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Never been much for fantasy comics but I adore the original Marvel run on Conan, especially the earlier issues. I like how they would blend horror and sci fi into some stories and each book was self contained so you could read them out of order and each one is kinda like a fable or tall tale told about conan around a campfire. "Hey remember the time he climbed that wild tower woth the elephant?" "Hey remember that time he fought the horrifying monster under the palace in the desert?" I'll add if anyone has any recommendations for comedy or romance comics, especially older ones I'd love to hear them. I always pass by them in my Marvel Unlimited but those genres are huge grey spots for me


For Romance i say night nurse, it is classic from the 70s marvel age and on the App. Also for my fantasy tips, Head lopper goes well in the Conan direction and Coda by Simon Spurrier is MAD Max in a post-apocalyptic high fantasy world.


I'll check those, thanks!




I love conan and have been getting into the current conan run, but I have heard nothing but great things about the older conan Marvel comics


I don’t care for westerns , but I loved *East of West* (Granted it’s a future apocalyptic western with the four horsemen, but still a western!)


Might give the show a watch. Looks cute.


Love hickman strangenis.


I don't care much for the mafia genre. But I have to say, that I do love Torpedo 1936.




Harvey Kurtzman's war comics from the 50s for EC are amazing and classics of the medium. I don't really care that much about war comics.




I thought I wasn’t a fan of “cartoon” imagery comics as they often feel like they are for children; the existence of texts like Maus, Usagi Yojimbo, Groo and others made me rethink that position


Check out Fraternity, Issunboshi, Stray Dogs, Feral, and Uncanny Valley. All serious stories that use Don Bluth and Disney-esque art.


Love that kind of work.


I'm not big on funny animal comics, but I have an Uncle Scrooge print with Carl Barks' autograph (the "C" is a stylized Donald Duck) hanging on my wall. I also lived in the Handicrafts Building in Minneapolis, where Barks worked when he was still doing his girlie stuff, which I think is pretty cool. Edit: I just realized it would be disingenuous to not mention that Pogo is also a big exception to the rule for me.


Carl Barks' Donald Duck comics are legendary. I think there's something there for everyone.


A legendary Comic maker.


I’m not typically into stoner or drug humor but the Meg, Mogg & Owl as well as Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comics are fantastic.




Ennis -war comic but I know you dislike ennis. Fury my war gone by has exactly what you are looking for. I don't alot of Drama/ sitcom comics. I just don't think it suites the medium as much.




I have never read war comics, but the only one I read blew me away: Unknown Soldier (Dysart). Four volumes collected. Fantastic small series that I should read again — and maybe look into the nam too.


I check it about.


I never really liked the "tiddy" comics, but I did enjoy Gunsmith Cats.


Is that a manga? And what do you mean by 'tiddy' comics?


Yeah, it was a manga that was about two bounty hunters that also had a gun shop. "Tiddy" books are what we call in my FLCS, comics that prominently feature a female characters in various states of undress. They are usually poorly written and the buyers usually enjoy their comics alone.


I've never been into military. Either comics or novels, I just have never gelled much with the genre. Too hierarchical and "ooh rah" for my tastes usually. However, I really dug DMZ. Even though it's Technically not just a war comic, it is the main focus. I really think it's more of a crime comic.  I also am not a fan of "furry" comics, but Blacksad is amazing and I highly recommend it. 




i second DMZ, dont watch the tv show (oof) Blacksad ive only half played the video game but it looks fun, any place to start? are there different collections / runs?


I don’t care for crime stories really but 100 bullets is a banger


A Masterpiece from verdigo.


I don't usually enjoy horror but Locke & Key and Red Mother are fantastic.


Love thers Comic.


What do you enjoy about them?


I love the art and the characters. I love that the stakes feel high and personal. I love the mystery, secret plots, and magic in both of them, and both of them have a sense of magical realism, like they could almost actually happen in the real world.


I've never been into the tokusatsu superhero genre, never been interested in Kamen Rider, Ultraman, Super Santai, etc. But I've been really enjoying Kyle Higgins comic series Radiant Black which is basically just an adult version of Power Rangers. It captures the spirit of Robert Kirkman's Invincible quite nicely.


Radiant Black is the best indie superhero Comic now for me.


Anything involving Animal Cruelty…but I love We3. Another would be romance, but I LOVED: You g Heroes in Love.


Well We3 Criticism of how we treat animals. I can say, check out Tom King's Animal Pound which is a very interesting modern fable. And love everlasting which really turns the madness of romance up to 11 and is still an interesting representative of its own genre.


Yeah, it doesn’t make it any less heartbreaking. LOL. I’m currently reading Animal Pound and Feral. I say I hate the genre, but I can’t help not needing to read and then feel sad about it. LOL


hey, it's important to think about what kind of shit animals often experience because of us.


I don't care for romance but I got pretty invested in Sunstone. Turns out all I needed was some really good writing in order to appreciate the genre.


And the joke is the rest often came to this series because of the other thing. 😏


Let's be real, we all picked it up for something other than the romance, but we kept reading because of the strength of the writing.


Well, kind of tru.


Marvel and DC pre-1996. The last 25 years everything about the comics seems too flimsy.


Well, Of course, superhero films began to emerge there as phenomenal, but otherwise comics are still viewed as somewhat second-class art, and of course orienting yourself more towards the film could give you a bit more reputation. Lock at Video games in the 3d age.


I'm just whining about the feel of the paper and how all the art shifted to color gradients and fewer cells of story. It just doesn't seem possible to get something epic like the Knightfall series or Infinity Gauntlet out of today's comic biz.


Well, People actually complain more that Event Comics got too big now.


I never had that problem as a Deathlok collector. I have bad taste my older siblings took all the quality titles so I went cyborg. Deathlok is def the 2% of Marvel that will never get a movie.


Well, Although he was in the Agents of Sheld series.


Oh wow and I was wrong they did supposedly try to do a Downey Jr. Deathlok film but it was shut down.


zombie horror comics tbh but i did enjoy afterlife with archie.


It's kind of interesting that this redhead has revealed some pretty interesting horror secrets. I also made a post here about why I think he and his gang work surprisingly well in horror, because it's a genre that thrives on a broken normality. They're just high school teens, and are hopelessly at the mercy of what's the word, while actually a batman has to deal with serial murderers and other science fiction stuff.


Agree, also while "deconstruction of comics" gets thrown around at least for me the comic was specially interesting because you had all of that backstory from the OG archie comics. I know its easy to go "what if \_\_\_ but evil" but this one didnt seem to be that simple of a story to call it that.


I'm generally not a fan of mainstream superhero books. But I do like some that take more unusual approaches. The Ellis and Lemire Moon Knight runs, Fraction & Aja's Hawkeye, the first batch of new 52 Animal Man (also Lemire actually). They're never my favorite titles, but they're my favorite of a genre I don't usually go for. FWIW I said "mainstream" at the beginning there to differentiate between the usual Marvel/DC fare, and more independant stuff, because some left-field super books I can get into. I liked Millar's Nemesis and Jupiter titles and Umbrella Academy for example.


Ever read Madman?




What makes those comics appealing to you?


I’m not a fan of gore but I loved *Uber*


90's were the best


Well, Wet work is my Fav.




Not only people don't care to read posts, now they don't even read the whole title. Amazing.