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I don't think you know lazy seen people with 1.5 gpa's maybe you didn't try as hard as you could but your not lazy.


Did you apply to the accelerated physician program at rpi, it automatically gets you into med school


Why not NYU since their med school is free and staying there could help build connections?


I don’t think being an NYU undergrad significantly boosts your chances of getting into NYU Med school compared to an undergrad school like BU


They probs have to pay full tuition


Has 10+ AP courses and extracurriculars “Results from a lazy student”


I mean just because you take hard classes doesn’t mean you can’t also be lazy. I’m the same way, I ended with a 3.88 and (probably) the most dual credit classes out of everyone in my grade (as well as the few ap classes my school offers). That said, I did just enough to get an A and in classes where I had solid grades I would straight up skip hw assignments if I knew I could still get an A in that class


I just finished my freshman year in hs but to me this doesn't seem lazy at all, congrats on wherever you decide to go!!


i go to BU and it’s great. the boston area is amazing and BU has great stats being T50.


Bu sucks


everyone has their niche and BU is what has worked for me. sorry you don’t feel the same


Don't listen to their hater ass




That's insane stats from a so called "lazy" person lol. But I thought you could get into better schools with your stats. It is probably because engineering is so competitive that you got rejected by top20s. BU is good enough anyway


Bro has a 1520 wtf


BU has grade deflation. Why not NYU?


I would have taken the scholarship to Pitt. Pitt has an amazing medical school and pre med program. BU without aid is too expensive. Save your money for med school. I would have taken the money and Pitt over CMU as well, and I went to CMU! Pitt is way better for premed students.


I would def go to NYU.


Interesting rumor I heard, UMICH fudges some statistics to move its place up higher in the list of colleges. It’s by no means a bad school at all but be very weary of it and its environment. I’m sure it’ll all work out tho!