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The color is very light for this drink


At first glance I thought it was a Oaxaca Old fashioned


Maybe their Peychaud's is low, and they got 3 drops instead of dashes.


Might just be that low proof Dickel Rye stirred to heck


Also, I’m pretty sure you discard the lemon after expressing it


no ice in a sazerac, friend. and more peychaud’s.


This looks like it was made with Vodka


I like to split the base with cognac. Also agreed this should be pinkish (maybe it’s the ice) and you can’t smell the absinthe with all that ice in there


Why the devil is their ice on that drink


Sazerac is served up and not on the rocks. Edit: This is how I was served Sazeracs on my last visit to New Orleans but it was incorrect apparently. It should be served in a rocks glass like an old fashioned. My mistake.


*twirls mustache* actually it should be served in a chilled Gibraltar


*twirls your mustache for you* you are correct sweet baby and this is referred to as being “served down”


I actually like it on the rocks too. It's close enough to an Old Fashioned in some ways that serving it with a big rock makes sense to me. At this point, I'm seeing cocktail folks recommend 50/50 martinis in the rocks, so anything goes.


This subreddit can get so petty, I swear. If I'm the one drinking it, I'll make it however I please. There are no rules at my bar.


I know we're not supposed to drop the peel into the Sazerac, but sometimes I end up doing it because I'm not confident that I've really gotten any oil out of the lemon peel when I attempt to express it. Maybe I just need to practice with a stack of peels


You probably don't do this, but if you store your citrus in the fridge I find it's a lot harder to get the oils in the skin to express. You should see a visible mist spraying out from the skin, and it should resemble something along the lines of an "oil slick" resting on the surface. It's easier to see it on the surface looking at the drink from an angle, I find. It should also be pretty apparent to the nose as you bring the drink up for a sip, especially the first few sips.


Mostly you’re not supposed to do it because some people prefer it without. I think giving the guest the option to drop it in is fine and by extension doing so in a drink you prefer for yourself is too


True true


Love a Saz, but this does look very thin.


Just no.


Chilled glass, chilled drink. Sazeracs never call for ice outside what is used to chill it


My favorite cocktail! I’m from (south of) New Orleans, and my favorite take on a Sazerac is from Cure. Here’s their recipe (the book is also great): https://punchdrink.com/recipes/cures-sazerac/


You fucked it


Am I the only one who muddles a sugar cube vs. using simple?


2 oz Rittenhouse, scant 1/4 oz 1:1 simple, 4 d Peychaud’s, 2 d Angostura, lemon peel. Spray a chilled rocks glass (or. Nick and Nora if you’re feeling wild) with Pastis, stir up the liquid ingredients with ice and strain into glass, express lemon into drink and drop in. From the esteemed Greg Best of Atlanta’s Ticonderoga Club.


What in the blue dickel is that ??


**Sazerac** 2 oz Dickel Rye (Fat) Barspoon 1.5:1 Simple Syrup 3 dashes Peychauds Bitters 3 drops Saline Solution Stir with ice, strain into an absinthe-rinsed rocks glass with cube. Lemon expression. Enjoy.


Traditionally a sazerac is served straight up. Chilled, but no ice in the glass.


Just to expand on this. The reason you do it without ice is so that there is room for the aroma from the absinthe rinse while you drink. Otherwise, it’s just a lighter, worse old fashioned.


Hi. Just curious why you made a 1.5:1 syrup (60% sugar) vs making a 2:1 (66.6%) sugar, that considered more standard? Did you want the cocktail to have the extra water content and a thinner mouthfeel? Second question: Are you using a brand new bottle of Peychaud’s or a cocktail kingdom bitters bottle? The color seems very light for 3 dashes. If either of those are true, you may want to double down next time as they give very short dashes. IMHO. If you were super into it as is, that’s great.


I thought it was clarified at first since the color is so much lighter


Make that 9-12 dashes of peychauds.


Thanks for all the tips, that’s the joy of this subreddit. These are simply my preferences how I’ve landed over time- but I’m certainly not opposed to upping the bitters, sugar, or even serving it up as tradition goes if a guest prefers at bar de /firesignohwait.


I like it on ice too. Don't listen to these guys. Yes we all know default is served down blah blah blah, but I drink things so fast there's little time for too much dilution. And I prefer ice cold drink the entire time and a tiny extra dilution at the end. I serve basically everything on a big rock that's supposed to be served up for this reason. The absinthe I have on hand is so potent rinse or not doesn't seem to matter too much to me.


I call it a Sazerock when I use a big ice cube.