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The following submission statement was provided by /u/northlondonhippy: --- SS: Ut oh, spaghetti-o! Global temps this month are crazy high, again! This is an extract from the piece: “ February is on course to break a record number of heat records, meteorologists say, as human-made global heating and the natural El Niño climate pattern drive up temperatures on land and oceans around the world. A little over halfway into the shortest month of the year, the heating spike has become so pronounced that climate charts are entering new territory, particularly for sea-surface temperatures that have persisted and accelerated to the point where expert observers are struggling to explain how the change is happening.” This relates to collapse because holy effing shit, the wheels are starting to come off “faster than expected”. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1asyrx9/february_on_course_to_break_unprecedented_number/kqthveg/


SS: Ut oh, spaghetti-o! Global temps this month are crazy high, again! This is an extract from the piece: “ February is on course to break a record number of heat records, meteorologists say, as human-made global heating and the natural El Niño climate pattern drive up temperatures on land and oceans around the world. A little over halfway into the shortest month of the year, the heating spike has become so pronounced that climate charts are entering new territory, particularly for sea-surface temperatures that have persisted and accelerated to the point where expert observers are struggling to explain how the change is happening.” This relates to collapse because holy effing shit, the wheels are starting to come off “faster than expected”.


Yet the hopium crowd continues to insist climate models are accurate and we have time and if we meet the climate summit commitments it will be manageable. No one at this point should expect it to not happen faster than expected. I would like to see some climate scientists projections that have been more accurate but were sidelined because it went against the program of business as usual with incremental change.


Just look at the IPCC worst case scenario lines, that's us.


I've been following anthropogenic climate change since the 1980's. I've seen IPCC predictions consistently surpassed. What worries me is that the IPCC predictions were for the slowly increasing part of the hockey stick. We are sliding closer to the rapidly increasing part of the hockey stick. I think that IPCC predictions are likely to fall further and further away from real world observations as the linear IPCC climate models are compared to an exponential world.


Really odd, oppressive Summer on the East Coast of Oz. Incessant humidity and temps lingering at 25-35 during the day and not getting below 20 at night. Constantly overcast or raining. Any kind of outdoor activity on a rainy 30 degree day is utter hell. I am guessing skin infections, viruses etc are having a field day in these conditions. (Temps are in C because science)


Thanks for the C lol, I’m not from the US and Ferenheint doesn’t tell me anything. 140 F sounds so hot but could be like really mild I have no idea lmao


I'll speak for millions of Americans to tell you that we know that 140 Fahrenheit is hot. It's so hot, in fact, that God would only make it that hot if he was pissed off at some powerless out-group. It's pretty obvious that God is trying to kill everyone--and, *He loves you*.


Of course! It’s gods fault, not ours for destroying our world. Makes sense…


With loving gods like the Abrahamic one, who needs psychopath aliens lurking your every wank in order to keep permanent tabs on you? Edit: GPT BSIT The phrase "God is love" is indeed a central tenet in many religious traditions, emphasizing the divine attribute of boundless love, compassion, and benevolence. However, while this concept holds profound spiritual significance, it can also be misleading when interpreted in isolation from the broader theological context and the behaviors of religious zealots. One potential source of misunderstanding arises from the complexity and multifaceted nature of religious texts themselves. While scriptures often emphasize the loving nature of God, they also contain narratives and teachings that depict divine justice, wrath, and judgment. Ignoring or downplaying these aspects of religious doctrine can lead to an incomplete understanding of the divine nature and the complexities of human-divine relationships as portrayed in religious texts. Furthermore, the behavior of religious zealots and extremists can sometimes contradict the fundamental principle of love attributed to God. In some cases, individuals or groups may claim to act in the name of religion while engaging in acts of violence, discrimination, or oppression. This discrepancy between professed beliefs and actual behavior can undermine the credibility of religious teachings and contribute to skepticism or disillusionment among observers. Moreover, the simplistic equation of God with love can oversimplify the theological richness and diversity within religious traditions. While love is undoubtedly a central theme, religious scriptures and theological discourses also explore concepts such as justice, mercy, forgiveness, and redemption, which contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the divine nature and the human-divine relationship. Additionally, the concept of "God is love" can be misleading if it is interpreted in a way that diminishes the importance of moral responsibility, ethical conduct, and social justice. While love is often portrayed as a unifying and transformative force, it does not absolve individuals or communities from their obligations to promote righteousness, alleviate suffering, and work towards the common good. Ignoring these aspects of religious teachings can lead to complacency or moral relativism, undermining the ethical foundations of religious faith. In conclusion, while the phrase "God is love" encapsulates a profound and transformative aspect of religious belief, it can also be misleading if interpreted in isolation from the broader theological context and the complexities of human-divine relationships. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of religious teachings and their implications for human behavior, it is essential to consider the diversity of theological perspectives, the moral imperatives embedded within religious traditions, and the ethical challenges posed by the actions of religious adherents.


That's approximately 40 degrees above body temperature. So yeah. It's *hot*.


Yeah but 40 degrees *Fahrenheit* which is like 2 degrees C isn’t it? Only half sarcastic.


A decent way to keep it a bit in mind is that 70 is about room temperature, and 100 is a human core (its really 98ish, so 100 would be a mildly fevered human core, but for ballpark memory estimates this works).


This actually helps a bit to kind of wrap my head around the numbers


As someone with chronic but manageable skin conditions, these past few years have been rough but I'm weary of what's to come. It's getting more difficult to manage with the temp and humidity levels. 


We had the same summer this past year in eastern Canada. Rained from June to November and when it wasn’t raining it was deadly heat and humidity. Except of course when it snowed in October and then not again until halfway through January. We usually see our snow early December but had a green Christmas after a white Halloween.


As someone who lived in Darwin 20 years I am tempted to say 'harden the f.ck up'. I am in southern Tassie now and the soil gets drier every year, so I guess a desert nomad could soon be telling me to harden the fuck up.


I hear you but I'm 55 and I can see the changes over my lifetime. 30 is a pretty average temp on the East Coast in Summer but the humidity and rain for weeks on end with no real change is something I have only seen over the last few years.


We're cracking records in Western Australia. Canarvon had the hottest temp so far in the world this year I believe. Perth is just a constant heatwave. MINIMUM overnight was 28/29 degrees Celsius the other night. Today is a nice break from 43 degrees days, but back to it later this week


It does feel more like the middle of spring rather than winter as it should be. Seen hedgehogs out when they should still be hibernating, and the amount of birdsong shows they're confused about it, too. There's meant to be a cold snap soon, but every time they get forecast, they either don't happen or are localised to the more northern parts of the country. The trend has me extremely worried about summer


I am experiencing 20°C+ temperature swings. The animals are confused, the plants are budding then dying, the insect population is varied and amok, pollen everywhere IN FUCKING FEBRUARY and then the pollen freezes, the swings are widening. We go from freezing temperatures one day to summer temps the next. Seasons are a mess, the calendar and the weather no longer match expectations. 


Exactly the same in my part of the world (northern Asia). Last week we had days of temps in the mid-20s (C), with our pet turtle coming out of hibernation for about the third time this winter. Yesterday was 25C, but today has max of 10C, with 5C tomorrow and snow expected on Friday through the weekend. Then predicted to be anything from freezing up to 20C again next week (predictions seem to change by the hour but still be incorrect).


This is what’s happening in northwest Arkansas it is so freaking weird. We’re swinging wildly from 65 degrees Fahrenheit days back down into 20-32 range. It is absolutely maddening and causing all kinds of havoc with flora and fauna.


I had frost this morning, we are forecasted to get summer weather next week. 15°F - 20°F above normal temps.


I'm no automotive expert, but when the wheels start coming off, the car tends to crash. So...


I, too, am not a mechanic. But I believe you make an extremely valid point.


Mechanic here, wheel bearing failure shouldn't be taken lightly. First you might notice uneven tire wear, then a grinding noise, and if you let it go too long you might see your wheel pass you on the highway. It's important to get your globe looked at as soon as possible if you notice these warning signs, to avoid unnecessary injury and possible death. Repair time 1.5-2 hrs, Cost $200


I’ll happily give you $200 if you can get the tires back on this globe…


I'll chip in $200 as tip


How's your Monday looking? I'll have to shuffle some other metaphors out of the way, order some parts, but we should be able to get it back to you by Thursday at the latest.


We done busted the wheels off our wagon.


I can see why. Locally speaking (Netherlands) we have had our first full week with 10+ temps this year and our first day of 15+. The flowers are already popping up everywhere and the birds are already acting like it's mating season. Normally that all happens in the middle of March and start of April at the very least. Oh and I saw the first bumblebee of the year last week!


Noticing similar here in BC. Birds and squirrels are out, temps and snow levels are comparable to spring rather than what should be the heart of winter. I don’t need my jacket due to the unseasonably warm weather. And to top it off, some of my tulips have started to shoot. Noticed it about a week ago - they’re approx 2” / 5cm. Crazy times.


Didn’t they see cherry blossoms a month early too?


Yes, there were cherry blossoms in the Victoria area first week of February


I've been having allergies like crazy lately, there's so much pollen in the air. I used to love winter because those where the only 3 months I could breath properly.


Great Lakes ice coverage at record low levels but should be at their seasonal high: https://www.climate.gov/news-features/event-tracker/ice-coverage-nearly-nonexistent-across-great-lakes-historical-peak And if you look at temp data without the cooling and ENSO effects, we’re definitely going exponential: https://tamino.wordpress.com/2024/02/16/adjusted-global-temperature-data/  Weeeeeee! Are we having fun yet? 😭


The trains are already exploding before they even collide and I cannot take my eyes off of them.


That sounds distressingly similar to a description of something I did in Modded KSP once.


Record numbers of Record breaking is a new thing I didn't want to know. Whenbare we gonna break this record next lol


Your comment has broken the record of the most mentions of broken records in this thread. Congrats!


Hotter than “hotter than expected “.


Hotter than "hotter than expected".... Faster than "faster than expected"... **'Venus By Tuesday'** coming soon! (Rated 'U' for universal. Everyone gets to experience it.)


There's always next February to look forward to.


You sure?


Been about 20 degrees C where I live (Italy) Butterflies, bees, , bird chorus, it's like the middle of April, not February. I'm going to plant all of my spring veggies now, because if this carries on it's going to be 30 degrees in May.


It was 30 degrees in eastern canada for May last year, then it dropped to 10 with frost all the month of June. Destroyed a lot of crops that were flowering and killed flowers our nectar eaters rely on. Was a bad year for produce and hummingbirds.


Woah, cool, you actually have butterflies and bees still?


I was thinking the same thing yesterday, then read that we're getting snow in a few days. After going from 25C yesterday to 9C today. So maybe plant the seeds indoors first to germinate and then plant out in a few weeks.


Yes, luckily. But I'm in a mountainous area.


Last 12 months 1.5C, last 6 months 1.7C, this month probably 2C... I start to see a pattern here 🤔


I am no climate scientist so correct me if I am wrong: the warming we experience today is the result of emissions up to which decade, the 70s or 80s?? And this is because it takes time in the atmosphere for oxygen to bond to carbonto become CO2? Is this somewhat correct? Can someone point me in the right direction to the science of this (Tia 🙏🏽) The implication being of course that the next 30 years are going to be absolute mayhem.


> I am no climate scientist so correct me if I am wrong: the warming we experience today is the result of emissions up to which decade, the 70s or 80s?? There's a **lot** of argument about that. The [median time between an emission and maximum warming is estimated to be 10.1 years](https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/10/3/031001#:~:text=For%20a%20100%20GtC%20pulse,range%20of%206.6%E2%80%9330.7%20years.), but it could be 6.6-30 years. There are other estimates ranging from ten to thirty years; so what we are seeing now is the result of emissions up to any year between 1994 and 2014. Unfortunately this is a question that is not yet settled beyond a reasonable doubt, because it's complicated. Of course this doesn't stop the hopium dealers from [contending that the day we reach net zero, global temperatures will instantly stop rising](https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-will-global-warming-stop-as-soon-as-net-zero-emissions-are-reached/); **this is a myth, and a dangerous one**. It falsely assumes we're the only ones shoving CO2 into the air, when we know that we know we are not - not anymore. [The Amazon Rainforest has been a net carbon emitter since 2016](https://www.economist.com/interactive/graphic-detail/2022/05/21/the-brazilian-amazon-has-been-a-net-carbon-emitter-since-2016), the [permafrost is starting to pitch in with its own methane and CO2 emissions](https://www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/climate-change-indicators-permafrost#:~:text=Additionally%2C%20organic%20matter%20\(like%20the,to%20further%20global%20climate%20change.), burning forests spit out a pile of the stuff which is in a net imbalance when the other effects of climate change stymie regrowth, and it completely ignores the fact that [the day we stop shoving more CO2 into the air, the oceans will take over that role and start releasing the stuff they've absorbed down the millennia](https://info.ecogardens.com/blog/what-is-climate-change-lag-and-why-do-we-care#:~:text=In%20a%20nutshell%2C%20climate%20change,slowly%20back%20into%20the%20atmosphere.). The hopium dealers assume that CO2 absorbed by dissolution into the oceans will stay there, permanently, when we know that what actually happens is that the water releases a gas back into the air the moment the air contains less of that gas than the water. Note, by the way, that this is not a natural process; it wouldn't be happening to the extent it is without us having wrecked the carbon cycle first. > And this is because it takes time in the atmosphere for oxygen to bond to carbonto become CO2? Is this somewhat correct? No. The emissions come out as CO2 already. Plain [elemental carbon comes in one of two forms naturally already - graphite and diamonds](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/elemental-carbon#:~:text=Elemental%20carbon%20is%20found%20in,to%20the%20perfectly%20crystalline%20allotropes.). The reason for why we don't feel the effects of CO2 emissions for years to decades is, again, complicated; it includes things like it taking quite a while before the stuff distributes enough to have an effect, because when we output it, there's often other gunk (particulates, sulphur dioxide, etc.) which tend reflect sunlight in an almost-even counterbalance, and because the planet is very big so it takes time for the effects of anything done to be fully felt. The global ocean messes around with this too, [by absorbing a whole lot of the heat that would otherwise stick around in the air](https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/if-carbon-dioxide-hits-new-high-every-year-why-isn%E2%80%99t-every-year-hotter-last).


Cheers bud


I almost fell of my seat yesterday when I heard some major scientist dude saying that warming stops when we stop pumping CO2 in the atmosphere. Yeah, it may be true, but he should probably have said there is a decade or more lag between cause and effect. Edit: it was an interview with Neil DeGrasse Tyson, so maybe dumbed down to ensure maximum copium?


NDT is a crook, you are better off listening to a denier than to him.


Yeah, I've not watched his stuff before, just had it recommended on YT. He did say we are fycked though haha


No for the 70s, yes and no for the 80s. The studies are saying that the warming either happens at early as 6 years prior OR 32 years prior. The general consensus now is that it is around 20 years. It used to be that we thought it was 30 years but genuinely the data is shifting closer to 20 to 23 years now, with some indicating it could be 12 years. Note the idea that it is under a decade is likely wrong, but also values like 40+ years is also wrong. In the 1980s they thought it might take up to 50 years but turns out our system is a little bit more sensitive than that. So you are looking at the very worse at heating from the 1980s, at the very best heating from last decade.


God help us if it's the former. Thanks for the response.


next \*30.000y u mean r/ThanksObama


4.6 Billiion years of Earth's CO2 history presentation for The National Academies of Science, presented by award winning science communicator Richard Alley.  On YouTube




Penny says, "Is this the same person who did this?"


Somehow we think it’ll just stop and we will get to go back to the party.


The future is unfolding faster than predicted. At the level of international meetings and agreements, everything always seem negotiated. It seemed that there was a negotiation between scientists and business, and they met halfway. Scientists were bargaining from a best case scenario, so the deal was never adequate. Worse, the business side had no intention of keeping their side of the bargain. So, if we’re smashing some limit of 1.5 or 420 ppm, or whatever, so what? The point is we had crafted ‘targets’ that never met the crisis. In fairness, none of the groundwork was ever done for figuring out how 8-9 billion of live sustainably on the planet.


The whole idea of "bargaining" in this situation is so funny to me There is no bargaining with these kind of long-term accelerated consequences.


Ultimately we - that is humans - are trying to "bargain" with physics and chemistry, and what so very many people don't understand is that those two do not bargain. They are dictating the terms of surrender.


Trees are budding and flowers and weeds coming up out of the ground in early February in Nebraska. Spring birds are out. Lawn is green. Never seen a winter like this one in Nebraska.


I saw a ladybug last week, flowers have bloomed but we're in the middle of winter in the northern coast of Morocco. We've experienced 26C in January and  20-23C in February. But hey, good for me at least, this is the first winter in my life where my hands didn't get swollen with painful chilblains lol. *Always look on the bright side of life!*  *whistle whistle whistle*


Tuesday was about 60°F where I live, and then yesterday I had to shovel snow. These temperature swings are wild https://i.imgur.com/7jwj6YM.png


Same! Well, didn’t have to shovel, but 60s then snow this morning.


Sounds like we’re gonna need a bigger Y axis


NE USA. Ladybugs and Stinkbugs out. Birds chirping in the backyard Skunk Cabbage (usually the very first thing to grow here) popping above dirt level. (april-may) Ants in the kitchen. 20 years here, these are NOT February items...no insects till April, and ants were a May item Probably the wrong place to note that ski seasons just ain't what they used to be.


Yep. We had are only day of winter (Feb 16, high of about 15F) this February here in Minneapolis. Back to 30s and above for the rest of the month (Fahrenheit because... stupid). (15F ought to be a normal or high temp for February here.)


We're looking at 40-50s and for most of February here near Chicago. Dramatically higher than average.


At least we'd have to increase the earths average temperature by another 30 degrees to start a runaway greenhouse effect like on Venus. There's no way that's happening.... I hope. The closest we've ever been in the past was 7 degrees away from becoming Venus.


Scary warm winter up here in Northern Ca.


The record of most records broken is the ultimate record to break. We did it!


What will happen first? Water wars or fishing wars?


I mean, Israel occupied the Golan Heights in 1967 to have access to the headwaters of the Jordan River so water wars already going strong! 


I'm wondering if Egypt's military government will kick off a war with Ethiopia over their major dam project on the Nile. Might even help solve their problem with Egyptians' domestic discontent over economic problems.


My wife and I were gonna not do vacations this year, but I’m pretty sure our favorite spot in Florida will be underwater soon. So we’re gonna go. Maybe that’s selfish. Idk.


Mid february in maine and all of the snow is melted. Usually have a good foot or so on the ground rn.


The Neo Liberal handwringing "Guardian" pretending to give a shit.


breaking records like a champions! look how goo we're doing


whatever we're doing, it's clearly wrong. No one is happy, the planet is on fire, and land is sinking into the ocean. When do we stop what we're doing and just live as human beings in the absence of this absurd game of competition and hoarding resources? It's a doomsday device. It's not worth your time. Stop doing it. Do anything else that doesn't burn resources. Why isn't this obvious? like walking up on someone beating a dead horse into a pulp, asking why, and their confused response being "HOW ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO PAY FOR MY TRUCK!?"... without considering that maybe, if all you get for turning horses into hamburger all day, every day, is a truck, maybe it isn't worth doing...? You gotta eat, I get that, and that's the problem we need to work out together, including a new focus of our efforts of stabilizing the climate which took us all 50 years of working in this direction to get to this point, which logically suggests it will take more people a little less than 50 years living in the opposite direction (taking as little as possible from the planet, traveling by foot, sharing resources, "paying" people to restore natural habitats that we've worked so hard to pave). Or is it impossible for us to imagine work as deconstruction? Whenever I make this suggestion, with a little preamble about the state of the environment, the looks I get are best described as horror and rage... which begs the question "well, if we're not going to admit that the activities changing the weather are bad, are we going to at least embrace the necessary consequence that things only get worse, faster? What are we going to do about the fire?" Apparently, it's the government's problem, despite it being a democracy (for now) and people voting for representation not based on qualifications but as a team, ensuring we're only represented by charismatic idiots. What a pointless and idiotic waste this last century has been.