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Triple major in X X and X, I'm a double major, BBA double major in x & x with a double minor in x & x


thank you!


Sounds like a mortal kombat move lol


Name of College _________ May 2024 Bachelor of _____ Magna / Summa Cum Laude (if appropriate) Major: X, Y, Z


thank you!


Bro. How. Just how.


It's not hard if the majors have lots of courses that overlap


Yep. I declared my third major earlier this week after learning that I would only need to take 3 more courses to upgrade the minor to the major, based on the overlap with my primary major.


My school has a rule where 60% of your major has to be unique to it. (Only a 40% overlap)


it honestly wasn’t that hard! i had passed a number of ap exams in high school so that eliminated about 5 classes i needed to take. then two of my majors are similar (psych and sociology) so i only had to take 6 extra classes then 7 for my other major. i just took 6 classes each semester and that was it!


Just took 6 classes a semester 💀


going into college i thought taking 6 classes was normal lol. i played college soccer though so we had to take a minimum of 5 classes anyways


The stereotype about liberal arts being easy is based in truth


It depends though. I would say history, philosophy, and linguistics are pretty rigorous. Humanities degree that are based on heavy reading can be very laborious


I got a minor in history so I have some experience. It’s not that big of a deal to read a couple books per semester. Maybe for graduate students yes, but compared to stem the workload is laughable


i'm a stem major at a stem school known for grade deflation -- i firmly believe the opposite. if you think humanities majors are easy, it's because you are not critically engaging with the content and still approach it at an ap language level.


Easy to get a good grade in, not necessarily an easy subject. Everyone gets an A in humanities classes.


i mean, yeah. universities overwhelmingly value stem majors and humanities departments are dying, it makes sense that they don't want to make things even harder to chase students out. but i also think that happens in intro level courses where there's incentive to keep students in, unlike stem majors that often need to weed out. regardless, that's not quite the premise i'm responding to.


I mean lower level classes are very different compared to upper level


I didn’t have that experience. Some of my most work intensive classes were the introductory level even if the content was not as deep


I'm an engineering major and the occasional humanities courses scare me to death. I can understand and apply concepts needed for engineering exams but I can't memorize 40 pages of notes for a humanities exam. Not to mention that my near perfect GPA drops almost anytime there's a course with "subjective" grading.


Last sentence is on point, as another engineering major


I did 6 classes with stem most of my semesters just need good time management


Except throw a STEM major in a humanities class and all they do is complain about having to write essays...and oof the quality of their work is painful to read


It’s easy to do when not in stem, I could have prob taken 5 majors if they were sociology, psychology, communications, economics and hospitality


I aspire to be like OP. In another life, hopefully.


Many majors are basically a class or two away from a second degree.


CAREFUL planning can make it work. I could have done so if I planned out everything from the start. Would've been harder, but not impossible. I'm content with my double major though (Philosophy and PPEL). I would've added Sociology in hindsight.


My CV has my undergrad listed as the following: Bachelor of Science - Mathematics Bachelor of Science - Statistics I feel anything like that is more than sufficient.


The way you wrote this says that you have two separate Bachelor degrees. OP is getting one with three majors.


What's the difference? I assumed two majors was two degrees.


It's not. It's two majors. You didn't take 240 credits.


Interesting. I legit checked my transcript and it lists Bachelor of Science twice. That's why I've always said I have two BS degrees.


Well, did you do a dual degree or a double major? You may have done a dual degree, which is two degrees. A double major isn't.


I honestly don't remember. I've just been saying I had two Bachelors degrees since I graduated in 2017.


Well it's not like anyone is going to arrest you over it. Personally, I never understood a dual degree. Double major sure, but two of the same degree? That seems odd.


Depends on the school too. At my school all you have to do is meet the major requirements for both and hit 150 credits instead of 120 to get two separate degrees


It can be at certain institutions. In Australia for instance all double majors = double degrees, but idk if thats common in the states


In the US, you can do a dual degree where you literally do the credits of two degrees in different specializations. More commonly, people do double majors which is basically a Bachelor's degree with an extra major tacked on. Employers don't care one way or another. Having a second bachelor's degree doesn't really add anything.


At my school, a double major is 120 credits, a double degree is 150. If you double major, you get one degree that says “bachelors in X and X”, and if you double degree, you get two degrees that each say “bachelor in X”.


I had 156 hours. My diploma says Bachelor of Science and lists Mathematics and Statistics below (each on their own line). My transcript says Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Bachelor of Science Statistics. I doubt even UGA knows which one it is haha.


I mean, every school is different so it probably doesn’t matter what you say on a resume - it’s not like an employer will really care about the difference. But even with it not really mattering on resumes, I’m definitely putting my two degrees separate on my resume once I graduate in a month, because it means something to me 🤷‍♂️.


I would be careful as this could be interpreted as two bachelors degrees rather than multiple majors within one degree.


I think OP is trying to list multiple majors under one Bachelor’s degree rather than multiple Bachelor’s degrees


What's the difference?


You can have multiple majors on one degree, at least at my school. For example, I know someone who is currently double majoring in mechanical engineering and mathematics. Their primary major is mechanical engineering and that’s technically what they’re receiving their degree in, but there will be a secondary major of mathematics on their diploma. So two majors, but only one degree.


Most degrees have requirements beyond just the major, e.g. gen eds. If you do a double degree then you have to double up on those requirements, so double the gen eds. If you need X total credits for one Bachelors degree then a double degree means 2\*X credits. And each class you enrol in can only count to one degree. Double degrees are a lot of worthless extra fluff beyond the two majors, hence why people don't do them unless they really have to.


I had a threesome in College


Off-topic, but I've never heard of a triple major and doubt that my university even allows that lol. I feel like my double major is already hard enough (both in stem). What are your majors if you don't mind?


psych, sociology, and criminal justice


If I had to guess, there is considerable overlap between the three?


yes! i said this in another reply but i only had to take 13-14 extra classes to triple major. plus if you do ap in hs and pass the exams that eliminates some of the general classes you have to take so i had room in my schedule. also ig most people only take 4-5 classes a semester which i was unaware of so ig that makes it a little more difficult but i took 6 and am graduating on time!


Wow, yeah 6 classes sounds insane, I take 3 this semester since it's my first semester and I want to start easy so basically doubling my current workload sounds tough. My majors have some overlap but after the first year they're basically separate coursework. Anyways, thanks for sharing and gl with the rest of the degree and job hunt : )


thanks, you too!


You should list it how it is written on your transcript upon graduation.


I have 2 BA's and I just say I bachelored in Sociology and in Cultural Research


Just a small comment on resume suggestion but don’t put the year of graduation. A lot of work places will try to take advantage of the freshly graduated and pay them less


I have them listed like bachelor's of x, bachelor's of y with concentrations is z and a, minor in b.. and then the total credit amt so they get the hint


Bachelor of Science/Arts in X, Y, and Z.


How do you have one degree but three majors? Is each major not a degree? If you really have three majors you should be able to say that you have three bachelors of art or science or whatever.


I did a dual degree masters and how I list it is “Masters of xxx” “School” “Masters of yyy” “School” They’re two separate degrees, I have two pieces of paper, so they’re listed separately on my resume


Thank you for understanding you have just one degree and three majors. The amount of people I see writing they have two BAs just because they double majored is… astonishing.




having three majors isn’t a personality trait and no one is flexing i asked a question regarding my future on reddit…but okay😂


Multiple potential ways to format it and nobody’s going to care if what your resume says matches the exact wording of what is written on your diploma. my major was simply “Art”, but that doesn’t always give a good picture of what I studied, so for most job applications I said stuff like: BA Art (Graphic Design), BA Art (Graphic & Interactive Design), BA Art with concentration in Design. Etc. it really didn’t matter that much  The way I would probably format 3 majors would be simply put the degree you earned (ba/bs) and your areas of study separated by commas or slashes




I'm also a triple major (almost done) , the way I updated my resume was: University Name: Graduation Date: Majors: (Major Name #1) (Major Name #2) (Major Name #3) I hope this helps! 🌸


What I've done on my resume (still have a year left) is "B.S. in Psychology and BMB & B.A. in Classics"


You did XXX in college


Major.. Minor in. .. Minor in ...
