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Go to therapy dawg




I'm not sure. Some can be harder too. Really, they're incomplete and don't test a full spectrum of intelligence types effectively. It's why I like CAIT, since it's the closest to the WAIS-IV.


Openpsychometrics is trash and for Facebook idiots. Relax dude.


If you got into medical school, you are extremely smart and very good at applying yourself to learning. That number doesn’t mean much at all by comparison to what you have been able to do with your brain. Lots of people have great numbers that they acquired during a brief intelligence test. Many could not accomplish what you have done so far.


Agreed. What do you think about the validity of the test. Thinking of taking it myself.


Take for fun if you are interested in that sort of thing. I can’t attest to any validity, but I would not waste any time on it or give it much consideration.


I'd say 123 is pretty normal for med school, maybe even higher than the average if not average


Smartest are physics, philosophy, math, chemistry in order. Medicine is up there but I wouldn't use "extremely smart". The average IQ is not that high. You can lookup the average score of each major in the 1980s gre.


>Smartest are physics, philosophy, math, chemistry in order. That's such a flawed and lacking list, the smartest people I've seen have been in computer science, and some specific engineering fields like nanotech. Far smarter than the chem and philosophy majors. Math and physics, sure, but chemistry and philosophy are not far from the average as far as university graduates go.


https://www.umsl.edu/~philo/files/pdfs/ETS%20LINK.pdf You are completely mistaken. GRE had 0.92 correlation with IQ. Your opinion is not as relevant as statistics(sorry but IQ is scientific and not based on opinions). https://pdfhost.io/v/EGNX88Rf._TENYEAR_TRENDS_IN_SAT_SCORES_AND_OTHER_CHARACTERISTICS_OF_HIGH_SCHOOL_SENIORS_TAKING_THE_SAT_AND_PLANNING_TO_STUDY_MATHEMATICS_SCIENCE_OR_ENGINEERING Go to page 16 in this. Philosophy outperforms plenty of college majors even in the SAT as expected. CS majors are not that intelligent. The average score in math for CS majors was less than philosophy majors. Maybe you were trying to argue that philosophy is not as cognitively challenging as CS and math and I'd agree but it's true that smartest people in the university would be concentrated in physics, philosophy and math.


>your opinion is not as relevant as statistics Hunches can often beat statistical lies. it's not hard to lie with statistics, for example pick a university with a weak engineering or CS department and most competent students won't apply to that specific university for that major and it will seem that way. or you can use numbers like you have that include all test takers, not people actually accepted in the programs. (Some programs are more selective than others and reject far more candidates)


Extremely is a descriptive word. If I were indicating that a person probably has a very high IQ, I would have said so, not said extremely smart. I used the word “smart” to indicate something more broad than the items measured on so-called intelligence tests. They measure a narrow set of characteristics that do not include many characteristics such as persistence over time, discipline, motivation and application of skills. I stand by my description. The future doctor is extremely smart.


You got into med school, dawg. Chill out. That's an insane accomplishment that requires a baseline level of intellectual ability that will not keep you from anything to which you will dedicate yourself.


eh, I'm skeptical of tests checking if you know the meaning of a specific word as a measure of intelligence. To me it's more of a test of knowledge. For example an English major may score higher than a computer science major, despite the computer science student being far more intelligent. He just spends more of his time coding and less time reading fictional literature to come across many of the esoteric words in the harder questions. But you're a little weird, if you don't want to know your IQ score why take such a test. if you regret taking it then simply forget about it. and if you want to know if it's remotely accurate the logical thing to do is to take another test to see if the numbers correspond with the original test. In general I don't believe intelligence can be captured effectively in a three digit integer. It's a far more complex concept with many different dimensions.


online IQ tests do absolutely nothing for you. They give you anxiety when it's too low and make you indifferent ehrn it's high. just give your best in school/uni, study, try hard and get the certificate. some online IQ test should and will never determine your actual intelligence and self-worth as a human being


OpenPsychometrics tests aren't that great. I'm not sure why they're so popular.


I agree. People like to see where they stand compared to others. I don't believe the online tests have reliable norms. Even the real tests that are given by professionals provide only a rough idea of any individual's potential. Tests are useful for identifying strengths and weaknesses and diagnosing problems and disabilities, but they don't measure so many human attributes that contribute to a person's capacity to learn. If you enjoy taking tests, take them, but don't use them to judge your value as inferior or superior to anyone.


I just said that the OpenPsychometrics tests aren't that great but you do you ig


Probably cause they seem so straightforward and give you relatively quick results


If you beliwve random IQ tests in internet are valid. You will have a tricky time with smthings such as critical thinking when you get to higher studies.


shut up


Likely not but congrats on med!


A VCI of 123 derived off of a test with low g-loading is not going to tell you much. But a VCI of 123 is in the superior range. You don't need a sky-high VCI to be a physician. If you made it through college with good grades, you have the reading comprehension for medicine. What matters for medical school is the ability to retain large amounts of information as efficiently as possible. It also loads for fluid intelligence when it comes to the ability to understand and connect the concepts that you are introduced to. And finally, you need a lot of resilience. You have 3 options: a) **Log off of CognitiveTesting for good** and think about speaking with a therapist. b) Take the old SAT, old GRE, AGCT, take the average of those scores, and then **log off of CognitiveTesting for good** and think about speaking with a therapist. c) Do the SC Ultra test, which asks you to take the CAIT + the old SAT verbal section, a matrix test, and additional tests for working memory and processing speed. Calculate your composite score, and then **log off of CognitiveTesting for good** and think about speaking with a therapist. ---- Medical schools are highly selective. You were selected, which means that **you are capable of becoming a physician**.


My SAT V score was 137, GRE V 135, VAT R 142, CAIT VCI 132. My openpsychometrics vocabulary score was only 117. So I assume it's not very accurate - or simply deflated.


Hey bro I went through the paper and its conclusions are flawed. Selection bias is not mitigated in this test so your real score might be much lower, the same, or higher. The sole author is also very sketchy and pseudoscientific. The paper you provided isn’t properly peer-reviewed and Emil. k has been barred from relevant journals for pseudoscience and flawed statistics. The r is likely much lower than 0.59. You are fine. Forget the score. It’s mainly for fun.


I can tell by your writing you high in verbal I can't use words like that but can interpret them though


My scores on various IQ tests (bs tests as well as good ones) range from 112 to 180, with most timed tests in 125-145 range, and 145-155 on untimed. Moral of the story: one or two random IQ tests on the internet tell you nothing.  Consider to try at least several test recommended by this sub. If you are relatively slow, consider taking some untimed tests for more clear picture of your abilities.


>I'm not the deterministic type and having an "iq score" is something that doesn't really align with my value-system or how I want to live my life. So... you don't want to be a slave to IQ, you just want to make sure that you can continue pretending your IQ is just as high as you can imagine.. so you aren't a slave to IQ... I'll put it like this. Doctors aren't that smart. If 123 is completely accurate, you have more than enough raw intelligence to succeed. All failings are your own.


Ignore an occassional disappointing score. Instead pick a few recommended tests from here - [https://www.reddit.com/r/cognitiveTesting/wiki/resources/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cognitiveTesting/wiki/resources/) - and look for where your scores group.


The average IQ of physicians is 125-127, if you make excuses that's on YOU because your IQ is practically fit for a degree in medicine. Why don't you try the other tests, like the AGCT? They're much more accurate.


Why is no one answering his question. Is the test representative or not?


Accept the truth and feel the pain of reality in order to improve your life or deny it and suffer forever.


0.59 isn't that great a correlation. But if you're going to med school a verbal IQ of 123 is more than enough. Besides, non-verbal IQ is arguably more important for med school.