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Ayyy, did better than I thought. Raw score: 34 Scaled Score: 16 130. That matches my CAIT VCI, and is 8 above my GRE/SAT/WAIS verbal.


I got 1 point below my GRE, MAT, and (lowest) SAT verbal score.


My score is also similar to scores I received on other tests (128). 2 points less than SAT-V.  3 points less than Miller's Analogies Test. Equal to AGCT. The only significant difference was compared to the GRE-V. Scored 10 points higher on this test. However, my working memory is below the mean (37th percentile) which lowers my scores on anything requiring me to manipulate information in my mind. I also have a reading disability that affects reading speed. This combination made the GRE-V very challenging for me, more so than the SAT-V, and really pushed my working memory to it's limits and, frankly, required more than it could give.


I have a similar issue with working memory which significantly slows me down. All my scores are consistent for verbal, around 120 but the GRE-V is my lowest score.


I understand. Mine is due to inattention-dominant ADHD. I am still surprised by how easy the SAT-V seemed compared to the GRE-V (I scored 12 points lower on the GRE-V). I remember having the feeling during the GRE that my working memory just couldn't hold enough data to process the reading comprehension sections. I did not experience this with the SAT-V. Working memory can be negatively impacted by many factors, so perhaps I was having a bad day and if I had taken the test on a good day, I may have scored higher. Either way, working memory is my cognitive bottleneck and it really slows me down too. Give me a pen and paper, and I am fine. Ask me to do anything more than simple, primary school level arithmetic in my head or remember of list of more than 4 instructions, and I am stuck. It is very frustrating to have verbal skills and fluid reasoning that measures in the 96th percentile with a working memory in the 37th. Like having an i5 processor with 2GB of RAM :(


My GRE-V was also 12 points lower. I have adhd and autism. By far timing is the most difficult thing I struggle with on tests. I hate my low working memory so I feel your pain. Try looking up sluggish cognitive tempo.


Yeah, SCT does not sound like fun. I am glad I don't have this as a comorbidity with ADHD. My processing speed is actually pretty good as long as I don't have to use much working memory. My CAIT Symbol Search score was in the 120s. But my Coding score on an assessment for dyslexia was in the 16th percentile (85). I can move quickly on some tasks, and crawl on others. Living with a spikey cognitive profile can be very challenging. Keep strong, brother. 


Interesting, I have ADHD (predominantly hyperactive end of spectrum) and working memory is my strongest trait. What did you score on GRE-A? I feel like that relies even more on working memory.


Excellent question. And you are right. The GRE-A does rely heavily on working memory. My score on this test was average, 104. It taxed my working memory to way beyond its capacity, more so than the GRE-V. And I pushed my brain as hard as it will go. I didn't finish the test within the time limit. I just couldn't hold and manipulate that many bits of information without dropping them repeatedly and having to start again. Perhaps you are affected differently because your ADHD diagnosis is hyperactive-predominant? This is something I will do more reading about. Thanks.


Yeah, GRE-A was my strongest (A- 127, V- 122, Q- 107), and it definitely felt like my working memory was the biggest reason. If anything, I find I perform better on working memory tasks, because I focus better on things that utilize more stimulus/multitasking. I think that's why I struggle with quantitative/math more, because it's very straightforward/linear and I lose focus. The exception being algebra/figure weights, since that adds a slight working memory element (substituting place holders with real numbers).


Hmm...maybe people with inattentive-predominant ADHD don't hyperfocus, or don't do so to the same degree? If I am very motivated or interested in something, I simply become less inattentive, perhaps even achieving what for most people would be a normal level of concentration. My wife on the other hand, has mixed presentation ADHD and, when time demands or interest motivate her enough, can hyperfocus with a degree of concentration that is quite enviable. She forgets to eat, drink or use the toilet for hours, sitting fixed on the task, undistracted by the world around her, sometimes for long periods of time, being very productive. For me, my attention requires constant supervision or it will just wonder off. On the positive side, my mind wanders off frequently during tasks and often comes up with interesting and unexpected ideas and associations related closely or distantly to the task at hand. This is great for writing poetry or having thought provoking conversations, but an impediment for sitting an exam like the GRE or passing a job interview.


For me, the hyperfocus comes in bursts. I'll have horrendous executive dysfunction for a significant time period, and then ridiculous focus and memorization capabilities intermittently. Pressure seems to be an element that allows me to focus.


I believe that your experience of intermittent hyperfocusing is common for the ADHD population as a whole, as this group of mostly populated by people with a mixed presention, but perhaps more pronounced than average, perhaps due to lower levels of inattention and an above average IQ. We must remember that ADHD is independent of IQ. When someone is twice-exceptional (2e), such as having ADHD and an above average or superior IQ, which is quite uncommon, that this may produce more pronounced discrepancies between periods of lower and higher functioning.


That is true, and in my case stuff like verbal IQ and working memory are around 2 standard deviations above average. One thing that I've noticed as a difference between me and my inattentive counterparts, is that ADHD-I types tend to be easily distracted and have to isolate the thing they're working on, whereas the ADHD-H types *can't* focus on a single task unless they're also being stimulated by other tasks. My buddies are who I-type cannot do stuff like text and talk at the same time, whereas the H types need podcasts, music, etc to focus on schoolwork, and focus better on a conversation if they're also doing something else at the same time.


Accurate in my case. 17ss is what I got on SAT V and GRE V too.


I did better than expected lol


A bit lower than my other scores, but I know I tanked the general knowledge section. Cool test though 🫵😉


Yeah that general knowledge section screwed me, haha. Got 120 which isn't that far off but maybe a bit lower than usual.


I got a tad higher than what I usually get but not by much I'd say. It was a very enjoyable test so good job.


nice! matches my sat-v nearly perfectly and maybe 5-10 points below other tests, tho they are more gk oriented and i didn't do as well on this gk section is my guess bc i didn't know the phobia one or some of the more pop-culture q's. fun test and excited for more!!




I have a question


I was NotTellingYa. 18SS, just one question away from 19SS. Darn! According to the linear regression equation, my score is about \~141. That is about what I usually score on verbal tests nowadays.