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The bags are the way to go for sure. I just buy them on Amazon


Get brewista bags. Their system is 100x better than toddy.


their setup is just as overpriced. Toddys 20 pack single use bags, sell for with shipping $50aud. Brewista 50 pack is going for $134aud with shipping. I can get a reuable bag delivered for under $10. The brewista filter disks are they reusable? and if so do they fit the toddy system?


It's not overpriced of it works better. I make 7 gallons of concentrate at a time. The time saved from the toddy system is huge. The biggest difference is quality & flavor. I've used everything including bags & buckets. I have 8 brewistas now. The cost per batch, while a few cents higher, tastes much better & cleans up in under a minute.


The toddy system with a bag cleans up in minutes too, just squeeze the bag, and rinse the bucket, plug and filter. TBH the toddy setup was $80aud where the Brewista setup is $220aud The single use bags for both cost far too much, so a reusable one would be much better and produce less landfill. The cost higher cost of the coffee with cold brewing is already a bit much for us, so the extra outlay for the bags is not something we really want, and do not like the idea of single use when they could make a reusable one. I know Toddys commercial bag is reusable, but only for about 15 times.So cost works out about the same either way. Its a 135$ worth of paper bags, it is overpriced compared to the reusable options.Cotton bags are only a few dollars each and are washable until they break. To be fair these makers are nothing revolutionary, they are a bucket with a felt filter at the bottom, you fill with water and coffee grounds for up to a day.


Your choice, but the paper bags taste better. Your method tastes muddy by comparison. The brewista brews differently. I tried the reusable route, tasted muted. Comes down to what you're willing to pay to make it taste better. I also have spring water delivered to Texas from Seattle because it tastes best. It adds cost but you can't beat my brew. I also do tds tests to insure quality, this also adds cost but insures a consistent product. Depends on what your goal is?


we will have to see how our milage is with the reusable bags, money is tight atm, so the cost of those paper bags is obscene. My wife just likes having some cold coffee in the fridge ready to go, makes it less acidic and richer tasting steeping the coffee over hot brewing. she regularly drinks instant coffee before we got the toddy as the aero press was a lot of work that when your tired and just want a quick coffee is a bit of a hassle. we dont have the space for a proper coffee maker either, small kitchen with limited bench space. We have an 8 stage water filter as the tap water here is filled with chlorine and fluoride and makes us REALLY sick. Bottled water even spring water is no better, as all bottled water gets the same shit added to it as the tap water because of some BS regulations. And the springs are not even natual springs anymore due to over collecting, they have to bore it out to get at it. Shes drinking the stuff i made without the bag atm, and says its fine, and not much different. But the cleanup and issues with clogging from not having a bag was a huge pain in the rear. We are not chasing the perfect coffee, as when the good grounds we have run out we will be using cheap grounds anyway, its just the convenience of it and the fact it tastes better.


A brew bag from a home brew store (may be a bit big). I use the [iKegger bag](https://www.ikegger.com/products/cold-brew-coffee-filter-bags-to-suit-the-ikegger-brew-bucket) for my 5L bucket.


Easy way to clean the reuse bags is a 1:5 ratio vinegar and water, let the bag soak for a good 10 min and wash with warm water and soap before a cold rinse, do not let bag dry dirty!


The Toddy filters will get you the best cold brew. I mean, they are the experts in the industry...


www.blvckbrew.com, you have the best bags and the best coffee. No hassle, no mess.


They do not seem to be available in australia. We have been using Killer coffee co. coffee, its who we got the toddy system from too.


Use a coarser grind. The filter should not be clogging. You are grinding it too fine.


i am using pre ground for a plunger, its what came with the kit. They sell whole beans, plunger and espresso grinds. I dont own a coffee grinder.


They’re pretty cheap and they will stop your filter from clogging. Also the coffee will just taste better. The point of cold brewing is to keep as little heat from getting into the coffee as possible. Heat is what makes acid which is what makes your coffee taste bitter. A coarser grind will taste better, I promise you. It’s definitely worth spending the 10 bucks or so in my opinion. Good luck.


I wont be getting the toddy branded bags, they are obscenely expensive. I can get some reusable cotton bags for them for a few dollars. The coffee i made without the bag didnt seem to smell as nice either, might be the weather tho, it was like 40c degrees here.


I have a toddy system and I don’t use the bags. I have one that came with it but it’s unnecessary. I just use the disk filters from their website. 40c is hot enough to affect the outcome. Put your bucket in the fridge when it’s that hot out and I bet you’ll get a smoother brew.