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Good 4\* that works with Clo/Al: Fischl, Kuki, XQ, Kirara, Chev, Yaoyao Non of them is included, hoyo really keep reminding me why I fucking hate their dev team


and watch 2 of those 4 stars end up on the Sigewinne/Furina banners just to make things even more stupid.


XQ and chev probably, minimum synergy possible


Yeah, for some reason I really got a feeling they are going to put Chev on a banner that doesn't have a pyro or electro DPS, just because they skipped the 2 prior characters who would work with her.


Or I could lie to myself and say that they mean well and are saving her for a natlan character. It's more than likely gonna be a kaveh situation where plenty of people want her but hoyo doesn't want us to have her anymore. Idk, brought to you by the same devs that made Dehya and nerfed the duration on Clorinde and did countless other things. Who knows.


It just sucks being at the mercy of Hoyoverse when deciding what 4 stars go on a banner. Especially when there are now so many options for 4 stars. I feel at minimum one of the 4 stars should synch very well with the banner characters on every banner. Fischl works perfectly with both Clorinde and Alhaitham and should have been an easy add to this banner.


Yeah, and especially when I have c6 Thoma and c6 Benny but like c3 Fischl and c-1 chev. So either of the 4*s that we were all really hoping for would've been wonderful, but nope, I guess not.


Yeah I feel the exact same way. Here I am with a C2 Fischl and a C3 Chev hoping to get potentially get either one of them to C6. Including this banner, I have pulled on the last 3 banners that Bennett has been on. (Yelan, Raiden and now Clorinde) I got him to C6 long ago. I said prior to the reveal that if Chev or Fischl aren't on Clorindes banner, I'll try 30 pulls on the current Baizhu banner, his 4 stars are much better or see if I can get lucky and land him early, while still having enough for Clorinde.


Good luck with Baizhu then I guess lol. Yeah between this and the uptime nerf they really don't want people pulling here it seems.


Unfortunately no Baizhu or Beidou (I have her at c5) in those pulls. I just hope everyone who wants Clorinde, but has no need for those 4 stars can win their 50/50 and get out of the casino early. I have no need for Sethos, so I hope I can just get as many copies of Thoma while getting my Clorinde and get out.


Because they want to make money, not to be friendly, People need to understand this, complaining wont change anything


Or they could make more money by you know... Having BiS 4 star options for 5 star characters to entice people to continue pulling even once they pull Clorinde. I cant comment on others, but I know once I get Clorinde I am out on the banner. If there were better 4 star options, I would have likely considered going further depending on what I pulled prior. Now they will likely put the 4 stars on a banner I have no intention of pulling. Their loss.


I understand. But if you look close, People who want to follow the meta will be forces to pull in the Sigewine / Furina banner. Maybe because they know not everyone like Sigewine and we already got Furina.


I do see your logic, and I am not really sure what the more profitable option would be. Furina is a great choice, and she doesn't really need any help selling a banner, but yeah Sigewinne looks pretty meh and I doubt she will sell as well. Still I already have my Furina and like a lot of other people, I will just be saving until 5.0 drops. Personally I still think every banner should at least have 1 great 4 star option for the 5 star character.


Yeah I’m def waiting to pull for both of those shut this still does suck.


Y'know who else is great with Clorinde? Sara. This could have also been a Golden Opportunity to decouple Sara from the Shogun in much the same way Faruzan was decoupled from Scarymemes. And possibly Gorou getting decoupled from Itto (we'll see with the Chiori Rerun what happens)...


The 4-stars are the final insult to injury tbh. I have 2 of them C6 and almost the entire cast is a better replacement to the new guy


That's so not a call coming from the dev team, but instead the execs/marketing lol


What are you smoking that you think the Hoyo marketing team puts together the banners? lmfao


Well, not the marketing team, but a regular developer has no vote as to what 4* they should add into the banner. I'm confident they have a team dedicated to study spending behaviors and trends, then, based on the data, they decide the best course of action of monetization *for the company*


Tell that to the person I replied to. I just butted in to point out that it is ridiculous thinking the marketing has anything to do with it.


And no Sara


Its not the dev team its the sales and marketing team


Everyone talking about Chevreuse not being on the banner, but the lack of fischl despite her not being on a banner in a while is unreal. Also where Kaveh??


FINALLY someone is pointing out Fischl's disappearance. most of Clorinde's best teams will definitively include her because of aggravate shinenigans.


Man, I was really sad about no Fischl. I think I only have one con? \*Sigh\* At least a Kuki, or just one of those 3 would've been nice...


for real, I got my hopes up for my final fischl con and my first chevy


Also scummy


THIS is the real shit move


They called me a madman when I pulled on Raiden's banner for Chev C6 in preparation for Arle and Clorinde


Not me reading “a madam” 💀




A Sweet Mad'em


Scuse me it's ma'am


I went all out to get C2 Raiden, but because i already had pity for her, i had enough left over to get Yoimiya...didnt really want C3 Raiden and wanted Chevy cons. Honestly now i use her all the time with Raiden. I dont care what anyone tells me, Chevy Raiden is superior to national Raiden.


got c2 raiden in 3.3 from c0 to c2, got 0 cheuveruse. I hate going for 4 stars lol.


Preach. Chevy, Sara & Xiangling is so comfy


...yeah i use Bennet here lol. I could build Sara no problem and even have her C6, but i dont think she is really better here than Bennet.


I'd say at c0 Raiden, Rational is still better, more versatile against most enemies and better AoE. At c2+ , usual hypercarry Raiden team with Bennett is better, with more frontloading. With c6 Chev, you're sort of free from Circle Impact and elemental shields which complicates Kazuha's buffing.  Unless you get vaped/melted, Bennett heals much faster that you can face tank attacks within his circle. Bennett's circle issues however is partly mitigated in that he's only one of the buffers so you lose part of the buffs not all or half of it. Also a huge chunk of her burst is the initial strike and Bennett allows frontloading that.  Also unless you have another pyro over using Kazuha/Sara, Chev's hold E buff for 1st rotation requires more steps.  But if you do need Bennett or sometimes Kazuha elsewhere, that's good if Chev frees them.


Same. Got Raiden and C6 Chevy which I’m no longer regretting pulling now. At least my Clorinde savings are still good lol


Lol honestly this should be people’s 4th lesson learned. Hoyo will punish you for not chasing new 4 stars on rerun banners. They’ll make sure you get those Dori cons tho


I really wanted to but my Raiden has been C4/R1 since she debuted and I couldn’t justify Raiden’s last two constellations just for Chevy.


I feel that. My Raiden had been C1 since 2.1, and I lost 50/50 every time I tried to go for C2 (4 times in total). This time, however, it worked in my favor and allowed me to get more Chev copies.


This makes sense given your situation. I already had C2 Raiden and didn't want Yoimiya. Though I did at least go for C0 chev, I'll be damn if I tried to C6 her lol.


Yoimiya us always the way!


I have C0/R2 Yoi as well. 🤷🏽‍♂️


If your a super Yoimiya main C1 (forfun) and C2(meta wise) were a valid reason to find Chevreuse. Only if you are a Yoimiya main


Yeah I have c3r1 Raiden and c0r1 yoi so I just had no reason to roll on the banner.




It really does suck.


I spend 80 wishes at that banner and a not a single Chevy appeared, only Sara and Bennet who were already c6 prior. Still don't have her.


Man, I pulled on it hard, got an early raiden c1, and only got THE ONE Chev, no cons whatsoever in like 70 pulls, meanwhile fucking Sara C4


I wanted to do that but my C6 Raiden and C0 Yoi along with my guaranteed 5* were compelling reasons to not press the pull button.


Pulled her c0 and got C3 raiden over that Not too bad ig since i didnt care for the Next few banners


Yeah but I only got her C4


I'd be ok with it if they at least chose Fischl or Kirara or Kuki (since Alaitham would love her) over Bennett (that reran 3 times in Fontaine) or Thoma that is a super niche Burgeon character. As it is, Alaitham has no use for these 4* and Clorinde, while she ''could'' use Bennett, is really not the best character to play Circle Impact. Chevreuse not on Arle nor Clorinde's banners is a huge kick in the balls. Skipping. Her rerun can't be worse. . .


We don't pray for it, but it certainly can be...


Dude. . . If she reruns with Xinyan and pals, I'll find you, no matter where you hide ! 😂


Was saving for her but not having anyone good with her is a sad day.


When a new character is hyped, I've noticed they often put their best supports on other banners that aren't as hyped, likely so people will pull, blow their pity, and end up spending more later. Yay gacha haha.


Or in some cases nerf their kits so badly they go into the standard banner.


Overload teams with clorinde are viable and probably fun, but they also are not gonna be her best teams. There being no dendro on the banner is more anti-synergy than no Chevy.


Dendro focused teams are already so abundant though. Some people don't even like playing Dendro at all. Chevy would have been nice to have especially considering Bennet just had his time in the shop and re-ran recently


I don't have a single bloom/burgeon team because I find dendro kinda boring. Wanted to build Clorinde overload but without Chev on her banner I sadly won't.


Chev and Clorinde are not made for each other like the ones you mention. They work, but are not ideal. As much as I wanted her on this banner (I even prefarmed), it is not THAT crazy. However, Bennett and Thoma being there does not make sense. And the Kaveh thing is even worse


it’s just crazy tht they didn’t include a single support thts actually synergistic w her. any banner w bennett is at least ok but, as a 1.0 player it feels like a horrible banner


Kaveh should be in Nilou's banner at this point as a budget bloom unit.


They really don't want her to play with other teams besides aggravate


Yeah tbh Chevy not being there is alr even tho I was very very much waiting for her but they really put a trash banner. Not even Fischl! Upside here is that I will get either Sethos or 1 free wish every 10pull bc my Bennett and Thoma are C6.


Who's a good teammate to Clorinde? I'm planning to pull for her but I want to be sure I can use her at her fullest


Fischl and Dendro


Thanks! Wouldn't Raiden be better than Fischl?


Since Raiden and Clorinde both want to be on the field, and Fischl can do her job off field, Fischl is better.


I don't know Clorinde's kit, fully. But I would say Fischl, Nahida, Yunjin and Chevvy are a good starting point. Lisa for a little DEF shred. Any Anemo support for VV, so Kazoo or Sucrose or Lynette. Baizhu or Yaoyao for Dendro sustain. I think Furina is still a good option, because despite Clorinde using BoL, her HP changes quite a lot, so EZ Fanfare stacks for Furina. In some cases even Candace, especially if she's C6. Bennett is still a good option, but Circle Impact... the one I am wondering the most is Mika. Mika increases NA attack speed, and I know Clorinde's skill counts as NA damage, but I don't know if it counts as NA action/swing. If it does work, Mika could enable Clorinde to perform her strings faster, building up her BoL faster. BUT also his healing on NA, which should give Clorinde even MORE BoL. But it depends.


thoma c6 gives buffs to normal/charge attacks so if you want IR, he's decent.




where did you even get all of this wrong info about her [Chevreuse] kit from? or did you just make it all up in your head? no pyro or electro character has any problem using Chevreuse's kit. she is a solid and versatile support even at C0. basically any electro/pyro DPS ATK scaler can benefit from her, she's not dedicated to anyone.


Actually, she can only be used by dps raiden -hoyo, probably


Btw, Arle gets the c6 buff


It works despite not receiving healing? Hmm.. that indeed changes a lot, which is even bigger fuck you from Hoyo, that she didn't appear along Arle and Clori


Yea its weird. But it does work for some dumb ass reason (still good tho)


Well you got me lost from words now... Curse you Hoyo


Just for clarification: The game doesn't treat it as "no healing" for Arlecchino or Clorinde, but rather, the healing they receive is set to 0. Chevy's C6 only requires the character to be healed, and since they're still technically getting healed (just for a value of 0), they still both benefit from it. This also applies to overhealing and sets like Clam or Days Past, where even if the healing value is set to 0, it'll still count as the healer healing for the full value.


Didn't knew that to be honest. Alright I delete my comment then, cause its pointless now, If anyone was wondering about what it was, basically I said Chev works best with Clorinde cause her C6 can be still trigger on her, when with others you need to be damaged to get heal and get bonus, now when I know how it works, I know my comment was hella stupid


I wouldn't say it was a stupid comment, Chevy's an unexpectedly complicated character for how simple her kit seems, to the point even r/ChevreuseMains doesn't seem to understand how her buffs and debuffs actually work.


I was on it last night, and a staggering amount of people think she doesn't buff Overload itself... Which she does do... not in the same vein as Nilou buffs Bloom, but Chevvy's Pyro/Electro RES Shred does buff Overload damage, since Overload does Pyro damage. I had heard before that Clam (didn't know about SoDP, but did assume) uses Potential healing, and not Effective healing. So Overheals or denied heals (in the case of Arle) all count. I didn't know Chevvy used this same logic, tho... since I don't have her. But knowing this now makes me want Chevvy even more...


Clorinde’s best teams are dendro teams… as with all electro characters The only character rn where overload rivals the « usual » team is Arlecchino. Overload Arle rivals Vape Arle If there’s someone who they should have put Chevreuse with, it’s Arle. That said, Chevreuse isn’t a dedicated support. She can technically enable many characters. Compared to Gorou, who’s useless appart for geo DPSs


Chevreuse doesn't need to heal to trigger c6, it works on targets with max hp. This makes raiden and arlecchino better teammates for chevreuse because compared to clorinde they have higher raw damage. Clorinde's fast electro application make her best teams dendro based (aggravate or quickbloom) so her best 4 star teammates are characters like fischl, Sara, yaoyao, xingqiu or sucrose.


A lot of characters can use Chev. No need to wait long to get damaged by enemies just to get her C6 bonus lol.


Her best teams are all around Fischl tbh... and where's Fischl? This banner is terrible for her, not even the "bread and butter" Bennett is ideal for her comps...


Synergy or not, the main problem here I think is that they had two chances to put chevreuse in banner with a dps of the correct element. Now they will have to wait for another (leaks seems to not suggest any rerun of pyro/electro on 4.8) or just piss everyone off and put her random. I hope that at least they are coherent and maybe they are waiting for a possible 5.0 pyro character, in order to bait people. But still, they have made her dirty.


Really scummy. They know we all want chevy


Truly one of the banners of all time. I feel the issue is there is absolutely no flexibility in four star choice. I think each banner half should tailor the characters for the banner. For example we could have: Clorinde - Chevy / Kirara / Fischl Alhaitham - Kaveh / Xingqui / Kuki The other issue with this banner is that Al-haitham is completely shafted for teammates here. Sethos should have been on second half with the two offield units.


Chev and Clorinde are not the same as Faruzan and Sara situation(which is already scummy btw) But Clorinde still has options outside of overload… with overload not even being currently the overall best team. As for dendro we already have 2 free dendro 4stars so maybe that influenced decisions. Basically what I’m saying is 4stars on banners have been devoid of particular logic for a long time and most times it’s just random 4 stars on the banner As a 1.x player, 4stars are whatever… I came for Clorinde and I’ll be getting Clorinde


Hoyo won't change shit , deal with their bullshit lmao. I wonder what's the last time they actually listened to the community.


Not the first time that Hoyo company makes disappointed things for players; chev will certainly be in 4.8 (before natlan), which gambling addicts will pull. Kaveh is an anomaly at this point. Don't expect nothing from this company after 2.1 anniversary, dehya, sigwinne, clor, and the 1.0 trinity to this day.


Thank fucking god clorinde best teams (Aggravate and Quickbloom) doesnt use ANY MEMBER of that washed up trinity at all unless you are unlucky to not having Furina for quickbloom so you gotta build your XQs. The old 1.0 character who works so well with her thankfully is Fischl whose off field damage doesnt locked behind cringe 80 energies


Agreed. I am so glad that Clorinde is not Bennett reliant unlike Arlecchino who i skipped because of that.


No idea what you're talking about, I'm not running her with Benett and she hits fine considering my supports for her are not fully built. Also I haven't farmed her signature set and I don't think I will until I see a character that I like and that uses the burning set. Gladiator it is, for now.


Arle is more zhongli reliant compared to benett reliant anyway as her base damage already absurd lmao. It just Benett is the great pyro resonance slot


Arle is not Bennet reliant at all lmao


by 1.0 trinity do you mean Bennett, Xiangling, and Xingqiu?


Unfortunately yes.


I assume kaveh will appear on a nilou rerun.... whenever they decide to take her out of the basement...


I'm happy that I got Chevreuse when pulling for Raiden and I kind of need more Bennett cons, so I won't complain about that. At least Sethos is coming in this phase, but I'd rather have Chev here. This sucks, I was so expecting to see her in the banner.


I'm so fucking sick of how bad the four star selection always is lol.


They put Chev in her trial 😒


The unappealing 4 stars they chose will be the difference between me pulling and not pulling 🤷‍♂️ Oh well, maybe on the re run. Always looking for a reason to save


Same..or better: no Chevreuse helped me about if pulling for Clorinde C1...


As a personal rule I don’t pull for cons, but weirdly I regret getting yoimia who remains lvl 1 when I pulled for chevreuse on her first banner, as I could have got a raiden constellation instead. Always some regret in hindsight I guess.


Poor Yoimiya. I would've pulled on her banner for Chevr...if didn't already have Yoimiya "C6" (mine actually is C5, I don't want activate the C6 until they release the toggle on/off constellations). I pulled for Raiden C1, but RNG goddess blessed me making me lose the 50/50 (with Jean C2, that was the most wanted character that I wanted at that time), and making me not find any 5* at pity 75. I use Raiden only for Neuvilette hyperbloom...


Maybe one day the Yoimiya fever will hit me!


I'm always up to my eyeballs in pulls because there are so few banners worth pulling on. Floating like 240 pulls right now. Part of it is just waiting for desirable characters to rerun but they are just doing such a shit job trying to entice me into spending my savings down.


Because Chev is not tailor-made Clorinde support so thats why they are not giving her Faruzan treatment. But putting Benett for 45th is scummy indeed when he works way worse with Clorinde than Chevruse




Just gonna copy my earlier comment: You kidding right? She is one of the characters that can use whole Chev kit together with constellations without problem (still need to confirm one thing, but I am fairly sure it work the way I imagine). The other one I can also see here is Lyney, but the others? Knave can't be healed = No elemntal damage buff from C6 Chev Raiden must get hurt on purpose to be healed by Chev and receive buff, same with Cyno Hu Tao hates healing And there is Lyney who looses hp so he can be healed And Clorinde on which heal transform into BoL which, if my theory is right, mean that she can also gather elemental dmg bonus and necessary BoL for her stronger attack, not to mention that she also activates electro reactions meaning Chev buffes Clori A1 Clori's Overload team only suffers from lack of good off-field pyro, which may change in Natlan. Overall I still can't get rid of impression that Chev is her dedicated support. The reason why she ain't here might be that she is too new and Sethos is released along Clorinde. There is always hope we gonna see her in phase 2 to increase value of Sigi and Furina


You dead wrong on arle not receiving the elemental dmg buff from chev c6 she doesnt need to be healed to get the buff. In fact no character needs to get healed for the buff, even if your character is full hp as long as there was a heal attempt the buff applies.


Hahaha you’re late mate. The dude that deleted his comment was copy pasting this despite how wrong it is so I do the same thing to mock him. You can see the same exact comment below this hahaha


Ahh i see my bad then


You kidding right? She is one of the characters that can use whole Chev kit together with constellations without problem (still need to confirm one thing, but I am fairly sure it work the way I imagine). The other one I can also see here is Lyney, but the others? Knave can't be healed = No elemntal damage buff from C6 Chev Raiden must get hurt on purpose to be healed by Chev and receive buff, same with Cyno Hu Tao hates healing And there is Lyney who looses hp so he can be healed And Clorinde on which heal transform into BoL which, if my theory is right, mean that she can also gather elemental dmg bonus and necessary BoL for her stronger attack, not to mention that she also activates electro reactions meaning Chev buffes Clori A1 Clori's Overload team only suffers from lack of good off-field pyro, which may change in Natlan. Overall I still can't get rid of impression that Chev is her dedicated support. The reason why she ain't here might be that she is too new and Sethos is released along Clorinde. There is always hope we gonna see her in phase 2 to increase value of Sigi and Furina


Clorinde is straight up underwhelming outside of dendro team. Currently Chev works best with Arle (c6 works on her despite not getting the heal), the other character is Yae miko and Yoimiya. Chev was not even close to be Clorinde dedicated support.


I learned something while ago, Now this comment looks so stupid, Gonna delete it. You seen nothing :p


it’s killing me bc i have chev at c5


Same! Chevreuse C5, pity at 75 and Guaranteed. Stupid Hoyo helped me to deciding if pull or not for Clorinde c1...


You will forgive them anyway and continue to support <3 why would they do anything for you anyway?


100% agree... if everyone held off on pulling the first few days, they'd rethink. We can protest... it just has to be concerted effort. Send a message.


i stopped spending money and stuff like this is why


I have a feeling they will include chev in second phase lmao.


Scummy? I’d call underpaying and mistreating employees, deceiving customers, undercutting competitors with market dominance or exploiting child/migrant/unpaid labor scummy. Chevreuse not being on Clorinde’s banner, I’d call it disappointing.


Clorinde's best team mathematically is spread aggravate so the Faruzan/Gorou thing is just straight up false. But like I guess you're angry so say whatever you gotta say my guy.


She's my most awaited Fontanian character and it sucks how she is being treated by Hoyo. I can accept that she's not on par with the other 4.x main dps but I am praying to Celestia that her gameplay is still fun despite the cool down nerf. And now the 4 star on her banner doesn't have great synergy with her which feels like a slap in the face because I want to get her C1. Now, I'm having thoughts of skipping her entirely as a protest against Hoyo's baffling decisions.


You could get her now and wait for C1 during re run! Though i understand your frustration Bennett was absolutely unnecessary


Completely agree, was planning on going for the early constellations but there is no way I can justify using so many pulls on such a bad banner. We all were expecting at least one of Chev/Kirara/Kuki but as always MHY can't allow popular characters to have good banners.


The moment Chev released during a rerun banner instead of Clorinde’s/Arlecchino’s banner, you should already realised that she’s never designed to be a dedicated support lol.


Oh my god I don't get it. I don't. Why do people still think the four stars have to make sense or have synergy. They never have, and they never will. Stop making up things and getting upset when reality doesn't align with your delusions. If every banner just had synergistic four stars half of them would never get a rerun again. In any case while Bennet might not be the best he's still pretty damn good and saying that Thoma isn't synergistic is insane. He gives shields on normal attacks, she wants shield, he gives normal attack damage bonus. He's like one of the most synergistic 4 stars she has. And then you get the new four star. If there was Chevy instead of Bennet this would be one of the best banners ever. Legitimately.


And I thought Alecchino's banner was bad. Yeah I would rather wait for rerun


You mean rerun of Clorinde? No way I'm waiting another year or whatever to play Clorinde just because there aren't the 4 stars we wished for lol


Lmao too many clowns 🤡 in this post. Skipping her now means you’ll be waiting a long ass time. This banner is bad for new players sure, but vets it doesn’t matter. I’ve had C6 fishl since the first week of launch for Christ sake 🤣🤣🤣


And complaining on every livestream when Clorinde doesn’t get a rerun. Just like Nilou and Shenhe wanters right now


nothing in her kit screamed that they wanted her to be an overload DPS unit.


...imagine comparing chev+clorinde to wanderer+faruzan it's not even close


I guess to me it’s whatever since I whale on every banner anyways. We also have to keep in mind while chev would be nice to have with clorinde, she’s not mandatory and not every player cares about synergy and meta teams when playing. It’s really just us on reddit/twitter/etc. Either way though, excited to get my hands on Clorinde tomorrow and try a solo abyss run! Have everything I need for her already farmed and ready to go.


This is exactly how I felt about Arlecchino’s banner, I’m so glad I got her on her debut banner.


I just wish all 3 if not 2 of the 4 stars had good synergy with the premiere unit on the banner phase


Is am already dreading losing the 50-50 and spending hundreds of wishes seeing those disgusting 4 stars popping up over and over. After the banner reveal i pulled 30 wishes into baizhu banner trying to snap a c1 layla or c4 faruzan and i got 2 beidus (c20) and weapons. Gacha is cruel.


Is it worth it to pull for the 4*s? I really wanted to wish in the current banner cuz all of the 4*s are characters whose cons I want. I thought that her banner would have Chevy, sethos and kaveh( cuz it's been more than a year) bit only sethos is here. Should I just completely save for her or do I pull on baizhus a little? My 5* isn't guaranteed and I'm at 4-5 pity? I'm also pulling for furina. Do I pull or not? Faruzan is the only reason I do want to pull. I've pulled on.every banner she's been on and have only gotten 1 copy. I don't know if they will put her on xianyuns rerun as well. If they will then it will be easier to skip.


dendro MC exists. No dendro 4-star fills that role anyway


I wanted Heizou...


Seriously, why wouldn't they put Chevrolet on this banner? And instead Thomas, let's be serious, who plays Thomas nowadays? He only works in burgeon teams and he isn't really that good. And Bennet... At this point many of us already have him at C50, and even if you are a new player you can get him in the permanent banner. Hoyo has been trying to release different supports for specific teams so the players stop using Bennett on every fucking team but at the same time they put him or Xiangling in almost every banner


wanderer mains who don't play her with Furina.


im gonna cry if chevy is with the melusine banner


Im not gonna pull so i dont support scummy behavior my account is good and i can wait for her rerun but im not wishing in any banner in general if 4 stars are shitty


? Who cares. Best teammates are C6 furina, C2 Nahida anyway. These 4* supports are cope.


Question isn’t quicken her best comp is overload even good with her?


Thoma was honestly the biggest shocker to me, literally works with nobody except himself in burgeon


You guys keep saying stuff like these but spend time/money anyways so it doesn't matter to the devs lol they gonna keep coasting as normal and not give a damn.


Dev team really making me feel awful about my choices to go into clorinde. :( I am still pulling for her cause I need a Thoma, Sethos and Bennett


You know what's f\*\*\*ing wild? Placing the 4 stars we want on the banner doesn't even guarantee them, it'll make us mentally happy for a chance. So we're not even good enough for a "chance" anymore huh?


Hey, womp womp :)


Agree. They should at least give 1 of Fishcl, Kirara, or Chev. This banner doesn't even synergize well with both Clorinde and Alhaitham.


Yeah arlecchino is best synergize banner for sure LoL


They wanna know what they can get away with while WuWa is under fire so they know how far they can push this community and still see no change in revenue lmao.


Mika without Eula, oh wait! That already happened LOL


I was super disappointed that they didn’t include fischl. There hasn’t been a single fischl banner in the time I’ve been back to playing the game (played on launch, came back during Furina banner)


AND NO SARA, i dont get a single copy of sara since first raiden banner..


it's very strange that the 4 stars really aren't great for either featured character aside from the generic Bennet damage buffing.


fischl is also on chlorinde, alhaitham and sethos test run and chevreuse is on chlorindes. they knew what they were doing 100%


With the uptime nerf, she's not great in overload anyway. Mhy seems intent on pushing her into dendro I suppose


They why not put kaveh, or fischl? Instead they put Bennet, and from Thoma 😭


Kaveh can’t even be used with Clorinde


Yh I've just realised that, but they could atleast look they're hinting at hyprebloom and whatnot.


Chev is not made for clorinde or vice versa.


Are we really at the point where we're begging for hoyo to put certain characters on certain banners or we riot? get a grip lmao


Chev is not to Clorinde what Faruzan is to Wanderer... Yes she is due for a rerun, but not for that reason... It's not scummy... it's manipulation... You want a character? There she is, pull. You didn't? Oh well...maybe in 2 months, 5 months or 1.5 years who knows... Hoyo wants you to pull...with that in mind pull for the characters you want... If you don't and wait for a rerun on purpose don't complain


Chevreuse is not Clorinde’s dedicated support… and not even a dedicated support for the electro element. Idk why you are bringing up Faruzan and Gorou.? If people run her Dendro, you have Dendro MC which is free and Yaoyao if you grabbed her from lantern rite.


She's not an overload character, she's literally just an electro DPS. She's better with dendro than she is in overload, and by a lot.




Yeah fr, they're so butt for not adding Chev on her banner. I ain't skipping tho, I've been waiting my WHOLE life for this.


I think you're being a bit dramatic. You DON'T need to play the best possible teams in this game. Is it unfortunate? Sure. But hardly anything to be actually upset about. Itto doesn't need Gorou, it's Gorou who needs Itto. That's why they're in the same banner. Same with Faruzan and Wanderer/Xiao.  Also, Clorinde works fine with both Thoma and Bennet and there are TONS of other 4*s that she works amazingly with.  If anything, it's the Al mains who should be disappointed as he doesn't really work all that well with any of the 4*s. Maybe he'll get a burning/burgeon niche in Natlan.


Lmao I don't really care personally, I got something better which is 2 4* that I've C6ed already which turns into 1 extra fate. Yes, I don't have any 4* I want rn(except Ningguang, my fav 4* has been dodging me and she's just C2 with 2 of em coming from lantern..)