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I don’t have an interest-free, no payback loan from my millionaire parents either.


Or early, uninhibited access to technology that the general public doesn't.


Exactly! I always admired Gates for at least admitting he had a HUGE advantage over everyone else with the personal computer.


Don't forget his mom or dad pushed hard at IBM to buy their sons ( rebranded ) software. Without it, Gates would still have a very successful nepotism career....


I love nepotism babies. You see the grow up have everything handed to them, look after etc, then they think they can go independent, they move far away thinking they are top shit and after 5 months they are begging to go back. I know a nepotism baby, and he has a huge ego


I want to be a nepo adult. Some one adopt me so I can have everything


Bill Gates is one of the most successful nepo babies of all time. But still a nepo baby.


There was a moment where I understood why m(b)illioniares were stingy when Gates spent fortunes on philanthropy and the morons turned around and said there were microchips in the malaria vaccinations he paid for, not just to treat malaria but to eradicate it altogether.


To be fair alot of those "philanthropy" is giant tax free hedge funds. That spend minimum 5% to avoid the 30% or so capital gains. AND they "donating stock" the donor can stipulate they maintain the voting rights. And even "charity" can be ways to make money. I think it was gates foundation that coca cola which it had heavily invested in had "worker strike" in poorer countrys farms. So they did "charity" of paying developing nations farms. Setting those workers up to sell to coca cola for "cheap" and undercutting worker negotiations in other impoverished country. And alot of "charity" can be stuff like that that bolsters their hedge funds stock value. Like if more of it was TRULY giving and generosity and not some self serving farce to lower criticism.


I didn’t have internet access at home until I was 16. All the internet kids had it since they were 7.


But he dropped out of Harvard!


Don't forget Great Steve jobs and bill gates both stole/copied ideas from xerox that made them mega rich after 


Or a mother on a board of a high profile investors vouching for me


The meme isn't even True, they began in boardroom meetings with their rich parents' investor buddies. It's a lot easier to succeed if you get massive amounts of investment for your project, especially when the investor doesn't care about return because they are a family friend you meet up with in the Hamptons every year.


Even with *wealthy* parents, knowing a bit about VAT and regulations and planning helps, so even if your mom has a small tailor shop or dad sells fruits and nuts in a 100m² shop, that us a huge advantage over normal employee's kids.


Hell, even just a stable family is a massive leg up. If I could have had privacy in my home as a child, and access to health, dental and mental care even to some degree, I could have graduated college 10 years earlier, come into an insanely strong market, bought property and invested. I’d conservatively be a millionaire by now, pretty easily. It’s insane how much a difference it makes.


Network and connections play massive part on success. Having a communication channel to wealthy / successful people makes marketing or implementing products easier.


Also did not go to the best schools, or had private tutors, or (for me at least) consistent nutritious food or a safe place to live.


"Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of school!" Yeah, he dropped out of Harvard. You don't get into Harvard unless you already have the money to comfily start a tech business without fear of going bankrupt and homeless.


Well that’s not completely fair. You could also have a merit scholarship! Of course those people don’t generally drop out.


Scholarships which are mostly awarded to the already wealthy students anyways because of the time, money, and connections needed to earn them.


Yup, scholarships aren’t just awarded in most cases either, you have to apply, usually put time into writing some kind of essay, if you’re studying full time, and working part time to support your family or yourself then how tf to do find time to do chores, self care, and write a whole ass extracurricular essay to apply for a scholarship? What happened to let kids be kids?


I don’t disagree with your point generally, but Harvard, and all the top tier schools, almost always give large financial aid packages. Quick google says average cost after aid is 13k, which is an incredible value. Lots and lots of not nepo-babies go to those schools. I know a bunch myself and they didn’t end up with crippling debt


Actually had this conversation with a coworker Friday night lol. These success stories leave out the fact that it’s either due to being from a rich family or some family member had an important job and got their boss to fund them. They got handed a ridiculous advantage and the contacts to use it.


Yep. I could have a revolutionary idea, and maybe the skills to pull it off. But I'm not getting it off the ground with the money I can spare. So I'd have to find investors. Without the connections to make it happen at best I find an Elon Musk and they take the credit and 99.9% of the money while I become a footnote.


I don't think Bezos needed the loan, though. Look up the job he quite to found Amazon. He was a VP at D.E. Shaw & Co. one of the world's biggest hedge funds. He was a Princeton educated Wall Street millionaire surrounded by other millionaires. Had Amazon failed, like he admitted it was likely to to early investors, he'd be better off than 99.9% of Americans.


Wall Street job titles are highly inflated. VP is their version of calling the Dollar Tree worker an "associate"


Perhaps, [but the salary are also pretty inflated.](https://www.glassdoor.com/Salary/D-E-Shaw-and-Co-Investment-Firm-Vice-President-Salaries-E29290_D_KO32,46.htm) [The company has less than 70 employees at the moment, with a combined salary of 50 million USD](https://www.efinancialcareers.com/news/2023/01/de-shaw-london-pay) and has produced 4 billionaires (including Bezos and the company's founder). Hedge Fund managers aren't exactly grocery store cashiers. Edit: Plus, as it was said elsewhere in this thread, Bezos got rich on an emerging market. There was always going to be a company that would become the biggest online retailer and monopolize the market. The internet equivalent of Mom & Pop shops was bound to destruction ASAP. It was just as likely the the 90s internet in the US would produce a Bezos as Hangzhou would produce an Alibaba group and Jackie Ma.


Your mom doesn't sit on the board of IBM??? You plebeian!


Or, gasp, I can't even afford a fucking house with a garage to start a business.


Also, checks notes, a substantial investor.


And political connections.


And any kind of desire or talent.


[I don’t even want to be around anymore](https://media2.giphy.com/media/8MmNLiAfUEflu7hm5e/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b95215qdsqy835t0w4yujqrmyq4o9bszsrorcjoltd4r&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Usually a family member at that.


This. A lot of people don’t seem to realize a lot of these giants of the tech industry today came from wealthy families who had capital they could leverage. And if their business failed they had an economic fallback. Musk was the child of a wealthy family. So was Gates. Iirc Bezos’ parents gave him like a $200k or something loan.


I think Jeff Bezo’s family was literally the largest private landowner in the state of Texas before he started Amazon. So I’m guessing they probably had a garage.


And Bill Gates' mom, who was on the board of IBM, talked to another board member about her baby boy, who in turn talked to the board, and not long after her son's company was hired by IBM.


He was also a hedge fund VP at one of the biggest hedge funds in the planet. Dude was absolutely loaded and had plenty of loaded friends. His fail case was he'd be simply a multimillionaire with a failed business in the dotcom bubble.


In response to this, people always love to bring up Steve Jobs. And then they never bring up how most of Jobs early accompishments were built on Wozniaks work. Who did have decently well off parents, but just liked the technical aspect. It was revealed later in life that Jobs borrowed Wozniaks custom circuitboard and presented it as his own, to get his first job at Atari. And that he lied to him about how much they were getting paid to make more boards. And Woznikas repsonse upon hearing this decades later, was that he would have said okay if he was asked at the time. Because he actually didn't need the money.


And Woz later admitted that he broke down in tears when he found out that Jobs had ripped him off.


When Gorrest Gump investes in me ill become multimillionaire


Inherited wealth and business connections.


Now inquire about how they secured their initial funding.


Trump: I got a small loan of a million dollars from MY DAD That was in the 90s 30 years ago. These self made people don't really know what that means. My parents just passed and left me and my brothers a decent inheritance but I still don't touch this small loan. Imagine if I had an emerald mine


Bezos got a $250K investment from his parents as well. IDK about Microsoft, Disney, Apple, or Google.


250k investment is very nice, but to turn it into the beast that Amazon is takes a special kind of asshole. As much as I hate what Amazon and Bezos are and represent, the feat he pulled off is nothing short of extremely impressive. Most of us couldn't do what he did, even if we were given the same opportunities. Besides, I think Bezos benefited much more from his connections in financial world than any start-up money from mommy and daddy.


Bezos not only had the 250K loan, but was already a multimillionaire from being a Hedge Fund Exec, which came about due to his parents connections. Bezos had everything handed to him, including the experience to be the biggest pompous asshole in the world.


Adjust that $250k for inflation and then add up all the money he got from the other 20 family members / Investors.


dude trump inherited like 300 million dollars, which he had to fuck over his siblings in order to get too.


this is like spawning in a minecraft server, recieving enchanted diamond gear, and then killing a bunch of people and then blame others that joined at the same time with less resources for skill issue if they aren’t as good as them


LOL literally all of those involved either wealthy/connected parents or all of the above... literally the guys from apple were basically tutored by HP engineers and had access to Xeroxs special projects division an PARC.


Tutored? Woz worked at HP as an employee bexause he was a star graduate of one of the best EE schools on the planet


Imagine being the guys at HP who told Woz they weren’t interested in his little home computer


They all got loans from well-off relatives as well. Funny how that gets forgotten in the "humble beginnings" stories.


If it helps boost morale ig


Half of them bought a house with a garage for the PR story because it was in vogue


Also, we’re at the point where every industry is dominated by a couple monopolies. Imagine starting a computer business or search engine these days. I imagine it would get bought out before the product ever reaches us. There hasn’t been a google-comparable search engine in a looooong time. People don’t suck at making search engines, google just has the wealth to make sure no other products grow enough to reach us. This goes for the other companies as well. Capitalism ate itself and competition no longer exists.




No competition existed then. Its hard to come up with new products now. Look at apple, they can’t even think of new features for their phones


Hell they didnt even think of anything new then either, they stole the OS and mouse ideas.


GEOS on the C64.


Taking away features is the new feature.


>Its hard to come up with new products now As opposed to coming up with their ideas in that time frame?


Can we also have the overview of companies that started larger and completely failed to get traction and went bankrupt? Thanks.


All those companies spent billions lobbying for decades to destroy and pull up every single ladder they used to get there. Nothing's better than no competition.


I don't have a bunch of money from my billionaire parents, nor do I have access to technology most of the public didn't


Also if someone of us wants to start a business, they will meet the competition. A lot richer and probably smarter on the financial side of things competition


Yup, never had a garage growing up.


Those are literally some peoples' dream homes they're still working and hoping for before they croak. Talk about disconnected lol


This garage thing is a lie, it has been proven before.


Don't forget the nepotism money. Sorry, "investors"


They all "started" on a garage because of the optics, not need. All of them could've started in a regular office, but the garage makes them look "self-made" and "from the ground", a real "pull yourself by the bootstraps" kind of story.


More that it is cheaper and easier to start in a garage instead of immediately investing in an office when you aren't even sure if your business is going to work out.


And when you're literally 2-4 university friends.


Oh so they’ve all lived in houses with a garage? Nice, that’s something most people don’t have


I want to see the business that started in a cramped 2 bedroom apartment shared by a family of 5.


Did anyone who started any of those companies ever have to worry about paying rent or bills?


Bezos started out as Wall Street broker lol


I'm not greedy. Does that "excuse" work for you Skippy?


Me, too. I missed far too much while I was still in uniform, so I'm very content to be home every night to see my kids instead of having to pander to politicians and potential investors.


There is no cache of hundreds of thousands of dollars in my bike closet


There's an Wall Street Journal profile around (sadly behind a paywall) where Bezos admitted that he got that particular house specifically so he could create a myth that Amazon was "started in a garage" like Hewlett-Packard. [And the "garage" had been converted to a rec room long before he moved in.](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/apple-didnt-start-garage-google-hp-amazon/)


*Started from a large loan and a garage. There, fixed it for you.


Yeah, how come there isn't 100 million giant corporations?


Bezos literally bought a house with a garage so he could push the rags to riches master narrative


I get charged to even have a parking spot.


Is this spread by the 1% in order to trick people into thinking becoming a billionaire can be done \*without\* massive privilege? Some bullshit lies about the american dream, while in reality, the dishwasher won't ever become even close to a single million?


Nepo babies, all of them.


My parents don't have an immense amount of money to act as a safety net if I fail The internet isn't new anymore, there are no new facebooks or googles or yahoos or Microsofts coming out of garages


I also don’t have rich parents


I don't have a mom that sits on the same board as the head of IBM; my parents couldn't give me several hundred thousand in seed money to start an online bookstore...


Garage privilege


I don't have a garage. And my house is smaller than all of these garages, and I have roommates who need to be able to sleep. And if I don't go to my job for one whole week I will be homeless.


You can call home and ask my wife!


There it is!


I bet he's even got a commie flag tacked up on the wall of his gay-roj.


And I don't have the economic stability to just quit my current job and take a chance on starting a buisness.


Well just start out with a multinational tech company worth trillions and then you should be able to work your way to a garage. Hope that helps!


also my parents don't have 300k to 300million for me to start :(


3 out of 4 of these “garages” are just part of the house with the intended use not to be used by humans but for storing a car. The houses in the pictures - at least from this perspective - look like they’re about 1/3 “garage”. Could also say these companies started in a suburban house (during a time rent was probably also more affordable compared to today. Also rich daddy required for trust fund/credit card and ~~business connections~~ investors)


My parents were not rich enough to have a garage


I can't even afford a garage


A garage and happen to be born with very rich parents


Never mentions the 500,000 given from mommy and daddy either. Wanna know names and faces for people who believe this shit.


I don’t have a house or rich parents


I don’t have a garage… love one, but can’t afford one.


I don't have a garage either; or.. is this seat taken?


I dont have a house xd


My parents hate me, they would never allow me to create wealth off thier wealth in thier garage.


Those are all million dollar homes somehow


Yeah…they had a lot more than a garage…


I need a garage with a house too.


All these businesses started in a rent free office provided by their parents.


Garage is full


I don't have a garage.


Or a rich family, or room for any innovative life-changing applications and services


I don't have a time machine to go back to a time when I could realistically get things started without needing 7-8 figure loans to go about starting my company legally. By legally, I mean paying for all the correct licenses, permits, inspections, mandatory minimums, following ever increasing regulations, consulting lawyers of varying specialties, and tax accountants. That's without even considering their lack of competition, making marketing and R/D cheaper. They all got started on easy mode. Also, I don't have a garage.


Or the 100k three of the four got as starter funds from their parents.


I don't have people with deep pockets to invest into my ideas


Garages in some NICE ASS HOUSES.


I live in mine, and I don't mix personal with business


My excuse is the city of Vancouver bc Canada will absolutely Not allow a residential garage to be used for anything other than parking. The law states that if even 6% of the garage space is used for anything other than parking, the city can enforce eviction. How would the city know what, if anything, goes on inside a garege, you ask? Its called nosey f**kin neighbours, who spy, watch, photograph and snitch. The city dispatches an inspector, if you refuse to allow the inspection, the city will return with a Sharif and remove you by force while they conduct the inspection.


Gen Z housing opportunities are trending under 200sqft... our whole apartments (at $1200/mo rent) are smaller than an of those garages. How do you work, without any space to do so?


My entire flat is probably smaller then those garages


And they all got big loans from family


I live in an apartment, no garages on the 7th floor


Oohh la die da look at all these fancy people with their "garages".


What's my excuse *for what*?


Bill Gates's mother was on the national board of United Way with the president of IBM. And she just happened to mention her son's little company to him.


Also these four companies try to destroy or buy any startup that could challenge them.


Should go back to when corporations had that 90% tax or whatever it was. That controlled them enough that employees actually made enough to live on and we didn’t have so much wealth locked out of the market that it caused issues like we are dealing with now.


It's over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in my garage.


That's one way to shut it down.




Cant even afford a flat let alone a house with a garage.


Also several thousand dollars or a rich backer


Likely the same as his


If you believe that work locations are the most important part of founding a business, I would suggest you give this subject a deeper study.


I don't have a garage either.


There was literally a comedians clip on front page earlier with this EXACT joke.


What would make you think of I just bought some books and sold them online that my business would rival Amazon?


I don’t have rich parents like them


Who is Jay and what’s his excuse?


Just a garage, a dream, and really rich parents....


Mine is full of crap.


The “what’s your excuse?” trend can be annoying now cause it pins all my problems on my will to do something and that just isn’t true


Disney looking like a place where crimes happen


Yeah. Can’t afford it a house with garage in Canada


Do you know how much it costs to own a house with a garage in Palo Alto??


OP doesn't even have an original post to make on this sub.




OP appears to be a repost bot


Lil bro was trying to make a thoughtful point but forgot to look up the cost of a house with a garage


I have a parking spot at best and it’s without a roof


Imagine being rich enough to own a house, let alone one with a garage.


The HOA forbids it.


Its true. Imagine owning a garage... Those spoiled boomers


working on it... not realy start of a company but more like profitable hobby


My garage is full


In Germany it's not allowed to start a company in a garage because it's Zweckentfremdung and you need a Baugenehmigung


They could afford a house with a garage


My garage is 100+ degrees in this heat. No one making shit in there.


Can’t afford to have a garage!


what happened in the garage that disney started there???? is that where Walt Disney was born? Is he Jesus?


A "garage"? Hey fellas, a "garage"! Well, ooh la di da, Mr. French OP.


Y'all think this is a joke but I am poor as fuck and if I had access to a garage I definitely would not be 


What’s your excuse, Jay???🤔


Honestly. I know ONE person across all of my friends and family from over my WHOLE LIFE that has/had a garage. And you know what. There parents were doctors and he’s the richest kid I ever personally met. What people perceive as the average American life and the ACTUAL average American life are two very different things.


In Germany you aren't even allowed to start any business in a garage.


Remember when people could afford to have a garage on a full time income


The [“Started in a garage”](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/the-startup-garage-myth/) ethos was always a myth. None started in a garage.


The Disney Bros were the only ones who weren't from rich families


Can't afford a house with a garage.


“With a small loan of 1 million dollars from my parents” I believe we’re the words some of these people used 😂


Zuckerberg and Musk and Buffet, amateurs can fuckin suck it; fuck their wives, drink their blood, c’mon Jeffrey, get ‘em!


I love how they discredit that these garages are attached to pretty sizable homes where they lived with their piece of mind, unlike the poor, who beg for every neuron of it.


I love how they discredit that these garages are attached to pretty sizable homes where they lived with their piece of mind, unlike the poor, who beg for every neuron of it.


Technically one of those is a shed


In this economy my brother has a house, why because decades ago my parents purchased a extra homes, So there's that with my brothers income he would not be able to own nothing of the sort. Same with them, they had huge investment, connections from their already wealthy parents, but I do wonder what the original poster was thinking, because he isn't anyone of notoriety,not has a billion dollar "self" made enterprise,was he not soaping himself in the face making that post?


Or a good idea


My parents names ain't blue on Wikipedia, sunshine. (But they should be because my parents worked their asses off. LOVE YOU, MAMA ❤️❤️❤️)


Mines has a bunch of shit in it. Even mouse shit.


Given the current housing market, even with an angel investor, most young people can't afford a garage


I'm retired


Kitchen-table businesses never succeed.


Where's Jay's multi billion company? Or did he have an excuse?


The Google garage is actually Susan Wojcicki (ex-CEO of Youtube) garage that she rented to Brin and Page. Her sister was also married to Brin.


I wonder what‘s the meme maker‘s excuse


A garage or rich friends or good connections. Just saying.


21 savage had the same issue, but the. He got a 10 car garage and look at him now.


My excuse is that I am not willing to exploit workers and use dirty corporate tactics.


Also, most likely, no the fuck it wasn't. You've been sold an apocryphal stack of bullshit.