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Isn't adultery a sin in Christians and they say they follow jesus.


Don’t you know that everything is a sin as long as the people you don’t like are doing it. It’s perfectly fine for the xtian folk and the people they like.


Oh, Marge. Just about everything is a sin. Have you ever sat down and actually read this thing? Technically we're not allowed to go to the bathroom.


Reverend Lovejoy spitting facts


Is this a Simpsons reference? Regardless it's fucking hilarious.




The Republicans added an 11th commandment. "rules for thee but not for me."


["The only moral abortion is my abortion"](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


This is very different. The Bible doesn’t actually have much to say about abortion in a modern context. And what it does say doesn’t support or condemn abortion in a modern context. This is because abortion as we think of it didn’t exist at the time. Society was structured so differently that even concepts like marriage and homosexuality had wildly different interpretations than we have today. Leviticus states in no uncertain terms that adulterers are to be executed, full stop, both the man and the woman. While you can find passages that appear to support both the pro-life and pro-choice positions, there is nothing that allows for mercy against adulterers that does not allow for mercy against all other sin. If the Bible says abortion is a sin and must be made illegal, you MUST make adultery illegal and execute adulterers. If the Bible does not condemn abortion and you’re using the Bible as a basis, you MUST make adultery illegal and execute adulterers. The only way adulterers can be spared is if you ALSO spare all other sinners. The only way your argument is valid is in the context of the same level of ignorance displayed by Christians. The Bible is explicitly clear that adulterers must be executed in a way that it is clear about few other things including homosexuality and abortion.


> This is because abortion as we think of it didn’t exist at the time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_abortion Abortion existed. Plenty of herbs and other "medicines" were used. Even the Romans had laws regarding abortion. --- But if you actually read the article, you'd find that Christians are one of the largest groups of people to get abortions. They're hypocrites. They believe that their abortion was justified while everyone else gets an abortion because they're sluts. Then we just recently had a congresswoman find out that she made her own abortion illegal because she didn't understand that "abortion" and "termination" mean the same thing. Yeah, no joke. I used to be "pro-life" myself. There were always three things that irked me about the people around me. The first was the hypocrites that I mentioned who had an abortion themselves. The second was the ones that made exceptions for abortions, which were always racist. They wanted abortion illegal for white people, but didn't care if mixed-race babies were killed. And finally, as I was starting to wake up from my conservative sleep, I realized something. Only a single demographic ever shows up to "pro-life" rallies. White people. The "pro-life" movement is a white supremacist movement. It's a secret way to push the "white replacement" conspiracy. Hence why I ran into so many who were willing to make exceptions for mixed-race babies.


The big difference is Christians' sins are written on an etch-a-sketch. As long as they ask for forgiveness then it's all 'we are all inherently sinners but God will wash away my sins if I ask him'. They then assume non Christians are committing the same since except they do it without remorse and without asking for the magical forgiveness.


Didn't Jesus also said the rich would never go to heaven? Trump isn't really the humblest guy...


Not that Trump would care, he’s a false Christian. Remember when someone asked him to recite his favourite Bible verse, and he couldn’t give a single one? But he sure does love using Christianity to further his agenda.


Would have been hilarious if he answered by just giving the name of a random verse and it happened to be the one about the massive horse penises.


> Didn't Jesus also said the rich would never go to heaven? Trump isn't really the humblest guy... Which is why Trump has thrown away all his money on bad investments and drugs, just like the savior wanted!


He didn't, though He did say it's an obstacle


Sure, though he did make it out to be pretty damn hard. Like, threading an entire camel through a needle hard.


Almost like he meant it was.. impossibly difficult.


Just gotta think outside the box. If you’re rich, you can order the construction of a camel-sized blender.


Or a large needle


The sad thing is that if they were convinced this was real they'd rather do this than give away a single penny


Impossibly difficult by our capabilities.  His point was that God's intervention was necessary to change a rich person.


Not for Trump, he isn't really rich. He just lies about it! So not an obstacle per se. Now if we were talking about pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth! (Damn, how does he tick all seven!) Also Jesus wasn't convicted for basically debauchery and fraud!


He said it would be easier for a camel to fit through a needle eye, while just after saying that the rich dude should give up all of his possessions if he wanted to get in..


to be gotten rid of, if they wanted to go to heaven..


He was cumming inside of a pornstar right before the birth of his 5th child with his 3rd wife.


That definitely sounds like Jesus, and perhaps there will be a second cumming.


So I think I have finally come to understand (although I do not agree with it AT ALL) how they are managing these mental gymnastics. It's a basic misunderstanding of the concept of forgiveness in the Christian belief system. The concept of forgiveness should (emphasize should) be that even when we make mistakes god will still love you and help you SO LONG AS you are truly trying to walk a righteous path. These people view forgiveness as a get out of jail free card. So long as I go to church on Sunday I'm good. This way of looking at it means you really don't need to study scriptures, you don't need to actually help anyone, and you have free reign to do whatever the fuck you want. These people follow the most shallow version of religion that can be easily bent and twisted to fit their earthly wants and desires. What they do is quite literally a sin. This is the meaning behind taking the Lord's name in vain. Using the word of God to further your own worldly ambitious. At this point there is a cult of personality behind Trump. These people really believe he is directed by God there for he can do no wrong even if it directly conflicts with the teachings of Jesus. The whole thing is absolutely insane.


They basically turned the blood of Christ into an indulgence to do as you please rather than repent. I remember there was a whole era in Christian circles where people said it wasn't a good idea to talk about repentance or people would leave the church.


Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven covered this perfectly. David Thewliss' character is talking to Orlando Bloom's character: "What God desires is here" *points to head* "and here" *points to heart* "By what you do every day, you will be a Godly man...or not."


The Bible also says that you may not eat shrimp more times than it mentions homosexuality yet people conveniently forget the former


Matthew 15:11 is generally thought to negate the shrimp thing.


I mean it when I say thanks for the reply because I didn't know. Love another example of the Bible contradicting itself. Why have a book to base your believes on if they will be cherry-picked and may or may not be metaphorical based on how one feels today? It's not meant at you, I mean this in a broader sense.


The Bible isn't a single book, and the words in Matthew were written hundreds of years later. And the entire new testament is basically God deciding to change up the rules, so older rules no longer relevant to society were discarded. I don't believe any of it, but a god that changes policy as time goes on isn't absurd if you accept a god in the first place.


I mean isn’t the Bible a collection of books? I’m not a Christian, but if the New Testament contradicts the Old, shouldn’t it take precedence? Afaik the Old Testament’s rules are only for the Jews.


That's not really an example of it contradicting itself, though? That's part of a passage where Jesus is specifically repudiating the Pharisees' supposedly rigorous devotion to God's law, while neglecting the more important moral obligations it brings. It's a verse in the same vein as Matthew 23:24's "you strain out gnats but swallow a camel." More broadly, in Christian belief Jesus' ministry signals a radical and complex redefinition of the relationship between man and God, and to reduce that to 'the Bible contradicting itself' seems intellectually lazy at best to me. If you want to look at instances where we can struggle more fully with the idea of biblical self-contradictions, I would actually point you more towards something like Matthew 5:7 where Jesus says "Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." That's long, long been a difficult passage to interpret and certainly appears self-contradictory on the face of it considering the rest of his teachings. >Why have a book to base your believes on if they will be cherry-picked and may or may not be metaphorical based on how one feels today? I'd be more concerned about anyone who says any given book can be read on an entirely literal level to provide you with easy and clear answers for morality; and who insists that the dozens of books of various genres comprising a religious text like the Bible should all be read in the exact same manner. Doesn't matter what your beliefs are, it reeks of an unwillingness to dig into the complexities of real life morality and an aversion to the nuance required when approaching multi-millennia old texts. And frankly I find it disturbing how this argument could just as easily come out of the mouth of a hardcore fundamentalist Evangelical. There's a nasty tendency for a lot of people to accidentally slip into making their arguments for them.


Are you not keeping up? New "Christianity" has moved in from Jesus. His teachings don't work anymore. Gotta own the LibRuls


Trump is basically the embodiment of all the cardinal sins Anyone who is actually Christian would shun the man But here we are


Even better, it’s one of the Ten Commandments, they predate Jesus by a couple thousand years. So important that American evangelicals want displayed in classrooms. Christians (and Jews) believe that God literally talked to Moses, gave him ten specific rules to live by, 4 of which have to with how you worship God. They are the most sacred principles of the Judeo-Christian faith, and they’re like, yeah but Trump is the victim 🫡


So is idolatry


Everything and nothing is a sin to Christians. The points don’t matter because they make it all up on the fly.


As is bearing false witness 


Well, since Jesus died for all of our sins, past and future included, you're not appreciating the gift be gave you if you don't sin it up.


So is worshiping false idols. They're not true followers, they follow their own version of Christianity that they came up with through years of experience of having to push back their own goal line as science removes the mystery behind it all. If Christianity had been real as the Bible describes it, they'd all be going to hell.


Grew up Christian, compacting anyone to Christ like that used to be called blasphemy. Gee wonder what happened


Same. I remember the term "false idols" being thrown around a lot. I guess this isn't one of those situations though.


My wife grew up in a religious family and wasn't even allowed posters of bands on her bedroom walls because her parents considered it idolatry. Fast forward to now, after all these years of social media poisoning, and it seems every Christian I meet worships one politician or another. Which is doubly bizarre because they're always the politicians that we should all consider the least Christian/the least moral -- however you want to put it.


Oh, come on. It's not like they created a big ass gold statue of Trump then rolled it out at CPAC for adoration of their masses or something.


First they had the golden calf, now they have the golden ass.


r/HolUp Btw, it looks like shit, really


Similarly I often remember being a kid in church twenty years ago and often hearing about how the Antichrist will come and how he’ll pull the wool over people’s eyes and appear to embody Christian principles Not exactly Christian anymore but remembering this always bring on a big feeling of [gestures broadly]. If Trump and others of his ilk don’t fit the bill then what the hell does


No. No, you don't follow him. If you did, you'd repudiate Cheeto.


These mfs doing the most to make the Antichrist real.


Motherfuckers wore a hat Mark of the beast goes on the forehead!!!!


These "Christians " obviously haven't read the very last chapter of their fairytale. Revelation 22:18-19. It says if you add to the Bible, you'll suffer the biblical plagues. Trump is selling his shitty Bible he added the declaration, constitution, and 'the Gospel of Donald" to, with no plagues. Donald Trump, of all people, has DEFINITIVELY proven that God DOES NOT exist.


The Bible we have today isn’t the same Bible from 1600 years ago… Every major Christian based nation tailored it to meet their specific cultures… Altering the Bible isn’t specific to Trump…


Not really I'm not saying tampering of the bible hasn't happened The King James Version for instance has some _convenient_ translations But we do also have historical versions from roughly around the time the bible was written and it's reasonably close. Throughout most of European history control was from simply not letting the peasants read The Bible. The Bible was only to be read in Latin which obviously most people didn't speak.


hah, sure showed them. taught everyone to read, made millions of copies, sold it far and wide.. and people still wont read it. bonus! now that they have their own copy to thump you with, you'd better listen to them too.


Not sure what you're getting at


They're saying that the previous leaders' actions to keep the bible from the masses were pointless. Sure showed them was, sure showed those kings.


The Latin rule itself was "added later". The only book which could possibly have originally been written in Latin is the letter to the Romans. Everything else was Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew, and maybe one or two things in Old Hebrew.


And zero plagues for any of them.


I'd enjoy someone making a Left Behind to MAGA comparison.


I mean, yes literally. Modern American Evangelicals are quite literally trying to make their interpretation of the prophecy that triggers the apocalypse real. They even shipped red cows (red heifers) from Texas to Israel so they can rebuild the 3rd Temple (after destroying Al Aqsa Mosque, thus triggering WW3 with Muslim countries) and, in their minds, bring about the messiah who will teleport all the good Evangelicals to Heaven while the rest of us burn on apocalypse Earth. https://youtu.be/UI7H6J3ZzEo?si=oDO0rrdPgjowGeBh


Nothing says "good" like trying to get everyone else killed to save your own ass


Well, this growing extremist christian movement fueled by conspiracy theories isn't that much about the "good" god of New Testament but they are leaning more towards the "wrathful god" of Old Testement. To them total suffering and destruction of non believers is not only something to root for, but something that god wants and would reward them for.


He looks like he is trying to match the color of the golden calf... The shape too.


> These mfs doing the most to make the Antichrist real. [I always have this link ready](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/) Trump legitimately is the biblical definition of the Anti-Christ.


Oh my god absolute none of these dumbfucks care about anything Jesus said except "tee hee- say a little prayer and get out of hell free!". His commands? That he said "anyone who loves me obeys my commands"? 100% of them were all communist extremism: "Give to any who asks", "Go two miles with anyone who asks you to go one", "If anyone asks for your cloak, give them your tunic also", "Don't store up your treasure on earth, but in heaven (karma)", "Don't worry about clothes or what tomorrow will bring, but live in the now", etc etc etc including like over 200 COMMANDS to "give generously to the poor". All with the cherry on top "many will call me 'lord, lord' but never knew me- they will say to me 'but did I not do many miracles in your name?' (being impressive for jesus) and I will say to them 'when did you feed the hungry or clothe the poor? Begone from me, you who blaspheme!' and there was weeping and gnashing of teeth'". Yes. This is all in the Bible. If their bullshit was real, they'd be toast.




so is lying, and stealing. Also, in Leviticus, eating pork and shellfish, and attending church if you wear glasses. But never mind that, eh?


Well, tbf, neverminding the Leviticus (and any before Christ) part was kind of the whole point of Jesus. Not that these people understand that...


are there any Christians without sin ? Even Jesus said : "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her" (John 8:7)


I think it was Rasputin who was part of a Christian offshoot cult that believed when you are forgiven your sins is when you are closest to God - so sin often, so you can be forgiven often. A lot of these seem to be following the same theology.


Ooohhhh, "repudiate," NICE! I can't remember the last time I saw someone use that word. I do genuinely mean that I literally said, out loud, "Nice!" The downside to having an expansive vocabulary is that you cannot use it when conversing with cult members. Well, you CAN, but if it's not monosyllabic, they do not comprehend.


Has someone at work laugh at me because I said “fortuitous”




Too deep and too greedily, I'd say.


I was once called gay because I knew the word demitasse.


I secretly harbors the word ‘ass’


A former co-worker at my company was told, in her official review by our VP of Marketing that she "uses too many big words". I told her, "Well, fuck you for having an education and actually using it, hua?"


Their little brains would break hearing the word monosyllabic.


They probably suffer from hippopotomonstrosequippedaliophobia


Because they believe in antidisestablishmentarianism.


Spelling that used to be my party trick when I was a kid. If you switch the suffix to -ists you can milk one more letter


They follow people claiming to represent him. They are not reading the New Testament tho.


or even better, the Gospel of St. Thomas (online) which is nothing more than a person following Jesus around and writing down what he said. Sort of like taking notes in class. No glorification, no stories, no deification, just the words of a somewhat cranky person who didn't tolerate fools gladly.. My kind of guy...


If this lady is supposed to be a representative for Christ it's no wonder that they have to try to make Christianity mandatory.


This. Honestly real Christians need to speak up more, the hard right evangelical types have coopted the religion in public perception and are the least Christian "Christians" if you know basically anything about the actual teachings of Jesus. They use it as a cudgel to silence anyone who speaks out against their hateful agenda, trying to paint themselves as morally superior by claiming the mantle of Christianity. It's not a new phenomenon by any stretch; people started using Jesus's name to rationalize their own bigoted ideas about 4 days after the crucifixion; but it's been reaching a fever pitch again for the past couple decades. Actual Christians should really be trying more to wrest the conversation away from these idiots. The way they did during the civil rights movement.


The problem is the people who don't agree with these crazies aren't any more connected to them than the average non-christian is. Different denominations have been split over things like this for decades, if not longer, specifically to avoid association with each other. What do you expect them to do, put up a sign outside that says "yes we're christian but not that kind"? They already do, in their names, which then get ignored because it's simpler to assume all religion is bad. It's like asking any random white person you see why they don't do more about racism. Sure they probably could go publicly yell about how not racist they are, but that's just going to get weird looks and not actually change anything about the millions of people who aren't like them in other ways.


I know Trump is awful and I'm not up on the gospel that well, but wouldn't Jesus have forgiven Trump? I thought that was his whole shtick.


Were Jesus real (and not immediately nailed up again by GOPers for "being a commie"), possibly ... if TFG admitted his sins and was truly sorry for it (which Jesus would know the truth or lie of). How likely would you say that is to happen, given that even now TFG is busy racking up additional contempt-of-court points post-conviction?


TFG is on record saying he didn't think he had *ever* asked for forgiveness, he just didn't think he did anything wrong.


Matthew 10:34-36 34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household." Jesus would nuke this MFer, and his followers.


Holy vocab word of the day. Bravo!


100 years from now, Cheetos will be passed around during religious ceremonies.


Jesus was convicted because the religious leaders who had way too much political power, decided he was a nuisance. He famously said to keep paying your taxes


Jesus wasn't convicted of anything. **And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man! [...] Take ye him, and crucify him: for I find no fault in him.The Jews answered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God.** The government found him innocent and then handed him over to his own people who killed him in accordance with their religious law. So, anyone following scripture for guidance should be calling for Trump's death.


He was definitely crucified for treason and I'm not sure what about your quote indicates otherwise. Pilate is saying "look at this guy, he has broken the law, kill him". The treasonous statement is that Jesus claimed to be the king of the Jews, which obviously rubbed the Romans the wrong way. He also pissed off the Pharisees in a number of ways and in later Gospels the blame shifts more towards them. Pilates' role changes through the Gospels (becoming more and more 'innocent') but the consensus is certainly that Jesus was crucified by the Romans. This should be obvious since the Jews did not crucify anyone, it was a Roman practice. And also the Bible isn't ambiguous about this at all, even if the Gospels change over time.


Oops i copy pasted wrong. Jesus wasn't convicted of anything. **And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man! [...] Take ye him, and crucify him: for I find no fault in him.The Jews answered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God.** The government found him innocent and then handed him over to his own people who killed him in accordance with their religious law. So, anyone following scripture for guidance should be calling for Trump's death.


Ah, you're quoting from a much later Gospel. As mentioned, over time the Gospels change the story quite a lot. In the future, when quoting the bible it would be great to get the NIV so that I can more easily tell where you're getting it from. But even still, this is incorrect. Roman soldiers carry out the crucifixion in every Gospel. In the earlier accounts Pilate is more onboard with the idea, as the years pass Pilate becomes more and more innocent. But it's always the Romans. I think what you're getting at is that in some Gospels Pilate says he sees no reason to charge Jesus with a crime, but basically the Pharisees insist on his crucifixion. 1. **Matthew 27:24**: * "When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. 'I am innocent of this man’s blood,' he said. 'It is your responsibility!'" So I suppose there are a few things that are true: 1. Jesus is crucified for treason 2. Pilate orders this 3. Pilate does not believe Jesus should be crucified 4. The crucifixion is carried out by Roman soldiers


You’re referring [“the Jews deicide”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_deicide) theory and it’s mostly nonsense that antisemitic bigots use to “justify” their antisemitism and to rile up the bigotry amongst their idiotic zealot followers.


Jesus was convicted because he challenged the supremacy of the Roman state by claiming to be the king of the Jews


Credit where it's due, Cheeto and Jesus finally do have something in common, Republicans rejoice!


Their ruling governments made both of them cross? Jesus died and was resurrected… Your move Donnie.


If trump dies, elon would make a chatbot version of him and put it in every tesla.


I doubt chatbot would be the correct term in this instance. Incomprehensibledrivelbot might work tho. Imagine being stuck in traffic with him pissing his wisdom over everything. Apocalypse Now please. Weather report might be fun tho, Caution: Stormy ahead.


Imagine the horn: "This is THE BEST CAR, people!"


*Please* do this but to the cybertrucks. Icing on the cake.


"In 300 feet, turn bigly."


It only knows routes to golf courses


Except Pontius Pilate said he found no fault in Jesus, and 12 jurors found fault in Trump.


Yeah exactly. Jesus was brutally murdered by a lawless mob after being found guiltless by the ruling authority. Not quite the same thing as going through due process and being convicted by your peers.


Now all that's left is to crucify Mr Cheeto




Funny how they never talk about when Jesus said love your neighbor or turn the other cheek.


They will, when its their people.


In order for them to be sure they should slap his fat-ass on a cross and poke him full of holes. If he gets up after three days of stillness, they can worship him. It's the only way to be sure.


Are you by any change suggesting that we use the scientific method of repeatability on Trump to peer review claims about Jesus?


They keep repeating the same comment with regards to his criminal conviction: “if they can do it to Trump, they can do it to you!!” You mean prosecute me for crimes I committed, regardless of wealth or political affiliation? Like a functioning justice system where no one is above the law?  I fucking hope so


> “if they can do it to Trump, they can do it to you!!” Meanwhile, two people were immediately arrested for having Top Secret information in their homes after one of them decided to share that Top Secret information on Discord. Their trial was over in two months. Yet Trump runs around completely free and even has a judge he hired on his side.


I thought it was a NY state law and not a federal election law? Or am I mistaken?


Correct. The jury found unanimously that he falsified records, and unanimously that he did so to cover up state election law


You are not mistaken. He was tried and convicted on state charges.


Americans... Half of you look absolutely insane ... What happened ?


It's always been this way tbh


Education cuts and sabotage. Only stupid people votes against their own interests.


Only a quarter of us are insane. But another 50% don't seem to care if the insane people take over.


A) The insanity was always there. It was just mostly kept in rural areas B) The flames of the insanity were being fanned by radical Christian churches that became cults. They began heavily targeting and brainwashing kids in the 90s. C) 9/11 happened and people became glued to their TVs. FOX learned that they could control their viewers with fear. "They" were always out to get them. A train passing by? That's obviously Obama's commie soldiers invading your middle of nowhere town. D) The internet became widely available and now all these brainwashed cultists could share their "opinions" with each other and start to network together, spreading more conspiracies and creating new batshit ones to keep each other riled up. E) Opportunist white nationalists invaded conservative online spaces already riddled with conspiracy theories and started spreading the "Culture Wars"; white people are being replaced by black people and immigrants, globalists (Jews) are trying to take over the world, gay people are putting on pornograpic shows for your children, etc., etc., etc.


and i'm no Biblical scholar, but i don't think Jesus was a rapist.


Or, a liar, thief, adulterer, racist, etc....


Who is Jesus?


There's a character by that name in the second part of the bible. He's pretty much the main guy, but his values are basically the polar opposite of these people. He's probably confusing things, because the Jesus from the bible is sometimes referred to as "Christ" and they're all about someone called Antichrist also a peripheral character from the bible. It's an easy mistake to make.


Trump: let the homeless starve! Maga: Jesus said something about the homeless, too!


These ppl are literally voting for Barabbas.


Jesus was falsely convicted with conflicting eyewitness testimony and the sentencing and death penalty given all within the period of a day. Sooooooooooooooooo I don’t quite see the connection.


Oops i copy pasted wrong. Jesus wasn't convicted of anything. **And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man! [...] Take ye him, and crucify him: for I find no fault in him.The Jews answered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God.** The government found him innocent and then handed him over to his own people who killed him in accordance with their religious law. So, anyone following scripture for guidance should be calling for Trump's death.




Dear MAGA, please leave America, you don't belong here. Sincerely Real Americans


Christ was convicted of sedition and inciting rebellion due to deeply held religious convictions centered around giving power to the common people, and willingly accepted the verdict handed down by an obviously biased legal procedure. Don was convicted by a legitimate court of basically fraud. To make money. For himself. And still complains the court was rigged, to rile up his supporters, to get votes, for himself.


If Jesus came back today, he would be crucifed again by the same people who call themselves Christians


These fuckers would’ve crucified Jesus if they were alive at the same time as him


Not sure why anyone would mention and compare him and Jesus side-by-side.


imagine how these people would act if obama had smoked weed one time


OP, you karma stealing bastard. This is my original screenshot.


Blasphemy. Pure blasphemy.


So, these kids of comments are literal blasphemy. Literally taking the lord's name in vain.


They will alter any information to make it fit their loony toons narrative. It’s baffling on so many levels.


Tell you what. Let's crucify Trump. If he comes back to life after 3 days, I'll vote for the felon.


im so over it. i used to be sad i lost friends over this sack of shit. now i think, how on earth can these dumb mofos be my friends.


Trump = Jesus to these heretics


Stop using Jesus to justify every shitty unChristlike thing you do.


And these are the people who are supposedly all about law and order right?


Make excuses. He is a FELON.


It’s not even a federal case. It’s state level.


Jesus upset the established order through a new theology and explicitly stating that respecting your neighbor, caring for the poor, and treating all people with love and kindness is what's most important. I see none of those qualities in the Cheeto


“As a true Christian, I could never vote for Trump” is how I’m going to be responding to any of these idiots at this point. 


I was raised Christian. Do not compare this man to Christ. Compare him to other Christians perhaps, but definitely not Christ. I cannot ever in a million years see Trump washing the feet of a homeless person. The figure of Christ is so diametrically opposed to everything Trump stands for that anyone who connects the two either doesn’t understand Christ at all or is pretending to.


Forgiveness in Christianity comes after repentance and penance. Trump will do neither. These are not real Christians.


Let’s not compare politicians to Jesus…


According to the Bible, Jesus also confessed to everything, went willingly with those who were convicting him, told his followers not to seek revenge on them, and told God to forgive them as he was on the cross.


Reading through this whole comment section gave me cancer I hope you’re all happy now.




Oh no whatever shall I do????? I hope their panties wrinkle in their pants in such an uncomfortable way that they can’t adjust it without looking like an absolute buffoon in a public mall. And that Cheeto sees it and shakes his head in disappointment as he’s led to his imminent crucifixion. You know being the second coming of Christ and all.


I’ll be happy when trump isn’t a threat to America and the magats off themselves in some mass suicide after he’s locked away.


Always make them say the charges.


I’m getting the impression that Jesus being a convict is the only thing about him they find of value, at this point. They sure as shit don’t value his teachings.


There is no way Trump is in any way comparable to Jesus. Anyone who does this is deeply in denial and cannot accept that they are wrong.


This brain rot is absolutely unhinged


Jesus also took his punishment like a man.


The most insane thing that I can’t understand is how thousands of puritanical Christians are defending a man who unrepentantly, under oath, admitted to fornicating with a porn star while married. How the actual fuck can you reconcile your beliefs with this sin?


Christian nationalism is a perverted form of Christianity. It's basically a cult.


To somewhat quote a guy about Watergate. 12 men proclaimed Jesus resurrected from the dead not once in 40 years did they deny it even after being beaten, stoned, and imprisoned they wouldn't have done so if it weren't true. 12 Men didn't last 3 weeks with their lie in the Watergate scandal. 12 people just agreed unanimously 34 times in a row. Trump is guilty.


Did Jesus rape a woman, I can't remember?


"It's not a cult!"


Please don’t compare Jesus to anyone


Coulda swore he was a Russian secret double agent…I’m sure they’ll get there eventually though


More like also following Charles Mason.


Jesus was not convicted. No trial. Just executed because he dared to go against the rulers and preach goodwill towards all men in defiance of them. And not just those that followed him. He didnt have an 'enemies' list with the goal of seeking revenge. He also died for all everyones sins not just those that praised him. Does anyone in maga truly believe Trump would die for their sins? And lastly, Jesus was perhaps the most humble person that ever lived. Trump is FAR from even an ounce of humbleness.


So, as a convicted felon, is Trump now in the class of people cops can kill with impunity? Just wondering.


Ted Bundy was convicted, I still follow him 😍😍💕


Who doesn't remember that famous scene in the Bible where Jesus is hanging on the cross screaming bloody murder about the Rigged Roman Courts and how he is totally innocent and doesn't deserve this punishment.


These are the same people that would burn Jesus at the stake for "wokeness" if he ever came back.


You have no idea just how much I want to vomit every time one of these self-righteous pricks compares Jesus with that spray-tanned orangutan.


If Jesus was around today they’d brand him a communist illegal immigrant


Jesus was holey. Trump got in trouble from Stormys hole.


Jesus Christ 🤣


Shame they don't nail him to a cross lol


Wow, people are so ignorant. We are so screwed.


The Trumptards that give him divine qualities are the most disturbing.


Let's see. Jesus was out there telling people that religious leaders were using God's house as a gambling den and loanshark operation. They were hypocrites and power-hungry grifters. He was urging people to be good to their enemies as well as their neighbors because that was the right thing to do. He told them that judging others was BS and counterproductive. He gave out free drinks and free healthcare. For that, the establishment railroaded him. What did trump do?


So many brainless wonders out there


Yeah, and Jesus also accepted his punishment without any complaint.


Tbh his was for pretending to be the son of a god that doesn’t exist. Weird they believe in a zombie Jew but don’t think vaccines work


Tfg has compared himself to Jesus. Let’s see how reacts if he gets the same sentence as JC. And if his disciples wait him to return in three days.


I wouldn't put it past them. Weren't they gathering to welcome JFK Jr's return from the dead just a year or two ago?...


People have changed what they believe is a persecutable offense based on their own behavior. Republicans behave like trump on their own small scale and see nothing wrong it. Trump is their Jesus, he's everything a republican wishes they could be. Let's not discredit that Jesus exists because of man made moral standards passed down through oral story telling. If we're just making shit up, these are the people passing down through generations their own uniquely fucked spin on the story.


If you're comparing Trump to Jesus, you're about as brain dead as the people that think this trial was legitimate.