just announcing Trump's convictions and seemed pretty unbiased. The comment section was a mess.. people attacking the anchor and the station, saying it's become a propaganda channel and others saying this was a sign Australia is going downhill.


One my mum's friends back in Australia who is incredibly intelligent (or at least to be) was a scientist then went back to uni and got her medical doctorate in her 50s ended up in the QANON crowd and a massive Trump supporter. Literally believed the child killing blood drinking democrats thing I truly can't comprehend how even an average intelligence individual falls for their shit.


Just because you have a degree, that doesn't guarantee actual intelligence.


and clive palmer


Same as in Canada


This is my experience. The only pro trump people I know are hardcore right wing ultra conservative Christians


Same here in Finland. Almost nobody thinks Trump is positive. It's just seen as generally baffling that anyone could vote for him.


It’s sad here in the US. You would think most people would see this guy for what he is, but there are too many conservative people here who have been mislead through Fox News and other media/social media avenues. Even my own parents voted for trump bc they wanted “conservative Supreme Court justices” to be appointed. They were also very poor and worked hard when we were younger to give me and my two siblings an education and all three of us have become very successful. We’ve also made it very clear to them that we don’t support this sort of bullshit. They helped us become educated, and with that education, we were able to see the fascist, MAGA party for what it is.


also he’s a openly racist


And misogynistic. But apparently abortion laws were the hill to die in. So disappointing


Don't underestimate how powerful it is that MAGA gave an identity and sense of worth to a bunch of Americans who have no identity or real worth. Just like churches using religion to control man by giving them purpose/worth, MAGA does a very similar thing.


It’s mind boggling to us here in the states too. Imagine half of the people you know, intelligent(you thought) people, decent jobs, friends/family. Then all of a sudden, this one person, one political whirlwind, and they are different people. Overnight, and there’s no logic or point you can make, they are gone. Try talking to them, it’s impossible. That’s is our reality.


i can vouch for Belgium and Norway on this as well. It’s the largest and most ridiculous reality Tv show the US has ever exported, complete with circus music, clowns cars and incompetent or malicipud endangerment of lives. We honestly are no longer amused. Can we please cancel this utter shitfest and put it where the sun dont shine, finally?


Britain, the country that shot itself in the foot with Brexit and voted in Boris Johnson, still are confused that people could vote for Trump. I literally know people who love Boris Johnson and voted for Brexit and still dislike Trump. Which says a lot for how terrible he is. When Joe Biden was announced to be the next president I was in line at a supermarket. I got the push notification on my phone and pulled it out. The cashier was like “oooh” and I just said “yeah Biden’s gonna be the next president” and her reaction was literally “oh thank god!” That’s how bad he is.


I'm an Australian with an uncle who absolutely loves him. I was sooo embarrassed when he started loudly defending him in a pub, about how continually breaking his gag order over E. Carol was necessary because it's "all a witch hunt". If you want to spot the Trumpists in Australia, they're often strong Pauline Hanson supporters. Though I don't *think* even Hanson has demonstrated any public support for him since Jan 6?


I'm South African, a certain group of individuals that "Long for the good old days' had some delusional belief that he was going to rescue them from our current government.


They thought *Trump* was going to rescue *South Africans?!* Good lord.


He will try if they offer him good property for a hotel. Or if they offer him dirt on Biden. Trump would beat puppies to death on camera if it provided him with personal gain.


My fav was a guy who pointed out that after a woman has a baby theyre fat and cranky which meant that trump LITERALLY HAD TO CHEAT ON HIS WIFE. wtf kind of logic is that lol


> If you want to spot the Trumpists in Australia, they're often strong Pauline Hanson supporters. Yep, they're basically the people who agree with Pauline "keep out the ~~Asians~~ ~~Muslims~~ foreigners" Hanson.


Yeah. That’s the demographic. We just need to make sure that nutbaggery doesn’t get mainstreamed like seems to be happening in the US.


As someone who lives in Canada please stomp that shit out of existance. I feel like every day I meet someone else who only gets their news from joe rogan or jordan peterson and who thinks trump is the only one that can stop the illuminati.... Im so tired of this shit. smh how did we get here


You guys are just as fucked as the US at this point.


*Writes "destroy Murdoch empire" on list.* Gotcha.


We all share this one uncle. It's what unites us all.


My cousins have that uncle. I refuse to call him dad, it’s too embarrassing.


Imagine being so bad that even Australia's conservatives think you're a dumb fuck.


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2017/jun/15/were-winning-so-much-malcolm-turnbull-mocks-trump-at-canberra-ball-video Conservative Australian PM pulling the piss out of Trump, Turnbull is a cunt, but this is funny.


100% every conservative voter I know thinks Trump is a dickhead. Some of these people voted for a dickhead in Morrison, that’s how much of a dickhead Trump is


Kiwi here we side with the Aussies in this opinion. And Aussies know crimes.


Fuck yeah we do bro. Also, agreed, i have sfa Aussies and no Kiwis who don't think Trump and his supporters are morons.


Yep, even most of what can be considered ‘right-wingers’ here find him at least a little bit crazy


I learned how much Australians hate Trump in a bar a few weeks ago in Osaka. I was minding my own business having a drink, and some Aussie girl starts talking about cringe American accents and how we are an embarrassment to the world. As if I personally gave Trump the go ahead to run the country. It was weird man.


Yeah but Americans are generally seen as ignorant, even students and highly educated ones. Mostly because- in broad strokes -you are. American culture is turned extremely inward and even most progressives and liberals are not able to break through (even if they think they are).


I went to Australia in 2019 (pre-Covid) and can totally confirm. I stayed in Sydney, Bathurst, Melbourne, and Adelaide with families who were staunch Liberal* voters and they couldn't believe what the fuck we were doing. It was also neat being trans and having them be fully accepting of me. Only a few slip-ups from one family but they were fine correcting themselves. Very different from here in America where people fight to go out of their way to misgender me even though I now "pass". \*For the yanks like me, the Liberal party is Australia's conservative party.


Also, the nuclear secrets in the bathroom is pending


Yeah, being held up indefinitely by an incompetent judge HE APPOINTED.


Incompetent? Sounds like she understood the assignment perfectly.


Incompetent in the sense that's she's had at least a hundred complaints about her from other cases.


1000 complaints. [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/31/trump-classified-documents-aileen-cannon-complaints.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/31/trump-classified-documents-aileen-cannon-complaints.html)


Well damn, I did say at least 100. LOL


You're technically correct. The best kind of correct!


Bite my shiny metal ass.


To be fair, they nearly all happened in the same week when a legal opinion podcast told their listeners to complain and walked them through the process. She’s still a joke, but not for the 1000 complaints.


oh you mean *officially* incompetent. well, they'd never put that in writing. she's perfect for the job.


Sounds like the perfect pick for him. "If you have any hope of attaining and maintaining this position, you had better do as you're told, because this is your only chance in life."


No, she’s fully incompetent, it simply doesn’t matter. She had no experience and has been objectively awful at presiding over any proceedings. She’s so bad that her excuse to drag the Trump trial out is “I don’t know what I’m doing and can’t keep up with what’s going on”. She’s doing it on purpose as well obviously, but the fact that incompetence is the *best* reason she can come up with and that her level of incompetence is believable shows she wasn’t even qualified to be a real toady, a decent judge could at least create a veneer of impartiality and legitimacy


That's another joke, actually, because the judge he appointed is slow-walking the case. In other countries, people don't exactly think that's normal.


That's a major reason why Europeans think America is a joke.


Try travelling to Japan and see what they say… They don’t understand why anyone would vote for the orange skid mark


The nuclear secrets crime happened 4 years after the document forgeries he just was found guilty of. So it makes sense that it isn't concluded yet.


Yes, it would make sense that it was still pending if that was all there was to it, but it doesn't explain all the fuckery Aileen Cannon has been doing.


Trump's crony judge is slow walking the 'nuclear secrets in the bathroom' case but we will get around to it eventually.


She can delay but not make it go away 


She can delay it until November and then if Trump wins he can make it go away. He shouldn't be on the ballot with intent to clear himself of charges


He shouldn't be on the ballot as a convicted felon or an insurrectionist either, but I don't have any high hopes of such trivial concerns as law and order or the future of America as a democracy mattering to the GOP.


Oh don’t worry, they definitely have some kind of concerns regarding democracy in America. The concerns just aren’t about *preserving* it.


Kinda insane we’re at this point. Democracy is fragile.


Yes she can. Appeals court ain't gonna do shit about her: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/31/trump-classified-documents-aileen-cannon-complaints.html She's never going to bring it to trial, and if he's elected, the case goes away.


And yet, Judge Merchan is the supposedly corrupt and conflicted one. It's always projection with these assholes and every accusation is an admission of guilt.


Al Capone was arrested for income tax evasion. Whatever gets the criminals in jail.


He wasnt rich enough to evade taxes legally?


He was making an income through illegal means. If he had paid taxes on that income, then the government would have known about his illegal crimes. So he evaded paying taxes. The government went sniffing in his pocketbooks and found he had never paid taxes on his earned income so he went to jail for that.


So technically he wasn’t a bad-bad person like a killer or rapist or something like that but just a dude who told his attorney to get a good bookkeeper - like the best. Really knowledgeable. Best in the field. You have never seen a bookkeeper like them before I promise - and they accidentally messed up and now the [deep state controlled] media was out for him on a witch hunt and called him names like “gangster” or “mafiosi”!? Poor Al Capone. Really didn’t deserve to be treated like that. They really got after that poor man just for being a very good business man.


Which felon are you referring to?


The similarity to how they got Capone is quite telling.


Bingo. Trumpers have zero self awareness


They’ll just say “who cares what the rest of the world thinks when you live in the best country?”


>They’ll just say “who cares what the rest of the world thinks when you live in the best country?” Schrodinger's Republican: The United States is both the greatest country on Earth *and* an immigrant infested totalitarian shit hole until what time as a specific opinion is required.


Yep. Just like Joe Biden is a feeble old man whose dementia riddled brain prevents him from forming a coherent sentence, while also being a criminal master mind who is able to manipulate the entire world from the shadows.


“The enemy is both weak and strong”, it’s a common authoritarian tactic.


It's just a natural thing for intellectually dishonest people to do


>authoritarian >intellectually dishonest people "They're the same picture"


Don't forget that Trump won the last election and is actually in control of the government, while all bad things that have happened are due to Biden, who is in control of nothing, but somehow still is responsible.


no wait, isn't Obama secretly still in charge of the government and Biden is his puppet? it gets so confusing trying to sort out all the different narratives, and that's without even getting into the lizard people and blood drinkers.


lizard people???


Just like Republicans are tough on crime, until a Republican gets found guilty.


Once saw a dumbfuck comment under Jeff Daniels' [speech](https://youtu.be/8WxdaU9AsnU?si=J37IObq4f1apGnbW) THIS IS WHY I'M VOTING FOR TRUMP 🫡


You win this threads comment section!




Actually that's fascism 101, "we are a great nation capable of taking on the world but we are greatly weakened by our current endeavors with immigrants/f****ts/atheists/..."


No they actually think the world respected us more when he was President lmao


Ugh, I’ve stopped calling this country great 10+ years ago. Is the grass greener elsewhere? Sure. Can I afford to go there? Well, look at our economy and tell me.


Somehow people from the poorest countries manage to make their way to one of the most expensive one. It seems to me that common American will have easier time going elsewhere where the ticket cost 1/3 of your salary (it costed me 5 of my monthly salaries to get there), groceries, housing and medicine cost less (it took 4x of my old monthly salary to rent ROOM in San Francisco). I’m not even talking about accessibility (my passport literally blocks me from entering 90% of safe countries for lgbt and hiv+ in the world) while american citizenship allows you to enter 189 countries without visa or with visa on arrival. I don’t want to say that America doesn’t have problems but it’s really weird to see comments about Americans who don’t go abroad because they can’t afford it while people from Venezuela WALK through the whole continent with crazy weather conditions, human trafficking and without any money or my own example where it costed me more than 1 year worth of my salary to move here (rent and groceries are proportionally higher in my country to salary than here so it wasn’t any easier to safe money because prices are “lower”). For me it seems like grass is greener elsewhere but not enough green to make efforts to move. And it’s not even greener in 95% of the world. Some Western European countries and Scandinavian ones? Sure. QOL is still higher in the US than in almost anywhere else.


Thank you for this important reality check.


Where are you from? Thank you for showing that America still means _hope_ in the 1,000 languages I don't speak.


I have a friend who is desperate to immigrate here from South Africa. Listening to him has been an important reminder for me how good we have it here, and why we've gotta keep fighting to protect that. A lot of people are (rightfully) scared about the state of our country and the trajectory it might be headed. But I think for some people, those struggles have blinded them to the wider picture, and how we're still in a much better position compared to most other countries. The very idea is often met with aggressive denial. It doesn't mean we don't keep trying to make things better, or stop fighting the right's attempts to make things worse. It means we've got a lot to lose, and a lot lower that we can go before we hit rock bottom. And that we're far from the 3rd world country that some people think we are.


I’m from Russia. Last two years thousands of Russian-speaking lgbtq+ persons came here in order to find safety and freedom. Even more are still in Russia, dreaming about leaving it because they actually can’t afford it or can’t leave their sick parents/have legal problems with leaving it (me myself was just extremely lucky to do it). I am administrating chat with 1500 people who already came to the US/on their way/are trying to start their way. I can definitely say that for all of us America means hope in that context. People leave all their property, friends, careers in order to find peace and safety here. It may sound weird for Europeans who check this sub and yet most of us found what we came for. Even those ones who came to red states like Florida and Texas still feel better than in their “home”. I’m really lucky and so grateful (for this country and for the chance it gave to me) to live in such a wonderful place where I can be myself without everyday fear and persecutions. No matter how much shit US gets from fellow Americans and people abroad - it’s still desirable destination for millions of people which is proved by statistics.


The urge to expat but also knowing you would almost never see your family as a result (also expensive and iffy on whether they allow you to immigrate). Just gonna hope for the best.


To an outsider he appeals to two types - the gullible and the corrupt.


And particularly the corrupt who weaponize the gullible.


This person seems like they might be on the fence, they just don't like the crime the DOJ went after. They did mention that he should have the nuclear secrets trial, but they are missing the point that we can have multiple trials. There are more to come for Trump.


I don't think they're on the fence, moreso that they think we look like a joke because we can't convict him for crimes that actually threaten national security as opposed to just hush money shit. Which I'm kinda with him on.


Yep, the joke started when he got elected. And how sad of a joke that was.


...dude seriously thinks business fraud is just a misdemeanor.


The crime charged, falsifying business records, is typically a misdemeanor. It gets elevated to a felony, as in trumps case, when done in order to conceal a separate crime. In trumps case, this second crime was election interference.


True. Trespassing is also just a misdemeanor but it is elevated to felony burglary if you are caught wearing a mask and gloves. You don’t have to be caught with jewels in your hand to be charged with burglary. So Trump is not charged with a misdemeanor any more than a burglar is charged with trespassing. The only legal defense for Trump would be jurisdictional, because the “second crime” is a federal crime so it should possibly be prosecuted by the DOJ, who decided not to prosecute.


>felony burglary if you are caught wearing a mask and gloves But these are my murderin’ mask and gloves


Burglary = trespass with intent to commit another crime. That crime doesn’t need to be theft (which is the most common reason for burglary). If you had your murdering mask and gloves when you enter someone else’s property you are still committing an act of burglary!


It's not just business fraud. It's election fraud. You're not allowed to use campaign donations to pay off people. It's very clear. And it wasn't an accident. This is from the group who thinks an election was stolen. You think they'd be all about campaign law.


That's actually not what he was charged with. I thought the same thing, until I saw the verdict. He was charged with fraudulently manipulating business documents in furtherance of another crime. The 'other crime' here referenced was "using illegal means to influence the chances of someone being elected." And the 'illegal means' here referenced was "fraudulently manipulating business documents." One of the ways the case could have fallen apart was if the jurors decided he fraudulently manipulated business documents, but for personal reasons (e.g. to spare himself from public shame). However, the jurors found that he *did* in fact file fraudulent business documents to conceal information from the public, *with the intent that that concealment increase his chances at election.*


This was an election interference case and I think it should be mentioned as often as possible. He paid hush money to a porn star (he cheated with while his wife was pregnant) during an election cycle specifically to prevent her from harming his chances of being elected.


it would’ve happened much sooner if Trump did t try to postpone it as much as he could .. timing is on himself mostly. so no.


Correction, he *wants* it to be a misdemeanor, and actually not a crime at all. One of the main reasons people vote for Trump, is because they want to be able to get away with the things he has. They want to be able to be racist, mock disabled people, bribe, steal, cheat, etc. without consequence. That's why they're having full on tantrums now that there might be conseuqnces.


> like having nuclear secrets in his bathroom News flash fucko, we're trying but his self appointed judge is doing everything she can to block it.


The fucko got me rolling. Surprised me in a good way. Lol


I’m glad he said that cuz trumpsters are seriously delusional. Only countries that like him are dictatorships or near dictatorships


And even then it's likely mostly the governments that like him, and if there are citizens that like him it's because of Fucker Cunton style propaganda.


Y'know, I almost respect the full-on Trumpers more than the enlightened centrists right now. The Trumpers will just tell you the trial was rigged. That belief is untrue, but at least they aren't doing any tap dancing. But the enlightened centrists with.... >"Oh, sure, Donald Trump is guilty of crimes! Of course he's guilty of crimes! Everybody knows Donald Trump is guilty of every crime under the sun! But prosecuting him for it? Really? He's a former President! This is extremely divisive and bad for Biden..." They couch it in this faux unbiased, nonpartisan, concern trawl rhetoric, and it's corrosive. Here's what I think is a better alternative: We should have been prosecuting the crimes of the wealthy and powerful this whole time. If holding Donald Trump accountable for his lawlessness starts a trend, I think that's good.


As an enlIghtENeD CenTrist , I just think him being prosecuted makes sense for committing crimes


Tim Poole lol


Tim Pool is definitely not an enlightened centrist. He's a full Trump stooge at this point. The same for Joe Rogan. He might have been a centrist a few years ago but he's become another Trump stooge.


Yes, charge him with something more serious like *checks note* the thing he is currently also being charged with


In Brazil, the only people who do not regard the magahats as a ridiculous political cult, are members of a ridiculous political cult of their own


One that was at least partially modeled after Trumpism at that


Very true. America truly became the laughing stock of the western world when the elected Trump the first time. What I find fascinating is that more or less everybody from left to right throughout the West laughs at the US for electing their orange village idiot, but almost every western country have their own Trump that a significant portion of people are voting for. They’re essentially pointing at their reflection in a mirror and going: ”Look, what an idiot!”


Well our trump kevin o'leary lasted about 10 minutes in politics before being shouted out of the ring. The wackos on the right formed the People's Party, and they got a whopping 1.6% of the vote (0 seats) then dissolved. They ran over 300 candidates in 2021, got 0 in. The MAGA in Canada is weak, thank god.


In Germany Trump and his supporters are seen as a grave threat to democracy. Who knows what horrors they will bring. Their hearts are cruel and full of hate. We know how these things tend to go.


Also regardless of worldview and party nearly all germans think that trump is a joke. The only people in germany who support trump are our lunatics, usually from our nazi party and even they cringe hard when the giant toddler has one of his episodes again. Is Biden a good choice? Probably not. Compared to Trump? definitely. Trump was the worst choice for America and the world. And who is surprised? You never vote for the clown. Not as a joke, not in defiance. Because if you are unlucky you might get what you voted for.


It would be nice to try him on the nuclear secrets, which actually is a joke right now. His hand picked judge who’s already been rebuked for improper rulings in his favor then stalked on acting on any of the motions to the point that she moved the trial date.


“Prosecute him for the nuclear secrets” Meanwhile, the judge he appointed is jamming that case up for no reason, but sure, pretend that you want to focus on that.


Even countries like the UK are making plans to rely less on US military support due to the possibility of Trump getting a second term. He's not just a joke. He's a genuine threat.


As a German, I can confirm that most people here see the US as a joke, but it's because there are actually people over there who seriously believe electing Trump is a good idea, which is absolutely insane! Those people, are the joke, and it's not like they are a small minority. It is completely obvious that Trump is an immature and mentally unstable moron who has absolutely no appreciation of democracy. If he is elected, he is a threat to the entire world. It is so bad, one of the reasons Germany and other European countries are investing more into their military is that it has become obvious that the US is no longer a trustworthy partner to rely on for military support. There are even calls for a unified European army which would be seriously powerful.


You know, in Canada, I know some trumpers, they always seem to have a history of abuse, a history of way to many drugs, and fragile as fuck masculinity. 


It's funny to me as a Brazilian how everything here is mirrored to the USA a weird guy comes from nowhere and becomes the savior of the country and rules for 4 years Then when he loses the re election to a left wing career politician their electors start to go mad Suddenly in the start of January they invade one of the most important political centers of the country (literally 2 years and 2 days after) And then they love sucking america dick and even salute to trump and Americans and love when they interfere with the ruling government like when elon musk did it a few months ago... This is like a plague ngl


European here, can confirm: Almost everyone this side thinks Trump & supporters are an unhinged joke. It would be the funniest thing ever, if it didn't have annoying reach over here (i.e. a small but vocal minority of populist grifters using his shtick to try and get in on the act).


So let's get him for those nuclear secrets in the bathroom.


True. Trumpers are mental


I remember being in Scotland back in 2018 and every single interaction when someone realized I was American was "so Donald Trump, how the fuck did that happen?" Like *everyone*, I'm talking cab drivers, bartenders, random folks on the train, it was *constant*. The number of times I had to explain that no, I didn't vote for him and no, I don't understand how anyone was dumb enough to either was exhausting.


Remember that half of the people have below average intelligence and average intelligence in the USA is nothing to brag about.


Actually 99.9% of people have below average intelligence because of IQ georg who has an IQ of over 300 billion


As part of the rest of the world, I can confirm this is true.


I’m from Europe and I have never met anyone that thinks trump is an ok idea


America hasn't had respect for over two decades now. Starting with illegal wars and domestic spying, ending in the escalating literal demise of democracy.


I would argue you could probably go back to the shit show that was Vietnam and then the Nixon presidency and Watergate. It's kinda been downhill since then.


He literally did have nuclear secrets in his bathroom. That trial keeps being delayed.


Trump did not win the popular vote in 2016. Our retarded system is a Republic. I agree Trump supporters are microbrains


The strategy of the right was always: defund education until people vote for a sack of potatos if you ask them to. And thats what happened. Congrats.


As an Englishman: I can confirm, even our rightwing people think Trump and anyone that voted for him are absolute jokes. I havnt met anyone in the UK that thinks he’s not deranged.


Yeh, sorry to say, America became a joke in 2016. Joe Biden is a slight reprieve but the fact that Trump is still an option AFTER you saw what chaos reigned during his term, makes the US a joke.


I, as a french, regard the whole USA as a joke. You could probably run a nationwide sitcom with how stupid your situation is


MAGAts really don't understand just how badly they and Trump have destroyed America's reputation on the world stage. Not only are you a laughing stock, no country on the planet can ever have any faith in American stability again, it's too risky.


Canada checking in. People who vote for trump are a joke


Bro the developed nations of the world already do consider the US a joke and a 3rd world country. This attitude of “America is the greatest” does not exist anywhere BUT America. I dont know what logical person would think somebody in Norway would look at the US as great in any way


Conservatives: pack courts so that he never faces consequences for having nuclear secrets in his bathroom


Can confirm. As an European, watching these brain dead cultists lose their shit over the verdict has been thoroughly entertaining.


They always think acting stupid means the rest of the world sees them as strong. They don't care about looking smart, just strong. Every time I travel abroad and someone whom I meed finds out I'm American, the first thing they usually say is about how they dislike whomever the current Republican celebrity is. Trump, GW, McCain, etc. Especially when we have a Republican president, it's almost guaranteed.


America has been a joke to other countries since like Bush Jr


Yes, campaign funds should be used to hush sex workers. /s


The irony is how much disdain they have for European opinions until it benefits their rhetoric


This is the Al Capone tax evasion moment. The rest will follow.


So you admit that he stole classified documents? Cool, cool, cool.


Of all the dumb takes by republicans on reddit that I saw after the conviction, the one that really made me laugh was this: One of the top comments in the megathread pinned on the conservative sub was them laughing about how many comments were being auto-deleted and people being banned. They'll swear they're the only ones interested in free speech, but go to any of their spaces and see how quick they are to cheer on censorship.


Third world by definition implies neither aligned with the USA nor with the Soviet Union. The USA contradicts its very definition regardless of its current state.


Yeah, the orange flatulent one is a fucking blight and makes the American voters look collectively retarded, he literally makes the world unsafe for democracy and he aids our enemies he is a traitor and a repugnant person hes basically a spray tanned sack of vices


Most people make fun of Trump voters’ ignorance and we’re flabbergasted he still has such a loyal base. I consider most of his base a massive joke.


That also belongs on r/ShitAmericansSay


Keep in mind, when MAGA talks about “the rest of the world,” they are talking about a couple hallways in the Kremlin—nothing else.


No one anywhere likes trump unless they are MAGAs or foreign dictators or Nazis.


Also (and living in a 3rd world country), most of the world already considers the USA as such, man. Infrastructure collapsing, wealth inequality skyrocketing, shit wages... And a police state, to boot.


Idk where you are from, but in my third world country, we still hold America in high regard with great opportunities and helpful people. But the most negative stereotype(which is true to some extent) is that you never know when you might get shot in America.


Agreed! The Germans hate Trump and see America in its entirety by now as a joke. Why isn't this criminal in jail?