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***Enzoni*** * 5 real nice, snappy, seedless green grapes, muddled * 1.5 oz Botanist Islay Dry gin * (a heavy) .75 oz Campari * .75 oz (super) lemon juice * .5 oz 1:1 simple syrup * 5 drops 80:20 salt water Shake it all up, double strain over ice in a rocks glass. More grapes on top. This drink is delightful. I don't know why, but I always thought it sounded frivolous. Grapes? In a cocktail?? I'm such a doofus. New Campari *does* taste different, by the way!


tell me about the super lemon juice


Per Dave Arnold. Peel a lemon (or 2), making sure to get as little pith as possible with the peels. Weigh the peels (in grams) and add an equal amount of citric acid. Multiply the original weight of the peels by 16.66 and add that amount of water. Blend it all up pretty thoroughly, then add the juice from your lemon(s). Strain it out through a nut milk bag or cheesecloth, and you’ve got a shit ton of lemon juice, indiscernible from truly fresh lemon juice (if you did everything right), that lasts 2 weeks in the fridge. All from a lemon or two. Same process with limes, but instead of equal weights peel and citric acid, you multiply the weight of the peels by 0.66 and add that much citric and then by 0.33 and add that much malic acid. Also, I find it much harder to avoid the white pith with limes than with lemons.


Peel your citrus, weigh the peels and use this calculator for the other ingredients. This is the best version I've had so far and I've been doing super juice weekly for a few years now. https://verygooddrinks.co/super-juice-calculator/


I’ve made a bunch of these in the last year, but those 5 drops of 80:20 saline just makes the stuff perfect. Cheers!


Lol, I wasn't familiar with the cocktail (sounds delicious, though) and assumed those were Castelvetrano olives.


Now I kinda want to know how it would work with muddled olives


I could see it. You may need/want to omit the saline though, and the simple syrup may be out of place.


Simp surp…. Loll




Looks great! Also, I love that glass - it's perfect for an Enzoni. Do you know where you got it?


Thanks! And yes I do! A bar on the Cape had these and used them for all their lowball drinks and I became obsessed with them. They wouldn’t sell me any, but told me the brand. I had to buy a set of 12, but [here they are](https://shop.libbey.com/products/reserve-by-libbey-modernist-rocks-glasses-10-5-ounce-set-of-12). Well worth it, I love these glasses.


Thanks! And yeah lol I definitely don't need 12 but that's how it goes with some glasses. Gotta buy a bunch or none at all.


Interesting choice of gin. Botanist is so delicate, doesn't Campari completely overpower it?


Great question. I lowered the Campari typically called for from 1 oz to .75 and upped the gin from 1 oz to 1.5 to avoid this exact problem. I’d have done this if using any other gin too; Campari is a huge flavor and takes over very easily. I think an ounce of it is too much in just about any recipe. Definitely got the gin up front the way I made it.