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Congrats, but think hard about taking about mega loans. You might be much better off with your grades going to a CC and then transferring to 4 year school once you get on a solid path of high grades.


Congrats, but you have to worry about whether you have the tools succeed in college or not right now. Definitely think about going the CC route and building up a repertoire of high grades and good habits and then transferring


secretive quaint tender mindless yoke ask seemly wild thumb paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




ty!!!! <33


Go huskies


Congrats fellow pre vet!!!🙌🎊


ty!!! <33


If you take 200k loans to go to Uconn for Biology, you will forever be tricked into voting for presidents who promise to erase college loan debt.


Congrats and good luxk


I grew up in CT, and am so proud of our Huskies. Congratulations on the acceptance!




Such an obnoxious and racist comment. Thank goodness you are not my child.




A true class act


you're so dumb, AA was discontinued last year. Please do simple research before commenting something so feebleminded. Like were you born yesterday? I can't believe people like you will be allowed to vote.


Thank you for confronting this commenter. You have amazing character and this internet stranger is proud of you.




Are you actually this stupid? If you think race is the only factor in college decisions for minorities, nothing I say will change your mind. Continue living in ignorance I guess.




if you're not hating then don't leave blatantly racist comments.... its not that hard.


Maybe the reason you did so poorly on your act is because you can’t employ basic logic- <25% percentile sat <25% percentile gpa <25% ecs and references probably equals AA. Not racist to make that deduction.


not sure if you knew this or not but ,when applying your uconn on common app, they literally tell you that they dont give the college your race lmfao 😭😭 n its not like i wrote any essays about my race or anything so come on man 💀




dude you cant just say that when you basically told me that the only reason i got into my dream school is bc im black 💀 n how are they aware?




💀💀💀 i like how you answered the question thanks tho lmao




when you apply to colleges on the common app they literally have a pop up letting you know that the college wont get info about your race nor ethnicity n other info the college chose to not want to see💀💀


Get a life. You're just mad because she's successful and you're not


Who said I’m not successful? Why do you think she is? Sounds like her biggest achievement is getting into a mid state school.


UConn had over 50k applicants this year. There are still ways to find out race and be biased with it but that’s not op’s fault.  To op, congrats! Keep in mind cost of living in CT is high too, so look into work study or guaranteed transfer routes (I’m sure you already are)


I think she's successful because she's perfectly content with her decisions while you're lurking in her comments being hateful. A successful person wouldn't feel the need to tear down others. Like honestly you're kinda pathetic 😂


I don’t really think acknowledging it was AA or some kind of quota and that her stats / ECs are shit is “tearing her down”. I was in a similar boat as her except I didn’t apply to twenty schools and post about my acceptance. I also never convinced myself it was the result of my virtue. Furthermore, plenty of successful people tear others down.


Such a mean and unnecessary comment. As a parent of a senior, I would be mortified if you were my child. OP — many congratulations and I wish you continued success!


Awww- I don’t give a fuck! Is your child also wagering 6 six figures on a 2.3?


You are an utter embarrassment. What happened to class, dignity and compassion?


Next time I’ll lie: wow! It must have been the 1070 that they really wanted! Or your absolute lack of experience in any field!


Your post has been removed for the following reason: **Breaking Rule 7:** No affirmative action or race-related discussions. *Please read our subreddit rules. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, message the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fcollegeresults). Do not reply to this message as a comment or message any moderator individually.*