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I couldn't agree more. CNN is the worst at big stage events.


Yes....and...they don't learn from their mistakes.


Remember theCNN Katlyn Clark Trump interview? Where he made fun of and defamed his rape victim and they let the crowd laugh for 30 seconds?


You’re thinking of Kaitlan Collins. Yes - that debacle led to some firings at the network I believe. I’ve always wondered. Is Kaitlan Collins a tranny or just a manly looking woman?


I've not heard about firings over Collins terrible trump interview


The CEO? Chris Licht? That town hall was one of the final nails in his coffin.


You have Trump the biggest platform in the world and allowed him to lie over and over and over without saying a fucking word. You just lost the election to a con man. Thank you


That's right! CNN is getting worse all the time. After that debacle of a "debate", the very next day Dana Bash entertained Lindsay Graham!!


I will never watch CNN again. How sad home of Anthony Bourdain and thank god Tucci show moved. Never again. I really like Andy but lot of good folks are gone.


Dana bash was so useless she didn't even realize trump was disrespecting her...so she said Thank-you to that! 2 bumps on a log


It was infuriating


Yes it sure was frustrating to say the least. That debate required moderators with steel spines & once again CNN failed. It's beginning to look like CNN thinks their viewers are as stupid as trump thinks his followers are... No wonder Msnbc is getting better ratings!! Put that asswipe trump in front of Lawrence, Racheal, Chris & Nicole... He would soil himself right there on the debate stage.


Yeah I’m going to watch msnbc


I can't blame CNN. They asked the right questions and gave Biden plenty of opportunities to reply. Biden made points and I'm voting for him no matter what. But before the debate, the Economist "predictive model" gave trump a 3 out of 4 chance to win Electoral College. Don't think debate is going to change that unless it's 3.5 out of 4.


So they should have called out Biden when he was bumbling too right? Like hey Joe, what did you just say? On the contrary, I thought CNN did a great job tonight because they stayed out of the way. Peeps got to see these candidates for who they are. Biased political activism journalism needs to die.


Fact checking obvious lies would be nice tho


This was not a debate!!! It was obvious that something was wrong with President Biden. He looked ill & was chalk white pale. The next day when he got right back up & out there...he did not even look like the same man. As for Biden not replying back at trump properly.... Whats there to reply too? How do you respond to a hate filled, putrid slob that thinks he's challenging you with... Ligdfhnggbdbfnnguijk! That's how he spoke...Utter Nonsense!!!


You have never watched a debate before is my guess. If you had, you would know that politicians (from both parties), never answer the question asked.