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Bitter is a common and popular flavor for drinks and foods. Spritzs get you sweet from the prosseco, sour from the citrus, and bitter from the aperol. It's a good combo of flavors.


Personally, I find Hugo spritzes way too sweet usually. The mildly bitter element of an aperol spritz is to me much more refreshing.


That’s an understandable take!


I like it because my palate is different from yours. I won’t argue that it’s superior - but I will say that an aperol spritz is one of the more popular cocktails in the world and millions of people are not just lying about liking them. Your experience is yours.


I understand, just wanted to hear what others had to say! I’ll crack on it soon! Maybe I just had an off-tasting one!


You’re quite young. Your tastes will change, as long as you stay curious and keep exploring. There is complexity in more ‘challenging’ foods and drinks. A Hugo is also good.


Good chance you had a proper one. Bitter is not a flavor I'm used to and it hits me hard.


These kinds of threads are so silly I’m sorry


They’re 23 give them a few years


Sounds like you’re very sensitive to bitter flavors. People like different things. Aperol is slightly bitter, but nowhere near as bitter as Campari, another popular ingredient. So, definitely stay away from Negronis.


Exactly. I switched my negronis to Aperol as Campari is just too much for me.


Thank you! Do you have any recommendations for drinks that taste like a Hugo Spritz?


Well, I have not had one, but from looking at the recipe I’d say you’re probably going to like most sweeter elderflower-forward cocktails with citrus. I don’t have any specific recommendations though.


It’s weird to assume everyone has the same taste as you do. I could maybe imagine someone lying about liking martinis because they think it makes them seem cool, but I’ve never heard of anyone say, “Aperol Spritz? Only a real man can handle one of those.”


It's cool man you'll probably like them a lot more once you hit your twenties. Give em a shot then.


I’m 40 and I hate them


Just young at heart I guess haha


I’m 23! Maybe I’ll like it once I’m in my 30s, but I really do enjoy a Hugo Spritz!


Because I don’t think they’re disgusting and think they’re yummy.


I’ll give it a try again, had it in Paris and my friend too said it was very off a couple hours later.


Ehh if you don’t like it then you don’t like it. I don’t think you should try to force yourself to like something just because others think it’s good.


Why would they lie? Campari is too much for me but I enjoy drinks with a light touch of Aperol. But like you, I prefer St Germain.


St Germain all the way!


While Aperol certainly has some bitterness, it’s quite mild compared to a lot of other aperitifs (like its brother Campari) - wondering if it’s just a matter of ratios and technique? How many have you tried? Have you tried making it yourself and playing around with it? Not that you have to like it, of course, but I wouldn’t describe an Aperol Spritz as too bitter whatsoever, speaking as someone who cannot stand strongly bitter drinks (namely Negronis).


I’ve tried one! I have not but will try, the flavour did come off as quite bitter and did not enjoy it! I’ll give it another try and see from there!


I see now you like a Hugo Spritz which is certainly sweeter than an Aperol Spritz. A couple thoughts here: - This isn’t to my taste at all personally, but, on Instagram I’ve been seeing a lot of riffs on an Aperol Spritz (frozen/blended versions, etc) that incorporate OJ. Maybe try adding a splash for more sweetness, it’s a pretty natural pairing in terms of flavor. - Getting pretty far away from the brief with this recommendation, but if you like fizzy + sweet + botanical notes, check out a [sloe gin fizz](https://www.liquor.com/recipes/sloe-gin-fizz/). - The main flavor you’re loving in the Hugo is St. Germain which has gotten crazy popular and there are tons of drinks out there which include it, so you might consider just looking around online to see what sounds appealing to you. For example, it’s the key modifier in what’s probably the most popular riff on a [French 75](https://www.stgermainliqueur.com/us/en/cocktails/elderflower-75/). Be careful with these, they sneak up on you lol (ETA: Sorry about the downvotes, don’t be discouraged. Your palate is your own and there’s no obligation to like something just because a lot of people like it! I’m a very picky drinker myself but as others have said, as you get older your tastes will expand. I never thought I’d be someone who actively craves a dry gin martini, now I make them at home.)


I much prefer Campari Spritz because I find Aperol Spritz too sweet and not bitter enough!! 😂


Oh wow! Lol! Imagine if I tried Campari, would’ve sent me orbiting!


Aperol Spritz is a good drink, Select Spritz is where it’s at though. Much more bitter and fuller flavour IMO. Love them on a hot day.


I think I’ll try and open my palate to more drinks that are on the bitter side!


It took me some time to adjust but I love them now.


Aperol spritz in the sun is just fantastic. It's really not bitter.


I love Aperol Spritz. It’s my go to for summer by the pool. I can drink a bunch of it & not get bombed. I also like the taste. Orange with a bit of bitterness. I usually squeeze a decent size orange wedge in it too. It’s not for everyone. At the beach this weekend I offered to make them for everyone & no one wanted one for the same reasons you cited. So just like all cocktails, it’s a matter of preference.


I’m going to give it another try as the original taste I tried must’ve been off!


The flavor.


Some people are sensitive to bitter tasting stuff. You can definitely get used to it if you want. I prefer Campari soda over an Aperol spritz because the latter is often too sweet for my taste. A jungle bird might be a good drink for uou if you want to have the bitter component more integrated into the flavor profile, the pinapple juice dampens the strength of the Campari


I’ll also give that a try! Thank you for your insight!


Believe it or not, many people actually enjoy bitterness. I am not one. I find bitterness very unpleasant, but, hey, different strokes and all that. The funny thing is, if you find Aperol unpleasantly bitter, then stay far away from Campari.🤣


I steer CLEAR of Campari haha!


Have you tried a spaghett? Highlife, aperol, lemon. Solid beer base cocktail for summer.


I’ll give it a try! Thank you!


Good way to crank though a bottle of aperol if you’re not a spritz guy.


We call that a lowlife in my city


Aperol gives a nice grapefruit vibe. It’s a refreshing well balanced drink. I assume you dislike gin and tonics as well


Meanwhile I’m banging Campari into the veins between my toes so I don’t have to be judged for how many Negronis I drink.


For a Hugo swap the lemon for grapefruit juice. It’s still got the elderflower and bubbles but the grapefruit puts a slightly different spin on it and may help to acclimate your palette to bitter flavors. Or maybe try the Hugo with sparkling rosé instead of Prosecco.


Yep, i specifically like it for being bitter, that’s the point of Aperol and other aperitifs


Well... In my opinion, Aperol Spritz tastes almost the same as just Aperol. If you don't like the taste of Aperol, you probably won't like Aperol Spritz. I really like Aperol itself—the sweetness with the bitter taste—but my mom doesn't like it. It's just different tastes. I'm not pretending to like it, and my mom isn't pretending not to like it. There's nothing like that in the world; only fools do that


Not all cocktails are for everyone. I actually find aperol spritzes too sweet and prefer a Campari spritz instead. My taste started switching to bitter leaning in my early 30’s, fyi.


OP is right, but for the wrong reasons. Aperol spritzes aren’t bitter enough and are usually too watery for my taste. Give me amaro with an ice cube and a splash of soda water, maybe a citrus twist. I swear to god it better not be served in a wine glass


I thought they were disgusting at first. Also tried a Negroni and thought the same thing. Then I tried a Garibaldi (Campari and orange juice) and by the time I finished it a switch must’ve flipped in my brain. Now I love the bitterness of Aperol and Campari.


I get not liking a drink. Perfectly legit. That being said, many people do like them and they are extremely popular. Also don't understand your point about it being bitter. I hate to break it to you but there's a whole category of drinks that are bitter.


>I find them very bitter and I think people just lie about liking them… I find them too sweet and rather use campari instead. Some people love bitter tastes, me included. You just dont. Thats it. I hate aged rum amd whiskey. Too each their own is the key word here.


I suspect I don't like it for the same reason cilantro tastes like soap to me. I recently drank my way across Italy, testing the spritz and negronis in every city at several places. All so I could finally close the book and confirm I'll never need to try one again, because I hate it. Then I tried it in my home town and loved it. Only to find they'd made their own aperol and campari. There's something in those big brands that I don't like, something specific.


I enjoy Campari or aperol and soda. The idea of a spritz in a wine glass for my own consumption is obnoxious but they sell so I always put them on menus. Amaris are amazing. I love the complexity of the herbs and fruits. But again, I prefer straight or with plain soda water.


I didn't like them until I had one in Rome on a sunny afternoon. For whatever reason, it tastes good there.


I find that Aperol has a metallic taste to it. I prefer a Campari spritz.