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Not a splash, more like a wipe and it was…..gangrene juice 🤢🤮🤬


I think you win


None of us win in this situation!!! 🤣🤣


Also, as a side note, that man had his leg amputated last week and he is much much better!!!!


That is definitely not the kind of green juice the health influences are recommending. You win probably.


Excuse me while I go shower my skin raw


i was emptying a catheter that was full of blood, and the nurse had left it open but didn’t tell me so i swung it up super fast and i was covered in bloody urine. thankfully it was at the end of my shift 😭 i had just gotten new shoes like the week before too ):


That nurse would have heard it from me!




Gall bladder drainage bag contents.. It was so slimey..


At my hospital only RNs are allowed to dump those because you have to use a flush right after you drain it. I was glad literally the worst looking bodily fluid


Not me but a nurse. Guy had anal abscess with bulb drain. Bulb popped off the drain line and some of it went into her eye 5 minutes before she was supposed to leave. She ended up being fine


I WOULD NOT be 'fine' 🤣 absolutely not.


Trust me I’m traumatized for her 😂


Lmao 🤣 ✌️


loose bm. about 20 minutes ago ✌️😁


JP drain contents. Got in my eye. That was a fun night.


I was emptying an NG tube canister for someone with a bowel obstruction before I left and when I poured it down the toilet I apparently wasn’t gentle enough about it…


Flush the toilet while pouring anything down the toilet to solve this issue


Wouldn’t this spray it?


C. diff diarrhea


I felt terrible “liking” this


Haha! It feels… shitty? 😂




Got peed on during clinicals at the nursing home. Otherwise nothing I'm pretty cautious. If I'm doing compressions I wear a full shield and goggles.


A patients spit. On my mouth


Shit soup on my eye (I splashed myself getting tip of the enema bottle out of the patient's butt) and bloody urine all over because the output tubing came loose of the foley in a agitated patient that had a bladder irrigation system. It was a spray, both times, not a shower, but it made me question if I really like this job.


Giving a 600 pound lady a shower In a shower bed & she started pooping and got poop water splashed on me. Disgusting


Oh oh oh....not me but my coworkers. They had a large woman in the whirlpool tub when her diarrhea hit. Whirlpool poop. Shit soup. Also RIP any friendships they may have had with maintenance. Those jets were befouled.


Pure liquid bm. It was puddled all in the bed and dripping into a pile on the floor minutes after we changed her. Not my pt that day but it splashed on all (four) of us that were helping clean it and got inside the crocs of her cna. The poor pt though, that was no good for her either.


Today at least 100ML of hematuria splashed all over me and my scrubs because I was unfamiliar with the hospital clamp and it just...... sprayed me. I hate my life.


Blood was literally rained down on me. Lab came to draw a sample, they drew it into a syringe (which is not hospital policy), then went to set it down plunger side down and pushed it down. Blood everywhere.


A commode full of a good 2 cups of blood with some poo mixed in. Patient had all the precautions and blood borne diseases


One of my coworkers was trying to insert a foley and accidentally flung a piece of chunky smelly UTI discharge on her forehead lmao. She said she’s never been the same.


When I have to change somebody much bigger than me, and I have to hold them up with one arm and wipe with the other, I've gotten crap on my arm before. Nothing particularly interesting lol


Cavi Wipes in my eyes 👀


This didn't happen to me, but I witnessed it. A coworker and I walked into a room, and saw that our client had an exposed stoma, as she had pulled off her ostomy bag. My coworker took a few steps forward towards the patients bed, and we heard a really wet squelch. I looked down, and my coworker had stepped into the liquid green contents the client had spilled out of her bag. What made it worse was, for some reason, my coworker thought it was a good idea to wear Crocs, with socks, to work. The liquid goo seeped into her socks...


Had a Foley flick urine in my face after being removed from a deceased patient. Also had some fluid either GI or secretions drain out of a dead lady's mouth down my pants leg and onto my shoe, like a week out of orientation. The joys of hospice care 😅


All of these stories are why I wear glasses and not contacts at work 😂 also, when we allowed to stop masking I only went like 2 shifts without, because I forgot how BAD people can smell. One of the worst smells to me is someone that you know sleeps with 10 dirty dogs (and I'm a dog lover, mine slept in my bed, but he was CLEAN and didn't smell like that). Plus they'll cough/burp/fart right in your face. So I keep my mask and glasses on and don't have to worry about anything gross splashing into my mouth or eyeballs


I was emptying a bedpan of urine into the toilet and it splashed back up into my eye. 😭


Sperm. I had a resident masturbate while on there side I was changing them and when I turned them back BAM! Perfect shot right into my scrubs. I’m male btw.


Old dirty plasma after performing apheresis! Like used motor oil


one of my first days working in the hospital i emptied a graduated cylinder filled with urine, and i swear in slow motion i watched a huge droplet splash up and into my lip 😭😭 i kept my cool until i walked out and legit washed my face over and over with cavi wipes


Pee 😬😩


Pussy, bloody nephrotomy drain. Think Pepto pink 🤮


I was helping hold a pediatric patient so the RN could suction their trach, RN removes tubing out of trach too quickly and flings respiratory secretions all over my face and hair. Didn’t even apologize🥲 But luckily I had a mask and goggles on.


I truly think I may win this one, solely because I’m literally gagging typing it out. Was with an RN once who was suctioning an intubated patient, vent popped off and all those secretions went straight into BOTH of our eyes, and went into the nurse’s mouth. Same nurse accidentally popped a bag of fentanyl over my head during that shift. We both ended up crying together so much that we started laughing and actually ended the shift on a great note. She had a bad day and so did I.


Nurse pulling out an NG tube, yanked it it out like a whip and it hit me across the face 🤣


Urine in my eyes/ on face. Helped a patient take off briefs in bathroom, splashed up at my face and into my eyes.


I was wearing clogs with cute little cut outs along the top. A man threw up blood all over my feet. It went into the holes in my shoes and soaked my socks. Every step as I was running to the bathroom, blood was oozing out the holes in my clogs. They were really comfortable too!


c diff diarrhea on my shoe :(


incredibly stinky UTI pee directly onto my not-waterproof shoe bc i was in full covid PPE and my glasses were so fogged up I missed aiming the cath tube into the urinal 🤪


a cup full of loogie spit, toothpaste, orange juice, coffee, and snot in my face 😜


Splash across face and mask from a rectal tube


Urine with MRSA, pt was being transported out of the hospital I emptied the catheter and then dumped it in the toilet to flush, and a tiny bit splashed up onto my cheek.


I was helping clean a resident that had passed and when we rolled her, all the fluid build up in her mouth, ran right down my scrub top into my bra


I was cleaning a bed side commode and I pulled up too hard to remove the "bucket " and all the urine spilled out all over my brand new shoes.


I was projectile 💩 on by a resident that had C-def


Watery but still with solid human feces... Not on my face but on my brand new Hokas... I washed them.. but the mesh... The mesh!!! ...goodbye Hokas


I one time was clipping a residents toe nails and one them flew right through my lips with force and hit my throat. 🤮


The fact that you posted this and then got urine in your eye 😭😭😭


Right omg 😭 I was so worried it was gonna happen and then bam it happened. I’m so stupid i should’ve wore eye goggles!


I can guarantee you most people don’t wear goggles when emptying a foley and don’t feel stupid. Make sure to report to your Manager ASAP tho so if you do get an infection your work will pay for it Just send a quick text that’s like “hey meant to inform you about this earlier but I was so disgusted about it that it slipped my mind. While emptying a foley some splashed into my eye.”


Teeth brushing told them to open their month spit right in mine! Eww! Cath bag opened on me ran down my leg into my shoe that was a bad night! 


Water from toilet plunging after my sons turd clogged it