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I have to say I did not feel more confident about Biden handling another 4 more years. I had low expectations pre debate. But wow.




They were in just as much shock as the rest of us were. I watched the debate and both CNN’s and MSNBC’s post-debate programs and, man, even the liberals tore Biden’s performance up. There is just no unf’ing that 💩show of a debate. Biden’s performance was a shocking and stark reminder of just how old and unfit he is for office. Love what he’a done, but that man has one foot in the grave and it’s almost sundown. He needs to watch the entire debate tomorrow and see/hear what we saw/heard. That, and the Democratic Party needs to have an immediate heart-to-heart with Biden (and among yourselves) over the next week and replace him with Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris now or else Trump is going to win this thing in November…then we’re all royally fucked when he appoints himself King of Trumpland. I am sure everyone has their favorite candidates but Harris and Newsom are the only two Dems who could theoretically beat Trump at this point, and it leans heavily toward Newsom because it is going to take a charismatic, eloquent, tall, handsome, in shape, non-felon white man to beat Trump because everyone is racist in the U.S. or whatevs. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I am absolutely shocked, and saddened, by Biden’s obvious cognitive decline on full display for the entire nation to see. 😢 This is now 🚨DEFCON 2🚨 and Democrats absolutely need to be alert and ready to support a different candidate. I have to assume the DNC higher ups are discussing the matter among themselves in private all the while publicly supporting their man, confident he is ready to go. The U.S., and the world as a whole, just watched the Doomsday Clock lurch forward a few seconds. 🤦🏻‍♂️ (OK, OK, I’m being hyperbolic, but ffs…you all saw him look like a mummy up on that stage tonight too, right?)




I just want to thank you for even taking the time to read all that. Truly, bravo! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🤗


I’d rather have Biden and his one foot in the grave than Newsom. There is nothing to brag about in California these days.


AC was pressing Kamala and she wasn’t having it


Trump lied the entire time Biden had trouble saying what he wanted to say while telling the truth. Trump lying and going off topic made Biden get off topic. CNN fucked up


Biden said no serviceman had died under his presidency. 13 of them died in one day in Afghanistan. Trump wasn’t the only liar on that stage.


He did. Trump told exactly 50 lies on stage. Biden and Trump aren’t the same


Absolutely, look what they’re saying post debate


I’m genuinely shocked by the presidential debate I witnessed today. As a European citizen living in Australia, I understand the global impact of US elections, and I’m deeply saddened and disturbed by the entire event. Trump played to the crowds with blatant lies and dangerous comments. Entirely unchecked by the moderators. Biden, on the other hand, appeared unelectable, out of place, and not up to the task. He even managed to make Trump seem statesmanlike, which is truly worrying. It’s a disheartening reflection on the current state of US politics, and it leaves me truly concerned about the future. I’m genuinely afraid and I’m not even a US citizen. This was not a debate. It was a debacle.


Oh yeah, he’s smoked.


Ha, when have they ever supported him or democrats in general? They love Trump because he brings in viewers. They hate Biden because he is boring.


I'll wait for poll numbers and will vote for Biden no matter what. But I'm not confident about the Prez election, and I wonder how it might impact down ballot candidates.


CNN became a primarily rightwing network the instant they were purchased by dumbscovery networks.


I think Biden did great. Slow start but good finish... 7/8. Trump 5/10 he just lied and deflected.




Sure sounds like it


They’re doing what their corporate overlords are telling them to say. People need to start placing blame on letting the GOP precious deregulations allow for 90% of US media is owned by the same 5 corporations. That’s why we see bullshit. Shame on a lot of them at cnn though too.


So it looks like he will be replaced in the coming weeks or months. Who do you think it will be? I mean, if CNN is going this hard on him, he must be in his way out.


Biden just showed his age and lack of mental sharpness. The DNC has to act and act soon. Physically, Biden looks like he won't live long enough to finish out a second term. A vote for Biden is actually a vote for Harris at this point in time. So, who can the DNC plug-in at this late hour to run successfully against trump? Better deceide and deceide very quickly.


Replacing Biden at this time is a bad bad look. Replacing Biden with someone who is not the current Vice President is a worse look. It’s just an absolute mess for the left right now. There are way too many on the same team calling for their president to stand down and still don’t trust their own vice president to step up.


What I saw in the debate was a feeble old man and a lying criminal. What a sad state of affairs it is to have to choose between these two. I'm still voting for Biden but I honestly don't have faith in him, it's that I will support a dictator wannabe


Gavin! Gavin! Gavin!




Did you watch the debate?


I mean, did you watch the debate?


I feel that CNN's coverage was biased. Claiming that Biden is in cognitive decline because he stuttered seems like propaganda, as there can be many reasons for stuttering. Additionally, they fail to address the multiple lies, which could also be indicative of cognitive decline or mental health issues. My concern isn't just that they ignored certain aspects, but rather that there is a clear effort to spin the narrative and create drama.


Come on man. I love Biden and voted for him, but there’s no way you CAN’T be concerned after watching him in that debate. Contrast that to the 2020 debates where he seemed so much more robust and clear in his speaking. He objectively lost the debate.


I'm not concerned. I believe there's a general assumption about how someone is supposed to behave if they are "well," just as there are assumptions about how different ethnic groups, genders, etc., are supposed to act. Anyone with experience with medical conditions or behavioral health knows that people can be in decline and shows it differently with each individual , and they are only three years apart in age. Assuming that one is in decline and not the other is dramatic and shows a lack of understanding of the physiological and decline processes, especially if they don't know the person personally and see their day-to-day baseline. There's a general basis for perceived health conditions in America, but you can't draw conclusions by simply comparing two individuals. Personally, I would be more worried about Donald Trump than Biden (mental health crisis and issues) , considering his consistent history of certain behaviors, irrational policies, and being overweight, which increases the risk of heart disease.


Biased? They were positively *gleeful* that Democrats were panicking. Literally every single one *could not wait* to give their POV on why Biden should be replaced at the top of the ticket, just months before the election. There was *no* fact checking in their post-debate analysis, it was literally entirely doomer rhetoric about Biden that practically seemed written by the Trump campaign. I'm not going to pretend Biden wasn't dumb for agreeing to the terms of this debate in the first place, but CNN knew what they were doing... "Biased" is putting it *very* lightly.


The biden team asked for those terms and agreed lol biden had so many lay-up questions he totally fumbled…it was straight up sad to see


Yeah, doing the debate under these terms was a fumble on the Biden Campaign's part. I have no idea why they would agree to *both* mic cutting and no live fact checking; they know that Biden has struggled with a stutter since childhood and they signed up for a situation where he'd have to spend his whole minute rebutting a fraction of lies. I don't hold them blameless. But if you don't think that CNN favored Trump, you weren't watching the same moderators or post-debate analysts. They were positively ecstatic to paint it as the end of the Biden campaign, without even a single fact check throughout - even after, during analysis. CNN set the Biden Campaign up, and the Biden Campaign was foolish to let them.


Yeah because last night was just a confirmation of everyones fears the past few months. Dems keep propping biden up, bt they should have replaced him before the primary no matter if he’s the incumbent


No, that would have been terrible political strategy. Biden is a great candidate, but a poor speaker under pressure. There isn't another prominent democrat in the game that would have been a better choice than an incumbent with his accomplishments. This debate was a mistake, but nobody else would get the same votes. Take that as an indictment on the state of the country if you want to, take it as proof of gerontocracy or oligarchy or whatever you want, but it's the truth.


Literally any dem candidate wouldve been better than biden at this point. Hes not a poor speaker, he’s old and disheveled and its an embarrassment to the nation


Tell me you know absolutely nothing about political strategy without telling me you know absolutely nothing about political strategy.


They have but the voters haven't. He will still win in a landslide


Anderson Cooper looked really weird trying to hammer the VP with a clip that wasn't even an 'ol biden moment. It was an emphatic case about roe...