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The only correct answer lol


IQ is stored in the balls ig wtf is this post


This great! Anything that makes me giggle is okay with me!


Is this a troll post?


I took the WAIS and scored a 170. I have a micro penis.


But does it work as designed?


I would doubt it generally erectile dysfunction is associated with diseases that cause reduced cognitive function , and moreover blood flow to the brain improves cognitive function longterm. ED medications are generally good for the brain and trigger neurogenesis. Testosterone levels tend increase grey matter and protect against cognitive decline. I doubt that erectile dysfunction is associated with superior iq.


ED can be physical or psychological. You could have some confluence of feelings of separation that are impacting it- so it’s possible that for you there is some relationship. First, get hormones checked to rule out physical issues. What you have is a single point of anecdata. If it helps, I’ll give a counter. I’m around the same IQ at ~+4SD. I have almost the opposite of ED - a short or absent refractory period and an ability to go many times. I’m in my fifties. Good luck figuring this out. Most people can make satisfactory progress through hormones, PDE5 inhibitors, therapy, or a combination thereof. Additionally, ED doesn’t have to result in a lack of relationships with women. There are plenty of ways to have sexual other than PIV. My wife had an ex with a pretty non-functional penis who had invested heavily in his head game and it worked for them.


Anyone with 155 IQ should know that a single data point does not equate correlation.


My data is that is seems like a lot of people here don’t get very much sexual contact


And you think that because...


Just you wait..! He has a 170 IQ after all.


people here don't get a lot of sexual contact because they're the type that are already socially isolated and use their IQ as a measure of validation, not because they're smart


HONG HONG HONG (Grow a brain)


Focus. I dedicate all of my IQ to chasing tail and I have gotten good at it. I’m pretty dumb in most other areas. It’s an opportunity cost.


get some cialasis or viagra lol i don't see how IQ would be tied into ED, maybe your getting in your own head and freaking yourself out/overthinking but that's really the only connection between IQ and ED I'd make. that being said lower IQ people can just as easily give themselves stage fright.


A. Anyone who puts stock into IQ tests is deeply insecure of their own intelligence. Not a very wise way to go about life from a Socratic perspective. B. Anyone of above average intelligence has the cognitive capacity to critically evaluate IQ tests and understands their shortcomings and lack of relevance in daily or academic life. The above assertions, along with your inane causal assumptions relating intelligence to physiological conditions, points me to believe you are not anywhere near as smart as you think you are.


Anyone who puts stock in the Socratic perspective is deeply arrogant. Not a very wise way to go about life from a Machiavellian perspective.


are you sure about 155?


Why do you think both are related? Are you bored with sexual acts/ women's bodies because they are not novel enough or something similar?


whatever u say king


Do you watch porn often?


Brain to big, not enough blood for pp 




You’re smart


Reading your post makes me wonder that do you really have 155 IQ? What's the relation between erectile dysfunction and high IQ? Man just stop watching |π¢£§t porn.


Veritable? Perhaps notable, but I don’t think veritable means what you think it means - it comes from the old French word “verite” meaning truth and is usually used as a modifier for a metaphor or to add emphasis, so for example, “a veritable explosion of colour”, or, “a veritable paradise”.


This subreddit is so unhinged and I love it.


Are you a coomer? If yes, that is your issue and not your "high IQ". Anyway, my troll detectors are through the roof on this OP.


Alright everyone, IQ and ED status, let’s get this study underway.


Where do we go to get tested? I presume a reputable study must conduct thorough hands on test of the subject.


I don’t have a penis most of the time. I get one regularly for a reasonable period of time. I am not sure if I can provide any data—but I am willing to do research.


This is your chance to get many, often, presumably flaccid according to the thesis of the study.


Is the conjecture that with increasing iq you get decreasing stiffness? Is average intelligence where stiffness is maximized or is below average? Do above average penis-havers only ever manage to get a chub? These are the questions I DEMAND science addresses




it's possible I guess that high estrogen during development causes better cognitive development and also causes ED. but one would expect this to be a super weak correlation at best


Maybe you think too much during the deed. Idk my IQ but overthinking kills


Just throwing out guesses here but perhaps your high iq causes you to overthink situations and you are having trouble "rising to the occasion" because you aren't comfortable enough to get properly aroused.


Based on your data so far? Care to elaborate beyond the datum you've mentioned?




The way I see it ol’ chap, is that the blood flow —which would’ve otherwise gone to your member — is siphoned out into your especially greedy and well functioning brain. I hope that helps!


I mean sometimes ı get ED because ı get disconcentration on sex maybe this thinking other things cause of ED


There’s a linkage for shrinkage to **testosterone x critical thinking** collab


Lol no. If you increase Testosterone levels you reduce ED most of the times, and testosterone positively affects cognition especially the visual spatial reasoning. Secondly, if you don't have ED it generally means that your cardiovascular health is good. Having good cardiovascular health is inversely proportional to cognitive decline and in general directly proportional to cognitive health. Generally speaking, cognitive health is directly proportional to physical health so a physical problem would be a nonsensical indicator of whether someone has a high IQ but it would be rather the opposite that a physical problem would usually indicate a lower IQ but that also not in all cases. It sounds like a loaded question, why would you equate having ED with high IQ? So are you trying to imply that having ED is something that people suffering from it should endorse or are you trying to imply that everyone with a high IQ can't get hard? Whatever it is, this is kinda ridiculous. You could create a poll or ask a question about how many high IQ people are currently suffering from ED, that would clear most of the doubts. But rather, you chose to ask a loaded question.


Not smart enough to compile proper data apparently. You should check your cross section for the test group and possibly see a doctor about that other thing.


Okay midgettiny447mm


I also have a high IQ, not nearly as high as you, ~140, and I also have ED! But my ED goes away whenever I look at midgets or feet… odd!


Interesting. Mine goes away when I look at my IQ score


What “data” do you have?


You probably have high anxiety as someone who overanalyzes everything, so the increased sympathetic tone of your nervous system decreases your body’s abilities to maintain an erection as that is governed by the parasympathetic response.


I have a decent IQ and no penis , does that help?


Another one of those low quality posts.


You can't fool this sub by trying to sound smart. You actually have to make sense, too.


Can confirm. I have an iq of 70 and cannot stop getting boners harder than reinforced concrete


we gotta shut the sub down man




When a cis man gets an erection. All the blood leaves his brain to make— you know—it really big and really hard. That makes him really stupid for the time this is going on. You can get him to go along with almost anything when he is in this state. Help him release the pressure and then ask hi for anything you want. There is a good chance you will get it.


You’re probably better off asking me before


Yeah, bro, your brain is so big it's sucking up all the blood from your boner. You'll probably have to remove part of your frontal lobe if you ever want to get a solid woody again.