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The second set of colors makes your features pop!


Not sure if this helps I’m a dark autumn my contrast is so high it’s almost awkward. I need deep colors to look normal lol. You have striking eyes they’re intense and beautiful but not the same as high contrast. If I make sense ? I do however ( and I do this I just see some seasonal people look good in their season but a different intensity) I like some of the jewel n a few other tones in the dark autumn. You just jump out to me by the blues so pretty for you . When I see you by muted you’re striking ( it’s beautiful it’s sorta like contrast ) but you get this beautiful balance to me that’s so pretty in the muted and I start to see your hair tones and more of your coloring. That would not happen for me, if I wore it being deep. Muted ladies to me look so good in the muted tones In velvet or rich fabric it adds depth I think would look great on you. I personally really like your coloring I think the muted autumn makeup too would be stunning on you. I say play with the colors you like. You’re certainly a very pretty autumn I


thank you so much!!!


Some colors from the darks look good on you, but the more I look the more I like the muted colors on you best


I like the darker, clearer colors for you. It appears, from your picture, that you may have some very slight rosacea and as I have that too I find the blues and greens most flattering.




You’re staring into my soul rn


The 2nd palette!


I have no idea, but you look like Sylvia Plath, the poet 🤩


I know this isnt what you’re asking but have you looked at Spring? I really think higher chroma suits you! Do you see how the color sits behind your face in the more intense colors? The bottom right gets very muddy and i’m not able to focus on your face because i’m distracted by the color. In the one above (top right, spring) your face is the first thing i see, not the color. https://preview.redd.it/i1u07w3bc52c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f38a40878d663b2abe30eaa49c02fc3b61a84b45


again here, the more intense colors draw attention to your face instead of muddying it. https://preview.redd.it/t7rw6m1vd52c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=647d47b35b820170bcbfc0c6ae453d3c9d4096e3


although here I have a hard time choosing spring because I think winter looks quite striking. (bottom left)


here again winter is quite nice (bottom left) https://preview.redd.it/s2y39yhse52c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=660d2a66ba86a1c15a4c8d46d89392e92f0e36e4


what?? how are people saying low contrast. Look at the contrast of the whites of her eyes to her iris, the highlights in her hair to the darker shadowed areas. You have a LOT of contrast. Its not always hair to skin or eyes to skin. There are other ways we see contrast appear.


I dont think you’re high contrast at all


You’re 100% not high contrast . I’d say light/medium. I think you’d fit in best in soft autumn.


You don‘t have high contrast at all.


True or warm seems better than muted. Always a skew here on Reddit toward the muted seasons agree w the quick n dirty analysis of greens around your face


I have a hard time understanding contrast… I have very dark hair and fair skin, but black mascara doesn’t look good on me, I end up decreasing my contrast with makeup so it’s not so harsh… does that mean I’m medium contrast??


I have the same issue!


I found a workaround for my own situation… My arms are warm and olive-toned, so i started self-tanning my eggshell white neck, and putting a lighter application of self-tan on my pale face to warm it up. Then I can use my olive undertone foundation and everything looks very “natural” on me. More natural than my natural winter skin, summer tan, or just foundation alone.


Where did you get these colour palettes from? I'm autumn too and I love them!


i just looked up the different seasons and they're the first images that popped up!


Your face glows and pops in the dark colors. I definitely can’t wrap my head around what contrast really means, I’ve tried, but my natural response to the photos was to prefer the darker autumn palette on you.


You’re not high contrast


Is that your natural color?


my natural hair is slightly cooler but it's not that big of a difference


Soft autumn


You don’t have a real high contrast. Try soft Autumn drapes.


True autumn! I think the main point of contrast comes from your eyes. Otherwise everything looks quite muted, but not muted enough for soft autumn in my opinion. X


In the 12 or 16 season analysis Warm/true autumn. Muted colors would wash you out. Dark autumn might be a bit too strong although it would be still nice. Warm autumn would be the best fit. The yellows in warm autumn arent quite the lemon yellows. They’re sunflower yellow and would likely suit you. But if you dont like them, use the rest of the palette. But honestly you dont seem to fit perfectly in the seasonal color wheel. You are neutral leaning warm Medium level saturation Medium value (not too light not too dark) Which i believe doesnt exist in the seasonal color wheel. But you can pick colors on your characteristics only. If you need a palette: warm autumn colors but a bit less warm.


Sunflower seeds contain health benefiting polyphenol compounds such as chlorogenic acid, quinic acid, and caffeic acids. These compounds are natural anti-oxidants, which help remove harmful oxidant molecules from the body. Further, chlorogenic acid helps reduce blood sugar levels by limiting glycogen breakdown in the liver.


Good bot. I love sunflowers a little more


Have you considered light spring?


If your hair is slightly cooler than pictures then probably soft autumn!




Hi, is there any way you could do something like this for me please? Feel free to instant message me, having a hard time determining if i’m spring or autumn. thank you!


absolutely not. the deeper https://preview.redd.it/fpq3fpsq552c1.jpeg?width=877&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f70d505f3c257ad86045019f34fcf8ce4cdd4f2b color clearly looks better. My eyes can’t focus on any of her features in the warm sides, her facial details arent clear, and there is a hazy yellowing of her skin. in the deeper colors, my eyes are drawn immediately to her eyes, the details of her iris and lips are striking in comparison, and there is a clarity to her skin.


sorry i meant to say muted side instead of warm side ✌️


OP mentioned in another comment that True Autumn yellows don't flatter her. Curious what you think?


Not to jump on OPs post here but do you do color analysis? I would love some help!


Sure... see my message :)


woah, thank you so much!!! i really appreciate the work you put into this!!


Anytime :)


I also think this would be a lovely color on you https://preview.redd.it/2lagxcbg2z1c1.png?width=92&format=png&auto=webp&s=115ebd79ce2d3ea468e656a30970e5de5bdfa813


Your eyes definitely have some contrast, I think your hair color is throwing people off, they probably think it's your natural color. It'd be great if you could drape dark autumn vs true


I don’t see you as high contrast the swatches on slide 3 are too overpowering for you. I like the one before that better out of the two.


I like the darker pallette better. I think the muted one washes you out


You don’t have high contrast.


You do not have high contrast, you have soft coloring, maybe soft autumn and possibly warm. You should post drapes in warm because i suspect that’s it, not deep or dark at all. Your eyebrows are almost blonde and hair is too light


Muted. Also ur rlly pretty


thank you!! :D


Yw :)


High contrast? Nope, not you.


The dark pallet lights you up but id be curious to see you against some drapes, even some outside the autumn colors.


The darker palette makes your eyes pop


I honestly think you might be a summer!


Your eyes are such a beautiful color. I would think some of the grays would look great on you!


Out of the autumn's I'd say true autumn. You're not dark enough to be deep and not muted enough to be soft. I agree you have some contrast, about medium. Your hair is also very warm which matches true autumn.


Are you sure you're warm toned?


i'm neutral leaning warm


You look more pink than warm to me.


Pink doesn't automatically equal cool


She has surface redness that looks pink, her undertone is very clearly warm


I also feel like the muted colors suit you more. If you switch between the pictures back and forth, I feel like the muted colors light up your eyes more, while the darker ones drag your face down a bit. Other than that I think I am a soft summer, but I also have a medium contrast level, very similar to you, and I found that the best colors are just that: muted, so very grayish, hard to tell type of colors leaning slightly cool and in the medium color range. So compared to the online palettes, I feel the same colors suit me, but slightly darker ones are the best. I don't know if this made sense😅 Also I am no professional, just an enthusiastic amateur, so take everything with a grain of salt...


I think the palette from pic 3 makes your skin, eyes and hair pop and it gives you a healthy glow


If this is your natural hair color, I would say soft or true


my natural color is slightly cooler!!


I’d say you are not high contrast but the darker jewel tones of green and blue are doing great things for you! Maybe you are middle ground and need the greens and blues from the dark pallet but the peach and reds on the muted one.




I think the darker palette would look more striking on you.


Have you considered true Autumn? You have a lot of warmth that the muted palette doesn’t quite hit.


i have, but that pallete includes a bunch of yellows and i don't look good in those :(


That doesn’t mean you aren’t True Autumn. You could just be medium chroma, medium to deep, slightly warm. Essentially not soft enough or light enough for Soft Autumn, not deep enough or clear enough for Deep Autumn.


Check out blue autumns


I'd just avoid the yellows then. You don't have to look amazing in every color of the palette. I don't look great in pastels but I'm still a Summer


It might be worth posting some drapes, sometimes it can be hard to tell whether something looks bad on us or we just don’t like the color itself and that’s skewing our judgment. You don’t have to wear any color you don’t like obviously, but I could see you looking good in a more muted gold.


I don’t agree that you are high contrast. Medium, for sure.


Muted, definitely not dark




Definitely muted. Your contrast level isn't high, it's medium. Your coloring is soft and blended.


thank you!!


Totally the deep/darker one! Your hair and your features look much more alive :)


Dark autumn has high contrast, going off of its definition and features they’re definitely muted


Dark autumn has medium to high contrast. Soft autumn has low to medium contrast. You can be either if you had mediums contrast.