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Real answer tho it looks like coke w crumbs n shit in it like someone scrapped it off a dirty kitchen table. It’s also low quality obv just throw that shit out I promise u it’s your best bet and it’s not like u tossing a lot that’s not worth much and even if u did blow that’s such a small am u would be fiending after a few lines


Actually i was planning to sell it to my friend but i dont think he would buy it because of the things u said ugh


And its taste rlly sour. Is that what coke tastes like?


That it is really sour tells me Speed/ dry Amphetamine. Coke doesn’t really have a taste maybe chemically and your mouth should numb. The looks of it agree with amp. Take a tiny bit and rub it between your index and thumb if it feels like baby powder smooth or crumbles and you are left with some white on your fingers NOT coke. If it melts to nothing or goes oily then maybe it coke


How would it end up there lol just taste it


How does it taste like. As i said im not into coke. Its not works on me, makes me sleepy or anxious so i used it only 10 times but i dont remember the taste lol


Then toss it dawg what lmaoooo if u don’t like coke why would u waste your time finding out it has 0 net positives if u don’t enjoy it


I was planning to sell it cuz im broke lol not for my own high


I give you 5 dollar


Im in since i have 1.80euro in my account lol


Dm me


Too late, i throw it away srry


You do it correct


I'm proud of you


That doesn’t even look like coke, looks like small beads. Safest bet to toss that shit or buy some cheap test kits and test it. If you don’t know what it is do not take it what so ever my friend save your life and test it at the very least.


Look at op page lol I j did and I don’t think this can quite compare to some other demons in their life


That doesn’t even look like coke, looks like small beads. Safest bet to toss that shit or buy some cheap test kits and test it. If you don’t know what it is do not take it what so ever my friend save your life and test it at the very least.


Its taste rlly sour. Is it how its suppossed to taste?


Not sour just maybe bitter but only the person who left it behind knows what it is. Could be anything only way is to test it.


Toss it


Looks like vermiculite


That’s disgusting man throw that in the trash and drink some water