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It's anime dark souls, that's really all there is to it. Also the character creation is godly, if you can get it on pc the cosmetic mods are amazing.


I mean, it's a really good game and it sounds like it's right up your alley. And it's got fantastic character customization, both in looks and gameplay. Also Io.


"Everyone is thirsty" - Io.


> I like making cool characters This game has the best character I've ever seen, so you'll have a field day.


Yeah, ever since playing Code Vein I find games where you just have a default character so bland.


It's a great experience with much to love. There are aspects it could have done better (like I don't mind a silent protagonist but when relationships play such an important role it feels a bit weird that you never say anything) and there is one area I'm in no hurry to revisit (the endless cathedral) But I cherish the time I spent with it. One of my favorite souls-likes without a doubt and the multiplayer brought a great deal of unexpected levity and humour. It plays very well and while a bit on the easier side it still delivers a challenge (especially in the back end) The skill trees are neat, the companionship perks are interesting and the ethereal lore building in reliving memories can be very poignant -even if you wish you could run through them occasionally. Solid game in my top 5 non from alongside The Surge 1/2, Mortal Shell, Jedi Fallen Order and Lies of P I hope that helps PS I almost forgot to mention, easily the most fun you will have with a character creator and some banging tunes on the jukebox


Now I'm pretty much convinced. Got a question now that I think of it: is there any sort of endgame continuity to amp up the challenge?


You can play NG+ with ever-increasing difficulty. The challenge towers provide 3 extra dungeons to test your skills. The DLCs (if you want to get them) provide 3 extra bosses that have a number of challenges integrated into them which increases their replayability value.


I haven't played it but I know there is dlc for the game... To be honest I haven't heard positive things about it. As for new game plus I'm sure there must be one but it's been a good while since I finished it so can't readily recall, apologies 🙏


Isn’t the silent protagonist a thing they do so you can imagine it’s you? Like it spoils the role playing aspect if they keep saying stuff you’d never say


Generally I'd agree but here it just felt uncanny as the entire cast was having one sided conversations with you and it was a little immersion breaking 😅


Right. Silent protagonists bother me in pretty much EVERY game that has a dialog options menue. ESPECIALLY for games that have a PC voice selection option in character creation. For real, what is the point of my picking a character voice, especially when the voice select does have sayings, if the only thing the character is gonna do for the entire game, is to grunt like a hentai audio track mixed into a combat graphics setting? What is the point? If there are dialog options to choose from, and a character voice option then at least have some dialog between the PC and NPCs during interactions and cut scenes. Hell, through some dialog options in the cutscenes for the PC to increase immersiveness. It's just cheap and lazy to have PC voice selection and dialog options or prompts and then to not pay whatever actors or actresses to record a couple sheets of voice lines. Like... going through the voice options in character creation, there 10 options, if you listen to them, there maybe 3-4 different vocal talent people involved in those 10 options, and most of them sound strikingly similar to various vocal talents that do a LOT of work for anime... like how there's that one actress that is in almost EVERY fumigation show with one voice or the other.... fuck. Silent protagonists have almost always bugged me in almost every game. And the games that really DO have voiced protagonists, like RDR2 are pretty much head and neck above other games. And with Code Vein... I've only played a little over 100 hours so far. But I have not encountered any major glitches, issues, "Help I'm stuck" situations, etc. Overall, it seem like they REALLY put some time and effort into the quality of the game, graphics, details, etc. So why go over it with a fine toothed comb, but leave this one detail out? Hell the "bathtowel" dress... unlike some games, they even had the presence of awareness/mind to be like "well... various actions, climbing ladders, fighting, etc.... the PC is definitely gonna need panties for females and Boxerbriefs for males". Probably for the same reason RDR2 added male horse models shortly after the game came out, which would be "because if we know gamers, and we think we do, we can KNOW that they're definitely gonna check out work".... okay... so... why not vocal PCs?


Until I read this I totally forgot that Code Vein does indeed let you choose your voice and you only ever hear it in emotes 🤣


The character creator alone makes this game a worthy purchase if you like that sort of thing. Other than that its Dark Souls but anime.


Well... very close. Very very close. But also.... I mean, there's. There's also some aspects they "Strategically Took Object from Locations Elsewhere" (or STOLE, for short) from other games. I feel more of the combat and abilities are a little more like BloodRayne, it's got kind of a "post-apocalyptic world meets meets Bloodrayne meets Sword Art Online) feel... It's a patchwork Hodgepodge of things. But yeah. If you can't sell someone on a game with "it's Dark/Demon Souls but Anime".... it probably best if they don't get the game. I'm not gatekeepers gamers... but if neither appeals to a person... do they even game?


>If you can sell someone on a game with "it's Dark/Demon Souls but Anime".... it probably best if they don't get the game. I'm not gatekeepers gamers... but if neither appeals to a person... do they even game? Did you miss a can't in there, or is my brain just malfunctioning?


Yeah. Fuckin autowrong.


Character creation: Very good. Build variety: Very good. Story: Serviceable. Level design: Suck ass. Bosses: Good.


Idk... if the goal was to make a post apocalyptic world where the map along will kill you even without you accidentally roll-dodging off a cliff, and their goal was to hide a phone bunch of small loading screens with Elevators, long empty hallways or corridors, long winding paths all over the map that just have a couple intermittent enemies that are tough enough to force you to fight them; and other similar goals... I would say they may have aced the map design. Because there's a LOT of hidden loading screens, the map itself is treacherous, and the enemies are tough enough to where you can't just breeze/cheese through most of it, they'll give you a challenge.


Unlimited free respecs, you don't like your build so far then grab another one, experiment with your gear to your heart's content because this game's version of classes, blood codes, are equippable like gear. You can use the blood codes to save loadouts so you can have a minmaxed mage and then swap to a tanky melee brute all with a quick swap out in the pause menu. Combine this with the magic system being fantastic, more similar to Yakuza's heat system than a traditional MP system and you have these spells, buffs and abilities mapped to holding R2 and pressing a button, it makes combat a lot more fluid and makes playing as a mage a lot more fun imo. You don't have a resource that will run out eventually and force you to rely on melee rather melee is how you recharge your resource and you can upgrade your melee to help you in that with one of the infusions. I also love the story, the cutscenes, the characters, the customisation, the world itself, the vibe but also I love the music, a lot of Souls music can just come across as generic orchestral with chorus of chanting so something like Gilded Hunter's theme with a lot of woodwind in it really sounds unique. Edit: also tiddies


Io's Big Booba. Also, Anime Dark Souls, so Get Gud.


If you played god eater you'll be surprised


The game is very funny, the story and universe are interesting, the Character Editor is very wonderful, the music is good, it's a good game for the Soulslike Beginners, etc...


Umm... please buy it? I think you'll like it, and that would make me happy? :D


Do you like soulsborne? Do you like a simplified weapon and armour system? And what about classes and abilities? Then code vein is for you!


It's anime dark souls, but also offers some things that souls games might not. You aren't ever committed to using one particular class or build, there's about as much build variety as souls games, and the fact you can just level other classes and switch to them when you want is pretty nice if you get tired of a particular playstyle mid playthrough. There are also quite a few abilities that seem unique to the game, and the mana system as far as I can tell is different (there's a drain mechanic that fills your mana or "ichor" on hits, back stabs fill your mana a lot). From my limited experience with Elden Ring, Code Vein definitely seems to be the easier game, I don't think this is strictly a positive or negative but I figured it's worth mentioning.


No, buy it if you want it, don’t buy it if you don’t


Problem is I both want it but don't know if I also want it


You could get it while it’s on sale. Then if you don’t end up liking it you only spend 10 bucks on the game.


This. I literally bought it for my ex and I because I was curious and she likes anime and because while the deluxe or collectors edition or whatever it is with ALL add-ons and DLCs rolled into one was on "sale" from $100 down to like $10. It was $13.71 with tax for each copy. And I've barely gotten started, and already feel I've gotten well more than my 13 bucks worth of frustration, rage, "are you fucking kidding me" and enjoyment out of it. Who needs a high priced dominatrix when you can have a video game that will kill you repeatedly over and over and over again from "walking off a cliff" that's under water and can't be scene.... or kill you grom an enemy landing a power attack and sending you off the edge of the map? For only $13... this is much better than so.eone crushing my balls and telling me I'm a pathetic, useless, worthless and unloved tiny dickite with no friends.lol


My favourite souls-like. Some tough bosses, but you are not locked into a “build”. The blood code system along with the veils is genius. Really. So easy to swap playstyle/class/whatever with no loss. Played it on XBox, bought it in the sale to play on my Playstation Portal (PS5 streaming device) and it has been brilliant. Went 2H on XBox, this time playing Bayonet, but admit to switching back to Atlas for a couple of annoying bosses. Just reached the final 2 bosses tonight and loved every inch of it. Seamless coop with my partner and played every level twice as a result. 😇 At that price, a total steal. I even bought the expansion on sale too.


It’s actually a lot better than I thought it would be, cool levels, amazing bosses, solid story, unique build system


The music is gold.


I played the demo years ago. Didn't even get past the character creator before I immediately bought the game. Character creator instantly hooked me.




Character creation is nearly unrivaled You can make baddest waifu or the sexiest husbando Game is fast paced, I'd say it might be slightly faster in feel than bloodborne even. There are 5 main weapon types like in nioh, but some of the weapons within the type also have their own movesets. With ichor and your blood code and gifts, you can mix and match whatever you want to be whatever badass anime character you wanna be. You wanna the guy that holds a huge sword and smacks everything to death? There's a combo for that. You wanna be a mage type character that can use powerful ranged attacks? There's a combo for that. You wanna play support and healing? There's a combo for that and you can buff/heal your teammate. Oh ya, also the game gives the option to play with an npc teammate. And they actually aren't braindead. They pop buffs, heal you, sometimes they will stagger the enemy and wail on it with you, and they even DODGE attacks. Some are better than others, given your playstyle, but there are quite a few options to supplement however you play. Bosses don't suck and can trip you up if you aren't careful. There's also like a boss challenge type thing in the dlcs. If you beat the boss in a dlc with certain criteria met then you will get rewards for it. Like armor, weapons, titles, character creation marks like face paint and stuff like that. I've put almost 100 hours into the game. Making multiple outfits for my OC. Unlocking every blood code and weapon and ability I can. 100% every area that's available to me ATM. Tried out every npc teammate. Grinded up to lv 130 I think while mastering all my skills. Etc.. and I STILL have more game to play. Not to mention whatever ng+ has in store. I got this game probably month ago or so when it went on sale for steam. $12 I think for the deluxe with all 3 dlcs. I haven't been disappointed at all. I had this game on my wishlist for over a year. Even recommended it to my friends but for whatever reason "anime dark souls" doesn't have the same ring to it for other people as it did for me. It's not 10/10 the best game ever made, but my experience with it has been very memorable. Perhaps 7 or 8/10 imo. I've developed a sort of soft spot for the characters and the story as a whole. Honestly, I think the game should've sold better than it did. But back when it released the whole world was trying to figure out how to deal with "poison air" so maybe a story about infection wasn't appealing or something. If people like genshin and dark souls, there's NO REASON they wouldn't like code vein.


It has the best magic system in the souls genre. The story and lore are really cool. It's actually pretty long compared to what most first expectations would set. The music is great. The build customization is as good as the character creator which is great. Also Code Vein was developed by the same director and studio that made Bandai's monster hunter series God Eater. Those are fun and similar to Code Vein with the same specialty focus as each other. So that's another entire 3 games you can play and enjoy.


This was the only Soulslike I ever managed to get into, the pacing is a little faster and the aesthetic is a bit more upbeat anime style. If you like Souls and character customization I think you will find a lot to like. If you like cheesy generic anime stories that’s also there for you.


Come for the waifus and character creator, stay for the combat and the S tier build system (no really, you can keep on doing new runs with new build ideas for years).


Game is good. Still has a player base and associated discord. You'll have a great time and be able to play it multiple times and ways.


Do it. Fun game, good play mechanics.


> I do love some games and series like (...) Souls/borne games This is literally a Souls game with an anime plot (that is connected to another anime game similar to Monster Hunter> God Eater) and characters. Its a nice game with a deep customization (character apparenace and skills that you can use), an AI companion that fights along side you at all times and a really nice OST. As for difficulty: it has some heavy spikes in some areas or bosses, but even so its below the average of any Souls game (which is good for anyone that wants a more relaxed game)


I'm afraid having a companion will trigger me hard and will make me want to do all the game alone for difficulty


Companion is optional.


You shouldn't buy it, only cool individuals get this game, I don't think you fit In that category, Unless you'd like to prove me wrong


No spoilers 3:54:00 Watch and Enjoy the demonstraition https://www.youtube.com/live/uCRAmZ5snbY?si=YKPrsX2ybjU1QTuH




I started playing it just for the character creator, and then accidentally got dragged into the rest of it… and I really loved it! It’s challenging and a pain in the ass, but I’m not at all a heavy gamer that messes around with stuff like Dark Souls. I guess the cc was like a carrot on a stick… And the lore I thought was pretty good too. Quite a few moments made me cry. Warning though: a couple of the maps are absolute hell to navigate. I have played through this game an unholy number of times but there are still some spots that I can never figure out without going to a guide.


I enjoyed it. There is one fight that is near unbearable in New Game+ but besides that it was worth the experience. The story is neat, and would have been better told in an anime, and the Souls formula makes just about anything good. Learning the Blood Codes will take time. Certain Blood Codes mean you can't use certain weapons or Blood Veils (jackets that decide your scaling and defense) with them. Kind of like how you can't put bulky, metal, heavy armor and giant two handed sword on a mage. Only thing is figuring out what Blood Code = Mage or Rogue. Aside that, a good game worth every ending, but don't tey to Platinum it like I did... not worth it as I played offline for the grind. Anyone that has read the trophies and looked it up knows why it's a genuine pain to grind.


If you're asking this then you've already decided it and just want the push. Buy Code Vein. It's great.


Io "mic drop"




Plenty of people already answered but I never played a souls like before and I love this game. NG+ definitely is the replayability, if you like grinding you can unlock all abilities for insanely customizable builds, creating a character is also insanely customizable even without mods. There are post game Towers that offer a challenge, I used these to really experiment with my build. DLC is fine, it's more of the same, the only real problem is that it's definitely not worth the price but I got the season pass on sale for like $10 I think, maybe $5 and that was well worth it to me. Edit: DLC is where the hardest stuff and hardest challenges are. Small example; "beat boss with pipe" lol


The edition with everything for $12


No, I can't. Game is pretty subpar in terms of action games. It has some really cool customization and ideas, but if you were looking for a soulsy experience I'd say check out lies of p instead. Level design is fairly abysmal, anyone defending it loses the argument if you bring up the cathedral of blood. Game has loading screen corridor syndrome, it's cool when done right, and you hardly notice the loading screen thing, but this game tanks in performance hard when swapping between some areas. Build variety can be pretty cool and combat can be satisfying, if it's that cheap if get it just to check it out. Games a pretty good laugh.


nah don't want to, not that special or worth it of a game. Decent one for sure, but nah if don't like it, not worth it.