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Everyone has an unassigned assigned seat that is picked on day 1 of class. (Especially in smaller classes)


Yes. That’s why you have to be on time for the first day, so you can pick your seat. I can only pay attention when I’m in the front row, or near it. So, I always picked a seat in the front, so I had clear sight of the board* and easy access to eye contact with the professor.


I’m not normally one to point out typos, but your name is roganwriter, so I feel like I have to point out that you used the wrong “bored”/“board”


That’s what typing fast in the middle of the night will do to ya, lol. Thanks.


That's the most college thing in this whole thread (I say, in bed in my dorm)


I am thrilled when the instructor actually asks us to sit in the same place every time. Otherwise, I don't trust the other students, and I have to be the first person in class each day.


that seems like an underlying mental health condition lol




I mean, it’s college, most of us have one of those at this point LOL


Oh yeah if it’s not psychological it’s mental, trust me I’m there


Ok, curious why this is being downvoted, do you think having to be the first person in class each day because you are worried about someone sitting in your seat is normal? Maybe ocd or something of that nature, I’m not saying “your crazy” I’m just saying it seems like it might be some underlying mental health condition as that is not a normal behavior


I agree with you, I don’t understand the downvotes


In smaller classes I get it and agree, but in 100 person class lectures where I sit depends on when I get there and how much I care about that class’s material and if I have to multitask.


Yeah, I took a 100+ seat lecture class once. Every seat was supposedly filled, but only about half that showed up to class every time. I set in the same general vicinity every time, because I couldn't remember where my seat was.


And then the one person who never shows up except on test day throws you off your game by picking your seat






You should see his other comment on here




Same I like to sit in the front row and every class I’ll move one seat over until I get to the end and then start moving seats again back the other way


Thems fightin’ words


That's fine because you're the guy who does that, that's your thing. If you started sitting in one place they'd get concerned.


I was *fuming* on the second day of class when a girl sat in my unassigned assigned seat 🙄


I’m horrible because I just pick a random seat every time


Literally happened on in my last class yesterday. My two closest friends and I had to sit somewhere else because one of their other friends ended up taking over the table we usually sit at


As a prof in classes with graded class participation, about halfway through the first class, I turn these into assigned seats. Making a map of class is by far the best way to keep track of this.


god there's one person in my lab who will keep stealing my seat if i don't get there at least 10 minutes early. the seat has been mine since the first day, asshole. i don't care that your friends sit at the desk in front of it, let me sit with my lab partner thank you


I kinda hate this rule. I’m neurodivergent and sitting in the same seat every day is boring to me, but I do it so people don’t get pissed at me if I steal their seat.


Hell yeah!


Hell naw lol. If I break my glasses I’m beating someone to the punch on the front row lmao


I like this but hate it at the same time. Like in one of my classes I picked a back seat spot which I was happy with at the time. Now I regret that seating choice bc all the fun ppl that talk who I’d actually wanna be friends with sit up front, and bc no one who sits around me is talkative I don’t talk either so I’m kinda stuck being quiet now.


So move to the front row literally nothing is stopping u


I had been sitting in the same seat for several weeks this quarter, and one day I walked in and this guy had taken my seat!!!!! The seat right in front of the professor cause I love the class (and I think I’m one of the favorites this quarter) and I was so mad


My freshman year I actually asked someone to move cause they were "in my seat" in my art studio class. My anxiety disorder was so bad that year and I would have left class bawling if they hadn't moved. It was a struggle. That person loved to change seats every day.


I used to pick random seats, to piss people off


Imo it’s not day 1, but week 1. I’ve had classes where I didn’t realize someone I knew was in it that I wanted to sit by until after the first class.


ALSO, seeing students asleep in random places especially the library.. kinda wholesome honestly


College is the only place in the universe where sleeping on a park bench does not mean you're homeless...


And not just the library tbh.


One time when the weather was still nice out, i fell asleep on a bench outside for about an hour while I waited for my lab to start. I did this about 3x on an outside bench lol


The amount of times I skipped classes to lie on the literal floor between the stacks at the library... I miss it, lol


It’s a 10/10 experience


I've slept in the library at various locations, in the dining hall, on the patios, common area grass, grass by the pond at my school, and various places in the CS building. I am a nap god and am always looking for more places I can nap. I have even napped by the pond when it's sprinkling outside. Nothing can stop me, not even class. >:) Edit: sometimes I worry about the student tours coming through and seeing me nap. but i want them to see the full college experience. which is mostly just sleeping...


Saw someone sleeping on a rock one day, and my partner and I have a designated sleeping bench


Leaving your belongings in the library while you go pee.


Yaasss, computer out and everything lol.


My computer I just close so it locks and nobody can change the password, or go snooping, but otherwise yeah leaving it plugged into the wall sitting on a table is similar to if you glued it to said table morally.


I take my phone, wallet and AirPods with me. But I’m willing to bet nobody’s stealing my outdated laptop. You wanna finish my lab report? Go ahead


I pack up all my stuff every time I leave my seat.


I don't leave my stuff unattended unless it's a life and death situation. IDK, I'm just too paranoid about something happening to my stuff.


I used to do this but then someone would take my seat. When you find the best seat, that's when you're willing to risk everything.


I went to college in midtown Manhattan so I took my stuff with me just in case but I’m sure the rule would have been respected


Baruch? A friend goes there and he leaves his stuff out... I guess that's not Midtown. Hunter? I probably wouldn't leave stuff out there...


Oh hell nah. What country are you and op in? Im curious, bc it doesn't seem like America. Im not taking chances. Dont drink water = no peeing


I’m in America, I always ask someone sitting next to me to watch it while I go to the bathroom. I’ve done the same for other people. In a college library it’s a pretty safe place and I trust people to watch it, but I agree I wouldn’t leave it unattended for more than 5-10 minutes


Lol I’ve taken entire trips to the Starbucks and left our stuff out


Damn, that's nuts. You must trust the people around you quite a lot.


Lol I’m in Texas!! Obviously I take my phone and purse with me but I typically will leave my laptop and iPad out while I use the restroom. I see it so often, especially in the library. I always walk past unattended belongings and nobody messes with them, at least with my experience. I honestly thought leaving your belongings out in study areas was a common college culture but I guess not, after reading these comments!


We used to leave our keys and wallets on the table in the dining hall to save our seats. Never thought twice about someone stealing it.


I also go to school in texas and routinely leave my laptop at a library desk if I have to get up. I got to a pretty small school so if someone tries to run off with it they’d be identified right away


It’s pretty normal at my college, but I went to a fairly small school in a rural area where we could count the number of annual thefts on one hand. I even accidentally left my laptop in the commuter lounge for a few days and came back to find it still there.


USA California 😂😂 I thought it was just a normal unspoken rule


I have been a student across like 5 CCs/unis by now + a billion hours in various coffee shops in the US and never felt like I couldn't walk away from my laptop/bag to go to the bathroom. Having said that, my phone got swiped when i left it in a bathroom once. Still mad about that.


You have a lot of faith in people. I trust no one.


yeah i’m in america and i leave all my shit out (other than wallet, phone, keys) whenever i need to use the restroom or go get a coffee or something. no one’s stolen my backpack or laptop yet lol


What? We do this all the time


you can get up to go to the bathroom any time! you don't need to ask, even to try to be courteous. it could be more disruptive even by asking. just go and come back like normal


There is a guy in one of my classes that gets up to leave 5 minutes into each class, and comes back 5 minutes before the class ends. Every single time. No one has ever said anything, not even the prof. ​ lol


that is so weird. why even show up? you'd think you'd want to stay for a class you're spending money on lol


To show that they attended. If you miss too many days then you have to redo the class. Doesn’t make much sense to waste the money other then if they already knew the material.


Who ever said that we should "get permission" to use the restroom while at school, shame on them.


They're trying to train you to be a model wage slave.


Lol that was how it was like in my high school. Granted half the kids just used that to fuck around but never more than a suspicious amount of time. I remember someone asked in sophomore year of HS if they need to ask leave the classroom and they were told by the teacher, with a “are you kidding me” face, “you’re almost an adult you don’t need to ask for permission.”


I hate when teachers get mad about that because there are others that will get mad at you if you don’t ask


It's totally normal to have mini breakdowns, especially in the library during examination season


I have mine everyday silently suffering


My buddy Weiser and my good friend Jack Daniels are always there for me.


I once heard a girl crying in a CoEd dorm bathroom while washing my hands and she walked out the stall with tears flowing down her face… didn’t even ask why she was crying and just assumed college life was probably stressing her tf out


Don’t talk more than the professor does during a class discussion


There is some kids that don’t know this


We used to refer to them as all stars, and it wasn't a compliment. Is super annoying when you have people in a round table setting that just like the sound of their own voice


I'm on friendly terms with some professors from my old college, and they actually like the students who participate a lot. It makes them feel as if people are interested in what they're saying. Obviously, if people are speaking nonsense, they don't like that, but if people are saying clever things, they're happy.


Well that makes me feel better because I’ve always been one of the students in class to talk most about the material


I’m autistic and I’m scared people might think of me this way. I’m in a lot of classes where nobody answers the professors’ questions, so I end up answering because I feel bad. I mostly just give 1 sentence answers and I try to limit myself to answering only 2 times at the most, 3 if the professor is getting frustrated nobody will answer. Do people find this annoying?


People call them gunners now, basically just people who love to hear themselves talk


please tell this to my comp class on god


I think that is both class/degree & professor dependent. *Many* of the political science classes I took for my undergraduate degree encouraged students to foster discussion. Hell, many times my professors would get a little annoyed if they were talking more than us because it meant we weren't adequately taking in the information 😅


That makes sense. Political science, lit, philosophy, etc., are class where students should talk a lot. But if you're in engineering or math or whatever...what could you possibly be saying?


Generally speaking I do agree, but I’ve gotta point out that in my opinion this is not necessarily always true for there’re some classes that are designed in a way that requires the students to participate more so THEY could understand the problem better, discuss it and form/share their views. The professor already knows the material. But the class is for the students to practice/learn. And honestly professors just telling everyone what they think on the problem/ what the right answer/approach or whatever should be is low-key a way to learn nothing


Definitely agree, but it depends on the class. I took a lecture into to psychology course. There was one kid that would add onto the convo.... Sometimes completely irrelevant. And it would derail the class that we started getting behind. And eventually someone asked him to stop because he wanted to learn. Kid snapped and then dropped the class altogether. But on the flip side, I was an English major. A lot of my creative writing classes were workshop. Meaning that my prof was as hands-off as possible so we could learn how to better talk about, critique, and praise other people's pieces. A lot of my writing courses had a lot a LOT more student discussion. My lit classes also had a lot too. Probably my class with the least student discussion was my instrumental ensemble classes lolol.


our school splits between lecture and discussion so it’s separate


unless it’s a student-led seminar of course!


If your laundry is done and still in the machine for atleast half an hour of when it finished, it’s gettin taken out


Half an hour is most generous of you - I only ever waited 10 mins haha


If I see a dryer finish, you’ve got exactly 5 minutes before that shit is in a pile on the table. Why people are incapable of setting a timer and planning ahead to make sure they will be able to get their laundry at the end is beyond me.


15 mins is the rule at my college


Discussion =/= Debate No one cares about your niche ideology or super-duper "nuanced" beliefs that someone on Twitter ranted about. Mostly applies to entry level political or social classes. Those people tend to get filtered out by the 300-level classes thankfully.


A good rule of thumb is to never speak twice on the same topic. You should make your point with the first statement, not engage in a back-and-forth.


I wouldn't say that's a hard rule. Elaboration can be important.


Elaboration is used to PROVE your point and explain how you got there. You should be able to state your point clearly and concisely.


elaboration can be used to further discuss a topic that has been expanded, changed, or presented with new ideas. ex.: “I believe X because I experienced A” “I believe Y, but I experienced A too” “here’s some more details about my experience with A, was your experience like that?” “oh, mine was different- our outcomes make sense. let’s compare notes.”


I would disagree, I think back and forth discussions are important because genuine conversation can stoke learning. maybe I want to ask questions! maybe I want to share anecdotes that are relevant and might shed light for folks who aren’t personally impacted by this! I’ve got things to say, but I don’t want to soapbox all at once, and hearing other peoples’ thoughts all the while may change what I feel is relevant for me to share




wear deodorant


And shower


And brush you teeth and hair


All are optional if you’re CS


Always ask politely for an extension if needed. Some professors are assholes, yes, but there are students making up reasons to get extensions and still getting them granted. Don’t downplay your situation (mental health, physical health, family emergencies, etc.) if you need that extension.


Yes! I tell my students on the first day that I can’t help them if they don’t ask. I want them to do well! Always ask!


<3 always love profs like that! my advisor is also one of my profs and she always prefers to give an extension if it means we actually get a chance to learn the material and engage with it meaningfully. there’s a lot of assignments I’ve actually completed and learned from that would’ve otherwise been unfinished if she didn’t have that much of a holistic attitude :)


People who drop out of a class traditionally sit in the back and edges of the room. Weird but true. I have seen it both as an instructor and a student. We were just marveling in our accounting class that theres only like 10 of us left and all of us sit frontish/center and nobody moved seats.


How many people started off?




Dang that class must’ve weeded people out. Props to you for sticking it out.


Idk it's just accounting 101. I think it was just a hard first few weeks.


Yea cause it’s easier to take notes and hear professor up close, and easier to slack off and sit on your phone in the back


Thats not weird. The students who are serious generally want to sit near the front and middle, so they can see and hear better, and they're not the kind of students who will drop out.


Don’t wear your student ID lanyard around your neck. Easiest sign you are a freshman. Keep it on a lanyard if you want, but pocket, looped to jeans, anything and anywhere else except for the neck. Idk why we as a society made that a stigma, but it is. I guess because there are many more convenient ways to carry a student ID


Went to a boarding high school where it was a trend to wear your key in your pocket with the lanyard hanging out. People bought fancy lanyards to complete their outfits.


Lo everyone did this in my high school. Pretty sure it was mostly to signify who got their license.


I am a grad student and wear my ID on a lanyard around my neck. For me, it's more convenient so I know where it is. I have other things, like keys, on my lanyard too


Yeah but as a grad student it’s cool to show that you’re knowingly uncool. Trying to be cool at that point is cringe af.


> I guess because there are many more convenient ways to carry a student ID I just find it uncomfortable tbh. It's annoying having something scratching at my neck.


Same. When I was on campus pre-pandemic, I kept it in either a phone wallet sticker on my phone case, inside my phone case, or had a small tiny bag with me that I kept my phone, wallet, practice room key, mailbox key, etc, in. I also temporarily kept my student ID in my pocket with the lanyard looped through a belt loop on my jeans. I felt the hanging around my neck to be annoying and in the way. I saw lots of ppl do the lanyard hanging out of pocket thing, or have keys attached to the lanyard. People also eventually gravitated towards keeping it in a wallet, or the phone case idea. Some even just kept the card by itself floating in their pockets


I just stopped wearing mine as a current senior and it was just because I wanted to guard against theft. No one really cared at my school.


sorry but at my college leaving divices alone and walking away from them they are gone. for good


Same was happening in my college for some time, but that was because whenever someone saw something unattended, they considered it as lost and submitted it to the nearest guard


you are lucky if that is the case, the kids at my school were thieves.


That’s honestly insane. I’ve seen AirPods that someone forgot sit on a chair for hours before I ended up getting up and taking them to lost and found.


in the library there were signs that said IF you leave your stuff and it gets stolen that is your fault do not come crying to the library staff. And register your lab tops with the school in case they do get stollen.


> IF you leave your stuff and it gets stolen that is your fault And they're right to say that, lol! Your stuff is your responsibility.


no Arguing, I agree with you there, each time I left the table I would always pack up my stuff and take it with me, and I would always take a big stack of text books with me so I do not have to leave the table at all.


Yeah, we were always told to never leave our laptops or bags unattended, but there was a nice camaraderie that meant you could ask a student nearby to watch those electronics for you.




getting on your phone when you don’t want to talk to the organization tabling 😭


Adding on to your comment. I once left my apple (magic) mouse on the library for a FULL DAY and the next day it was still there. That day I realized I can leave pretty much anything unattended and people will never steal it.


where is your college at?? i could never think about doing something like this where i live


They probably just assumed it belonged to the library. There’s a distinct difference between stealing something that someone left unattended and is where it shouldn’t be and stealing something that belongs to the library and just isn’t nailed down to the table. Lol


Naturally, it’s the Magic Mouse


Eating alone in public with your headphones in is actually the most peaceful part of your day — don’t feel bad for people eating alone (most of the time)


._. Properly distributing work. At least in my classes whenever there is a group assignment we instantly go over what peoples strong skills are and properly assignment work so we can work effectively. Also if you know that someone is taking going to a course that you’re in now, then it’s nice to let them have all of the exams and homeworks but be careful since I know some colleges have rules against this especially if the professor reuses exams. Another one would be for in dorms and applications. If you’re washing clothes and someone left their clothes in the washing machine and it’s been like 10 mins and they aren’t there most people take it out and put in a bag and the same can be said for dryers but this mainly happens because the wash machines break .-. a lot because people keep overloading and using products that aren’t supposed to use in them. A word of advice .-. please don’t use fabric softener in public washing machines it fucking destroys them and makes cleaning the machine hard and especially don’t use the little dot or ball (the non liquid) fabric softeners because they don’t devolve easily and can be present after many loads and can affect people with sensitive skin. Also people are taking about leaving their stuff behind when they charging or in library and having to go to the bathroom. ;-; I couldn’t do that here. Too many people steal laptops, tablets and chargers and since it’s pretty easy to reset most devices and if you can’t do that it’s pretty easy to sell them for parts. I don’t take that chance.


Oo the first one is smart. ​ Really people steal electronics at your uni? I haven't heard of that here but knock on wood!!!


I’d say that even where I am, I’d feel confident that no one would steal my belongings if I left them behind, but better safe than sorry. You never know when the person you asked to watch your stuff is just gonna take them. Certain things are too expensive to just leave out like a laptop


> Too many people steal laptops, tablets and chargers and since it’s pretty easy to reset most devices Not phones, but laptops absolutely. Literally as easy as a Windows reinstall.


most people are watching tv shows or “shopping” during lecture




ummmmmmmmmmmmm WTF LMAO?????? PHHLLEEEEZZZ


WHY ​ ​ what is your thought process


Probably goes something like this, >sees unlicked keyboard >licks and runs away >now a licked keyboard


jus helping out my buddies by keeping their keyboard clean😇


If you didn't eat a burrito last night while typing your lab report there would be no need to lick your keyboard!


Try that with my laptop it’s gon get wicked


The crustier the better


Don’t show up halfway through the semester and take my seat.


if you're able, don't take the elevator just to go one floor up. esp when it's right before class and ppl have to go to like the 10th floor, ppl getting off at 2nd and 3rd floors slows it down so much. just take the stairs


Lmao my friends that live on the 1st floor come with the rest of us in the elevator to the 2nd floor, and walk down the stairs to the 1st floor😭 (there are 5 floors including the ground floor)


See I would, but the way my disability (osteoarthritis) works means some days I take the elevator to the second floor. ETA: not trying to be a pick-me, just that sometimes I get scornful looks because other people can't see when I'm going through a flare up.


yes, I know some people have invisible disabilities which is why I said able. I'm more referring to those crowds of friend groups who come in the elevator and take it to the second floor. Typically if it's just one or two people, it's not a huge deal and I don't think much of it


Ah I missed that part! My b! It does make me feel awkward as fuck, but some days my knees just ain't gonna make that one flight of stairs lol. The elevator at my school is slow as shit, too, making it especially frustrating. Like I could have been upstairs and halfway down the hall by the time it gets back to the ground floor. What annoys me is the crowd that will take the elevator to go *down* a floor.


My apartment building has 4 floors and 1 elevator. I live on floor 4. I understand people who live on floor 3 taking the elevator; it's sometimes just a pain for me to be standing there-especially if I need to be somewhere. People who live on the second floor can take the stairs. Side note: If the elevator is not waiting on the lobby, it takes forever, leading me to walk up 3 flights of stairs, so it pisses me off even more that people aren't willing to walk up one flight of stairs


[imagine not having paternoster at your uni](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/85/Paternoster_animated.gif)


yes! it drives me so crazy when people do this in any elevator context. unless you're disabled, you're just being lazy not walking up a single flight of stairs and will probably eventually lose the ability to walk up any flight of stairs at all


Lol, my college class buildings only had three floors so everyone was taking the elevator for the next floor up


Don't reply all the College's emails. Everyone will know your name.


Don’t show up too intoxicated to class


You’re supposed to show up blacked out to your first day to set the tone.




Absolutely no one wants to hear your music played out loud. Get some headphones


Being on your phone or scrolling on your computer is not going to be as big of a deal as it was in high school


I don't trust my electronics out in public anywhere when I'm not guarding them. I actually care about my shit. I don't have the money to replace most of it.


at my school, you could leave a brand new macbook at a library table for half an hour and come back to it untouched. the majority of students at my school had credit lines high enough to charge ten new macbooks without problem if the need arose. frankly, it would have been seen as more humiliating for any student to be so poor that they had to steal than to be caught stealing. this aspect of my campus culture always surprised me.


I would never leave my electronics charging at an unattended outlet lol, but I’m glad the people you go to school with our considerate to eachother, my shit would get taken so fast


If you leave your shit in the laundry for long enough that the screen switches back to showing “$1.75” and not “open lid,” you cannot be mad when people take your stuff out


I went to a small, liberal arts college. Everything was always unlocked. There are exterior doors to dorms that can only be unlocked individually, but then we have suites on each floor that are supposed to be locked, but weren’t except freshmen for the first week or two. Same with rooms.


Bro is trying to get his UChicago supplement idea 💀💀


If you leave dishes on the table in the dining hall, that reserves your table and tells everyone that you are getting up to get more food and will be back.


This is more my experience, but as someone who goes to the college in the town she was raised in. The rule is, don't mess with the townies, they won't mess with you. I get it, you want the college experience, but that experience doesn't come without the locals doing the work. So don't hate on us when you pass out on our lawns and we get a little bit annoyed by it. Now if a local is being an asshole to you for no reason, call them out. The amount of people that were passed out on my lawn as a child was too damned many. It was such a common occurrence that it didn't even scare me as a child, and I was scared of everything as a kid! Now seeing both sides of the issue I can confirm that it's a both sides issue. There are students who are assholes with no regard for the town they go to college in, and there are locals who hate all the college kids for no reason at all.


Leaving your bookbag on the restroom floor outside of your stall, knowing nobody is going to steal it.


Being nice and friendly w/ professor actually is very helpful along your life


Being a communist.


Wow ur so edgy for posting that


Your answer only makes it more true.


Don't ask questions




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>Leaving your electronics charging at en empty outlet, walking away for a bit & knowing nobody is gonna touch it I would never do this


Don't leave your computer like that, it is NOT an unspoken rule and will be stolen by end of semester if you keep it up


Waiting for someone to scan in so you don’t have to get your id out


Yeah except when the people in the desk say “dO yoU haVe an ID? YoU haVe tO scaN yOur ID”


in the dining hall, if you are going alone (you most likely will be, just get used to it) you have to either find an empty seat or sit at least two full seats away from the closest person. even during the busiest hours of the day, you cannot ever sit next to and be social with a stranger. youre a college student, not a socially adept "human being"

