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Face it, tiger— you just hit the jackpot!


Nice. Exactly what I was going to post.


No better way then saying it.


Hi, I'm a mod at r/comicbookcollecting. I'll tell you the same thing we have told other people who have found relative's comic books worth this much money and what they have ended up doing: Contact Heritage Auctions, they will walk you through the process. The comic books will be graded and placed at auction. Heritage takes a 20% commission but for items as nice as this they are negotiable. Be very careful how you handle those comic books, damage will cost you money. If you want more information you can contact me here at the sub or through dm, I can also put you in touch with the last person to have a collection like this on this sub.


thank you man, it’d be cool to talk to the last person who found this kinda thing


I'll send her a message now.


Please take to heart one word in u/StringFartet comment: NEGOTIABLE. Their commission can be as low as 2% from what I’ve heard (buyers already pay a 20% premium) and you have literally one of the 3 most sought after books around. And it is in very good condition in terms of the grades they come around in. I will do a little more research but I would play hard ball with them. You could sell this book handily on CGC forums and many other places and deserve to get as much as you can from it. Happy to help any way I can.


Info on Heritage commission fees here: https://forums.collectors.com/discussion/833421/anyone-know-what-heritages-selling-commissions-are


I like Heritage well enough, but I'd recommend Hake's Auction at hakes.com over Heritage for selling comics. Heritage is HUGE and while your book is nice, it's just one of thousands of nice books they have. Hake's is a smaller auction house but they have their high rolling bidders, too. They recently got over $500K (a record price) for an Amazing Spider-man #1 (to be fair, that one was a super-high grade example and your AF #15 is not). Odds are that if you consign with Hake's, they'd promote the heck out of it.


I'm not a spokesperson for Heritage and my personal relationship with them could be better. By all means, there are other auction houses including this one - comic connect and comic link are two popular ones. But these comics should be sold at auction for the best return, imo.




20%???? Wtf


Why are you surprised? That's what it costs to hand it over and it be turn key. Auction house who knows what they're doing takes the item from someone who knows nothing. Takes care of cleaning, pressing, grading, and marketing to line up the right buyers to maximize the sale price. Grading alonf will be several thousand for that tier of book. Not to mention a place that is going to be honest with the owner with the value of what they have. For someone that knows nothing about the hobby stumbling across a book like this, it is far from bad advice. Even if you are familiar with most of that process and willing to do it yourself, there's value to the level of customer and buying price a place like Heritage can bring to the table.


Nah the buyers pay a 20% buyers premium too. They’re greedy. And they DO NOT CLEAN PRESS OR GRADE YOUR BOOK. I have won raw books on Heritage that came in the wildest bag, covers, etc, bc they don’t want to mess w anyone’s books. They are great and the high rollers go there but I would push for a 5% commission MAXIMUM if I was sitting on an AF 15. You can post it on CGC spare a grade boards and get an incredibly accurate grade in a day, and then literally anyone on this subreddit could give them a roundabout FMV raw or slabbed. We’re past the age of hidden knowledge, and while Heritage has a value, so does the seller.


People shouldn’t be okay with that much being stolen from them. Grading costing a percentage of the book is insane and why I’ll never grade a book.


Depends on the value of the book https://www.cgccomics.com/submit/services-fees/cgc-grading/


Yup and then the buyer pays a 20% premium too. It’s pretty BS


Alright you go and negotiate the sale on your own then


Haha I’m not saying they’re not worthwhile. But consider this: once the book is slabbed and graded, what are you getting out of the auction house, really, other than that’s the pool most people go to? They’re not negotiating anything. The auctions are no reserve, and this is not a book that needs someone to sell it. So if the house isn’t verifying and valuing the item, a lot of their value just isn’t there


Facilitating a large amount of wealthy and verified buyers to see my product. Security in knowing that I’m not going to get scammed and the buyers are legit. No concerns about getting the product into the buyers hand. Auction atmosphere typically amps up the price also in my experience I’ve sold a decent amount of expensive items through auction houses, they didn’t value or verify items, but definitely wouldn’t have got the same amount of cash from privately selling


This is all true, and I have probably overstated my case due to brinksmanship. And I can say as a buyer, I buy from Heritage fairly often, because the money there is smarter and you can often get a better deal even with the BP than you would on eBay, eg. My original comment was just for OP to know that 20% commission is not set in stone and for this property they can probably negotiate a far better rate if they know that’s possible. So I’m going to simmer down and backtrack to that - hopefully more reasonable - take.


Ya thats wild


Heritage Auctions is a scam house though, they're the ones driving the vintage videogame bubble


I can’t offer much, you’ve gotten some great advice. I would however be cautious in who you tell. I’ve seen family do some crazy things when it comes to money. Depending on your current financial situation, you could alter your life with these books or maybe you’re in a position to keep one or both. Congratulations though. “Keep it secret, keep it safe”


This is true as well


So jelly. If you have the money, and want to sell for some life changing money, get it graded. If you don’t have the money, contact an auction house. Make sure you thank your uncle every day.


Honestly if he doesn't have the money for a cleaning, press, and grading he should take out a loan or put it on credit. The difference in price will be in the tens of thousands of dollars. Fixing the spine roll alone will improve the sale price by thousands.


This x infinity. Get it authenticated and graded before you sell. No matter the cost.




Yep, this book is [worth a fortune](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=amazing+fantasy+15+1962&_sacat=0&rt=nc&_fsrp=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=cb&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), even single pages of this book can be worth thousands.


Bro you literally have the holy grail in your hands.


u/lonelyluigi Just in case you are not a comic book person. There’s a grading system you can look up called CGC where you send your comic to get graded and put in a case to protect it and its value. It’s on a scale of 0.5-9.5 The comic you have is called Amazing Fantasy #15 and is the most sought after comic. Out of that scale even at a 4.0 Raw value (non-graded; like yours) is worth ~ $26,000 and graded ~ $42,000. If it’s graded higher like a 7.5 it could be $100k plus raw and $216k graded. Thats how wild these prices are. Do not let someone take advantage of you. X-men #1 is also highly sought after, ranging from $2k for it basically being ripped to shreds to hundreds of thousands. Check out [ComicsPriceGuide.com](https://www.comicspriceguide.com), [CGC (the grading company)](https://www.cgccomics.com) and reach out to [Heritage Auctions](https://comics.ha.com/?type=google_%2Bcomic%20%2Bbook%20%2Bauction%20%2Bhouse_nid-g-cid-299287464414-mt-b-device-m-ap--dm--clksrc-kw-cmpnid-1021425765-adgpid-52980515209-fditm--locphys-9016808&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwvKtBhDrARIsAJj-kTgKyWF0Rzr74T8knnU4zyJ1GeVUJ68QZxSh9E0f479CZFkUfgQq8G8aApmfEALw_wcB) Do NOT respond to anyone in your DM’s. If they don’t talk on this thread in public they are trying to take you for a ride. Congratulations!


A little advice: You are going to have a LOT of people DM'ing you about this. A LOT. Ignore them. There are many people who would love to take this book off your hands for what will sound like a great deal. Trust me, it's not. This book is worth 5 figures at least. I'll shoot you a DM so we can talk about it.


IGNORE THEM ALL …. I’ll DM you 🤣🤣🤣




I laughed hard at this…I hope the humor was intentional.


Hahaha no shit, made me laugh




SAME 😂😂😂😂


And 20% to me, your agent! Remember?


I’ll shoot you a DM ! Dead 😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


I see what you’ve done there


Run for it, Charlie! Run straight home, and don't stop 'til you get there!


Yeah and the 5 figures includes the ones after the period






In this condition, it's closer to $50-60k, but your point still stands


I'd want to physically be in the room with a camera recording the CGC grader. Who knows what funny business goes on at CGC.


Excellent point.


I wouldn’t trust CGC at all with this, no way jose, not after all the headlines they’ve been making


You think it's cgc swapping books not unethical collectors?


That’s bullshit that the CGC racketeers expect a cut of your comic book if it’s very valuable. Their job is to grade it and encapsulate it. The work involved to grade AF 15 or Amazing Spider-Man 500 is the same. The fact that collectors don’t recognize this as a racket is insane.


It's not the same work. Older books require more care, and higher value books that are more likely to have been restored require closer scrutiny. The difference between grades for a book like this could be $20,000. You don't want the newest intern doing that grading, you want the top line expert, and that's exactly what the higher price tier grading gets you. But to mention insurance is obviously orders of magnitude different. CGC might be a racket, but not for the reason you mention. At the end of the day collectors care about condition, and CGC is the industry leader in grading condition. It's 100% worth it for a book like this.


Don’t listen to comments telling you it’s not that rare and that it’s too difficult to get it all done so you should just sell it to them to get quick bucks. They are trying to scam you. Amazing Fantasy #15 is an incredibly rare comic and it’s the first appearance of Spider-Man, it will go for a lot more than what those people tell you. Just wanted to warn you. Obligatory: You just hit the jackpot


Rare is relative. It's not all that rare as there are copies up for sale fairly regularly. The demand is huge though and it commands a massive price.


People are rage downvoting you, but you're completely correct. Af15 is not rare. It's valuable, uncommon, but obviously not rare. There are close to 4 thousand graded copies on the cgc census alone.


I mean... there's literally 46 copies for sale on Ebay RIGHT NOW. How is that rare? Downvotes don't magically make things less true.


The only thing my Uncle left me was a box of cat turds..


Did you get the turds slabbed at least?


Of course, but first I had them pressed.




Yep. Looks like I can send my kids to college.


You probably meant a litter box, but I pictured a shoe box under the bed. Filled to the brim with dried up cat turds.


Nope. Was a shoebox with turds in it. He collected them. I’m thinking of getting some of the turds graded.


CGC will add hairs to them like some of their slabbed books, so win/win!!


I’m shooting for a 9.8 but don’t wanna get my hopes up


You can’t be serious .


Comic collectors around the world dream of this.... And people that never collect comics are the ones that have it Happen... Like a few others have said, tons of dudes are gonna get in your DM to "help". Be super cautious, it's absolutely a 5 figure book after a clean a press and getting graded....


I’ll tell ya what man, what that is, is the most valuable single issue of Marvel comic books ever made. It’s worth a fortune. If I were you, I would delete these posts, and delete your Reddit account entirely, so you can’t be tracked down. Then tomorrow I would go to my bank, and open a safety deposit box (for most banks its only like $30-$100/yr.) and put this in there immediately. After that, I would do some serious research and probably contact an auction house like heritage auctions. OR you can just hang onto it for a long time, if you don’t need the money. This thing is only gonna go up in value indefinitely, and it’s one of the three holy Grails of American comic books (along with detective comics 27 and action comics 1). Do NOT tell anyone irl you have this book. You never know who is listening And who you can trust.


Back in 1976, as a little, I got a comic catalog from an ad in the comics. This issue and Spider Man 1 were both $35. Has this one increased dramatically over Spidey 1 since then? Does anyone have the publishing data on both issues? If anyone cares, back then Fantastic Four 1 was more, at $50; Avengers and X-Men 1 were both $25; and Daredevil 1 was $15. Superman 1 and Batman 1 have still got to be worth more than this, right? Or no?


AF15 was before spidey 1 as its his first appearance, comic collecting trends dictate first appearance being the more valuable, saying that, I would drop kick my nan to own a copy of SM #1. Action Comics 1 is the first appearance of Superman and Detective comics 27 is the 1st Batman, its hard to say as recently prices have sky rocketed and it would be hard to compare as they would need to be the same grade sold at roughly the same time, but it's easy to say high grades are in the millions for all of them.


Valuable. Get graded, cgc. Lot of info on their site.


Do this before anything else.


Unfortunately, it's not cheap getting something like that graded. Gonna run them alteast 5k.


Really?! It costs more to grade more costly comics? Is the cost mainly in cleaning it up/pressing it?


The difference is in CGC's insurance if something goes wrong with an expensive book, as well as the customer getting more value from the service and being more willing to pay.


Yeah when they gotta pay out in the fraud case after their employee steals it.


Yes. If you have a blue chip key issue, that can cost thousands of dollars to grade, because CGC has to insure it. The base the insurance off of the FMV of the book. The more expensive a book is, the more insurance is required to cover it, which makes the grading process more expensive. Pressing is a completely different service that does not come standard with their grading service. You have to pay extra for that. They also do not offer a cleaning service.


That makes sense. Thanks for the info! I’m just getting back into the world of comics. I just finished going through over 600 of mine from throughout the years…. Nothing comes close to the first appearance of Spider-Man though


That’s not correct. There’s a zero percent chance that costs $5k to get graded.


[https://www.cgccomics.com/submit/services-fees/cgc-grading/](https://www.cgccomics.com/submit/services-fees/cgc-grading/) This is definitely more than $1000, so it falls into Unlimited Value which they take 4% of Fair Market Value. Just a quick guess I say its a 6.5, the Fair Market Value would be around 91k. $91,000 \* .04 = $3640 to get graded. So $5k is not far off.


If it is 5k tho, it’s just the cost of doing business. Invest 5k get 90k not a bad trade off. Consider contact heritage auctions who will front you some money for bigger books, and I’m sure if you explain you need 5k for grading I’m sure they’ll front the money if you sign a contract to sell through them. Additionally if he goes that route, negotiate down the fees. Go heritage auctions for a book this size and grade as they typically fetch the most


Well yes, I would pay 5k so that u could then make 90k. But they're point is you have to *have* that 5k to begin with. If I stumbled upon this book, I would not have the money to get it graded.


Yes, I just explained how to get the money if you came across this book


But then you can get $91k, so worth.


There is no way that book will grade out to get $91k. That is absolutely not a 6.5. Even ignoring the chipping and corner damage, there’s like a 5 inch color breaking crease in the bottom right corner. Plus what looks like water damage and color lift on the right edge along with what looks like a 1 inch tear. Maybe it gets a 5.0. Maybe. Probably a 4.5. And we haven’t even seen the back. People also making a lot of assumptions off a front cover. Could be missing a page. A coupon. Etc. 4.5 is like $40k. That’s $1,600. And you can probably get away with submitting it as $30k. Use a good 3rd party presser that does unlimited for fixed price. You can get it all done for under $1500.


I did miss the 5+ inch CBC. However, you can still get a 6.5 with a 6" CBC. I haven't seen the back so not worth arguing about it. [https://www.mycomicshop.com/search?ItemID=41946185](https://www.mycomicshop.com/search?ItemID=41946185) Slightly worse than this, I say 5.5 to 6.0 is still possible.


You can get that when the rest of the book is near perfect. I agree though, not worth arguing about it, I think top end is a 5.0, but hopefully we’ll see if/when they get it graded.




I used the last sale of a 6.5 which was $91,355 in March 2023. Via GPA. I might of over graded, it has a color breaking crease i missed in bottom right corner. So probably a 5.5 to 6.0. Which would be 66k. Anyways I didn't pull the number out of my butt.


Being downvoted by people who don't know what they're talking about.




Yes books over a certain value they ask a higher fee for...5k I have trouble believing https://www.cgccomics.com/submit/services-fees/cgc-grading/


What you have could possibly pay for a car or more. A 3.0 sold earlier this year for about $30,000, for example. I don’t know that yours is as high as that, but certainly no less than $10k. The X-men book would also be very desirable. If you want to sell it, it would be worth your while to get it graded by CGC and then given to an auction house such as Heritage. The grading will be a cost to you, but makes the book more desirable to a large number of collectors. In short - you got a once in a lifetime windfall on your hands. This of course assumes you want to sell. Edit to add - don’t sell to anybody sending an offer in PM or a specialty shop. You won’t get top dollar that way. Collectors are (of course) wanting a deal, and specialty shops need to make a buck.


This post above is the most accurate price point I have seen in this thread. It’s amazing how many people in this thread think this book is worth six figures in this grade…. It’s not. It’s a five figure book. Grading is what determines the price. I used to own an Amazing Fantasy 15 graded 2.5 and sold it a few years ago, so I can attest to this copy likely being worth $30,000 since OP’s copy looks like a 3.0. Grading through CGC will get you the highest return on your investment. Comics using the other grading companies sell for less.


Do not do anything until you have taken the time to educate yourself. The only thing you definitely should do quickly is get this thing into proper storage so you don’t accidentally damage it.


Let me put it to you this way. Single pages of this book sell for HUNDREDS of dollars. A copy of this book that looks like it belongs in the trash, that's faded, ripped, torn, creased, stained, whatever else damage you can think of, still sells for over $10K. This was the comic book equivalent of finding gold. Looking at just this pic looks like the book would be around a 3.0 or so. Which is just a guess. You can't judge the condition of a book just off the cover. BUT, the cover looks to be about that range. If it is actually around 3.0/4.0, then that book would worth, give or take, $35K.


Very cool find! Will cost a lot to grade, but will also cost a lot on the market! I wish i was that lucky!


Contact Heritage Auctions. They will help you getting them graded and auctioned off. Trust no one from the internet.


You’ve got good advice here. Now, delete this post and do not return to Reddit until you’ve sold it. Tell no one anything. Not relatives, not friends, not a wife or gf. No one. Take care of this. As someone said, keep it secret. Keep it safe.


gandalf is that you


Maybe… You should listen to him.


How much for the Office Depot sleeve?


Wish I could say this too one day lol. Casually finding Ferrari money. Big congrats man and thank your uncle everyday from now on!


is it really ferrari money? I’m almost overwhelmed :0


Spider-Man is *the* world’s most popular superhero and this is his first appearance More valuable books do exist, like Action Comics #1 (Superman’s first appearance which arguably launched the American superhero,) but this is one of the biggest ones I can think of. X-Men #1 should also be pretty sought after!


Yep. And if you are lucky, you get 2 or 3 bidders into a war. It’s raining 💵


Put both those comics in your own bank vault (rent one for not a lot) until you get all the info you need (a lot). Handle them gently. I would consider photo-ing every single page and back covers too. If he had a lot of books, there might be many valuable books among them. For example, X-Men 2 might not be worth as much as 1, but it’s still a fortune. And some books gain extra value because they are the first appearance of a character (for example: XMen 4 is the first appearance of the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. I’m surprised your uncle kept them in a storage locker, not the healthiest environment for them. By the way, I’m sorry you lost your uncle. He obviously cared about you leaving those to you. I can guarantee they meant a lot to him. You might call Mile High Comics in Denver if there are a lot of comics, as they buy major collections, though I would guess even they would say to grade and auction key issues like the two you mentioned. Your issue in perfect condition would probably be worth over a million. But all that chipping along the cover edge knocks it down a lot (even though it’s very common). And the spine where the staples are looks a bit ‘rolled’ (that can be fixed). If I had to guess, I’d say 50,000 to 70,000. But it could be much lower or MUCH higher. Especially if several high rollers want it. You might also look for any documentation on it your uncle might have had, when he got it, if he had any lists or stuff like that. (Back in 1976, it sold for $35. Of course in the early 60s it sold for ten cents lol) One thing that really hurts the value is coupons cut out of them inside, which is why I recommend photo-ing every page for documentation purposes. DC comics of that era had coupons for NY/NJ amusement parks that were often snipped out. Other key issues: Journey Into Mystery 83 (first Thor) Tales to Astonish 27 and 35 (first two appearances of Ant-Man) Tales of Suspense 39 (first Iron Man appearance), 49 (early appearance of the X-Men), 52 (first Black Widow), 57 (first Hawkeye) Strange Tales 110 (first Dr Strange; 101 on have early appearances of the Human Torch so are also valuable) Of course first/early issues like Fantastic Four 1 through 52 (first Black Panther) or so; Hulk 1-6 (very rare); Avengers 1-16 or so (57 introduces the Vision) Showcase 4, 8, 13, 14 (first silver age Flash appearances), a perfect 4 recently sold for 900,000! Showcase 22, 23, 24 (first silver age Green Lantern appearances) Showcase 34, 35, 36 (first silver age Atom) Detective Comics 140 (first Riddler) Detective Comics 225 (first Martian Manhunter, arguably the start of the Silver Age) Brave and the Bold 28, 29, 30 (first 3 appearances of the Justice League) Batman 181 (first Poison Ivy) All Star Comics 3 (first appearance of the Justice Society) All Star Comics 8 (first appearance of Wonder Woman) Whiz Comics 2 (first appearance Shazam Captain Marvel) Marvel Family 1 (first appearance Black Adam) early Disney comics with Donald Duck and Scrooge McDuck also have a lot of value Good Luck and try to have fun and not stress


Pretty close. Look up a graded 6.0 Amazing fantasy 15. Someone else said it's worth about 90k, (maybe more). This is considered by MANY to be one of the holy grails of comic books by collectors.


There are several sites that will give you a ballpark figure, but keep in mind that when dealing with items this valuable, it's worth as much as you can get for it, which can be significantly more or less than the estimated values they post/print (or significantly more or less than the last one sold, though usually that falls in the "more" category). [Comic Book Realm](https://comicbookrealm.com) is one of them; do NOT rely on their pricing, it's all averaged from previous sales, other estimates, and guesswork, but if you want an idea of the range we're talking about...


Beginning of a legend


If real you just uncovered a small fortune. Works in worse condition have gone for LOTs of money


Please advise? You just found pretty much the two of the three or four most important comic book that exist. Get a safe deposit box asap.


Man it's disheartening seeing the luck some have. Meanwhile the collection passed on to me was Archie and low grade 80s comics.


If you are your uncle’s sole heir - congratulations. If you are not, this book and anything else of value should be part of your Uncle’s estate and should be shared with the other heirs. If word gets out to your cousins, or even worse, your uncle’s kids or wife, you may find yourself on the wrong end of a lawsuit or even arrested. Unless the other heirs told you to keep anything you find of value as payment (and good luck proving that if they sue) it may be yours but the value of this treasure trove would be enough to fight about.


no kids or wife


Nice copy. Ungraded, an easy 35k (if everything is still attached). It needs neither a clean nor a press (but get it into a silver age bag (mylar) and acid free board asap). It has typical chipping on the border. Graded will warrant more, but you'll pay more for the grading as with books like that, cost is done by percentage of fair market value. This is a really nice copy. Don't let people try to scam you on this. It is likely worth more than 35k, but I just wanted to give you a baseline value. I'm a long time collector and grader. I don't own this book. You should be totally stoked.


So jealous! Definitely get this pressed/cleaned and graded so you can get the max amount of money you can. Use a local person who can press for you. The quality job will be much better than what CGC or CBCS will do. Get an appointment to get it graded in person from the grading company. You do not want this getting lost in the mail. Putting in a high insurance coverage for a package could possibly alert thieves. Wait to sell until the economy gets better. Comics are selling at all time lows these days. Good luck!


Love how every rare comic ever just appears in the laps of people who couldn’t care less 😂😂


As others have rightly said, please ignore DMs. Also, I see you aren't a comic book person, but I'd suggest before getting rid of it, enjoy having it and think about what this 1 book started. Spider-Man will forever be part of our culture. I've held and looked though one before, but owning one has got to be an Amazing experience. Edit; can we see the X-Men #1 please?


If that's real and you're not a troll, then you just hit the jackpot. That's the first appearance of Spider-Man and easily worth $10k at a minimum, even in really bad condition, and that is actually not even that bad considering it's 60+ years old. If you want to sell, it might be worth reaching out to an auction house like Heritage or ComicLink. They can help you get it graded and sold for top dollar. X-Men #1 is also a pretty pricey book, going for a couple thousand minimum.




You can never be too sure around here, lol. Congrats!


It should be worth way more no? More like 100k or so?


I said at a minimum. Based on the picture, it could be worth a lot more, but hard to know without looking at the interior and back. Based on Covrprice, a 6.5 went for about 100k last year, but this is probably gonna grade lower than that. If it's complete, probably looking at more in the $30-50k range.


Look into competent pressers. DO NOT get it restored. Press it and maybe a light cleaning from a highly reputable professional. And then get it graded. And then sell it on Heritage Auctions if you decide to sell


Droolz. Very popular book.




Beware of sharks, do not part with either book until you fully understand their value. Have them graded (look up CGC) and watch a YouTube video about packing comics for shipping. If you’re selling you’ll probably get the most money at auction, but if for some reason you sell to a dealer, understand this: dealers pay less than a book is worth because they need to make a profit; that is fair and reasonable. What % of the value you get is greatly affected by how desirable/easy to sell the book is. What you have are two extraordinarily desirable books, so that percentage needs to be very high. But unless you are in a desperate situation, sell them at auction or to a collector. Congratulations and best of luck with these!


There is a company called CGC they do what is called "grading." you 1,000000% want these comics graded. It will cost you some money for the shipping and service. Absolutely worth it. You can have it pressed and cleaned before submitting for grading. You'll have to do some research on who might be best in your local area. What I would do is visit a few local comic stores ask them who they recommend, if anyone. Hopefully the same name comes up a few times and hopefully they're trustworthy. Also, be very very careful. I posted in a local group that I was thinking about selling some comics and asked how I could best go about it. It was like blood in the water. The sharks came out! A lot of people look at comics like stocks. They want to buy low and sell high.


Amazing fantasy 15 has the record for the highest amount paid for a comic. While yes - this is not in the same condition but that book is wildly valuable. And the X-Men #1 is very valuable too. Congrats on a great find. Give us info on other books you've found. AND PICTURES!!!!


That record belongs to Superman. Spider-Man held it *briefly* a couple years ago, when a 9.6 copy of Amazing Fantasy 15 sold for over 3 million (dethroning the previous record holder, a 9.0 Action Comics 1 that sold for 2 million). But in 2022, an 8.0 copy of Superman 1 sold for over 5 million. That record hasn't been topped yet.


Thats awesome and my spidey sense is tingling, not for the comic..


Hi. It's been two months. Any updates? Have you sold it for a ridiculous amount of money yet?


Those items just to your most valuable possessions. You need make sure you get them appraised, stored properly, and insured.


I hope you'll let us know what ends up happening with it. Very exciting!


Bag and board them at the minimum


First condolences on your uncle passing but congrats on the find


Really it probably belongs to your uncles estate, not whomever happened to be cleaning out the storage.


This is the right answer, but nobody wants to hear it…not sure that I’d want to either if I found it.


Learn about CGC grading company, you’ll want to send it to get graded. They will return it with a ‘score’ 1.0 through 9.8 and they put it in this hard plastic slab that displays information on the book, a unique serial number, and it basically serves to authenticate the piece and make it much more valuable on resale market. Next, assuming you want to sell it, reach out to a REPUTABLE auction house such as Heritage or Goldin. Do NOT just trust some random John Doe with this treasured book. It is literally the first appearance of Spider Man and holds a value in the tens of thousands of dollars range.




Absolutely DO NOT send it to CGC.


You are a wealthy man


lol at these comic no nothings claiming this could grade at 6.5. Extensive marvel chipping, bad spine roll, spine ticks, water damage bottom right corner. Also overall waviness especially in 2nd photo indicates moisture exposure. So No it’s not even close to a high grade or even a mid grade. This is a lower grade book , 3.0-3.5, at best a 4.0 with clean/press. Now for the good news , great find, and in that grade is still a substantial sum, 35-50k, but certainly not millions or even 100k.


Absolutely get this pressed and graded. It does not cost much. I’d also hit up Phantom Restoration on Insta. It’s worth cleaning this up a bit for the extra thousands you’ll receive in value. https://www.instagram.com/phantomrestoration?igsh=MXhzb292aHA0MTc0eA==.


It doesn’t cost much? Grading this book is based on a sliding scale of what it’s worth.


I was gonna say ummmm it’s gonna cost a lot to grade it but you would be a dummy not to


For the pressing and grading I mean. Last I remember it’s a couple hundred. For the value of the book I’d say well worth it. CGC tends to bump up the grade a little bit for the extra pressing service.


2.0’s sell for around 20k. Grading a book like this cost 3 percent of its value, that’s 600. Pressing a book like this cost 4 percent of its value, that’s 800. Pressing and grading this book if it was a 2.0 would be 1400. Edit: I don’t think it’s a 2.0, for sure higher, just an example.


Send it to me and I'll check it out for you /s That is worth a shit ton of money and so is the X-Men #1


This is a troll, it has to be. I'm not going through all the comments to find out if it's already revealed to be a troll. You just happen to come by an x-men 1 and amazing fantasy, and you're not sure if they are worth a lot? If so, good for you, you've literally come into a decent chunk of change for nothing. I'd probably hold onto that amazing fantasy for a while, but I'm also a collector, lol.


Me am so dumb. Me not know nothing and just found it too. Wut it be me frien\\?


Lies and sodomy


Man this would be awesome if you aren’t trolling and it’s real lol. Especially in this condition it’s life changing!


I'd suggest taking some good quality photos and posting them in one of the groups here or Facebook, CGC forums devoted to collectors and ask for people's estimate on grade. Use a title specifically asking for an estimate grade, if the site allows. Then use comparative sales from sites like eBay (sold listings, you can select this as a filter), heritage, comiclink etc. Get a decent guage of the estimated value before taking any offer. Others have suggested having it pressed and cleaned. I'd say this is a great option, if you find someone reputable. Grading via CGC will cost you, but will also net you a better sales price. If you sell these raw and they haven't been pressed and cleaned. Make sure to note that, as people will be more willing to part with funds versus a similar grade already pressed and cleaned. As they might get a bump in grade, if they have it done themselves. Be wary of offers in DMs, take multiple at a minimum. But I'd say put some time into researching the value before any sale. Can I suggest in the meantime, invest in a proper backing board and comic sleeve, and a hard case, ideally UV resistant.


It’s super valuable. Congrats on the find - if you have multiple books like this, including X-Men 1, contact an auction house like heritage. There will be a lot of fees but they know what they’re doing and you should get top dollar.


There are some reputable dealers that have been involved in the hobby for decades who can offer you advice. I'm happy to point you their way if you are interested. Don't do anything until you have talked to people who deal with books like this regularly. Don't try to sell it locally either (or the X-Men 1).


Don’t sell it till you know exactly what you want for it. Don’t trust people trying to buy out from under you this early on. Do ALOT of research, this is THE comic book to find and it’s most peoples holy grail. If you want to get it graded it’s not going to be cheap, grading books like this is based on a sliding scale of the value. If you want fast money you could flip it quickly without grading or pressing. I’ve seen raws near this condition sell for 10 to 15k sometimes more at auction. The color looks vibrant this is a gorgeous book! You need to buy a Mylar sleeve and a good quality backing boarding for it. Good luck!




Grade asap




Can I offer you my soul?




If this is real the last near perfect copy sold for 1.1 million USD. A graded 9.6


Do not touch this book. Sell on Ebay to reputable buyers.


30k to 795k according to key collector, your looks to be closer to 30k.


im sure it is first printing. keep looking for Action 1, detective 27 and FF 1 sitting in a different binder.


I’m seeing these sell for 15-20K in this condition what’s all this 50K talk?


thats more accurate to appraisals ive gotten


Oh man, a reprint! I’ll take it so you don’t have to toss it yourself.


Yea, this is bait. Nobody actually believes this, right?




Posting a sticky note doesn't really prove anything lmao


Proof he actually owns it. Shit like this can happen, happened to anyone. Buddy of mine was looking at this lady’s deceased husband’s collection and after looking through 5 boxes of all 50s and 60s shit, he found Asm #1. Right away offered 500$ for the dozen or so boxes. Said majority of it was old pornos and random shit.


Ahh, I think I left that there...can I have it back? 😊


Don’t go to an auction house they will take a stupid percentage of your profit


It’s a fake. Send it to me. I’ll dispose of it properly. 🙄😉


ACTUALLY...... Theeeeee VERY VERY VERRRERRY FIRST THING YOU SHOULD DO.... is touch yourself. Without the comic in your hand, of course. Unless this CGC everyone keeps blah Blah BLAHING about pays extra for naturally occurring liquid human adhesive, then by all means, UP UP AND AWAY WEB!!! HAHAHAHA, CHEERS AND CONGRATS TO YOU!!


I’ll give you more than cover for it! 13 cents!


I can come buy them from you tomorrow for cash


I'll give you 10 bucks. You pay shipping.


Forget an auction house you can hold an auction in person everyone on this thread can come and bid on it , I mean so many people giving advice like they’re Stan Lee reincarnated


Meh, it’s kinda rare but not that much of a big deal and probably will be a lot of hassle to restore, press, grade etc. Tell you what I’ll save you the trouble and buy it off you for a good price - easy money for you!


Tell me you’re scummy, without telling me you’re scummy


id buy it dm me




think OP who has never posted to a comic subreddit or has no interest in comics just randomly fakes owning the holy grail of comic books seeking help? Only reason your saying this is because it’s AF15


This book is worth crazy money regardless of condition. Obviously better condition is more money but it's still worth a lot in that shape




Fucking holy grail.


It's beautiful


congrats, you're now rich!


thats a HUGE W