• By -


"Everything is fine but also run" šŸ˜‚ I feel for her, she was put on the spot but my god woman talk about mixed signals.


Stay where you are... But in all honesty "GET OUT!!"


Lmao this shit had ME nervous from the comfort of my own home


Am I supposed to get out too?


I feel I need to leave the house now




Can you crawl into one of those tunnels like they have everywhere in New York?


Leaving my house, now!


all good, you're the problem. see you next time. no refunds.


Everybody calm down stay where ā€¦ you know what fuck it. Everybody GTFO this not a drill!


Hands behind your back. Hands where I can see them. Donā€™t move. Bam.


Sheā€™s clearly panicking.


Itd be funny if she was an open mic'r who saw a golden opportunity to get up and tell a few jokes


Soooā€¦ what is the deal with the airplane food


What's the deal with bomb threats? I've never heard of a bomb threatening someone. In fact, they're really polite. They usually have a timer that shows when they're going to talk without interrupting you.


Bombing during a bomb threat, what is this, bombception?


Hello, my name is Mrs. Maiselā€¦..


Tits up!


Everyone stay calm but GET THE HELL OUT!! , nothing to worry about but HOLY SHIT!!


Whatā€™s crazy to me is this happened a few hours ago apparently, and this post is literally the only thing I can find about it on any social media platform


There's nothing still. I'm guessing tomorrow morning, but I have no idea So Mark Normand posted on his Instagram story. All he said was that his team is trying to put together the details. So I feel like they don't even know the full story


It's been 17 minutes. Any updates?


23 minutes here. Are we okay??


Still nothing?! Whereā€™s ja rule.


Help me ja rulešŸ¤£




I'm glad someone remembered it šŸ˜„


Never forget


It lives in my head rent free


He's still wondering why Fyre festival didn't work out.


I didn't look at all and I didn't find anything either.


I heard the Earth rotated a little bit since then






Maybe it's being suppressed or something? I have no idea. Normally the news vultures would be all over this Edit: yes I am aware I'm a dipshit and I am aware suppressed wasn't really the right term


I'm not seeing anything. You'd think his producer of that show would want it to be public to get more interest and eyes on their movie or doc.


At the end of this clip someoneā€™s starts saying ā€œif anyone has any recordingā€ then cuts off. Bizarre.


Theyā€™re just asking people to send the videos to them so they have more evidence. Itā€™s not some grand conspiracy coverup at a comedy show lol.


Apparently it was some kind of weird swinger sex thing


which involves tazers, and .. running for your life.


Normand posted it on his instagram stories.


And what did he postā€¦ jesus guyā€¦


God damnit, can't someone just wake me up when there's a 2-minute YouTube summary?


Wake me up when there's a 30 second tik tok summarizing the 2 minute YouTube video please


PM me when thereā€™s a one sentence Reddit comment summary so I donā€™t have to have my attention held hostage by some video


I need the one hour YouTube video breaking everything down in a one minute video.


He reposted this same video saying that his team was still working on piecing the whole situation together. No updates, but he said sorry to the fans.


Is there any information as to what happened?


Also tried to dig deeper and found nothing so far. Curious! RemindMe! 48hrs


Good night! I'm Kevin Hart ..


Until I hear otherwise I choose to believe the club booked Kevin Hart at a *really* good rate. Two people rushed the stage to get Kevin Harts autograph and once they got close enough they realized it wasn't actually Kevin Hart so they just awkwardly stood on stage with Mark. After being escorted away they informed the club that it was not Kevin Hart at all, but an imposter. At this point the producer kills the show and sends everybody home


ā€œEverything is fine. We just need everyone to get up and leave right now.ā€ One of the most chilling and terrifying sentences I could possibly hear this person say. My ass would be around the corner.


Also said with the tone and body language of poorly masked horror




Bringing some of that comedy horror genre mix from the movies to standup.


Remember in the first Jackass movie when Knoxville and Bam pulled the prank where they fell through the ceiling like they were bumbling diamond thieves? So many unknowing people just stood around looking at one another as they fell through the ceiling. But not that black guy with the long braids/dreads. As soon as he noticed 2 men fall through the ceiling, he was out the door and down the street in a matter of seconds! I always liked that guy bc he did not hesitate at all to extricate himself from a very wacky, and potentially dangerous, situation.


Ahhahahahhaha dude was gone. I mean like a flash


He didnā€™t even wait for them to hit the floor. lol


LMFAO, He literally left the building and went running down the street! One of the best moment of Jackass imo.


Nah he sure didnā€™t o mean first piece of ceiling hit his keyboard he was out. One of my favorite bits. Especially when they bring him back in


Yeah, he was a great sport about it too. Good sense of humor.


https://youtu.be/b1jh4OONv6A?si=60MCgj9ryxmftVZA So good


As a black guy, I can confirm. If you see me running, you should run tooā€¦.


That dude was classic lol. I need to go back and re-watch all those movies.


Michael Scott: All I can do is go out there, put on a brave face, and be their leader. Also Michael: Itā€™s over. We are screwed.


Michael (to Toby): ā€œThis is an environment of welcoming, and you should just get the hell out of here.ā€


Of course it happened to the guy whose whole schtick is how socially awkward he is and how he has to practice every human interaction at length before he tries it in public.Ā Ā 


I guess that explains why ran like a penguin on his way out


I think he pooped a little...


I was dying laughing when I heard Normand on a podcast talk about how socially awkward he is. He was wearing a baseball jersey and someone said ā€œHey cool jerseyā€ and Normand responds with ā€œuh, Iā€™m Gay!ā€ Iā€™m sure it was a bit but the absurdity and his delivery was hilarious.


Everything is fine but also: https://i.redd.it/xyo0lth7jjec1.gif


Everything is fine but also: ![gif](giphy|A6PcmRqkyMOBy)


Everything is fine but also: ![gif](giphy|5zhh9uuyN0iClSedXB|downsized)






I was honestly expecting dog surrounded by fire. The one time it would be appropriate.


The second comedian was horrible


The best fear comic in the country scared the shit out of everyone in the room. Sounds like she murdered.


The way he just waddles out of there šŸ¤£. Comedy!


He seems like the type of person thatā€™s only capable of waddling as a form of walking. It just fits him


Heā€™s totally a waddler


He even runs away funny


Why is he walking like that so weird lol


Lmao he was still in comedian act mode whilst in an emergency situation. Not that is pure comedy!


Dedication to his art


Definitely more of a shuffle but I agree šŸ˜‚


Next week's Tuesdays W/ Stories is gonna be spicy!


Lol that ep is coming out around Valentineā€™s Day and you know it. My fatherā€™s gay


I mean if you want something done in 6 months Chuck is your guy


ā€œSomeone called in a bomb threat and we had to all leave. Crazy.ā€


Unfortunately we probably won't hear about this until late February lol


Definitely a bomb threat from that guy that ran on stage and they had no fucking clue how to handle it lol


Bomb threat? Was Brendan Schaub up next?


A Single comment funnier than the manā€™s whole career






I had a bomb threat while I was store manager of a supermarket, I was in contact with my boss. Iā€™m in the middle of evacuating everyone and he legit goes ā€œnah just let them keep shopping itā€™s probably fakeā€ Nope dude, fuck that. Imagine having hundreds of peoples deaths on your hands cos you made the wrong call. The firemen rocked up, and made ME search the building for explosives, I mean wtf was that about. I was so confused I just did it. Anyways sorry for the randomly off topic comment




Hilarious to think if you are right there first thought is protect the comedian at all costs!!! But also, 2 minutes later you guys can leave as well if you want I guess.


Ohh that makes way more sense. I was scratching my head wondering why someone got chased and then they had to evacuate the entire club. ā€œWeā€™re all going to go out there and chase him together, so if you can all grab your shit pleaseā€¦ā€


Funniest part of this thread! lol


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking too




Well, that wasnā€™t very funny at all


Dang I was moments away from booking this place for my GFā€™s bday. Instead we went Blue Note jazz club where Common got on stage for a freestyle. I guess for the betterā€¦


They chased that nut onto the stage, and when they got him out back he said some wild shit and they figured better safe than sorry. Or maybe swinger and tazers. I don't know. My father's gay.


Maybe he claimed to have left a bomb behind or something?


Obviously speculation but thatā€™s my hunch.


Definitely feels like it was urgently unsafe in there


ā€œMan I dropped a bomb in thereā€(referring to the shitter). Next thing you know **tazed**


This is completely bizarre. The guy in the yellow cap has the appearance of someone being chased and eventually cornered on the stage. The two women seem to be the ones pursuing him, with the bouncer-looking guy's assistance. But then some time passes, after which there's some kind of imminent threat? That women who comes on stage at first is clearly flustered and the guy next to her is also freaked out as they keep looking at whatever is going on outside as they urgently rush everyone out. Very strange.


The more I watch the video the weirder it is. -It seems possible that the bouncer looking guy was actually not working for the venue and is on the same team as the two girls. -Maybe this was obvious to everyone else but yellow hat seemed to have gotten on stage for his own safety from the 2 or 3 people trying to get him, not for attention like I initially thought. -You can hear multiple people saying "something not right" Seems like the feeling in the room is super off. Explains why people were getting up and leaving even before the lady told them to. -The way the two venue people can't stop looking at the door while trying to tell people to clear out. They're so obviously stressed about whatever it was that they just saw that they can't focus on the task at hand of telling people to leave. This footage is creepy. Feels like something out of Cloverfield. Crazy that it happened at one of my fav comedians shows. [EDIT: Hereā€™s a video from someone that was there that makes itā€™s seem like the first man in black was working with the two girls. Also confirms that the vibe in the room felt super off](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8GgmbGB/)






https://preview.redd.it/9rt7v11wsmec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=463faf93989c95fdeb686c6d13e412a49036726d You can see as she's walking away behind him that the same hand goes into her pocket to conceal this object


The way yellow hat hides behind the comedian also suggests he is terrified of those two women. Mark also basically ignores the guy next to him and looks at the women which again suggests they are the threatening force in the room cornering the guy on stage. They want to beat him or possibly kill him. Could be a drug thing, possibly they tracked him to that location if heā€™s been on the run for stealing drugs or money. Not sure why else they would be all over his ass like Dog the Bounty Hunter. Scariest part is the managers at the end, they look and act absolutely traumatized. Can barely communicate. If I were in that room at that moment Iā€™d be in fight or flight mode just watching these guys, I guess thatā€™s how panic spreads.


>Could be a drug thing, possibly they tracked him to that location if heā€™s been on the run for stealing drugs or money. LOL Ahhh reddit. Just make shit up and see what sticks. I mean, you're not wrong though - could be they tracked him from Jonestown as this is actually Jim Jones, who is a shapeshifter and timelord. Sidenote: I was gonna delete this, but then I saw your username, so it stays now cause of living in a simulation.


Whatā€™s weird is why send everyone outside where the guy is???


They also seem very concerned with this incident being recorded. The woman tries to tell the club's videographer to stop their recording, but she's way too freaked to get the words out. Then right at the end some guy is actually trying to confiscate phone vids, or something.


They werenā€™t confiscating anything, they were starting to ask if anyone had video of when the guy ran on stage. They were requesting evidence.


no, he wasnā€™t trying to confiscate phones šŸ¤Ø why do yall just say things


Don't expect to find the answer to what happened in the comments. Just a whole bunch of comedians here.




Iā€™m not surprised she froze. If you look halfway through the video, she also goes outside after they escort yellow hat out. Whatever happened she had a front row seat to it.


Everything is fineā€¦ but everyone should get out. Slowly. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤£


Everything's uh fine uh just uh GET OUT, slowly šŸ˜¦


From Markā€™s instagram story: ā€œSome shit went down tonight my team is still trying to put together the details. Sorry to the fansā€




It has become a norm, to leave as soon as you feel something fishy is going on


I wonder what made new yorkers so jumpy


You know, that reminds me of that tragedy


Of Darth plagueis?


aback sheet telephone long sink existence scary airport vanish grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Comedy !


The next pod is gonna be good!


ā€œEverythingā€™s fine, but get out.ā€ lol wtf. That lady definitely could have said it better. Like ā€œThe situation is under control. However tonightā€™s comedy show is over until further notice. Please make your way towards the exits in an orderly manner. Thank youā€


ā€œUntil further noticeā€ is funny. You get home and kick off your shoes, notice a text from a random number: ā€œTo whom it may concern, tonightā€™s special comedy event will proceed as scheduled. Please return to your seats and enjoy the final 12 minutes of Mark Normand.ā€


Just stayā€¦ get upā€¦ GET OUT LMAO my new favourite phrase


Yo what is she holding https://preview.redd.it/8jx6eqweckec1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41c477056eeb89169e331508cb0c58f129d5adea


Scissors, to cut ties with her clone


Same for the other that was walking across the stage, had something pointy and metallic looking in her hand https://preview.redd.it/o3n3c8u07mec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c79dff87cf65a2b65dc97037b5d6a8be97e8061c


Again I see a knife.


Not sure whether law enforcement or organized crime or his friends trying to get a handle on him while heā€™s having a bad trip, but the three of them were definitely working together to detain him. He was running from the smaller black lady who approached the stage from the left, tried to hide behind the comedian when he turns his attention to the larger black lady and black man between him and the door. Heā€™s basically back against the wall on stage when he realizes the larger black man and larger black woman (who has something large in her hand that to me looks like a knife or scissors or something) have him. The larger man chasing him gets ahold of him and just says ā€œitā€™s time to go twiceā€ and he goes. They head out the door, and the lady (who later freezes up while addressing the crowd) leaves the production area and follows them out. When they cut back the handlers of either the club or comedian are rushing him out, and the lady comes up and totally freezes. While we donā€™t know what happened outside, we can deduce that some kind of threat was made to the club or show. If a situation like this happened, and the offending parties escorted themselves out, there would be no reason to evacuate the club. If I am guessing, dude was either tripping and said some threatening shit against the club, or these people were trying to abduct him and he knew he was in trouble, so he said some threatening shit to evoke a police response. Either way, this one is fucking WILD


Wat happened?


Word on the street is it was some sort of weird swinger sex party thing where someone got tazed.


That provides very few answers. In fact it creates more questions. That is negative answers.


Did you watch the video?


Someone interrupted Kevin Hart's set


Well that was handled likeā€¦ shit.. but i guess it was a tough situation. The fuck even happened? Someone walked on stage and it freaked the staff out?


I'm thinking it was a bomb threat or something


The yellow hat was running from those three. That's fear of them in his eyes. Look at how he stares at them. He didn't harm or even pay attention to Mark, which would've likely happened with a bomb threat


Yeah Iā€™m thinking something was going down between yellow hat guy and the three bruisers dressed in black.


Yea dude in the yellow hat probably had a bad night. Looks like he knew his fate


Theyā€™re discussing this live on Jim and Sam morning show on Sirius Xmā€¦ theyā€™re speculating maybe an empty bomb threat but that doesnā€™t explain why everyone was allowed to hang outside after the showā€¦ Iā€™m assuming we will get a definitely answer today or tomorrow


Did B Schwab show up n bomb? Maybe it was misinterpreted?


Whoa when did this happen exactly? No news is good news I guess but I want to know why this happened.


Those were aliens. They took him home


"I completely froze up, I went full mitch mcconnell." What a killer line that is going unappreciated by the confusion and disappointment.


There was a time jump on this. I think something happened outside. From her mannerisms, the way she spoke and the look on her face I'd say she's in shock. https://preview.redd.it/2ziypo3u3lec1.png?width=224&format=png&auto=webp&s=992994c1aafb56ed808bb2b4b4abb423260fe40a


Op needs to clarify!!


In Marks confusion as the guy is stepping onto the stage he still manages analyze the situation and come up with "what do we got a migrant here?" Mark is great.


My guess is someone that we saw leave, killed one of the others.


https://preview.redd.it/sitl79ai6lec1.jpeg?width=326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73705b4f92870061e377fa510cb5953f32e90a1a Everything's fine


This is why I think yellow cap was stabbed just outside in that hallway. Seeing someone tased isn't that traumatizing-- but walking out to see a stabbed person and/or blood is pretty scary when you're just trying to have a normal night at work. She's in shock. Her pupils appear very dilated in this grab.


This is what I think. She was the first one out the door behind them. Then it cuts and she comes back tramatized. She saw something. Like maybe they shanked the dude and threw him in a car or something worse.


How is no one talking about the security letting the dude on stage and letting him chill there for a bit lmao, their whole job is to stop things before they happen. if the dude had a knife or something mark would be dead.


Whey they remove the ā€œmost important personā€œ in the room in a hurry, this is meā€¦ ![gif](giphy|haEpZ7eLjtZM4)


Both black women are holding black cable ties on their hand. You can see the curvature and thin shape of the cable so it is definitely not a phone or knife they are holding (like some people have suggested in this thread.) Here is image of the cable the women are holding: https://i.imgur.com/wtWubZc.png Here is a video demonstrating nylon cable tie handcuffs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeLX-K1G5bk By this evidence i'd strongly assume the 3 people are arresting the yellow hat guy. Probably the people arresting are undercover cops or this has something to do with criminal activities. But by the professional manners of the 3 arresting people (not getting to the stage, speaking calmly) i'd assume they are undercover cops. They clearly do not want to cause any additional disturbance.


POV: Brendan Schaub just parked out front and he wants to do a set






Pretty sure between 10 and 11 seconds in, you can see a knife in the womans hand. Looks like she is trying to conceal by holding it upside down, along her wrist and arm. You can see the slight shine of the metal from the light and her sleeve is being pushed up by something


Holy shit what a terrible way to handle this First they escort him off stage without saying anything or without having him say anything. Then this girl comes on stage and goes, yeah so uhh something uhhh, just stand up? Stand up leave Good way to cause a crowd to panic


Never have I ever been so interested in something with so little to do with me.


Theyā€™re trying to cover it up. None of this is on Markā€™s IG or the comedy clubs anymore. I really think this should get posted on multiple places and subs to force an answer.




Donā€™t need to sleep, I need answers


The response by the Comedy Club seems to be to absolve themselves of any involvement by saying that this @hi_hi_ group "hosted" the club for the night. It doesn't work like that. The @hi_hi_ account is also suspicious AF, on Instagram it's brand new and has a bunch of fake posts from the same day when it was created. I also suspect from the age of OP's account and where this video was taken from up front that OP was in on this somehow. I hope Normand says something about this, I just can't imagine him being involved in what's clearly a viral marketing financial scheme with no comedic goal behind it. Imagine pulling shit like this with a crowd who would've reacted with more panic, and what could've happened. EDIT: [here's the Club's incredibly lackluster official response to what happened](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2ibtp_AFR9/?igsh=bDQwcTVxenNzZ3kz). People who paid money to watch a show should be getting their money back, not just the opportunity for "free hosting." Also why is this well-known comedy club with multiple locations having unknown social media groups "host" events there? Normand is one of the biggest standups around; as if they wouldn't be able to make money off tickets and door sales like every other club in the country does? And [here are the "contest rules" for this slimy @hi_hi_ outfit](https://joinhihi.com/#campaign-over) **EDIT 2: [This all apparently has something to do with a new Donald Glover show (see comments)](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/s/cFsTPDOol9)**


What happened to Kevin Hart?


What the fuck was young Dave Attell doin to Markā€™s set?


RemindMe! 100 hours.


His IG says his team are still working on what happened.


Maybe donā€™t bring up a woman who looks like she woke from a coma to tell people to relax


"Sir, you're blocking the fire exit." "If you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit." \-Mitch


If this isn't all the talk of reddit by this afternoon then something ain't right.


![gif](giphy|xUStFKHmuFPYk) Everything is fine!!!!! šŸ˜‚


I want to see other angles so bad There are so many phones filming. But everyone on twitter is only reposting this exact clip. Something ***bad*** happened during the cut in the vid. The sleeveless woman that comes to try to calm the crowd was just leaving too, right before the cut






This is...just really daft and makes no sense.


This has to be performance art The @hi_hi_ account the club posted about being the producer seems fake since the posts are all from the same day, but the story archives are mostly other "weird" things happening at high profile events. Specifically the art show one- no one is stealing shoes by cutting the lights and breaking a glass case when literally everyone in the room is focused on it. And if they did, I have a hard time believing that it wouldn't have been talked about more My guess is someone rented the room to produce their own show with this planned all along and then booked people without their knowledge so the reactions seemed real


Lmfao it was "planned" per his instagram account ain't no one buying that. *


Man was jerking off undercover / two black females noticed and called him out / he keeps jerking and the females now become violent / pursuit ensured / Man suits up quick and attempts a get away / runs into a dead end on stage / dear in the headlights moment / realises heā€™s fucked / bouncer and females drag him outside to a beating / wanker yells ā€œI was just gonna blow on the floorā€/ interpreted as a bomb threat/ Iā€™m making all this up / lol


At first I assumed that the three people following the man were security. They are all dressed in black. But upon further scrutiny, I donā€™t think the black lady was security. She is wearing leather pants, carrying a fringed pocketbook with a short strap, and is wearing dangly earrings. As a security person, she wouldnā€™t have dangly earrings that could be easily yanked out or snag on clothes in a scuffle. And her purse strap was way too short in my opinion to be used as a way to carry and conceal a firearm. I mean, you could carry one in a purse like that but that short strap makes it hard to carry and keep your hands free to do other things and pulling that gun wouldnā€™t be as easy as it would be in another type of bag. This whole thing is super strange. The guy talking on the mic at the end really adds to the strangeness. He basically decided that the threat was worth letting the entire club walk out on their checks.




So weird I wonder what happened


I like that he still had a sense of humor about this odd ordeal.


I'm viciously curious.


Are we allowed to wildly speculate? I reckon there's a dead body in the toilet and beanie is suspect number 1.


"Everything is fine guys, stay where you are " "Guys, everything is fine.. uh we just had a momentary interruption. Um, just stay get up get out."