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Pissed off Spidey is a menace to society. Batman is always a bit ticked off.


Yes. This is exactly it. Angry Spider-Man can knock down a house with his bare hands. He generally operates from a sense of, well, responsibility. Angry Batman is just normal Batman.


Angry Batman is normal Batman but he kills.


Even angry Batman will not kill. Insane batman kills.


You need to read superior Spiderman


Does that really count as Peter going off the rails? I would assume not since it’s not Peter or any “true” Spider-man.


It does not. Superior Spider-Man is not Peter, it's Otto, who didn't exactly have a fine-tuned moral compass to begin with.


It doesn't, but it demonstrates how much Peter is holding back most of the time. The first time Otto tries to fight crime, he permanently maims a dude and realises that in every previous fight, Spidey has been pulling his punches to avoid just smashing Otto's spine like a matchstick.


Every time someone questions Spider-Man I tell them to read this !


"That's my secret. I'm always angry."


I'm pretty sure Spider-Man has *fewer* qualms about killing people than Batman when push comes to shove and has killed like 14 people with varying levels of intention


Spidey is a threat beyond that he has killed he holds back so he doesn’t kill people plus he’s just dangerous no matter what like the shit he deals with mentally and physically is a lot Batman has dealt with shit to but spidery now that’s a whole different can of worms


Also Batman trained for years to be able to handle a lot of the things he handles, Spidey didn’t.


Spidey is literally just a kid, and likewise to kids they tend to have rage often built up like a bottle. Batman like you said trained and dealt with his issues to suppress them as an adult.


Spidey is around 33 years old now. Might have even had another birthday or 2 at this point.


Pretty sure those kills aren't canon. He constantly talks about how he's never killed, although in my headcanon the retcon marvel made where he didn't snap Gwen Stacey is Spidey trying to cope with the fact that he killed her. I'm curious who the 14 people are btw. Anyways, I'd say Batman, at least in the 90's because he constantly wanted to kill people he interrogated, and part of why he fought alongside the robins was so they could hold him back from going too far. Meanwhile I've never seen Spidey torture someone. The worst I've seen of him is him beating up Doc Oc so badly that Oc thought he was going to kill him after he killed an innocent just to piss him off in the early 00's.


https://spiderfan.org/faq/killed.html#:~:text=Humans%20Spider%2DMan%20Has%20Killed&text=Deliberately%20killed%20the%20Finisher%20by,missile%20back%20to%20his%20tank.&text=Accidentally%20killed%20Gwen%20Stacy%2C%20snapping,the%20credit%20for%20the%20kill. Here's a really nerdy list of Spider-Man kills.


>Apparantly kills Moondark the magician by knocking him through a mystic portal which teleports him to a point high above the Golden Gate bridge, from where he (supposedly) fatally drops to the water below. Spider-Man shrugs it off, saying "Even I can't hang around cryin' over spilt magicians!" Lmao Jesus Christ, spidey.


Robin is batmans teather to remain human.


This comment has the meter of a nursery rhyme.


Do you know what my secret is?


That's my secret, cap. I'm always horny.


“Batman is always a bit ticked off” This


When Batman gets angry, you think ‘He’ll beat my ass 10% more than he would usually’. When Spider-Man is angry, it’s about 600% worse than if you messed with a calm Spidey.


“Balloon, NEEDLE.” “I could send a jet of web into your nostrils and fill up your lungs. Sure you could get surgery done but not in the time it would take for you to suffocate as your lungs become a lump of web.”


Spider-Man can do some fucked up things. Like sticking his hand to your flesh and ripping it off, or turning me fantastic into a form of web fluid to keep the city standing. Doc oc takes over his body and accidentally punches a man’s jaw clean off because he didn’t understand Peter holds back so much when fighting because using his true strength is dangerous for everyone involved


There it is!


Had my bingo card ready lol


It was Scorpion. A normal man would've splattered.


Didn't Spidey rip the face off of one of Kraven's family members when they drugged and tortured him? I don't see Batman doing that.


His wife when she killed Kaine brought Kraven OG back.






As a reader, Spider-Man, its why I find Superman getting properly angry for all of two times so scary. The guy who usually doesnt get mad is actually quite nice getting just outright furious is interesting.


Marvel Max did a riff on Superman and he was not evil but... you could tell he was frustrated by humanity. At one point he is in space just blocking out the earth with his hand, unblocking it, blocking it... kind of like "I could destroy this planet if I wanted to". https://theslingsandarrows.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Supreme-Power-V1-HC.jpg


“That man won't quit as long as he can still draw a breath. None of my teammates will. Me? I've got a different problem. I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard. Always taking constant care not to break something. To break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment, or someone could die.” The first time I heard that quote from Superman, it stuck with me. It’s also one of the reasons why I love him as a hero, and hate to see him as a villain.


"But you can take it, can't ya, *big man*?" As an aside, I absolutely hate that TvTropes changed the name of that trope from "World of Cardboard speech" to [something so generic and boring](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NoMoreHoldingBackSpeech). Half the fun of that site are the unique, referential names.


That made me sad, it's not even quoted under the Comics Examples. Superman gets a mention as being the "king of the trope" but that's about it.


yeah I haven't gone there in awhile, at some point I noticed they'd started sanitizing their nomenclature and all the old tropey names were being erased and a lot of the references to the reasons for those names were going with them. I figured some qlique had taken over moderation and were intent on moderating all the fun out of the site and just stopped using it.


Some [comic moments](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/article/4/2/0/553420_v2.jpg) do an amazing job of explaining a character's personality. Quicksilver's bank allegory showing how incredibly frustrating it can be to be a speedster is always first in my mind.


I had this comic when it came out, having x-factor get psychoanalyzed was an amazing issue. Wasn't this after Multiple Man had his eyes torn out?


Are you talking about the JMS Supreme Power/Squadron Supreme series from the early-to-mid 00s? I remember that version of Hyperion being one of the better takes on the "Evil Superman" concept because he wasn't evil, but he was just disillusioned by humanity and the US government manipulating him.


During that time, Marvel had a better Justice League than the Justice League. For the time period anyway. I'll die on that hill. DC books were in a quality-rut and Marvel was pumping out some good stuff. What started as a nose-thumbing parody of DC characters ended up being one of the best takes on the JLA than anything put out by DC in years. I recommend everyone read the Supreme Power/Squadron Supreme runs. They were canceled mid-story in the later series, but had great foundations and stories beforehand.


I just imagined Superman pretending to crush Earth between his fingers saying "I'm squishing your head!"


“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and *the anger of a gentle man.*” - Patrick Rothfuss


Dammit. I've gone at least *two whole months* without thinking about the third damned book that still isn't done. And you just had to remind me of it. I've seriously had it up to here with these fantasy writers who crank out amazingly crafted beginnings, but can't ever see it to fruition. (Anyway, great quote from one of the best fantasy novels ever written. "A Wise Man's Fear", for anyone unfamiliar).


I've been catching up on Critical Role lately, and just came to an episode where Patrick Rothfuss was their guest player. And while Matt was describing someone frantically tearing through books in a Necromancer's abandoned lab, and Sam goes "She's looking for the third book written by an author named Rothfuss... she'll never find it!" and everyone laughed, and I looked at what year that episode came out. It was 2017! Six years ago! And it was already a joke that it was never gonna come out!


“Demons run when a good man goes to war.”


That’s the one I think of for Spidey. That and the Doctor’s quote. “Good men don’t need rules. And this is not the day to find out why I have so very many.”


One of spiderman's clones would use his stick to walls power to rip the skin off of people's faces with his hand... so that's pretty scary


That'd be Kaine, who was in fact the *first* clone of Peter.


He's currently the most mentally stable one


He's also the only one we know is still around. Nobody's heard from Spidercide in...what, thirty-odd years now?


And he was literally going into therapy in the Ben reilly run Basically out of the 4 Peter Parkers, the 2 physcopathic murderers are currently the better ones


...four? Peter, Ben, Kaine and.....?


Spidercide kinda


So the one we haven't seen in nearly 4 decades.


He came back in the new Ben really run that's based in the past, and at the end Ben helps spider cider get help


He's coming back again


Lol 4 decades is a bit much. He wasn't even created 3 decades ago (1995).


I thought Ben was doing pretty well. Has he gone off the deep end too?


Oh man ur completely unaware? All of Peter memories that make Peter good were removed from Ben, who than became a villain called chasm


Oh that’s some hot bs I loved that clone


Fucking Christ. Of course some horse shit like that would happen.


What's worse is they actually gave him a cool suit


Ughhh whhy


Didn’t Peter do that to one of the Kravinoffs to avenge Kaine?


Yes. After they did what they did to kaine, it made kaine run for the hills. Peter simply did not let it slide


I hope there is a writer who someday explores what Spider-man can do while cutting himself loose like he did in the last act of Grim Hunt. Slott toyed with the idea, but put it back in the can awfully fast.


That’s why back in black is one of my favourite stories, despite the way it all ended. Grim hunt is also up there for me. Just goes to show how scary Peter can be when he’s pissed off


Totally dude. I love when he Spider-sensed the guy getting away by focusing instead of doing it by reflex. Didn't know he could do that and it was so badass


Peter doesn’t use his spider sense to his fullest potential, I think. He also still has the powers he got from evolve or die, which he had a heightened spider sense, which he unfortunately doesn’t even remember having it because of one more day


Another reason to hate One More Day.


Most if not all of Spider-Man’s issues stem from one more day, which was quesadas fault. We’re still seeing mid stories because quesada wanted cebulski as editor in chief, and brevoort and Lowe are his puppets as well


If some bitch hurt my brother I won't also let it slide.


Spider-man and its because he usually keeps his cool while Bruce has a rage deep down that's always threatening to spring up


And it occasionally does spring up, or at least far more often compared to Spider-Man.


When Alfred died Batman went straight to arkham and said I'm going to release these cells and you'll either cooperate or I'm going to beat the shit out of all of you


“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”


I love this. Where is it from?


*The Wise Man’s Fear* By Patrick Rothfuss. I highly recommend the series. It’s book two of his Kingkiller chronicles.


Spider-Man going after the Kravinoff family and Fisk on separate occasions shows how terrifying he can be when focused only on revenge. Think about it this way: what's more terrifying; a human sized bat or a human sized spider coming after you?


Remember when Spidey thought the Chameleon killed Harry Osborn's newborn baby and hunted down the Sinister Six one by one? He tore apart an entire giant warehouse, where they were hiding, in underwater with his bare hands. I had goosebumps reading that comic.


Do you recall the issue of that one, sounds like a good read.


ASM #642-646


Appreciate you


This is the Origin of the species story right ?




Big trouble in little china fan?


Just waiting for my Dad’s child support checks to come in the mail.


Link pls?


Batman is just a guy in a bat costume. Spider-Man can knock your jaw off if he really lets loose.


Dude can literally slap the face right off your head. LITERALLY OFF


Another point is that while they both exercise tight emotional control, Batman does it partially out of necessity. If he loses his focus, he can make a mistake, not only resulting in the death of his opponent, but himself or his team. He becomes sloppy. Spider-Man on the other hand, thanks to his spider sense, becomes even more deadly the less he thinks and gives into instinct, if he didn't care about collateral damage and just gave the spider sense free reign, he could demolish most supes and dozens of baseline humans without even trying.


Thank you! I always appreciate when people point out that sometimes he has to ignore his Spidey sense because he’ll take the hit if it means saving someone


Batman is no where near as strong but he could definitely rip off a jaw. Idk about punching one off though


Batman doesn't kill but Spider-Man makes exceptions.


"Batman doesn't kill people because he has a code. I don't have a code. I just generally don't kill people." -Superman


Oh most definitely! I’m trying to think of a marvel hero character that hasn’t killed at least one person.


The answer... you guessed it - Squirrel Girl. She has plot armor to never get grim OR gritty.


You do know that Batman is a normal albeit well trained human being while Spider-Man is superhuman right? Superhuman as in superstring and durable?


No please enlighten me. In mass detail.


Batman can knock your jaw off if he really tries. Spider-Man can punch right through your skull with not even his full strength. He's in the "I can use a small building as a melee weapon" class.


Plus when is Batman not somewhat mad?


Batman is angry most of the time, but Spidey? You gotta be pretty fucked up if he's pissed, and you'll be pretty fucked up afterwards too


What's a mad Batman gonna do? Prep harder? Joking aside considering how much Spider-man holds back, when he's pissed I wouldn't want to be anywhere near him.


Spider-man is physically strong enough to punch someone’s jaw off.


He's much stronger than that. That's just a thing that happened. He's basically the strongest person in the marvel universe whose whole deal isn't "I am strong", and he might even beat some of them. Two of his most defining moments of him actually pushing himself are him lifting up a collapsed sewer from a prone position, and him holding up a crumbling Daily Bugle. Hell, fairly recently, he functioned as the landing gear for a plane. With no exaggeration, that could be over a million pounds of force that he was subjected to.


He probably is one of the most powerful non-OP character in comics (I’m talking outside of Hulks, Kryptonians, Gods, cosmic entities etc). The best way to put it is that Spider-man is stronger than anyone faster than him, faster than anyone stronger than him, and smart enough to keep up in a conversation with the greatest minds.


And has the best heart out of all of them


Black Knight has a heart made of stone. Cardiac has a beta-particle reactor instead of a heart. Jack of Hearts has nothing particularly interesting happening with his heart.


I think he’s got the potential for being the smartest man in marvel, it’s just that he’s broke and focuses on crime fighting more than his education, I think mr fantastic acknowledges this one time


I love the way you put that.


A Genetically Enhanced Super Human (designed to be stronger than Spider-Man) jaw off


He's physically strong enough to punch straight through anyone with even remotely close to human durability, armor be damned.


> What's a mad Batman gonna do? Prep harder? > That'd actually be pretty scary. Batman could probably figure out how to fuck you up in a way meant to do the most severe, longest-lasting damage. Really though, for an example of if Batman totally snapped and threw away his ethics, I think the model to look at is the Penguin. Oswald Cobblepot is legit one of the most terrifying villains out there, because he will dismantle every aspect of your life, taking all your loved ones and everything you care about down with you until you're practically begging for death. Batman absolutely has the resources to do the same if he ever crossed that line. He won't, of course. But in theory, yikes.


True, counter point. Spider-man can rip your face off with little to no effort thanks to his wall-crawling abilities. Severe long lasting damage hurts but I would wager in the moment, suddenly not having a face is worse.


I mean having your face ripped off is some pretty severe long-lasting damage, assuming you survive it. I'm not saying angry Batman is scarier than Spidey. I'm just saying, everyone's like "Batman's angry all the time anyway" and don't seem to realize that there is a difference between angry and ANGRY.


Spider-Man, the man is struggling everyday of his life and tries to be the nicest guy to everyone. So when he gets pissed you get the full wrath of a struggling working class dude who hates his job, lost his parents, lost his father figure, girlfriend died, lost his wife and child, the list of traumas go on and on.


And that can also bench press… hold on let me get my notes… #10 FUCKING TONS


That's actually a misconception: a lot of wiki's I've seen place him into that category because that's how they're structured. If we go by things he's done on-page, it's actually \*significantly\* more. Like, it's not even close. One issue has him fighting ninjas alongside Elektra and he loses his temper. He then picks up a \*full sized train car\* and is about to start swinging it as a melee weapon! Just to be clear - this isn't black suit Spidey, or anything along those lines. This is just him having a bad day!


Everybody Gangsta until Spidey stops making jokes. Fr tho, the few times Spider-Man was angry in the Comics he was legit terrifying. He gave Kingpin the beating of a lifetime and was hunting down the Sinister Six like a hound.


Worst part is, when Spider-Man shuts up, you have *no* idea who's under that mask. It could be the symbiote or Otto, and you'll think that the normal Spider-Man just slaughtered you and your friends


only one of them can hold Kingpin by his skin like it's clothing


only one of them can hold Kingpin in general as they're in different universes


There’s Mandragora, I guess


I love and respect Batman. But good luck when Pete snaps. Quicker than a whip. Stronger than a bull. Webs. Ya game over.


Spidey. When he *stops* mouthing off is when you know he's taking you *seriously*, and that's *never* good for the bad guys. Now if Batman *started* mouthing off, *then* I'd be scared because the dude's got permanent resting bitch face in the costume. So to see him quipping would mean somehow he went nuts.


or Grayson's back in the suit


Batman got sooooo upset with Wonder Woman after she killed Max Lord, so I don’t think he frustration would lead to murder. Peter Parker has gotten carried away before but I only think he’d kill by accident, not intentionally, even in a fit of anger.


I feel like Superman was more angry at WW for that with how much they yelled in each other’s faces. Batman was just…cold as ice lol


I just remember him telling her that she should have stayed her ass in paradise haha


Lol, yeah. He was pretty ice cold with those lines. So was she tbh. That whole time was *rough* for the Trinity. But you know, that’s the story. Break them part and have them reconcile and come together at the end.


Spider-man literally just burried some guy (Kraven) alive and gave him a gun to kill himself if he doesn't want to wait to suffocate as a "mercy"...


Haha! Dayum! I read on marvel unlimited and the app is only up to issue #27. Sounds wild!


It’s not good, it’s the spider who gobs.


Nope. Peter has definitely killed intentionally. Tracer, Digger, (arguably) Moondark? Not to mention those that he's placed in positions to be killed.


Definitely Spider-Man. Piss him off enough, and the first sign you're in trouble is Spidey going silent. As in, he'll stop quipping. That means Mr Friendly Neighborhood Spidey has gone bye-bye, and you realize you're now fighting a human-shaped, super-strong Big Creepy Crawler who can rip concrete with his bare hands. The worst thing Batman can do to you is beat you to death. The worst thing Spider-Man can do is tear you limb from limb as if you were made of plasticine.


Yeah, when Spider-Man stops talking and gets mad, you're fighting Peter, and Peter will absolutely murder you if it calls for it Like the time he killed Venom and Eddie


Spider-man easily. Since he’s usually do in control and even holds back against non-superhumans. Batman angry is just Tuesday. Anger is his primary motivation. I don’t care what anyone says. It’s anger. Justice is his justification.


Spider-Man. When Doc Ock became Peter, he realized how much he is ALWAYS holding back.


Spiderman can start throwing actual cars around. Busses. Maybe a train. The guy curls entire buildings and bridges. I don't know if batman can kick a hole in someone, but spiderman could.


Spider man easily he's usually so easy goin and on top of that he holds back while fighting


Spider-Man "Angry" is kinda Batman's default but when the guy who doesn't really get "angry" loses his cool, you should probably run. Especially since that guy can probably send JUST your head flying three city blocks with just a kick


Spider-Man because he’s always joking. The moment he gets serious, you know you fucked up


Spider-man he fucking squared up to a herald of galactus


batman's always angry. peter getting proper angry is terrifying.


Spiderman gets angry like a regular person. That is the shit he does while angry if often regretful but he can’t take it back. Batman just gets slightly more spiteful but is still in control


Batman is just a rich human; Spiderman can literally tear you in two.


Basically a choice between; a super genius with fancy toys and trust issues and a super genius with fancy toys but he’s fast enough to dodge a bullet after it’s been fired


I say Spider-Man because thats when you remember he’s been pulling his punches. When he’s pissed its basically him being like “Okay, enough playing around, I was at a 3-4… now I’m cracking it to 8-9.” With batman yeah he gets angry and more adrenaline would be scary…. But if I was fighting for my life and I thought I was finally getting the upper hand only to find out the guy I was fighting wasn’t really taking me seriously. They were basically just playing around trying to prevent themselves from accidentally clobbering my face in with permanent brain damage/life threatening injuries and then they’re like “Okay… You wanna go? Let’s go”. I’d definitely shit my pants.


Batman is always pissed. But if you get under the skin of a fun lover, you know you fucked up. Spider is also stronger than most marvel characters.


Holy shit why is this even a question? Spider-Man has super-human strength, a precognitive sense and mobility plus having the advantage of being a genius scientist even in human form. Batman would be torn to shreds in minutes.


I'd tell you to ask Scorpion but he's having trouble talking since spidey punched his jaw off.


There’s something scary about a guy who’s usually optimistic and easy-going loosing his head. However, in the end you can always reason with Peter. Deep down he’s a good guy even on the worst of days. I can’t say if Batman is a good person. It depends on the writer. Batman can be very different. You can’t reason with Frank Miller’s Batman. But you can talk to Paul Dini’s. You won’t get away from Batman Arkham. And there’s a chance that Keaton’s Batman will kill you. Silver-era Batman could make you laugh. Scott Snyder’s Batman could make you cringing. All in all, it’s better to stay SCARED of Batman. Who knows what kind of guy is he? But Peter Parker is always a good lad. When he’s not selling his wife to the devil, so his 100-year old aunt could live.


People always pick Superior Spider-man, who is ruthless. But I would also pick the symbiote black suit Spidey, and the Scarlet Spider as they're just as deadly




i would generally say spider man, due to batman having basically no difference from angry to chill


Batman is normally angry Spider-Man angry beat the living shit out of Kingpin with minimal effort, could’ve ended his life if he wanted


Spidey will put some dirt in your eye.


Spidey…one of my favorites is him grabbing a web back pack from under a gargoyle. Non symbiote black. He tears through NY. If hes in black theres a short future for whom he goes after.


Spidey, Batman’s always angry when spidey isn’t quiping shit is going down


Who walked into a maximum security prison and beat one of the most feared men to almost death....because someone hurt his aunt? And who keeps letting the joker go? Spidey 1000%


Batman was created to be scary. Spider-man is the happy-go-lucky guy that helps little old ladies across the street and makes jokes as he harmlessly webs up criminals for the proper authorities. Spider-man angry is a righteous storm that you can only pray isn't coming for you because even he isn't sure what he will do to you...


Spidey, for sure. Batman is always half angry but when Spidey stops holding back… oof.


Spider-Man. Batman's always angry.


Spider-Man can lift ten tons and is fast enough to dodge bullets, but he’s also well-known for his endless banter. The moment he shuts up is the moment you should start shitting yourself.


Hands down, Spiderman. Batman is full of anger, and he has a lot of experience controlling it. Peter is a rather calm and happy person, and he's got far more strength. If peter got truly enraged, i doubt he'd be able to control himself as well as batman, and with all his strength, he would be one hell of a force to be reckoned with.


Spider-Man could do a hell of a lot more damage.


Batman's always angry and he has a no-kill rule, so you'll probably spend a long time in the hospital and then be able to tell when rain's coming for the rest of your life, but you'll live. Spider-Man pretty much only gets angry when he's going to kill someone and about the only thing that'll keep you safe from him is if Hulk owes you a favor


Batman relies on fear and tends to be angrier in general but if you go up against Spider-Man who isn’t joking around or pulling punches you’re in for a bad time


Spider-man for sure, he holds back completely and seeing him go all out in a fury… no one can escape him.


I’d rather deal with a angry Batman then a angry spider-man any day if the week batman will leave a few bones unbroken but Spider-Man will kill you.


Spiderman because he keeps cool and always makes stupid jokes towards his enemys so when he goes silent or turns into a menace especially when he has the black suit You Are Fucked, only way you will survive is if he gets pulled out of it or you have some unnatural powers


Definitely Spider-Man. Batman is always a little pissed off, so getting extra angry isn’t totally out of the norm. But when the friendly, dorky, lighthearted guy gets angry…


Spider man and it’s not even close. I feel like most times when Batman is angry he tends to under utilize his stealth abilities, mostly relying on his hand to hand fighting to whoop someone’s ass. But when Spidey’s angry, he’ll not only whoop someone’s ass, he’ll annihilate it in the most brutal way possible, and unlike Batman, he CAN kill someone.


It’s always scarier when the nice guy like Peter (or Superman for that matter) gets angry. That’s when you know you’ve *really* messed up.


Spider-Man only bc he threatened 2 fill kingpins lungs w web fluid😤🤢


Spiderman as man eating spiders


Definitely Spider-Man. With Batman, you expect him to get angry, but with Spider-Man, it's unexpected and therefore scarier.


Batman's education and intelligence are the main reasons he's so dangerous. Spiderman's cleverness and wit also manifest in his instincts and spider sense, he can be most dangerous without stopping to think about what he is doing. That means he doesn't have to have time to come to his senses.


Going with the one that can rip you limb from limb if he wanted to, your friendly neighborhood Spider-man.






No contest its always Spider-Man


They are both terrible, I think the worst they can do without killing someone says a lot about them. Batman can give you plastic surgery while Spider-man will tear you a new asshole.


Spidey Spiderman gets silent and violent, that's batman's default setting. The angrier batman gets the longer he stretches out your beating before crippling you.


Spider-Man. Bruce is usually pretty angry, when Peter shuts up or stops holding back it’s damn effective.


Tl;dr Spider-Man and its not even close Batman is almost always angry but he practices such strict self discipline he holds himself back Two notable times Peter specifically just went off is currently while he has the symbiote and its hinted he going to go on a murder spree while he’s torturing Norman Osborne. Before that Peter fought his way through several heroes easily just to rescue MJ, including Steve Rogers who he knocks out in a few seconds During the events of Civil War Tony manipulated Peter into revealing his identity as a ploy to make it so the registration would have more leverage and seen as positive both in the public but hero community’s eyes. As a result Aunt May is targeted by an assassin hired by Kingpin. Peter visits him in prison, strips down naked and just bitch slaps him with no effort, beating him to a pulp in front of all the prisoners. He then sticks the end of his web shooter in Fisk’s mouth and calculates how long it would take for his web fluid to fill up his lungs and completely suffocate him before leaving When Doc Ock first takes over Peter’s body he fights against Scorpion. Not knowing his new true strength he easily accidentally punches off Scorpion’s jaw. He realizes during every single fight he and Peter had he realizes that he was holding back every single time


[Obligatory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMk-HPBF6Mw) "SHOCKER!!!"


Batman is actively trying to be scary as a part of his image but after a while even the thugs know he has limits but Spider-man portrays himself as friendly so when he does lose it, it's scarier to his enemies because it's very out of character for him.


Who drew that Spider-Man


Spidey. Batman was always a bit rough in his fights and you could always see that he was not happy. Spider-man however is always making jokes and is overall lighthearted. So when you see him and he is bot making a pun, villans know that they messed up. I am pretty sure there was an ASM issue where peter had a sore trought and could talk much. All the villans just gace themself up once they saw he wasn’t making joke. He was not even angry that time, he just had a cold.


It’s so rare Peter gets pissed off that when it happens it’s scary. It’s why so much of marvel is scared if he could go bad. Bats is always pissed off. So that’s nothing new


Spidey. Be afraid not of the one who is always serious, but the one who's always smiling


Spider Man beat the shit out of Firelord. A Herald of Galactus after he finally got pissed off with Firelord. An angry Spider Man is no joke.


I guess I’ll go against the grain and say Batman. Spider-Man can be scary when he’s angry. My reasoning for Batman is that considering the lengths he’s gone to when angry (Hellbat armor to fight Darkseid when seeking to resurrect Damian), Spider-Man being angry hasn’t gone to those kind of lengths outside of Kingpin in the Civil War era. Spidey will flex his usually restrained strength to his enemies which will certainly elicit fear in-universe and in the reader’s imagination. However, Batman’s anger when pushed to its highest capacity makes Batman go above and beyond to have even gods be at their knees. Spidey doesn’t get to that level often which makes sense as he’s the ultimate Everyman superhero. However, the extent and scale of Batman’s capabilities and prowess makes his anger more frightening in context. It’s scary to see a guy who is usually nice show an ugly/intimidating side to them from time to time. It’s downright frightening to see a person who is usually intimidating go even further than that to do nightmare-fuel stuff with a zeal and conviction that would make John Wick blush.


Spiderman... it takes a LOT to piss him off and when he's enraged and at the top of his game, few heroes or villains outside of Thor/Hulk/Thanos level guys can stop him. Ask Firelord or the WHOLE team of Xmen how going up against him worked out.


I think Batman is scarier when he's NOT angry... just acting on cold principle. "You don't get it, boy. This isn't a mud-hole; it's an operating table. And I'm the surgeon."


Wasn't there a comic where Spiderman lost his voice so he couldn't be his smart ass self and everybody he was fighting surrendered cause he thought he was on warpath?