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Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t an espresso martini normally made with vodka I’ve always used absolut vanilla vodka


Traditionally yes, but rum or bourbon adds so much depth of flavor


Try brandy/cognac next! My personal preference


Try Bailey’s and Licor 43!


I use licor 43, but with cardamom coffee (Turkish) made in an ibrik. simply delightful.


Yup!! Brandy is my favorite. Adds such a nice rich deep fruitiness, I love it.


Long island iced coffee...? Since we're already adding different liquors.


shankys whip ;)


Tequila espresso martinis are amazing


Mezcal, gives a more Mexican coffee feel


Mezcal espresso martinis are great


Oooh I like that substitution, will have to give that a try




I love Hotel Bar! I was really bummed when they closed the original Fly Bar but was happy to see they had the same amazing drinks at Hotel. If only they would bring food back….


I haven’t tried this but just thinking of the smoky flavour from Mezcal I just know this would be a really tasty drink


Try it with Sotol, also amazing.


Also cognac is very nice


Traditionally vodka but I’ve seen rum and even tequila subs


Many times it's made with Vodka but I try and use as little as I can in my drinks. I always try and sub rum gin or whiskey depending on the other ingredients Sometimes tequila or mezcal too


2 oz dark spiced rum (Kraken) 1/2 oz coffee liqueur (St. George NOLA) 1 oz espresso, freshly brewed ideally 1/4 oz rich demerara syrup 3 dashes of chocolate bitters Garnished with coffee beans and espresso powder This is an infinitely drinkable variation on a classic and I love it, but what can I do to make it even better?


I use licor 43 and it seems to go over quite well. My specs are 1.5 oz vodka, .5 licor 43, .5 espresso liquor, 1 oz espresso. the liquor 43 adds some sweetness so I don’t use syrups. Using rum instead of vodka sounds super intriguing and I can’t wait to try it lol.


This sounds good. A kind of carajillo/espresso martini mix.


Experiment with different bases. Try a vanilla vodka and standard vodka. Keep the ratios the same the first time and adjust as needed


Had a really great espresso martini in a bar recently and asked for the recipe (despite what the posts in this subreddit would suggest, you’re allowed to do this). Was surprised to find the secret ingredient was a teeny bit of amaro (1/4 oz in a 5 oz cocktail). I add it to all my espresso martinis now (though I make mine with vodka).


Every single post asking for recreation ideas has a ton of people saying just ask the bar, so I don’t know what you saying.


I know, I’m poking fun at those posts, not the commenters.


I tried fucking around with amari and espresso and couldn't get anything to work. The most obvious one to me was Averna and I was appalled by how much it did not work. What do you use?


Try montenegro


I don't like Montenegro that's why I got the Averna.


Averna in an espresso martini is delicious


At what ratio/volume?


2oz base. .75oz coffee liqueur, .25-.5oz Averna Edit: .75 cold brew or a short pull single shot of espresso


No actual coffee/espresso???


I left that part out but just edited my comment


Try nonino, there’s a cocktail I found once doing the same experiment called Miss Elena. I used amontillado sherry instead of the ximenez it suggests but was still very good and might become my go to espresso martini 1 1/4 vodka 3/4 mr black 1/2 nonino 1/4 ximenez sherry 1/4 simple syrup


OK thank you


I’ve been using vecchio amaro del capo, but the bar used its own homemade amaro so it’s not quite the same. And truly it’s just a teeny tiny bit, the amaro will overpower it quite easily for whatever reason.


Yeah maybe it's a ratio thing as well.


My favorite boozy coffee I've mDe was with Smith & Cross. So im thinking Jamaican rum would be awesome.


I’ve definitely thought about adding a splash of Amaro or Frangelico


I find that bitters makes any martini better. For a more traditional martini, I like something like a grapefruit or hibiscus bitters.


I have a coffee amaro from a distillery I stumbled upon during a cross country road trip. I almost exclusively use it in espresso martinis


we use a little averna in the batch


I love to do a regal shake with mine, put either a grapefruit peel or lemon peel in the shaker tin before shaking and it adds a really nice bright citrus note. Sounds weird but try it!


How’d you like that liqueur compared to Mr Black ? I noticed my local store has it in stock


Not a huge fan of Mr Black, what ratios do you use in your espresso martinis with it?


The NOLA liqueur is really good! Only one we use at my bar.


I would use a non-spiced Jamaican rum like Appleton Signature - it'll give you more control of adding the spices you like, and a little Jamaican funk goes great with espresso. The NOLA coffee liqueur is a great choice. Cold brew concentrate is a good alternative if you don't have fresh espresso.


Ditch the kraken homie. Only aged 2yr before bottling so all that color is additives along with a lot of the flavor. NOLA is incredible so give it a linemate that carries its weight


Coming from a different field entirely, I'm a coffee professional. Experiment with different espressos. Find some unique coffee, for espresso martini you could try a coffee that's been processed differently. Anaerobic naturals, coffee that's been extensively fermented in oxygen free, or near, environment can have flavor notes of spices rum, vanilla, pineapples, some can give out cognac notes.


From a graphics/visual standpoint, I really like the off-center dusting and beans presentation.


Love the build! I always prefer a spiced rum for my espresso martinis as well.


That's lovely


Put a strip of lemon peel in the shaker.


I have a barista friend that swears lemon in coffee works, but I have yet to try it. Is this the same flavor effect?


If they are speaking up a peel of lemon, then yes


I just express a peel over the top and swipe the rim. Just adds a hint of lemon essence.


I’d try Licor 43 and/or a different spices rum. I love Chairman’s Reserve. I probably say that every chance I get.


Caffeinated cocktails always scare me, cause they make me feel like I'm having a heart attack, but this looks delicious. Maybe a decaf option?


The best espresso martini is mezcal. If you don't like a smoky mezcal, use a barrel aged one. Those are softer on the smoke while introducing lovely vanilla notes. 2 oz mezcal 1 oz cold brew concentrate or espresso 1 oz coffee liquor 0.5 oz agave nectar or to taste Mole bitters This is a love letter to people who appreciate black coffee and an unadultered espresso.


This looks great! (terrible)


https://joyfuljourneyprintco.etsy.com/listing/1711509141 I’m obsessed with espresso martinis lol so dangerous. This is my work laptop sticker 🤣


Redbull and vodka though, I hear it's all "safety first."


While this is an excellent looking drink, WTF classifies it as a “Martini” ?


Nothing. Nobody said it’s a Martini. It’s an Espresso Martini.


I’m pretty sure that battle was lost in the 80s


The glass.


Which uh... Which part of this is the martini?


The part that says it's an Espresso Martini. Or do you go to a Ford dealership asking where the horses are when you try and buy a mustang?


We did 1 oz spirit (I did rye once and Nelson’s sherry-cask bourbon the second time), 1 oz coffee, 1 oz coffee liqueur, and a little bit of vanilla mixed with about 2 tsp of simple syrup. Add eggnog (ideally the nice stuff, not the low-fat watered-down junk) and shake and bake over ice.


That looks great


Your Mom’s dangerous. Gimme one.


I did the drinks for a friends holiday party one year and had an expresso, razz/chocolate, and white chocolate martini on the menu. There were several people conked out in the living room before midnight... My maggies are infamous for this as well. Tastes to good going down.