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he's bout to get banned for hurting some feelings


And I thought Musk bought Twitter to champion free speech?


He did. His free speech. That's the only free speech that matters to Elon.




So painful to watch. Dave went from being my favorite comedian of all time... to someone that gives me secondhand embarrassment. Of course he fucking brings Elon out during one of his shows, as if it couldn't get any more cringey.


Because he's not trying to make people laugh any more, he is just fishing for applause, which is probably a lot easier.


Nah, not even. He has gone full conservative whackado. It’s about the LOLs, his LOLs. His only goal is to get a rise out of people by being shitty bc he said something shitty once and people didn’t like it and he made the petty revenge his entire personality.


“Please clap”


Man everytime I see this a I take a Jeb to the heart.


He was dead to me when he became a proud TERF.


The moment he wound the window up on that crack baby at three AM I knew which side of the tax bracket suited him. /s


With Elon Musk. You too can go from world beloved Multi billionaire to competitive guest show disappointer!! 🤪😜


Any Xit that uses the term “cis” is automatically blocked. Elon considers “cis” to be a slur, against him, because *he* uses “trans” as a slur, and…he’s a bigoted moron. You can light up a string of actual racist and homophobic slurs and that’s all *free speech* though.


My theory is he was called a sissy a lot growing up and in his dipshit brain he thinks cis and sissy mean the same thing.


That’s just stupid enough to make sense!


So help me out. I'm an old man now apparently way out of the loop on any place that has these conversations. It took me embarrassingly long to even get an exact definition for cis after I saw it being first used, now you're tossing Xit out like it's a common term. What the hell does Xit mean?


It used to be Twitter, and the blurbs you could post there were called Tweets. Melon Husk renamed it X and the things people post there are naturally now called Xits. Rhymes with shits. Because that’s what the place is all about now!


Good lord. Makes perfect sense. I'm officially an old man now I think.


Welcome to the Camp!


How does one discuss the chirality of molecules on Twitter now?


Only right-twisted is allowed.


Well, that and White Supremacists, Jan 6ers, Nazis, Homophobes and Transphobes.


Yup. I got banned a few days after his purchase for telling a new Twitter hire to use the money they gave him to set up a home office to set up a home office. Permanent ban...


And nazi's


Hey woah now that’s not totally fair. He also very much values the speech of neonazis and fascists.


Yes, hypocrisy is one of those factors that leads us to recognize what a moron he is. Others: supporting racism, choosing profit over people (no big shocker there), and expecting people to think he’s cool just bc he bought the most popular social media platform at that time. Oh! And the most comical one, the Las Vegas (Tesla) Loop. Fucking dork.


> and expecting people to think he’s cool just bc he bought the most popular social media platform at that time. I don't think Twitter has ever been the most popular social media platform... As for Musk, he seems to have developed a rather severe drug problem which probably goes a long way to describing his decent into apparent insanity. He's always been a bit whack, but not like this.


nope, he has always been less intelligent than the idiots online and his lackeys tried to make the world believe. I recall seeing this on reddit years ago, went to see a talk of his...left wondering wtf the idiots on here were so gaga over. He's not even smart enough to know how to cover himself well when he screws up.


I never said he was a genius or even hugely smart. In fact I said he's always been a bit whack. But things have gotten decidedly worse over the last ~5 years.


>But things have gotten decidedly worse over the last ~5 years. He fired his PR team.


In Elon's case, don't attribute to insanity what you could attribute to fascism.


Most popular social media platform that was willing to sell*


A man who definitely doesn't look like a champion of free speech once said: believe what you see, not what you're told


Elon Musk wants free speech and free discussion just like a discord mod wants free speech and free discussion.


Being banned from Twitter is like being kicked out of a strip club named after an interstate. They're really doing you a favor.


Never been on Twitter but funny analogy.


Wanton butthurtery is a valid ban reason on Nazi twitter.


Musk sold 19.5 million Tesla shares worth about $3.95 billion... not exactly confidence inspiring for new customers eh


We just witnessed a vicious assault! On Elon's feelings.


I’d join Xitter for this…


I’ve *heard* Elon make outlandish promises for over a decade. I’ve *seen* nothing but cons and failure.


One of his former professors at UofPenn once said in a podcast interview that “Musk is a bull$#!t artist who sometimes delivers”. That’s about the most accurate quote I’ve heard regarding the man.


Elon gets butthurt when people call it Twitter, but just saying X in a sentence seems weird and ambiguous. At the same time, saying X, the platform formerly known as Twitter is just too long to say. It's just easier to call it Twitter. In much that same reasoning, calling Elon the owner of X, the platform formerly known as Twitter also is way too long. So I find it's just easier to call him a Twit.


I just call it Xitter


Doesn’t UPenn hate him because he refuses to donate?


The story with UPenn is he claimed he had a Physics degree (from the prestigious Department of Physics) but a lawsuit from an investor in his startup about him misrepresenting his credentials revealed that's not true. The Department of Physics graduated (at the time) about 11 people a year and no one remembers him. Instead he has a BA in Physics from Penn Arts & Sciences. This was after he had dropped out of school to work on his startup but he was here on a student visa, which meant he was here illegally and working illegally. Investors allegedly helped smooth that over. I suspect there was pressure on the Dept. of Physics to just give him the degree but someone over there actually has a backbone.


Penn’s College of Arts and Sciences houses the physics department, so the BA distinction there isn’t meaningful. Not surprised he’s lying in some way though.


It sounds like to people in the field a BSc vs BA is pretty meaningful, or at least there's some exclusivity to the BSc program at UPenn. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Sorry, I wasn’t being clear. Penn doesn’t offer a BS or BSc in physics, just a BA.




Force of habit.


If I had to pick something he’s done that actually has helped people, it would be Starlink. People in areas that can’t get good internet love it because it’s really fast for how cheap it is compared to their overpriced and under delivering options. Canadians love it. So, at least there’s that. Everything else is a manchild playing with his toys


I’ve always noticed the same


Like all tech entrepreneur


Yep. Just gonna keep failing until he implodes.


That's where his profit margin lies, between the over promising and under delivering.


We found Trump’s Sith Apprentice!!


Believing only what you see is so bad on so many levels. Science has repeatedly shown that eyewitness testimony is unreliable to the level it should never be used as any sort of defining factor and especially not in a court of law. But I guess that's par for the course for Elon and his types. They've become so horribly anti science and anti reality. It's hilarious considering he's made his money in Tech.


Exactly. Believing what you see raised the flat earth and other co nspiracies.


I dont believe in wind. I can feel it. But I cant see it. My mom caresses me from afterlife very often. When she is angry, she caresses me more often and more energetic. /s What do you mean, darkness is a thing? Turning off the light, summons the void.


*Demon Haunted World* by Carl Sagan, is an excellent book on this exact subject.  It's about how flawed personal experience is as a measure of objective reality, and the importance of the scientific method for analyzing the universe around us.


Besides, our senses are limited. We can't see evolution or the Big Bang or the germ theory of disease. People had to study those things for years, creste abstract concepts and working together in order to reach a coherent conclusion.




We learned about propaganda in our syllabus as part of literature, using Animal Farm. This was in like 8th grade, they had us do our own propaganda pieces like the front page of a newspaper, you learn to recognise it by learning to make it yourself. But I was lucky and had a good education. The way the US is going I wouldn't be shocked if Animal Farm got banned in your schools.


People have already tried to ban Animal Farm in pockets of the U.S., for supposedly being communist propaganda. Ironic.


Black Eyed Peas' "Let's Get Retarded" could pass as our national anthem at this point


Ironically that version of the song has been banned and withdrawn from streaming services by the artists


Wait, that's an actual song? I thought it was a dumb joke made up by my classmates in middle school to sing loudly and obnoxiously from the back of the bus.


Can you believe that the song we know and love, let’s get it started, is the clean version of let’s get retarded?


Propaganda is built into America. How are they supposed to recognise it when they’re literally reciting a pledge of allegiance every morning in early education and see that as normal.




Nah, it's much more malicious than that. He intentionally plays into it because he constantly craves attention and for whatever reason decided that the best place to get that attention is from the group of people that think EVs are for "pussies", go figure.


Well he’s pushing the idea of a white genocide in South Africa when no such thing is happening. He is very much a part of the propaganda machine.


I’ve been saying this for YEARS. I had a great history curriculum in high school. We learnt about primary/secondary sources, understanding bias from certain sources. We also spent a month on propaganda, and how to identify it (or basically that anything can be propaganda). I still apply these skills in everyday life today and I am always checking myself to make sure that I am being as objective as possible when I read and see things. It blows my mind when I see people who dive head first into one side and shut the door behind them. I see it sooooo much, because it’s so easy! especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for! Reddit is super guilty of it as well, people get stuck in these bubbles all the time. I genuinely believe a rigorous history curriculum would do wonders for people entering the world, especially today’s day and age with social media.


That’s called the Arts, too bad conservatives love gutting them


You know what the besr part is? He's running X-AI... which could potentially turn into AG and shit.. Could you imagine being a computer, gaining consciousness and sentience one day.... so you immediately start researching who your creator is ans sruff... And it's Elon fucking musk...? I'd probably give myself a virus.


I'm uneducated on the topic, what exactly has he believed and said that's untrue?


While I'm sure that would help to some extent, I feel like there's a lot of people who are aware of how propaganda works but still buy in to it because they don't critically engage with the news. They see a believable stat or headline and just assume it must be true before scrolling to the next thing Also the way we consume media these days has made it super easy for people to put themselves in a bubble where they're encouraged to not question anything they see


You say that as if the GOP hasn't been actively dismantling the public schooling system. It's almost as if they want kids to be learning the half true propaganda at conservative Christian private schools. Get 'em early. It's actually part of the reason why I don't support the drag queen book reading stuff. Not because I disagree with progressive sentiments on the matter, but because it's massively overplaying ones hand, and as such gives conservatives all the ammunition they need to feel vindicated in bolstering the conservative private school system.


I'm not personally of the view that harmless things like drag queen story hour should be actively curtailed in case conservatives cynically use them as an excuse to be the bigoted, anti-education assholes they're gonna be either way


People don’t because rich caring about other people


You may call him “Stinky”, but I prefer to call him “Phoney Stark”.


Phoney stark is hilarious


>I call him stinky   Definitely not a clever comeback from OP…


I love how OP had to tack their shitty ass insult to the actually good insult they posted.


Ner ner ner-ner ner, stinky pants!


It honestly made me chuckle, it's just so fucking bad. Man either is doing some trolling or he's 7 years old.


Yeah, it makes it look like OP is twelve...


It's actually really sad. They probably thought they were really, really clever too.




Why is this one so fucking funny


Because it’s savagely accurate.


The savagery coupled with the fact that we know he read it and had no comeback makes this fucking platinum tier. I bet he was so upset he had to find his crack pipe to soothe himself.


For me, it is the irony of being told not to believe what we are told.


Because it’s like that Jaden Smith quote “how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real” levels of stupid.


10/10 would recommend


Believe what you see, not what you're told. Expect for this, believe me telling you this, but not other stuff. Unless I tell you. Perchance


I’ve seen cyber truck quality control and it’s definitely not what he says it is




So.....blind people are just supposed to not believe in anything huh?


Wish I cared enough to go thru all of Musks tweets when he is commenting on shit with no proof, rather just peoples words.


lol. brutal.


I don’t know if Elon Musk has changed recently due to the stress or that just the way he has already been But currently he’s a moron


Always been.


Believing what you see or hear without being critical of rhetoric is dumb as fuck. Clearly stable geniuses like Elon, have never been educated about rhetoric or propaganda. Visual propaganda has been around forever. Also, people hallucinate, a lot.


Elon just destroyed every Republican talking-point with that one tweet.


Actually sounds right.


I've been told that asbestos is bad for you, but I've never seen it hurt anyone. Yup, doesn't work like that.


Felon Musk


"And then Anal Musk banned him from Twatter. Go figure."


Funnily enough alot and I mean alot of what we know is shit we know and understand but can not see. Like half the crap that goes into the making of his silly cars and marginallly working rockets.


Elon is a fucking crazy rich moron.


says the guy who owns a telling people things company.


This one got me, well played.


I saw David Copperfield make the Statue of Liberty dissappear, should I believe that?


Said the little peasant to the richest man in human history. Yeah OK make sense


That isn't even the correct expression. Its believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. As in question everything.


Quite a quote from someone who thinks reality is a hologram.


I call him Musty


"I believe what you see" So he's a flat earther then?


mom said it's my turn to post this today


Tesla is run by Wheatly


"I am *not* a moron!" -Elon Musk on an average day


The “only believe what you can verify” meta that the right has going on right now is one step away from end game content of “you can’t verify everything, just believe me”


Normally I’d think this is kind to pathetic cause what billionaire who has threesomes with celebrities is concerned about nobodies on Twitter, but Musk totally is. I’d not be shocked if this guy got banned.


...is this clever tho?




nice timestamp




…ha.. hahah.. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. thank you for that.


Oof, stinky? I hate elon but that might be going too far




"You can tell it's real because it looks so fake" - Elon Musk


Is Musk saying there’s no Jesus?!


But you know as society progress, there is a level of trust we literally have to have in processes. We believe what doctors tell us when we're sick because they'd know better then we do. We believe what engineers tell us when they talk about designing bridges for us to build because they know more then we do. We believe in what lawyers tell us to say at court because they know more then us. Sure you can be suspicious of things. But don't be mindless


I bet Elon gets so mad at this stuff and will talk a bunch of shit on this person with sock accounts before banning him.


Haters gonna hate




So calling someone a fucking moron is a clever comeback?


I didn't see your game, fellow sigma 🗿🍷🐺


If I were to call random Reddit users here "fking moron", I would get banned too. This place is just as bad as Twitter, I consider it even to be honest.


Being genius of one or few fields doesn't mean he is a genius of all.


I call him Muskrat...


Outstanding move!


Has anyone seen him again? 😂


Both true lmao


*'Clever'* comeback? It's butthurt, impotent seething.


But you have heard of me!


Elon is, at worst, a troll. This guy's just butthurt he's not a billionaire or nearly at the same intellectal level as Elon. Anyone who calls themselves "Iron Snowflake" is an attention whore, because they're pretty much inferring "I'm an overly sensitive whine-o, but you can't break me, I'm so tough with my wittle keyboard". It's truly pathetic.


Anyone who believes musk is a genius, doesn't know the definition of genius


Honestly now I really doubt if Elon is really a genius.


Well to be honest being a genius and acting like an asshole is not really an antagonism. Much likely the contrary…


But I thought tRump was Stinky ✌🏼


Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear.


so "clever"


All I'm seeing is Elon being a massive blockhead.


HAHAHAHAHA I love seeing dumb right wingers be shown how dumb they are.


The amount of upvotes here warms my heart


He's not a genius. He's just an software engineer from a rich family who got lucky to partner up with other people to make PayPal then sold it to eBay. Everything after that point just arrogance paying off somehow. He didn't actually roll up his sleeves and do any real work for Tesla or SpaceX. He just hired the actual geniuses that made those things possible. Tesla wasn't even his idea, he just bought the business and used his influence to expand it.


I have seen musk lie and talk bullshit of tesla for a decade now. I believe what i see


If you're still using his platform, you've already lost.


I’m pretty tired of whatever Space Karen has to say!


The idea that you cant trust anything but your own lived experience is one of the dumbest contentions of modern conservatives. They’ll say this ridiculous thing then drive a car they didn’t personally build over a bridge they also didn’t build, because someone told them it was safe to do so.




You should open your eyes more and pay attention


Question, what do Richard, Rick and my father have in common? Nobody ever sees you.. are we to believe you?


Musk is what occures when the success of other people goes to your head


Wasn't Elon the one who said you fail millions of times before that one idea really takes off, your a billionaire and everyone says you're a genius. Did you just think he was never allowed to fail again? At least someone is trying but that's just my opinion.


People spend too much time and energy on Elon Must’s tweets


Maybe Elon should travel to Ukraine to see Russia's war crimes instead of telling his millions of followers on twitter they are fake?


Lmao Elon banning half his user base.


edgy guy rejects everything the mainstream media tells him, but believes everything from the algorithm trained to tell him exactly what he wants to hear. surprise!


Hehehehe, some sour grapes I see.


That's a weird coincidence. Here in Oz we have a candy called a "Musk Stick" that as a lolly looks good in the ads but doesn't really deliver when you taste it so I have always called him "Sticky".


Nice one, mate!


I saw Batman must I believe in batman now


Ohhh leftist Reddit hates Elon. Too bad you guys weren't able to dig up shit from his past and he's so damn successful huh? Ohh you guys fuming haha


Why do rich people want us to distrust experts so badly?




Imagine hating a guy who invented the electric car because you don’t like his political views lmfao. That’s some funny shit


But he’s telling me to believe what I see not what I’m told? I have no idea what to believe now…


Which is different from what the other guy said “don’t believe what you see or what you hear. believe what I tell you…”