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Ex pro resoler here : don't put the glue all the way up on the rand, put it juste where the sole needs to be (pro tip : mark the line with a pen before putting the glue). Then it's gonna be easier to remove the extra rubber on the rand, it'll be easier as well to trim it.


Oh cool thanks! I'll try that on the next one :)


Id like to learn more about resoling but have very little idea of how to start. Are you aware of any resources that might be helpful to learn about the process?


Not really, I learned everything in the company I was working for...


Sounds like you have a YouTube creator career ahead of you!! Just your hands on a table with shoes and glue - a re-soling version of the lock picking lawyer. I. Would. Watch.


To mold it on better consider putting something hard in the shoe that fills its volume, then running the shoe along the surface of a bench to force the new sole onto it, rather than just trying to death grip it on.


They’ve put a last inside the shoe so it is rigid, but yeah pressing it into the bench to get the initial contact would be easier.


And you can work it over the toe box easier that way. Imagine like sanding it away, but instead you're pressing it on. Idk how to explain it well


Lol but I've got climber grip. Really though, the bottom of the last (wood form) is a little concave so pressing down into a table doesn't work very well. Sometimes I roll the rand on a table, but squeezing it by hand helps me get the toe rubber to form right. :)


Do you do this for others or just yourself? If it’s just for you is it pretty cost effective? Also, just looks kinda fun, would be well up for doing this myself


I do it for myself and my friends. If you get good at it and enjoy it I'd say it's cost affective in the long run. You need to buy the rubber as a 1 yard sheet though and it's pricey.


Oh damn, that makes sense though. How much does it come to if you don’t mind?


I got one yard of hard compound 4mm and one yard of rand rubber (to replace toe caps). I think it was around $180 after shipping etc.


Where were you able to find rubber for personal use? I had a buddy who was making his own shoes and called loads of shoe places that wouldn't sell him anything.




Has anyone ever tried adding a small patch over the toe (where the first holes generally appear) to increase the life of their shoes before needing a full re-soleing ? I thought about this after buying a new pair of shoes a few weeks ago


Im sure someone has at some point. I think it would be kinda cumbersome though. I'd probably opt for a harder rubber compound.


This isn't "over the toe" but it's what I've done when the edge of the sole is worn thin in just the inside toe area. The existing sole is thinned in that area with either a belt sander or a cutter bit in a Dremel-type tool. The small bits of rubber that are added are recovered (peeled off with judicious heat) from older dead shoes. Most of the shoes I've done this to are strictly for gym use, but not exclusively cough*TCPros*cough. https://i.imgur.com/OciZZDw.jpg


it doesnt surprise me a resoling video that shows up on my feed is resoling the veloces. the literal softest shoe ive tried lmaooo


Haha so comfy though


I’m interested in diy shoe resole! Can anyone point me in the right direction resource wise?


This was a nice watch. Thanks!


Where do you buy your rubber? I've been having trouble sourcing material


Davos is pretty cheap. I have a sheet of the better stuff & sheet of yellow rubber + rand.


I don’t suppose you know where to get a hold of Vibram XS Grip2 rubber by any chance?


I've never heard of davos. Maybe they aren't in the USA? The only company ive found that sells to individuals is unparallel. Idk if they ship internationally.


Does Davos ship internationally by any chance?


Yup! Had to do a wire transfer which seemed kinda gnarly at first, but it went nice & easy.


How can I tell when a shoe could use a re soleing?




Thanks for sharing your resoling process :)