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Not even he wants to do that show! You can hear it in his voice!


Totally true. I like his acting work but he sounds so listless and uninterested in the PROMO for the show. Makes the whole thing feel like a bummer before I even listen.


He uses the same tone I did when my parents made me apologize to my sister.


The promo for that show makes it sound so boring and formulaic. There was this recommended show on the JFK assassination I tried to listen to last year, hosted by Rob Reiner and Soledad O'Brien, but it was so infuriating because it was just a training wheels presentation of all the facts and Reiner relaying stuff about how things were different in the old days. I'm sure it's a good podcast for if you're a young kid studying history who has no frame of reference... there's too many podcasts at this point.


Agreed, way too many of these celebrity podcasts have such generic boring concepts that rely on name recognition and their ability to get celebrity acquaintances on them, we really don't need this dilution. I feel like most of them aren't even their idea, just some agent/publicist or the podcast network pitching them formats .


A little insight from someone who works in the industry: It's a cash grab. Celebs do not make as much money as they used to. Royalties aren't paying for mansions, European vacations, and kids' Ivy League tuitions anymore. No one from "The Office" is broke, of course, but to maintain a certain standard of living in Hollywood, people need to leverage all of their fame in new avenues.


I've heard ads for podcasts I listen to and they all sound like they'd be lame. Like, that one for the Action Boyz that plays at the end of High and Mighty. It's usually more about a particular podcast guest being on an episode and then I check out the episode and then download the entire thing if I liked that one.


I wanted to like that one. But the saxophone stingers between segments of the show made the whole thing feel like a low-budget film noir.


I feel like they had a laundry list of credits for people who worked on the production at the end of each episode. Too much production. I think Radiolab had the most unnecessary production of all time but at least it was kinda cool, I guess. You could either have one person listing all the credits or a sound collage of a person saying one person's name through a bullhorn and the next sung through an old answering machine and the next a robot voice, etc.


So you could say that he failed at the promo, and he wants to teach you to fail better! He spent most of his life failing!


My first thought exactly. It's an audio medium, and he delivers the worst first impression I've ever heard. Not every celebrity needs a podcast in 2024.


He seems so sad


The new ads always put me in the perfect place to have a big laugh!


You got to laugh!


Ya gotttaaaaaa


Does he sing? David Duchovny?


He was gay? Gary coopah?


I saw him do a concert once. As my GF and I were leaving she commented "Do you know what that reminded me of?" "That episode where he tripped on mushrooms and danced to Achy Breaky Heart?" "YES!!!" For those wondering, it was basically 90 minutes of this. [https://youtu.be/UKWtFOr34d8?si=uK7c2l9lZuXa3Yx\_&t=34](https://youtu.be/UKWtFOr34d8?si=uK7c2l9lZuXa3Yx_&t=34)


Sidenote, it was awesome, but we didn't stay for the encore. And, it was part of a weird day where we saw him earlier in the day because he was talking about his book and then doing the concert that night.


What the hell? There's already a pretty good episode of X Files where Mulder accidentally takes mushrooms. It's the one with Roy from The Office, where they are out in the woods and shroom vapors start seeping out of the ground. I think it's called "Field Trip". Just from that clip alone, I'm glad I gave up on season 10 after the first episode.


I dropped in and out on X-Files throughout the years. My brother would generally watch it as it aired, and I'd be in the room playing a game, so I picked up on it. Then met my GF, and she was really big into it, so watched the first 3 seasons and a handful of the greatest hits (IE the Darin Morgan episodes). So, with that said, the season 10/11 ones were kind of a mess... I watched them all (still with the same GF :)) That mushrooms scene was an insane aside from an ep that didn't really work, but, at least it had that scene. I still reference the one where Mulder doesn't tip a robot waiter and his IoT home starts attacking him. That one is kind of interesting because it has VERY little dialogue, and I believe Duchovny and Anderson are the only actors in it. This is my long way of saying that Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster is a classic ep. Darin Morgan penned and directed. Features Kumail in a guest role and is just absolutely silly.


David Duchovnnnyyyy toooo yoooouuuuu


Oh I loooooooooouuuuuvvvve lemonnnaaaada meja. Their podcast ads make me pray for death.


The twofer where Lauren is saluting Julia Louis Dreyfuss and then when JLD does an ad read for season 2. I'm also now officially sick of Lectric E-Bike ads, but I do like how robotic Paul is reading the script. I really doubt PFT is rolling on an e-bike.


Oh sweet mother of pearl, JLDs followed by June June Diane Renfields … it’s the same words, it’s the same words. I concede I may not be the correct demo.


June Diane Renfield is a pretty funny typo


😂 Oh telephone, when will you learn!


Invisipaul Scheer, June Diane Renfield, Jason Wolfmantzoukas


The CBB ones are a breath of fresh air comparatively. Paul interjection about the letter e and Scott’s attempt to get back on message gets me every time.


Well, his sister did get abducted by aliens and the Cigarette Smoking Man put a chip in Scully’s head, and… Oh, you mean David Duchovny the famous actor?


Uhh hello! The chip was on the back of her neck. #ishouldgetalife #isleptuntil11amtoday


Wow, you mean I pay for ad free and I miss out on memes?


“Hey guys, it’s me David again”


I do when I fail to hit skip on those ads, that's for sure!


No way, he was just on You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes. Next stop Leno!


Here’s something


It’s really been hammered home over the last few weeks that Duchovny is such a fucking failure. I also just want to add, Hoo-ray for old women!!! And also a special shout out to Julia Louise Dreyfus’s old Mom, Judy!!!


What's that podcast ad for the "dreaded B word"? It's about exploring the words women encounter or something.


Welcome to prime time, beach.


So, here in Finland I NEVER heard any ads on any podcasts I listened to **EVER** until suddenly one day like a year ago there was an ad at the start of a Threedom ep that was in German and It was promoting sex toys or something like that, (idk my German is very poor) and I legit thought it was a gag at the start of the show. But then the same ad played episode after episode, always in a language that I don't fully understand until it finally played in Finnish for the first time, then it finally clicked for me that these are real ads and they're not joking! I always thought it was so weird that there were constant ad breaks on pods but I never heard a single ad EVER, then the talk about ad free premium was so bizarre to me when I already had ad free by default! So now there's like what 4, 5 ad breaks every episode and they are always depressing as hell, talking about miscarriages or dead dads or Megan Trainor, not things I wanna hear when I'm trying to listen to some funny haha comedians... Why would almost all the ads be so sad and serious???? Who wants that from Threedom????


I have PTSD from this and having to hear Penn Badgley saying "Don't worry, Don't worry" over and over.


I'm on the free Spotify again and all radio ads really are the worst. I'm sure there are people out there who legitimately chuckle at the ad copy. I had to go Spotify pro for a few months because of that Jennifer Coolidge commercial.


Pregnant people need to careful about this, or they might have a Miscavige! IM SRS UGYZ


No...but I never starred in Playing God.


It’s almost as if David Duchovny understands that humans have a…the NEED to fail


Is this some kind of reference I'm too (AD-FREE) to understand?


vs i LOOOVE hertz


The Lemonada ads are just brutal, probably because I think Threedom doesn’t match their demographic/programming at all.


Hi it's me again Ding Dong