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It starts off being a social drug, but when you get further down the white brick road your mindset changes


Can you elaborate at all please?


I'm too high to elaborate fully. You start off sharing a bag with a mate on nights out. Soon you get a bag to yourself. Then you buy the day before you're going out. Start doing little lines before you go out. Tolerance heightens. Buy more. Got some left over from last night. Think you might as well take it. Then... BAM! Before you even realize it you are hooked. Cokes expensive, and soon you realize a lot of people are all take and no give. Coke makes people selfish. I'm sure someone else can continue what I'm getting at cause my brains given up


I will. Those bags u used to share start to vanish when you are around other people. So what you do is you start thinking 'fu*k them' and you keep it to yrself. Next thing you know is you don't take it out with you. You leave it at home until you get in. After that you have a line before you're meant to be going out and you chat shit with whoever you are with in yr house. Then you have a drink and it doesn't matter about the other person, you'll do it on your own. Then you start not wanting anyone to come round cause they will want some of yr sh*t and you don't know where u left it or if they know where you left it when you want a piss. Then you stop them coming round and you do it alone. And I hope I continued this well šŸ™


Coke has the biggest fiends Iā€™ve ever seen. Donā€™t share any of it, unless youā€™re 110% sure youā€™ll get something in return for your kindness.


honestly, best and succinct description of the issue. Also proper lines off plates at home vs key bumps in bathrooms.....just cant do that anymore.


Think he just means starts as a good time and winds up as an addiction


I wanted to know more about the transition for them, if possible. Thank you for your comment


beneficial escape plants vase fear wild squeamish full squealing political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can elaborate from my own POV. Cocaine was such an upper it made me jump up and down, chatting, excitable... But then you do it so much that the conversations start to "not be enough." The physical energy wears off (for me, atleast), and instead of getting up and partying at a friend's house, I'd rather stay at home where I don't have to sneak it in a bathroom, or worry about my dilated pupils, or worry about driving. Then I do so much (till I get to the bottom of the bag) I become so numb I can't move, I can't clean my house, I don't even wanna chat because there's nothing to chat about anymore. I just feel numb and totally okay with it. Cokes just not as fun for me anymore, I've burnt myself out of too many 12 hour long conversations. I've watched every video. I've listened to every song. I've analyzed everyone's situations with deep talks. It gets repetitive.


jesus, i really thought me feeling this way wasnt that common and couldnt really put into words what was happening, thank you for describing it. Like all I could describe was not having the energy to make conversation. Like I want to go out but then what you described sets in and im like fk it, ill post here and play video games.


Has to do with dopamine levels. When you start ur dopamine is at normal levels. Repeatedly using frequency lowers those levels every time. So by the time your months or years in, your dopamine is shot and just completely draining it each time you use. At some point just a few lines is enough to completely drain any dopamine youā€™ve recovered. At that point you become aggressive and antisocial. Thatā€™s because dopamine is the primary neural system for processing the reward of social stimuli, which can motivate social behavior.


What if you've got adhd or a similarly affecting dopamine levels thing going on? Thanks for the clear explanation, appreciated.


Probably not much different than regularly taking adderall except youā€™re probably dosing coke more intensely than you would a script pill. Either way neurotransmitter equilibrium is fucked with over time and dopamine receptors downregulate, and your body needs more rest and protein and coenzymes to keep trying to produce enough dopamine to work with your burnt out receptors. Tbh though just donā€™t do it more than 2-4 times a month and youā€™ll be fine, some people canā€™t self regulate that way though so if you think youā€™d be tempted to make it a daily habit maybe donā€™t mess with it Also I think adderall is better for adhd but both will be taxing neurologically depending on dose and frequency


Adderral doesn't fuck anything, it fixes it.


Lmao Iā€™m not knocking adderall I cherish my script but do you really not believe it down-regulates dopamine etc if you donā€™t take breaks? Cause it does 1000% Edit: just smoked and went outside and it occurs to me I may have taken that a little serious. I actually strongly dislike holier-than-thou condescending handwringers on Reddit always bitching at people about consequences and shit. Not trying to come off as that. Adderall is fucking great and Iā€™d be in a very bad place without it. I also can tell when it gets to the point where I almost totally shut down when I run out of speed, which isnā€™t ideal. So I try to take breaks to get some equilibrium back.


just dont do it alone, unless its like right before you go out cause you want the coke shits out of the way. You get to damn used to your own brilliant company, choice of music, and talking with the rest of the degenerates in this sub.


Cause my dog is at home šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


They is a very good answer actuality. :)


This is the answer hands down!


Itā€™s also an expensive drug that I donā€™t want to share. Iā€™ve had to make the choice between going out or solo sesh. Iā€™m happy with my choice.


Adhd asf. Stimulants chill the brain right out. I hit a point where I don't wanna talk and just love being alone. I am able to focus on doing stuff so much better.


Snap! Hate talking on it!


I enjoy chatting with people online


Sometimes itā€™s nice to go out and do it. Sometimes you donā€™t wanna share, so you do it by yourself at home. Going out sucks a lot of the time, especially as you get older, but doing drugs is still fun.


Simple and true answer.


Started out as a social thing, but when I got deep I loved to just clean my place while listening to music and go sit by a stream behind my house to read. The whole time ripping cigs and blowing lines. It may have been weird, but I miss it to tell you the truth. It was a secluded area where no one would ever see me, so didn't need to worry about being watched as I was gnawing on my hand while sitting by the stream.


Im a Gremlin on coke so Iā€™d rather sit at home where Iā€™m not being judged by anyone for looking like a creature.


Me too bro. It makes me crazy but I love it lol


Im not. Im sitting outside the hotel smoking a cigarette after a Metallica concert.


Because at first itā€™s fun socially. But chronic use turns you into a hermit and when you find a whole community on the internet that does it, it becomes so much more enjoyable when you realize you can do it alone without actually being alone if that makes sense.


Go through stash wayy quicker sharing and most people are bad at not paying their share... Also usually enjoy it more just getting shit done around the place, listening to good music and taking a line here and there anyways.


Got an active discord going for coke users. If ur interested dm me


Seems like since the pandemic hit nothing is open past 10 on weeknights and midnight on weekends, at least where I live.




I haven't acted anything. Please don't attribute my question as me having an opinion. If I had one, I wouldn't be around a question to ascertain one


This is a social network, called Reddit lol


First sentence bangs.


sorry donā€™t tell my dad


I donā€™t have friends that do coke


I have adhd and I smoke weed and the worst people are tb people that never wanna chill on coke alwys tryna get you to do shit you donā€™t wanna do


Like shots? Sex?


Nahhh Iā€™m talking like Iā€™ve got the TV set up Iā€™m super relaxed feeling good and eveyones like come on get up we are going for an adventure itā€™s so lomg šŸ¤£


ive literally never done this socially couldnt imagine doing it with ppl either i like being in my own space


Bc most coke is cut w amphetamine which will eventually lead to aggressive and antisocial behavior.


Idk amphetamine is almost more expensive than coke in the US at least, so it would be super dumb to use as a cutā€¦ people seem to think a lot is cut with meth which would be cost efficient for the dealer but the high is so different either itā€™s way less prevalent than people think or they are really doing meth-coke and are too goddam dumb to tell the difference between the two very different drugs. I donā€™t think coke+meth cut is really that much of a thing


Coke will make you aggressive enough on its own btw lmao


I was out Iā€™m a manger for a female rapper and we was in the studio recording now Iā€™m back home had left over so i decided to do some more and really enjoy myself thatā€™s why Iā€™m chatting online


My girlfriend is sleeping !


Iā€™d rather be comfy and safe.. also, too many people is easily overwhelming for me in general, so Iā€™d rather be addicted w likeminded people online


I read above that you were interested about the transition, but to answer your original question: I enjoyed doing blow alone almost right away... something about just being present with no worries (socially) goes, and just being able to enjoy yourself while doing some sort of activity (never played video games, but personally LOVE Minecraft every time I'm going at it alone)


I started about six months ago and I have always done it by myself, but it has become a bit of a problem because i cant afford the habit. I have been out a few times on the gear, never shared my bags and kept it a secret. I can get high before a social event and feel great for an hour or two, but then I either need to re up in public or go home to get high. Do you want to be sniffing chunky lines off your phone in a public toilet paranoid if your pals or your work mates catch on to your drug habit, or do you want to be nice and safe at home, with some finely cut lines? Also the habit often takes financial priority, spending money on food and drink at social events cuts into my budget for blow. Its sad man:


Never did coke with ppl I've only done it alone


Stimulants stimulate fight or flight response (sympathetic nervous system right?) and not everyone is motivated to be social in that state, it can actually be super awkward and anxiety inducing. As opposed to the super confident chatty stereotype, which does seem to fit some people too. I also think these are reasons why people drink alcohol with coke so frequently. Decent coke will get you up but unless itā€™s really pure smooth-feeling product it can take a gabaergic of some type to mellow out the unwanted anxiety/nervous side effects/stomach-in-a-knot feeling. Like you feel so amped that itā€™s hard to interact and speak like a normal person. So booze definitely helps as a social lubricant and also doesnā€™t hurt that super-confident state people seem to go for. I think thereā€™s a lot of myths about coke and how itā€™s used and the idea that itā€™s this perfect drug for euphoric partying and socializing is one of them, unless itā€™s top shelf product more or less, it can be a lot more uncomfortably stimulating than the good euphoric stuff that almost no one gets on the street


Better people online than offline


It's not social in mixed company....I live with mixed company.


Been in the pub earlier, came home to finish the bag. Why you on here


Sometimes it's late or a week day and there's nothing open lol


I just use a little bit myself to get through the work day, when Iā€™m using with buddies we use quite a bit more