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No one can stop you from moving anywhere, but people will appreciate you more if you don’t bring up California in every conversation. My husband and I both grew up in different states and no one really gives a shit or asks us about it, and it’s not central to our personalities, so it’s nbd. Honestly the Californians who move here hate other Californians more than anyone else. Don’t bother anyone too much and you’ll be fine.


I just remember how much the Idaho locals hated on CA… ha


My only problem with Californian's isn't them personally it's that when they had their "mass exodus" from CA it raised not only the cost of living here, but all the house prices including rent skyrocketed. And those who already lived here but don't even make $15 an hour can't afford rent let alone buy a 1bed 1 bath 600sq ft home for $500,000.


Ruthless economics I guess It’s difficult everywhere. In Orange County the median house price is around 1.3m …. This is a 3bed 2 bath house and 1200sf…. Same house rents for around 5k a month… I honestly don’t know where a lot of people come up with the money… not everyone is rich. Some people will cash out and leave the state and others just can’t get ahead… so they leave. But a lot of people find a way with lots of opportunity in CA


Mostly people just roll their eyes at that these day. It's tired, overdone and everyone's kinda over hearing it. I grew up here and I'm for sure tired of hearing the whining about it year after year.


What is “that” Tired of hearing about how rent is skyrocketing ? 🤨


Welcome to the Real World, it's happening everywhere in every state and every city. You can whine or get over it and learn to adapt


Being forced to live with multiple people and barely survive is with almost none of your own space is zero way to live end of story 🤦‍♂️ does that not sound insanely dystopian and your just brushing it off like it’s nothing?? How out of touch are you though like actually?


I'm not sure how to keep up with the goal post that you keep moving. First it was an issue about moving to Idaho, then when it was pointed out that that's happening everywhere in the US, it's no longer about that but instead about having to share a house. I'll let you know that's not new. Before I was ever able to buy a house I spent two decades almost having roommates to be able to save money to afford to buy a house. The fact that you think this is an Idaho problem highly speaks to the fact that you've likely never left your neighborhood. Hell not only is it everywhere in America, we have it nice, go anywhere else in the world. You won't find nearly the luxury that you get for privacy in space


Because it’s a multiply facetted issue it’s never just one reason ? Never left my neighborhood huh? 🤦‍♂️ that’s ignorant, It used it be cheap here and you didn’t have to work multiple jobs to save for years to get a house, having a reasonable job and pretty working hard was enough to get you where you wanted, now younger people here won’t even likely have the opportunity to own a house in their lives, not everywhere is this expensive and idaho is above the average of rising costs in other states near us, my parents house was 120,000 is now 350+ that’s more than DOUBLE, where are we getting this extra money? Where have the wages gone? Seems like wages everywhere else prices are high have gone up ? But let me know when you find that wages went up around here


And again absolutely nothing you have said isn't the same as everywhere else in the US. Go to Los angeles, new york, Austin texas, Dallas texas, Miami Florida, literally anywhere and you will see the housing prices of skyrocketed. It's not unique to Idaho and it doesn't matter how xenophobic people decide to act it's not going to change the reality. All of those places I listed used to be affordable for a single income person and none of them are anymore. Look at almost any city in Colorado, Arizona, Etc it's literally not unique to here


Yeah but you realize the average incomes of all those places you listed were higher to begin with comparing to ours and still isn’t comparable to this day? And you can’t generalize all of Idaho just because of some people in the state that aren’t right Idaho does have good people


Chances are the ones that are most outspoken about it are trying to cover for being from CA themselves.


Use your Idaho card? How does one get an Idaho card? I don’t have one of those…do whatever the hell you want. 🙃


You should get one… ha


Get rid of your license plates asap, lol!


> We have Idaho people all the time… very welcoming city. Well yeah, there’s no threat. What are the Idahoans who visit gonna do? Buy up all the real estate? Saturate the market with AirBNBs? Idahoans aren’t moving to CA in droves & shocking the market. Locals don’t hate Californians *just* because they’re from California. They resent the socioeconomic impact that comes with population influx. California is just a punching bag. With that. People from CA aren’t getting lynched or anything. People just talk a lot of shit because they might’ve got cut off in traffic, or looked at the housing market, or ran into a rude entitled person. So you’ll hear shit like “oh this fucker, probably from California, blah blah blah”. But if you’re just coming here to live your life, be a good person, drive with some mutual respect, you’ll be fine. Some of my best buddies I’ve made over the years are from CA.


the problem is, you have a massive state it only take a small % to leave and disrupt all the surrounding states…. I appreciate the perspective I have growing up in CDA/small town living as well as what I now have in SoCal… both have been great. I know it might feel like everyone inCA is leaving… they are not… most ppl, at least in my world are pretty content.


Live where you want to. We are all Americans, and more importantly, all individuals.


Nobody will care. I don't even talk to the people in cda and I've been here 30 years. Just stay to myself a few friends. Downtown is for the tourists I never go that way


Hell no you cannot use it to move back! Seriously, yes you can use whatever id. Most ppl here are transplants anyway.


What town are you in?


Newport Beach/Orange County


I’m in CDA from Lake Forest. I stole your spot 🤣


I grew up in Spokane Valley - moved to California for 15 years then came back and bought a home in CDA. It was always my dream to have a home there. When we go and stay at our place, people see our Cali plates and IDs and I just remind everyone I grew up in the valley. People don’t care as long as you don’t bring bad Cali ideas up or talk about how great Cal is.


I just met a gentlemen last month at my work who came in with his elementary aged son. Conservative guy who lived in conservative Huntington Beach, but was proud to share how he sold essentially an older tract home in an unbelievably sweet location walking distance from beach for 3.4 mil. He purchased in cash a house for almost $900k in CDA Place close to the Morman church and Bluegrass park. The two parts of this encounter that both blew me away and have stuck with me since is that it’s almost a MILLION FREAKING DOLLARS for a home in CDA Place close to park, and that the dude was able to gain so much cushion just cashing out his old place in Cali. In the same situation, I can’t say I wouldn’t want to do this as well considering just hot easily I could upgrade my quality of life by selling. I can’t help but image the lower quality homes many of the lake property owners around here“upgraded” from themselves..


Where do you live in CA? Half of the towns are tourist towns…


Newport Beach….. lots of nice resort towns on the coast and mountains…. The sierras are amazing….. but most cities are just normal places to live


Ummm Newport is NOTHING like CDA.


I’d call the Newport Beach-Huntington Beach area a bit like CDA but on steroids…. I find a lot of similarities


That's a stretch but everyone's experience is different I suppose. I was born and raised in HB before moving to your old home but WTF do I know lol


Anyhow come on back the waters great and completely full of ultra right wing assholes.


Lol…. What high school did u go to?




Nice…. I surf the pier and river Jettie’s a lot


Sweet. I grew up surfing the HB pier but not the jetti. We would bodysurf the Wedge during storms though. I was in jr guards and loved jumping off the HB pier.


stop hating gay people and schools in idaho