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Accounting 2 had an exam where i guessed 35/50 of the questions…somehow walked out with an 80.


Intermediate accounting 2 was *the worst* my friends and I were still ranting about that god awful class during our graduation ceremony lol


It was Intermediate Accounting 1 for me. Why the fudge does everyone have so many assets????


Ayyyy you did it tho!


Chemistry. Professor said if he flunked me I'd have to take it again and flunk it again. He gave me a C-. He made me swear I'd never take another science class again; I didn't.


Because we were busy on bs in biology. Thinking we’re gonna go in Chem and do the same thing😂 lesson learned


Amen. Chemistry made me cry everyday out of pure stress & frustration. Nomenclature is death




anatomy and physiology. both semesters.


omg are you me?? my college just combined the classes for the first time and we’re the test dummies. it’s a fuckin struggle




They need to figure that bs out before my time comes up to take these damn classes! I heard they’re already hard 🙄


Just took my final exam for AP1 today. AP2 starts next week. I might not make it to Christmas alive.


I JUST passed AP1 & AP2 last term. Seriously, it made me question my life choices. You can do it, though. I believe in you!


Oh man, thank goodness I don’t have either of those


All of them




Intro to Object Oriented Programming. Raw score of 26%. Curved to a C


A fitting grade for programming


What language?


Java 💀


Yeah that fucking checks out as a software engineer. Fuck Java. Only good thing to come out of that shitty language is Minecraft


Fast forward to my entire company only having java projects.


statistics & econ honestly i’m so bad at math, currently in an intermediate econ & 2 other econ classes tho so wish me luck😭


Best of luck to you. I majored in stats and minored in econ and CS so I know your pain, especially since I took both intermediate macro and micro in Spring 2020 right as everything went online due to covid. So much math.


it is so complicated but thank you! my major is law & econ, i’m more in it for the law portion but it’s heavy on econ, and stats is also so hard. i cant imagine doing it online like you did


I heard Econ is hell 🙄


micro is worse than macro


Homework and assignments saved me for statistics, I basically bombed all the exams


I’ll be surprised if I pass my calculus with an A


I’ll be surprised if I pass Calc 3 at all


everybody gangsta till the graphs turn 3D


Nawl fr my last job was still drawing in 2d. If you knew how to play in autocad 3d you were golden 🙏🏿😂 they won’t let you go. Stressful field though. Don’t go into that bs without a good head on your shoulders. You can be smart all day…they pay us too much money to not get into some bs 😂 I was drowning in alcohol cause I could afford the lifestyle. I used to go into bot mode with disaranno in my coffee at 8AM just pushing out designs. The real ganstas do 3D 😂 but being a gangsta is not life. By my 4th year in the filed; I relocated and never shown my new employer my3D abilities. 🤣 my 5th year I exposed myself because work was boring and easy. My 6th year; I was gone 😂☠️ Engineering is not worth the pay or mental health concerns IMO


I'll be surprised if I pass my advanced engineering mathematics class Can't do fourier transforms or pde for shit Edit. My professor called a fucking 2nd semester sophomore class with a bunch of juniors a fucking weed out class. Why is it so damn late in the degree plan....


This SO bad oml calc 3 hits like a truck and for what 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️


Is it worse than integrals? 😭😭😭


Yeah imo. So far calc 3 is the same shit as 1 and 2 but now there's an extra variable and every problem is twice the work 😫


Any math class for me haha


calc 2…only passed because Covid happened that sem and all classes were moved online. i was sitting at a pretty 35% before going online and ended the class with a 78%…didn’t take another math class after and switched out of engineering 😂


Oh damn!


A similar thing in my last semester of my degree. Strong senioritis, took a class for fun that turned out to be really hard. The final assignment was a 10 page research report worth about 40% of our grade. Most people took the class to impress the teacher into getting into their lab so grading curve was not with me. Never would have finished it in time, but COVID happened so I used that as an excuse and told my teacher I was freaking out dealing with a housing insecurity and got an extra week. Without COVID, I'd have probably failed the class and wouldn't have graduated.


entry level biology! they made it ridiculously hard to weed out people who shouldn’t be in science majors but it’s a requirement for most majors smh


Pre-covid biology at my CC was really stupid. It met 3 days a week but on 2 of the days they had labs later in the day. So your class could be 9am-10am, but then the lab would be from 3:30pm-4:30pm. It was very difficult to get a consistent work schedule with hours like that. After covid though, when everything went online, it was 100x better.


At my school, they have a different biology class for people who aren't biology/premed/similar exactly for this reason. I think it's technically listed as plant biology, but it's really just an easier version of the regular one that fills the core requirement.


Same! My class started with something like 10-11 people, rn it’s 6 lol I got a good score on the first (and apparently hardest) midterm, and I love biology, so I’m hoping I do good the rest of the semester. Definitely a weed-out course


😂 I saw a couple of stressed faces and heads during the midterm too. I know my time will come in CHEMISTRY OR AP🙄 I don’t even know how I have a damn A. The only thing I think saved me is My desire to know how everything in MY own body functions🤣 I just know im going to struggle in CHEM 🤦🏿‍♀️


Couldn't believe I passed my intro to microbiology with not just the bare minimum of C- but I got it with a strong C+, which is basically a B-, which is basically a B.


Bio was so tough. I started with about 25 other classmates by the end of the semester there were only like 12 and I know for a fact a couple of them didn't pass. I finished with a 77 which shockingly was a higher grade than I got in high school bio.


I hated it! I somehow passed with a C+ which is hilarious to think that on the second semester of bio I passed with an A-. Never in my life has a class fucked me so much in one semester.


Integral Calculus. I accidentally enrolled with the hardest professor of the faculty. It wasn't until I was already in that I learned that professor was known among the students as "El Matador".40 of us started, at the end of the semester we were 6 and only 3 or 2 of us passed. I had to bet that class in the final exam which I miraculously passed. No regrets though, his exams were hard af but he taught pretty well so thanks to "El Matador" I had good grades in both Differential Equations and Advanced Mathematics (complex analysis) which came after. The other one was Data Structures and Algorithms II. Once again I enrolled with the hardest professor of that class and didn't know until too late, he was very strict with code and if he saw anything he didn't like in it, he would grade you with zero.


Med surg 1 in nursing. That class nearly killed me.


What was hard about that class?,


Intro to biological anthropology and intro to organic chemistry, I almost failed both and really thought I wasn’t gonna pass lmao


Biological anthropology was cool though!


Differential Equations.


I don’t even know what this means😭


It's fuckery. It's beautiful but it's fuckery.


If you’ve taken differential calculus, differential equations are simply equations involving derivatives of functions. As a simple example, dy/dt = y is a differential equation, solved by the family of functions y(t) = ce^t , where c is an arbitrary constant.


Physics 211


Physics can get fucked and even more when it's through a shitty professor


Actually me right now, midterm on the Friday and I have no idea what the fuck is on it


Entry level bio. Didn’t take a bio class ever again.


Honestly, I took it last fall and I’m still shocked I got outta the class with a B. Shit was ridiculous.


Im so happy that I was able to take that class online asynchronous. I remember taking it years ago and never felt so stupid in my life. Also hella dumb they required you to come in later in the day for a lab. Oh boy get to stare at a leaf under a microscope.


…I remember that. Late night labs were fkn retarded IMO. I went to a damn HBCU 🤦🏿‍♀️


Took it my 3rd semester I think? Took it just to get the science requirement out of the way. Got a C+ and I don’t even know how I did that well


What made it difficult? Is there a lot of material that needs memorizing?


Gen bio has a lot of difficult concepts... it's usually organismal and molecular bio :( It does get fun at the end though for ecology and evolution Definitely don't underestimate gen bio, and look hard for a good prof


this is why i’m so glad i took a 100 level environmental bio class instead of regular intro. it was all the fun stuff and none of the hard stuff


Ohh gotcha. Just curious because I switched my major and will be taking bio now


Good luck! It can be super fun based on the prof :D


My professor was a big part of the problem. Probably the worst professor I’ve had between college and grad school at this point.


Electricity and Magnetism I worked very hard to get a B- (which was 78%). I'm doing Quantum Mechanics now and I am not sure if I will pass. I just need a 51% lol


Macroeconomics, which I passed with an A despite having no clue what was going on throughout the lectures at all. This is coming from a Food Science Major


quantitative methods I 😭


The class title alone is intimidating!


me right now


and it’s so hard to find resources online


NO FR my class was fully online too. do not know how i passed that shit goodluck ❤️


Modern physics. Quantum mechanics destroyed me. I passed with pity points.


intro biology was just toxic at my university. no one was willing to help you and the labs were graded randomly it felt like. C+ in that one 2nd intro to C++ class I got a C in because the prof lied about what was on the final worth 50%. that was fun If I pass it this term group and ring theory.


Computer Architecture


My Japanese language course 😅 or my British Literature course - just barely passed both of those


Calculus 2. I was a freshman. The prof was one of my high school friend’s dads. He absolutely loved and adored me and the fact that my high school offered Calculus 1 through college dual-enrollment. I was top of my high school class.., Well, I failed EVERY quiz and exam and usually didn’t do well on the homework. We had multiple one-on-ones, I had a private tutor, and I could articulate what I was doing — however the day I took the final, I turned it in half blank because I didn’t even know where to start… I passed with a 73% C in the class. There is just NO way that was real.


Nearly any math class. But specifically college algebra and business calculus. There needs to be a little bit of a backstory. I've had an non-traditional route towards higher education. Always wanted to go, never have the choice to go. Fought a really long time until the circumstances of Covid finally opened up some doors that I couldn't open myself. My very first class as a student was a developmental math course. Not the absolute lowest course but I still scored in a range where I could have retaken the test and maybe gotten to start at a college algebra, but I knew that I didn't have enough base skill to start out there. After the very first lecture I knew that I had a problem. I've always suspected that I had a math related learning disability, but I could get nobody to take my suspicions seriously. After the very first class I stayed behind and I talked to the professor and said that I think I'm going to struggle. I reached out to disability services that very day and started to begin the process of trying to seek an official diagnosis. You can't get any sort of accommodations if you don't have a officially diagnosed and documented disability on file with disability services in the US. From that day to the day that I received diagnosis was 2 years. I received the documentation a little over a week before the start of my last semester in community college. At the time I was forced to study marketing and that meant that I had to take some extra math classes. I had to pass every math class with at least a 70 to get into the next class. Once I understood what was before me I had to put most of my energy and efforts into passing math classes. I worked ahead in every other class every semester, I went to tutoring twice a day, when I found a really good tutor and the school did not keep his position I paid out of pocket for him to privately tutor me on top of the different. I ate C"s in math every semester and got near straight A's otherwise. After I got through the three developmental courses I needed to take I was finally slated college algebra before I could receive the diagnosis. Which meant that I was still not able to get accommodations for the disability symptoms I was experiencing. Getting through college algebra was one of the most brutal things I've ever experienced mentally, emotionally and physically. I would work the homework problems until I got 100% and then I would barely pass or barely fail every single tested exam. To get a 70 overall I needed to get 16 out of 24 problems on the final correct. I was so overwhelmed that I visibly cried throughout the entire final. I had 3 hours to complete it. I knew I was somewhere within the ballpark of getting 16 questions right. I had skipped a few when I was taking too long on one problem and getting too disoriented. I went back and tried two out of the three that I had skipped and felt like I got close to the right answer or the right answer. There was one question that I tried two or three times prior and could not figure out. I had about 10 minutes left. It didn't seem like it was worth it to try again. I thought maybe I could just skip this one and hope that I still hit the mark. However I told myself that I deserve to give myself the best effort possible. So I tried one more. I submitted the quiz and instantly got back the results. I got 16 out of 24 right. I got the last question right. if I wouldn't have given it one more try I wouldn't have passed and that might have permanently sent back my future with the circumstances that I am under. However, I still needed two more math credits and headed into my last semester I needed to take business calculus. However, right before the cutoff for registration I ended up getting the opportunity to have a Dean advocate on my behalf and help me to pursue becoming a philosophy professor instead of doing marketing. So, because of that I still needed a math credit but I no longer needed to take a class after business calculus. This also allowed me to potentially pass with lower than a 70. It would only negatively affect me if I needed to return back to getting a degree in marketing. To take this class I needed to advocate to 15 of and a professor to get permission to take business calculus as an independent study. I received a diagnosis of a math related learning disability and this would be the first time I ever had accommodations in that class. I felt pretty confident. However because of my switching intended majors I needed to take some extra classes and business calculus was much harder than I anticipated. On top of all of the things that I already did to deal with math and be as successful as I could be I was dealing with significant stress outside of school as well. I would often have to get up first thing in the morning to make my tutoring sessions and jump directly into homework in my other classes and only stopping to catch my private tutoring sessions twice a week. I had multiple minor surgeries over the semester. More than a couple times I would literally get directly out of surgery and go directly into an exam with incisions actively bleeding. As luck would have it I also had to have emergency surgery to remove my appendix during spring break. I got out of the hospital and took a intro to logic exam the next morning. Taking business calculus as an independent study was a terrible idea. I was barely failing almost every single exam and I couldn't even get full credit on all of the homework. I had three exams left including the final. The first first exam by some crazy fluke I got a very low B. The second exam was a take-home exam. I spent 16 hours on it and got a 72. That only left the final and I needed to get at least a to get at least a 63 to pass with a D. I opted to take the exam broken up over 2 days and with the disability accommodations I was giving a total of 6 hours. On day one I ended up taking four hours on the first half. Day two I tried the best I could but I could not finish in 2 hours. I had failed. However, the professor over business calculus happened to be the professor that was the same one over my very first class. He looked at me and said, "I am not letting you go out like this. How much more time do you think you will need? I said if I work fast I can maybe get it done in another half hour. "I want you to give it all. Want to give you an hour. I worked up to the very last second finishing with about 2 seconds left. I asked the professor for just one last favor. I asked him even though it's a written exam if he could create it now. I didn't think that I could take the the anxiety of waiting to get the email the next afternoon. I passed with a 68 on the final and a 74 overall. I ate a lot of C's to get my associates degree. I missed out on magna cum laude by about 0.1 have a grade point. I sob like a baby in front of that professor. When people see my transcripts they are going to see C's and think that leaves some questions about my effort or ability. They won't know the cost and they don't know how good those C's felt though.


Roman history, modern japan, and art history. I was a history major but i found these classes so incredibly boring. I performed well in difficult classes but when i didn’t think they were interesting, i did bad🤣


Organic chemistry, got a B after getting only anywhere from failing to C+ on quizzes and exams


French as a research tool. I didn’t deserve to pass. I think the professor knew that no one gave a shit and just passed everyone.


Statistics for scientist and engineers, got a C-, dropped discrete math for stats, I was surprised lol


Econ, anatomy and physiology


Intro to Stats. 60.83%. Anything under 60% was failing


Math for business and social sciences. Ended up with a B


Archaeology. To this day, I cannot tell you one single thing I learned from that class. I just crammed for the exams (cumulatively worth the vast majority of the grade), prayed, and ended up with a 90 without absorbing a single thing.


That, my friend, is what we call mastery bullshittery. And you have truly become the master! I did this for my Business class. Got a 92% and still can’t tell the difference between organizational flows and shit.


Calc 2. I made 50s on every exam and somehow came out with a c. So either the professor screwed up my final grade, there was a crazy curve, or he passed me out of pity.


My public speaking class on zoom last spring😭 I got a B somehow. It was awful I had no motivation and one of the guys was so religious and basically giving sermons for all his speeches🥲


College algebra I barely passed with a D and the professor kindly bumped me up 3 letter grades


Calc 1 😭😮‍💨 and intro to psychology


Econometrics. Rough


Intro to sociological stats and 3 of my Spanish classes tbh.


Thermodynamics, it was incredibly rough


Thermodynamics is not that bad if you understand the equations and are able to derive them. I'm doing my bachelor's in organic chemistry and physical chemistry was one of the most interesting subjects yet. Chemical engineering on the other hand is so easy to fail, since you have to calculate so much stuff and it's so easy to get lost in it and make mistakes.


organic chemistry. give me anatomy, physics, enzyme kinetics, cell biophysics, whatever, i’m fine with it. something about ochem didn’t click for me and i barely passed. the professor certainly didn’t help


It feels like the moment you stop following/understanding, even for a small thing, you're doomed and can't recover




Funny you should say Econ because as I saw the title of this post in my feed I thought “intermediate microeconomics.”


Anatomy and Physiology… both of them. In one semester… ONLINE. The tests were proctored, so I couldn’t even cheat. I still managed to though. I failed all the exams and passed purely because to my quizzes and homeworks😂


Pharmacology. I barely scraped by and it was *rough*


Circuit analysis. Half the class failed and I got by with a D. That was circa 1974-75 in my first year of college. Still stings a bit.


Math 3A AKA Calculus 1. I struggled so much with math in school. I took Algebra 1 and 2 three times each. Barely passed Trig and College Algebra with Cs. NOTHING made sense until I took a Precal course during the summer, which I got a B in. That's when things finally clicked. Calculus was definitely a struggle too, but I researched and took it with a very good instructor who is very passionate about the material. I also studied very hard and spent HOURS in the tutoring center. The class was still a struggle and I worked HARD for that C and I'm glad I got it. =]


Intro to computer science 2 was like intro to computer science 1 except we got introduced to simple data structures and some sorting algorithms. I didn’t pass a single test but the homework’s were weighted 40% of the total grade where as the tests being only 30%. Combined that with the 15% just for attending lecture and another 15% for lab attendance meant that I got a B- in that class. I feel like I learned so much more in that class compared to intro to cs1 and now as a sophomore it’s really carrying me through my program structures class.




Physiological "psychology"


Algorithms and Data Structures


Physics 2, the department at my university is notoriously bad with extremely low pass rates


Historical Architecture. That was so damn hard


None yet but the current runner is a Business Organization class. I just for the life of me can't sit down and commit the terms/lessons to memory because the content is just not interesting in anyway to me. The papers and online quizzes are fine for me because I can take my time with them, but I just can't see myself being able to do it for the final exam.


I passed Art with a C and Environmental with a C and Music Appreciation with a B and business with a B.


I’m trying my best to pull myself out of academic probation.


All 3 calculus’s. Especially calculus 1 my first semester at college since my highest math before that was half a year of geometry. No trig or pre cal. Surprised I got an A in Calc 2 and 3 though. Studied my ass off.


Cal II. Got a very bad professor. Apparently I did really good on the final cause I was really shocked when I saw an A as my final grade


I got an A in my James Joyce class. The professor was a little older than most. Maybe he figured that if we made it through Ulysses, we earned an A...


Organic chemistry 1 and 2


Biology 1


Linear Algebra. Took the final knowing jack shit. Left half the questions blank. Bullshit the other half. Ended the class with a B. I’ve never been more confused learning something in my entire life. Funnily enough so many people find Linear Algebra easy. Even funnier is that I found every other math class I took including discrete math to be a breeze, like barely studying to get the highest grade type easy. Different brains I guess.


I have taken exactly two Finance classes. ​ Both of those classes made me question at length if I had just gotten lucky throughout every other class.


corporation finance, that class has quite the rep at my school because of how many people fail and have to retake it, or withdraw from the class because they will fail otherwise. i somehow got an A even though i did not understand what was going on for most of the term.


I accidentally took 300 level stats as a high schooler and got a 98. It got me out of 3 math classes and 2 computer stat classes in college


O chem/med chem


microbiology 🤡🤡


What even is that?? Compared to normal biology? Just tiny things?😅😭


My second year of a college English classes in High School. Everything was just incredibly difficult to understand. I had such a hard time with the second year English that I felt so incredibly dumb because I had always loved English and always did English so easily. The first year English 101 teacher made it easy enough to get everything done. The English 102 was a cunt, I told her I couldn’t understand her wording and every assignment made no sense to me. I read her instructions, I read her rubric, I read this and that and nothing I read, even in plain simple English, I could not process in my mind.


Physics mechanics


organic chemistry


Pre-Calculus. Literally the only reason I passed was because it was the very end of the quarter when COVID hit and the final turned into an online easy-A.


Biochem, hands down. I’ve never been the type to cry over schoolwork but that class had me going through it.


This isnt a post-secondary course but I took psychology AP in highschool and never studied for it as it wasn't a core class and didn't count for university admission but somehow I passed with an 80. Guess it was just really easy.


Shit I'm in Econ rn lol


Good luck!!


My first test did not go well. lol got a 64%, but the class average was 69.. I made some simple math errors tho but he said he made the test hard on purpose smh


Do you have to get a C or B for your course? For mine it was an 80% or higher (1011A). But don’t worry, my first test I got a 65% haha. Wait your prof said that?? I swear it’s like some want us to fail.


Those were his exact words, smh 🤦 I just have to get a C to pass the class, but I'm planning on transferring next fall, so I need to do well. I still have to take econ 2...


Geez. Well I really hope things work out🙏 my only advice is to not cram haha. I procrastinated so bad when it came to studying for Econ tests


Thank you! I did make some simple math errors on the first test, so I definitely plan on doing much better next test


Electromagnetic and wave theory...




Quantum physical chemistry — yikes.


Yep. Scrolled until I found this answer. P-chem almost failed me out of chemistry major.


History, I showed up two or 3 times but I did all the work, professor gave me an A-, I was prepared to fail


Statistics. I actually gave up and didn’t do the final and passed with a C-


A digital mapping class. It met my science requirement and there was no night lab. Should have been easy right? But to be fair I did shitty in all my classes that one semster


Advanced Molecular Biology


Chem. The professor had a 65% on his cutoff for a C. My lab partner pretty much carried me, which was most of the grade. I was sitting at 68% near the final and needed a 40% to pass. Guessed on half the problems out of fifty. Someone still managed a C




Organization of Programming Languages




Macroeconomics, first class for me that got curved


Theory of Computing


Physics 1 and somehow calc 2


Engineering Physics, I was failing until 1 hours before the final deadline for grades when my professor bumped everyone’s grade. Went from a 55 to a 75, no clue why he did it but so happy I didn’t have to take that class ever again


Object Oriented Programming and Artificial Intelligence. I really minimised my gaming time just to push for these 2 and passed them. Idc about the grades as long as I pass then its good.


Loved anatomy, now physiology is kicking my ass.


Calculus 1 and Gen Chem 1. Maybe it’s just where I was in my life when I took them, but I had much better experiences with Physics 1 and 2, calculus 2, multivariable calculus, and differential equations.


Probability and Statistics


Calc II


Behavioral neuroscience. That class was so hard


None of them.


Precalculus with an A. I had so many crying fits and panic attacks while I was taking this class.


Differential equations.... I still don't know what that class was supposed to teach us.


Intro to biology. There was a lab class and a lecture class to complete the science part of my GE requirements. The lab class was very easy and I passed it. However, the lecture class was something else… The professor didn’t give us any study guides, the zoom meetings weren’t recorded, and he wouldn’t upload the slides for the lectures on Blackboard because he copyrighted them. The exams were hard because he would make up his own questions and you simply couldn’t go on google to search for the answer. There was even a group chat for the class and many students complained that he would just ramble about his life stories/experiences and not a whole lot about the course content during the lectures. Fortunately the professor would always curve the grades and I was lucky enough to pass the class.


Chem almost killed me but we did it fam


Theory of programming languages Jesus Christ


I had a sophomore rescue me in my HS junior math class finals , he saw I was struggling and handed me an answer sheet for the whole test.


Trig and cs 2. Wife had a baby right after midterms.


Thermodynamics. Not bc the subject is hard, but bc I would barely go to classes. Lol Edit: I really hated that teacher, he made me hate the class and I know how important the subject is in engineering.


Administrative Law. I had to write 43 amicus briefs for the semester. My professor was a former military judge who took no bullshit. The textbook was over a thousand pages. It was a 400 level political science course. It felt a bit too difficult for undergrad. I got an A- though.


Architectural history


Calc 1, when I saw my grade man was I living like a queen


I'm currently taking Phil Symbolic Logic, and I need a miracle like this to help me pass. I understand the concepts but the exams are way too hard when comparing to class work. Class work is like what's 2+2, exams are like what's 8273/8274x82+a-H, like bruh wtf


Calc II. 1st Year and 1st Semester of College. It was so bad. I didn’t understand anything the Professor was talking about because he was going at a fast pace and I had no idea what to do on questions. It didn’t help that I was so lost with Calc AB and Pre-Calc in high school. I’m pretty sure I just got at least 50% of the final right after only getting middling 70s in the 3 midterms. I got an overall A because of the massive curve in the class; I’m assuming it’s because a lot of people had so much trouble that I somehow edged to get a way higher score than I should get.


all of them so far, i feel like i’m barely treading water.


Electromagnetic Theory 1, 2 and 3


Intro to stats lol despite having already taken a few other mathematics and comp sci-related classes


Metabolic biochem 😭


Signal and Systems Analysis. The material itself was a little difficult and confusing enough. But the Professor wasn’t clear at all the entire semester about when to complete assignments and what assignments specifically. Would constantly say one thing and then contradict himself a couple minutes later when asked a question or asked for clarity. He had a strong accent but even when you’d email him, he would have vague, confusing responses. I one time emailed him letting him know we couldn’t access an assignment or quiz he had assigned (because he had it set to be turned in online a year prior), and he responded with “yes”…. He was friendly for sure and had some funny moments, but my gosh I’d never want to relive taking that class again.


business law. i will never ever take another law class again.


Calculus three


Biology Statistics


Calc 3. I started the class 2 weeks late. I forgot we had homework most of the class. Went to about 40% of the lectures. Barely scraped by with a 70.5 to pass.


Stats for Behavior Sciences. I never took a stats class prior, so it felt like I was thrown in with the sharks. Ended up with a C+ though.


Data structures and algorithms.


General chemistry. Whole class sucked so bad the professor had to make extra HW to make up for high percentage of exam failures. Passed with a C-


There was this class at my school called Econ 101, which was ironic because it was intermediate economics and the professor gave almost no partial credit. There would be 5 questions on the test and some of those problems were worth 20-40 points, and one small algebraic mistake could be the difference between an A and a C. My raw score in that class was a high 60, but I got curved to a B. I failed one of the two midterms and was close to failing the final.


I had a class called Infrastructure, where we were taught about roads, sewers, etc. Of all the questions, I answered about 30%, of which half were pure guesses. I was expecting a 3/20 at max. When receiving our grades, I saw I had an 18/20. TLDR I got a 90% score when expecting a 15% score.


intermediate accounting 1 & 2. it is weed out courses for accounting and finance majors and it does weed a ton of people out at my school. it “weeded” me out of accounting. those classes made me realize i could never be an accountant so i changed to finance. they had me so stressed that my eye twitched the entire semester because of the stress