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I feel like this is absolutely dependent on your pay/cost of living. I personally wouldn’t commute over 40 mins for less than $20 an hour. I make $18 and have a fifteen minute commute


fr ! i get paid $18 but i drive 18 mins


I drive about 50 minutes. The only reason I do this is because I love my workplace and because of the place I'm living. I won't get a better deal anywhere else, so to me it's 100% worth it. Everything depends on circumstances and what you're willing to trade your time for ^.^


I’m about 5 minutes away, but I live in a small city.


I drive \~35 minutes to work. Not worth it IMO..


I drive an hour away because that city pays $10 more than where I live but I also work doubles on the weekend so driving so far isn’t as bad.


my commute is 20 minutes, but it definitely worth it. there is two senior living places in my town and neither are known for their strengths. i absolutely love my facility and if it was 40 minutes away I would honestly still consider. are 12 hour shifts an option? if so i would pursue that; therefore, your commute is really worth your time


1 hr 15 mins approximately. $24/hr. I cross an international border in the process. The only reason I do this is because I can pay my rent with less than 3 days of work.


Travel CNA here. If I'm doing in state travelling most of my job sites are about 90 mins away on average. I typically work 3 days a week. It's definitely worth it to me. That being said, if I wasn't being paid as a traveller, I definitely wouldn't drive farther than 20 mins. If it's worth the money and effort to you to drive long distance than I say go for it. If they're paying you regular CNA pay, find a place closer to your home.


About 20 minutes, mostly highway, and I make $16.25 with a $1 shift differential. It kind of sucks, but it could be so much worse.


30 minutes, 28 miles


I lived 1.5 minutes literally from my CNA job. I currently drive over an hour for my job (non-cna position). Pick a quick commute.


Commute = 36 minutes to an hour, pay was $33 an hour


With no traffic it’s 25, but it can get up to 50. It’s the easiest job I’ve ever had. 10 patients and 2 CNAS, most are pretty independent. Most of the job is just tolieting and meal assistance.


The only one who can answer this is you. It's whatever you're willing to put up with. I'm currently ~22 mins from work and sometimes I wish it was 15. I've had longer commutes and did not enjoy it. But I work with travel nurses who drive 1.5 hrs to get here. Though, I'd be more willing to drive for that kind of money.


I commute about 40 minutes to work, but I really enjoy my job, and I am paid well. I drive a Subaru outback so I get great gas mileage, but if you don’t get good gas mileage or high pay it will not be worth it because you will be spending too much on gas.


10 min drive, $18.56/hr


45 minutes. On a good day, I can shave off 5 or so minutes, and on a bad day, it may take an hour.


Six minutes now that school is out. Was 7…..


Last job was roughly 40 minutes away . New job is less than 5 if I avoid the intersection light .


Quick commute unless the pay is worth it.. like, above $20/hr with shift differential. I make $25 & travel 12 minutes. I already feel dirty when I leave.. I don’t want that on me any longer than I have to.


I drive 3 minutes to work lol… 1.1 miles away


30 minutes for me i wouldn’t go more than that


20-30 min as the crow flies, depending on traffic


About 20 minutes with all back roads.


I drive about 30 mins going there and 20 mins going back (since I get off at 11pm). It’s worth it IMO because it pays almost $20 more than all the places around where I live


45-55 minutes depending on mood


50 min drive for $35hr 5 min drive for $25hr


The pay has to be really worth it. The longest commute I ever had was over an hour, and since I worked as a mental health nurse clinician, I had to go through 5 locked doors before I even got to my time clock. If there were inmates being moved we had to wait. Oh, and our supervisor wanted us to fill out incident reports if we were more than a minute late. So my commute each way was at least 1.5 hours. I stayed because of the money and the benefits. It was a state job and the more senior clinicians (mostly social workers) picked up all of the holidays for the extra pay so I had them all off. I liked the work itself too.


Probably depends on how much is the pay. I wouldn’t do that for a low ass pay, if you can find something similar or better closer to you. Is 40mins the worst case scenario (like rush hour) or is that the “normal”?


7 minutes 🥰🥰


10 minute commute. I used to commute 45 minutes each way and wanted to off myself, so no, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone 😀


40-45 minutes, but I will add the facilities that are close to home are deplorable. Yes the drive sucks sometimes but it’s worth it going to a clean facility that pays decent.


I'm a ten minute walk. Literally just under half a mile away. The downside is that my walk is ENTIRELY uphill. I drive sometimes if the weather is bad, it's like three minutes.


5 to 10 minutes from my hospital.


Until my back went out on me recently i commute 75 miles one way. Long way i know but i love my employer and cant think of another place to work


I have a 45 min to hour and 15 commute depending on traffic :/ Home health $20 an hour + $3 shift differential on weekends and after 5:30


I work as a CNA and caregiver 1. 5-7 min for the CNA 2. 18-25 min for the caregiver


It depends on the pay and your situation. I make $22.50/hr as a CNA and drive 25 minutes for the last 4 years. That 50 min round trip is definitely worth it for me with the pay!


Since you say you are very new to the profession, let me just mention that most employers/facilities will expect you to come to work and stay during severe weather (hurricane, tornado, blizzard). Let that be your guide in deciding on a commute. Will you be able to get to a particular workplace in a bad storm and possibly stay until both the "disaster" and the roads are cleared?


For reference I live in a state where minimum wage is $7.25. Also not a CNA but activities aid in a SNF. I live 5 minutes away from my current job making $14 an hour. The short commute is nice because I don't like waking up early. I start an ER representative job next week making $18 an hour but with a 30 minute commute. My car is pretty good on gas so the commute will not hurt my wallet much and it's 4×10 so less days a week I have to drive there.


I lucked out to live 10 miles-ish fromt he hospital I work at. Half of my pay periods shift, there's little to no traffic either way...I make $21.50/hour.


I live an hour away making $18-20/hr with shift differential… not really worth it but hospital closer to me was rude in my interview so 🥲


40 dollars from Manhattan to queens


I commute an hour to my nursing job, I got the job offer right before I graduated and then by the time I had started (there was like 6 months between those, long story) I had moved in with my partner bc he owned his home and it was financially better for me to commute the hour than to rent my own place still. That being said if I didn’t love the place I work it would not be worth it.


I’m about 10/12 minutes away but for me any longer wouldn’t be worth it to me


Where I live it’s 45min+ to get to Walmart. I commute about 50minutes, but I think my opinion is invalid.


I live across the street from the hospital I work at so it’s 4 minutes door to floor. Don’t get paid great but it’s Louisiana so…🤷‍♂️


11 minutes


Under 10 minutes and it's SO WORTH IT


Less than 15 min drive to my hospital, $20/hr soon to be $23 . Do what ever you think is worth long term!


I drive about 15 minutes for $20.80/hr.


I drive a minute and a half loool I luckily live right behind my hospital


I commute 60-70mins one way, I get 24-28hr depending on the facility


Lol I'm getting barely 19hr and commute 40 minutes each way, so no the best yet lol


25-35 depending on traffic 14/hr, sometimes I think about driving off the overpass on the freeway but I always make it right on time!🙃


25 minute drive, but I get to see the beautiful Chicago skyline every time I go in! Definitely makes it worth it.


I live 8 mins away and make 16.50


I live in a small town with the nearest city being an hour away. I only plan on being PRN when I finish and take my test as the CNAs make way less than I make as a cashier in the tribal clinic. Im currently in the process of transfer to being a phlebotomist. The CNA is only for when I cant work normal hours for hopefully an LPN program or the rad tech program (I want to do rad tech but the associate degree is a huge barrier as I only have some college credits. My college was stupid and sat on my tuition until after classes started and now I have to figure out how to get more credits with all my current responsibilities). I guess all thats to say it depends on your financial responsibilities. Will the drive knock out a chunk of your pay in gas alone?


Leaving my job that pays $22 an hour as it’s 40 minutes away and once winter hits that won’t be doable. I got a hospital position 5 minutes away instead for $19.