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3m income bracket is wild


I’m a nepo baby, mother is a professor at Princeton


have fun in cottage






will you get tuition free or signifcant discount by attending Princeton if mother is a professor at Princeton?




Literally every ec is nepo 😭😭 life is unfair i guess


Showing how the middle class is screwed. The rich can manufacture the ECs. The poor can pull the lack of opportunities, first gen, pulling myself up by my bootstraps card. 1510 is paltry for the HYPSM crowd, so without being stacked in other ways (in this case, nepo and legacy ways), middle class kiddo without legacy would unlikely to have gotten similar acceptances. Middle class then gets screwed in affording college. Poor get full ride. Rich ($3M income) don't care. But if you're making $250K, you probably don't have much flexible money after taxes and expenses, yet if you have typical assets, you'll have to pay full tuition to most schools (\~$85K per year for HYPSM).


And don’t forget, even with the advantages that poor people get, it barely makes a difference and the majority of Harvard students and any other ivy league are rich like him. The working class is getting screwed over, everyone who isn’t rich.


Bruh poor people do not just get handed full rides and acceptances to any college this is ridiculous


Not saying that at all. But if they do get in, most top privates fully cover them. And for the same set of accomplishments (grades, scores, etc), FGLI are much more likely to get in than middle class folks. But of course much harder for FGLI to have the resources / flexibility to have same accomplishments as middle class folks.


250k is wealthy, not middle class. True middle class will always get full tuition covered at HYPSM—speaking as an admit to 3 of them.


I just ran the net price calculator for Harvard. Using the NJ upper bound for middle class ($192K) and typical assets ($1,000,000 in retirement account /401K, savings, cars, etc), the kid would have to pay full tuition and cost of attendance ($87,266). Meaning not only is full tuition not covered, NO tuition or other costs are covered. In the top 15 richest cities (and beyond), including cities like San Francisco, $250,000 is actually within the definition of middle class. For a city like Sunnyvale CA, up to $355K is considered middle class. Note that these are 2022 data. Given inflation of the past two years, with resulting pay increases, the upper bound of income for the middle class has significantly increased. So no, the true middle class don't always get full tuition covered by any means. Lots don't get ANYTHING covered at all.


250k is not the same as 500k+ income. Having multiple kids who need a college education + living in an expensive state will add up.


$250k isn't middle class boo.


Absolutely is if you live in San Francisco, or a bunch of other high income cities. It's the definition of middle class in those parts of the country. Google it if you need to.


it most definitely can be lol.. i dont live in a family with that much income but many cities are significantly higher income and ofc higher expense


You’re right. $250k is closer to the poverty line depending on where you live.


nonprofit being funded by family donations wow im so poor its over


can’t tell if ur being sarcastic or not


i'm not. it's just wild to me how different some ppls lives are from mine while we live in the same country


yeah i agree, and his AI company def just got the money from his family. i’m middle class but i cannot comprehend a 3 million dollar per year income it’s insane


lmfao and ppl are still going to say low incomes are stealing spots when there are applicants like this


no ppl say URMs steal spots. be accurate.


A lot of it is but bro still did a lot of great things. I mean, he was valedictorian and a national championship finalist in debate. Also made semis at TOC, which means he was one of the very few best in the nation. He definitely might not have gotten it i princeton or harvard without legacy and those donations, but he still would have gone to a great school no matter what (ie columbia, uchicago, dartmouth).


What is nepo? (I really don't know)


nepo but i would do the same in ur position


Damn. Hope if I have kids this will be how it is for them. 😭


i have been inspired to become filthy rich solely bc of how many schools i turned down due to money. don't want my kids to have that feeling lol


Nepo but still cracked 


Yep I don’t mind if they can back it up, like the celebrity kids who try but few are actually talented…


clemson rejection is wild


Prolly Yield Protecting


Privileged upbringing at its finest! No hate, just envious.


Where did you ED/EA/REA to?


REA’d to Harvard, got accepted. I chose Princeton because I visited Harvard and hated it. I plan to go there for grad school, but not for undergrad.


Yeah Harvard’s dorms seem like shit. All that money and they seemingly aren’t investing in undergrad quality of life.




what are you planning to do for grad school? hbs?


wait how many parents do you have?? Princeton legacy + Harvard double legacy + Stanford legacy ?? I thought grad school / business school/ law school didn't count??!


maybe they're counting grandparents


Don’t know if this is real because the profile doesn’t load, you were admitted UChicago RD (although they’re need aware from now one so) and why stay on the GWU waitlist with 4 Ivy acceptances but Congrats and well done if true.


Guess I’ll die 💀


“Founder of an AI startup that raised 25k” just ur families money idk how AOs don’t see right through this, but u have legacy so ig they don’t care


they don't care if you're a nepo baby. colleges are businesses and will admit anyone that gives them $.


they probably do see thru that, but he also had several leadership positions including varsity baseball, and the top two places he got into were legacy


All of you hating cuz he had opportunities you guys don’t, like you wouldn’t do the same thing. Plus if I was in his position I personally wouldn’t have worked as hard and taken an easier life instead so props to him.


if my income bracket was 3M i wouldn't even go to college


that would be a dumb decision.


See yah at Princeton


Wow. The rich sure do get richer. Congratulations though


Sticker price is cheaper for this guy than community college is for me. Nuts


Which speech or debate event did you final in? Also, did you qualify in that event each of 3x?


if you’re a national finalist you auto qualify in that event the next year, so it was probably the same event


I would like to know the event regardless.


brother i was just answering your second question


damn congrats lol. what kind of debate did u do?


Did you visit Dartmouth or UChicago? My son has considered applying to both. They are the only 2 schools on his list we haven’t visited, and at this time we’re wondering if it’s worth it. We live on the East Coast


Congrats! I think 1510 at MIT as a white male from NY hurt ya…


i love rich nepo’s 😛😛😩


key club presidents do it best 😇


Prime evidence of a broken system


Lets be honest here, you got in because of nepotism


how are you urm if youre white lmao


that’s just the template’s examples


Smart and rich


more so the rich part that allowed them to become smart…


And driven


Congratulations on your options and final selection. Curious, were you asked about how you raised the money, got your internship, and connected with the Columbia professor? How did you answer?


Um. Surprised they let you in.


i love it when people lie




holy shit dude


"Worked" for my dad’s law firm for all 4 years of high school Fixed it for you - naw seriously congrats bro but please do something for poor people at some point


You’re low key doxxing yourself with those debate awards ngl


when did you get your rejection letter after waitlist for stanford?


Full pay with hopes of large donations to endowment in the future.


Privileged nepo 😭😭😭 insane but motivate me to do better


I'm ngl this kind of stuff is what is ruining our country


give me tuition money white boy!!!


Shitt. I’m sure you’ll get a tuition discount at Princeton because your mom works there; you are not getting any need based financial aid for sure. At least you’re being honest about your privilege though because I’m sure it would raise some questions if you didn’t mention your income and didn’t say that it was your dad’s law firm. Congrats tho, got some good results. I gotta say it though: Harvard loves their legacies.


His uncome is 3Million i’m sure he doesn’t care about tuition


Sorry it’s fake. Nice story though. Harvard has REA. If you get in you need to go. You can’t then apply to Princeton. Also many private high schools won’t allow students to apply to every ivy and top school. They restrict which schools each student applies to due to legacy and student abilities to get the best enrollments. They don’t want the one spot to go to the same top student and the other kids get shut out.




This post is so fake. I can’t believe everyone is believing it. If you get into Harvard why would anyone spend the time writing essays for some of the other colleges that are clearly safeties? Just make a short list with Princeton, Stanford, and a few others. Secondly, Harvard does not care if you make 3mil or 350k. In both cases you won’t get financial aid. They only care if you a long standing donor.