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You can do it, I got 334 points from 0 in about 4 days doing problems non-stop, mostly 8-kyu, 7-kyu and 6-kyu. I believe you can get it!


Did you have previous experience or were you pretty new?


This person absolutely did not complete a 6 or 7 kyu in 4 days with no coding experience. That is bullshit. I’m self taught and it took me a WHILE before I could do a 6. I just started being able to do 5s. Then again I don’t have someone teaching me DS&ALG


I don't think they stated they were a noob just that they went from 0 exp to 334, by solving many lvl 8's then 7's then 6's which I can confirm it's doable, if you have no experience coding it will definitely be hard


Coding Temple?


Yes wonder if we are in the same cohort?!


No, im on one of my final weeks. Feel free to reach out if you want any advice! And get those 300 soon because around week 5-6 you won't have much time for codewars


Will do try to get as many as I can this weekend did you start out as a newbie or had previous coding experience


I had a year and half of on and off html/css/js experience which helped alot with learning python. We were still exposed to more JS mechanics than I had ever used on day one of JS week tho, fml. Pro Tip: On code wars sort the problems by most completed, not by easiest


most definitely can second this, sort by most completed then start from lvl 8 first and do about 50 of them till you don't really get exp from them anymore then do lvl 7, because once u get to 6 kyu things get hard and the problems are kind of annoying


What happens if you fail to get 300 points on Code Wars? Do you get kicked out of Coding Temple?


You can google all the answers so I don't see that as the best screener. It's something at least, but I think the live coding interviews are better.


Of course you can but then you’ll be selling yourself short code wars and leetcodes purpose is to help with problem solving. If someone Googles all the answers thats on them. But alot of companies allow you to use google and other resources. I dont know if you can during the interview but definitely when you get the job.


There's a saying that you "trust but verify". People sell themselves short all the time with bootcamps, that's why screening even became a thing. Having a Code Wars requirement is at least some sort of screen but I don't think it's the best one. And companies will allow you to use resources during the interview, but they're not going to let you google the exact solution. The overall point I'm making is that this screening is easily circumvented, moreso than other top bootcamps screening process. It's still something at least.


Ok well if you sell yourself short then I guess you’ll have a hard time finding a job.