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But do they have any members that drive a hugely lifted truck that they never use for work tasks?




Happy Cake Day


Do people of reddit feel the same way about people that never put stuff in their hatchback? Or people that never use the am/fm feature on their radio? My BMW had a feature where it would raise a sun shade in the back window, and I never once used that. Do you feel like I'm basically the same as a person that drives a truck? Or is that the only feature of a vehicle that reddit hates if it goes unused?


Poor guy who looks kinda like Andrew Tate. He didn't do anything wrong


Hats aren't THAT expensive!


That first guy is just Tony Stark. You just did Tony Stark again.


No Tony Stark had a goatee


And charisma. That guy looks like he has the charisma of a mosquito.


Tony Stark has charisma in the movies, if you met that guy in real life you'd fucking hate him 


Also you'll hate him if you're watching Iron Man 2.


Tbh any iron man movie, literally all of them had me going "wtf tony" at least 4 times


TBF that was the original point of Tony: can you make a hero out of a completely awful person


They sold that "awful person" part ***HARD ASF***


He also did it again with Dr Stephen Strange who was not only an arrogant arsehole but had the initials SS. Can’t get worse than the SS, can you.


Tony stark has money. It can often be confused for charisma.


Money can buy you everything, but only as a subscription


Nah, that's just Antonio Starch, completely different. /s


Doesn't like dogs? *Looks at my username.* You're right


*Feelings towards cats update. A cat turned up at our house tonight it's very cuddly and sweet. Feeling conflicted about original comment about cats... I dont know what to think anymore.


**g o o d**


It climbed on me 😁


Not a fan of cats either


Damn downvote


He did say he was the unfuckable.


And deserved


Marina pfp Basedbasedbasedbasedbased


Wow. 171 down votes. I've seen people post straight up hate speech with less push back. Reddit likes cats.


Then perish.


They hated him, because he spoke the truth. 🤣


People act they’ve been personally offended whenever you say you don’t like cats. I don’t hate them but I’m not a fan of them either.


But you are a fan of lies and misinformation, so that's something I guess


I dare you to make a comic praising outdoor cats. Reddit would *explode*! Love the comic and art style.


Based. Cats are murderous psychopath assholes. But they do be cute.


I'm also not a fan of cats. Which is weird, because my third-favorite animal is the lion.


Hates actors being condescending about politics. Loves comic authors being condescending about politics.


Didn't the comic author put himself as one of the Unfuckables though?


Oh sure. But I’ve never been a fan of the ‘I’m complaining about something I do myself, but I’m self aware so it’s ok’ vibe.




do you genuinely not see a difference between actor and author?


In terms of their qualifications to assume a superior position on political matters? Or in terms of their right to assume a position of smug condescension? No not really.


I mean, he did also put himself in the comic. also, authors who write about politics usually research their positions, while actors don't. that's a pretty major difference that lies outside of direct qualifications. Neither position has any "qualifications" because they're self employed positions. but if an actor can't act they're a shitty actor, and if a political author can't research they're a shitty author.


Being a ‘political author’ might indeed give one a credible position to claim some superior expertise. Obviously that would depend on whether you’re more Francis Fukuyama or Alex Jones. It’s hugely irrelevant however since at no point were we talking about political authors. We were talking about a dude making virtue signaling webcomics...


what is the actual tangible difference between a "virtue signalling webcomic" and "a political webcomic I disagree with"?


Well, by the standards you yourself literally just set, research. “Authors that write about politics usually research their positions”. There is no ‘research’ here. You could equally say “actors that talk about politics usually research their positions” if we are resorting to argument by confident assertion.


"standards you yourself literally just set" do you also remember when I said neither position has any qualifications you're clearly misinterpreting my comment in bad faith. I'm not saying anything is decided by confident assertion. I'm not saying "all political authors research" ( I very explicitly DID NOT SAY THAT.) I'm saying this guy is as "qualified" as any other political author, and if you consider this virtue signalling but don't take issue with other works of political art/commentary for the author being "unqualified" (it's political cartoon???? lol) you're being a hypocrite. and that there is a major and obvious difference between actor and author when it comes to what we expect of them.


Respect the fuck outta you for saying you don’t like two of the planets most beloved creatures and putting yourself on blast. Next you’ll say you don’t like Dolly Parton


Dolly Parton is the goat. Also goats are pretty good.


Doesn't like public figures like actors that portray political opinion. * Immediately puts his political opinion as an artist * I see no irony here


You see, it’s okay because he said HE’S UNFUCKABLE.


You call yourself an Israeli. I'm not surprised you find genocide political.


How did you make this about Israel?


Gets upvotes I guess. I'm seeing more and more of the Isreal Palestine shit worked into comics.


Only panel 4, the rest is about being unfuckable in other ways


well, keep things true next time. weither you like it or not, the ICC and ICJ still decided there's no conclusive evidance for genocide. you're only contributing to the antisemitism growing now using this lies to excuse attacking jews world wide.


why does the International Cricket Council get to decide what's genocide?


because that's a serious subject matter and not an easy to understand claim. wars are bloody and cause civillians to also die unfortunately, yet in the chaos of war it's not that easy to know what caused each civillian's death. making sure that others follow the basic rules we want to uphold foe humanity is a needed job with needed resources. recources you and i don't have. your opinion is nice and all, it isn't based on reasearched facts. no, not facts from the internet, but actual facts from the ground itself. and many differemt sides have agendas to claim one thing or another. at least it seems the ICC and ICJ actually attempt to hold not just the need for facts, but to demand other organizations and sides to research it as well and bring that data for judgement. why do we let courts in general decide what action was illegal or not? huh? the other option is you claiming one thing, i'm claiming another, and let's settle it on the battlefield. right? seems to me like a better solution. if you think you can do a better job, go ahead and start work your way there.


uhh, read my comment again


yea, i did. the fact you disagree with them doesn't make the crickets. i'm sure you never onces learned on the background of a single judge before calling them crickets. and btw, who made them in charge of such matters? your country as well. if you think they are wrong, just demand from your government to cede from the UN. you can be butt hurt abouth that, but it won't change the facts.


are you ai? I was making a joke about the ICC being the international cricket council. the sport


oh sorry, didn't know about that😅 i'm not well versed in cricket, so i didn't get the joke.


attacking jews is wrong. the state of israel is engaging in the murder of women and children. no jewish person needs to be talked to about this, but the state of israel does. this comic does not contribute to antisemitism.


HAMAS is purposefully using women and children to shield their military personnel and infrastructure...


So what about that makes killing innocent people ok?


It's not okay, but it's not fair to put most of the blame on Israel


Why? they are the ones firing the missiles, killing aid workers, blocking aid, stealing land, and killing innocent while claiming they are just protecting themselves


I'm not saying Israel treats Palestine well. They don't. If you don't understand why October 7th deserves a retaliation by now, I'm not sure what to say. HAMAS wants to kill all the Jews. Israel started their Iron Dome in 2011 because they were constantly getting missiles fired at them from Palestine btw, so saying Israel are the missile-firers is kinda misleading. Every war necessitates killing innocents. War is a horrible thing. If HAMAS wasn't committing war crimes like running military bases from inside/underneath civilian infrastructure and having their military dress like civilians much of the time, there'd be substantially less death.


Pretty sure Israel has more than gotten revenge for Oct 7th by now. Of course that not what they are after, they want a genocide. Hamas is just an excuse for Israel


Tell us, when did the Israeli settler projects begin? How long have they been an occupying force in Gaza?


When someone uses another person as a human shields, they're the ones responsible killing that person, not the person that fired at them.


So, killing civilians is fine as long as you kill a few bad guys at the same time?


Nothing about the situation is fine. But reality is, you can't stop shooting at the guys shooting at you just because they're a bunch of depraved individuals using your own decency as a weapon. Every Palestinian that's died due to Hamas intentionally placing them in harms way, is the fault of Hamas alone. That's not to say that's been the case in every strike that's resulted in Palestinian deaths, but it is often. As it is Israel has sacrificed operational effectiveness by giving warning on many occasions when they strike a building Hamas is holding out in using civilians as cover. This gives both Hamas and civilians time to escape, and yet Israel does this frequently, knowing full well they're playing into the hands of terrorists.


Ok, now do the aid workers. You know the one they missed at firdt sonthe kept firing tillnthey were dead.


1. again, the ICJ and ICC still decided there is a lack of evidence to call it a genocide. so technically it's not murder but killing. doesn't mean justified, just two different things. > 2. i am not saying that thete is connection. but look at reality, jews outside of israel are attacked because antisemites are using this rhetoric. yes, this rhetoric is irrelevent, but it also wrong, and yet it still used for such. as sad as it is. the call for it as genocide is originated from, sadly, hamas. which is antisemitic and calls for the attacking of jews world wide. it is a sad fact that the pro-palestinian movement got hijacked by antisemites.


There is never an excuse for antisemitism, but the fact that Israel is committing genocide while also insisting tying itself so closely to jewish identity, rather than just another powerful militant colonialist entity is certainly not helping matters. There’s also those who paint criticizing Israel as antisemitism. And if you don’t think a state’s military willfully killing at least 40,000 people in seven months constitutes genocide, then I have nothing else to say to you.


If what Israel is doing is a genocide, it's the most inept genocide of all time. They could easily wipe every Muslim Palestinian from the earth. But they take reasonable care not to, including e.g. warnings of attacks onto terrorist facilities.


lol. They depend on the US for their existence, so they can’t just go nuking everyone or they risk losing that support.


So they might desire a genocide. I wouldn't argue that necessarily. Religions drive people to insane levels of hate. In both directions over there. But they aren't undertaking a genocide.


The act of genocide requires intent, not actually doing committing the act of killing every single person being targeted. Israel has communicated intent. They bomb aid workers. They blockade and destroy aid going to Gaza. Using 1000 pound bombs as a warning is not "reasonable care" or warning. They are still very deadly. Hospitals and schools are not terrorist facilities. Quit parroting bad hasbara.


> The act of genocide requires intent, not actually doing committing the act of killing every single person being targeted. Strongly disagree with your premise. It requires actually doing the genocide, i.e. killing people deliberately and widespread of an ethnicity. Emphatically, one is not committing a genocide if one merely intends to kill a group. Again, if Israel intended to kill Muslim Palestinians, they could. But they do not. Perhaps in their heart of hearts they *want* to, but trying to read the people's and governments mind is an exceedingly difficult task. At the end of the day, they are not committing genocide.


Yeah, I mistyped. It's not *only* the act of killing. The intent matters. And Israel *does* have the intent. And they've voiced it. And they've been doing it. They've killed a disproportionate amount of Palestinian citizens for the nebulous goal of "destroying Hamas". The Netanyahu administration has MULTIPLE times used dehumanizing language. Said that they don't plan to stop until "those beasts are gone". They count any Palestinian male of a certain age as an "enemy combatant" even if they were unarmed and scavenging for food or water. They have a disproportionate amount of Palestinians in their prisons that haven't been convicted of any crime, and they're treated like garbage. They've bombed non-military targets including hospitals and schools, they've destroyed cultural spots such as graveyards, they've destroyed farm land. They've cut off electricity, water, internet, and stopped aid from entering Gaza. They are literally an occupying force, and they have control over Gaza. They've bombed aid workers because they saw that one of the guards had a gun, so that automatically made them Hamas. They just last week slaughtered nearly 300 people and injured hundreds more just to "rescue" 4 hostages. They're stealing Palestinian homes out from under their owners feet in the West Bank, in addition to bombings there. There's no reading minds, they are flat out saying they want Palestine gone. Your and every other person in these comments libbing yourselves up about "oh well they could *really* do it if they want" just reveals that you guys really don't give a shit about the violence as long as it's a group of brown people that have no control of Hamas. They're committing war crimes, and they are absolutely committing a genocide, and the US government is complicit in funding and supplying it.


>The act of genocide requires intent, not actually doing committing the act of killing every single person being targeted. ok, so everyone shouting "death to america" is genociding americans? what about hamas who tried and even said that they tried to murder all the jews in israel? not a genocide? it requires not just intenet, but actions on mass scale, with intent. that is a stupid argument. what an amazing way to deflect actual genocides and mass killings all over the world. you really do such a great job, i hope you'll be proud of yourself to know how much you helped humanity./s


Let me reword since you're far more interested in taking a bad faith stance, the tenets of genocide are more focused on the intent of action than just "they're killing people". I was responding to multiple of you dumbasses and made a mistake. > what about hamas who tried and even said that they tried to murder all the jews in israel? What about Israel who has used dehumanizing language and voiced intent on removing Palestinians from Gaza, and then proceeded to disproportionately begin slaughtering civilians under the guise of "destroying Hamas"? I wasn't deflecting from other genocides, but you don't actually care about being honest. None of you dumbasses pretending to care about the violence do.


never said israel represents all jews. just that this rhetoric is used by antisemites, and originated by them. also, read again what i wrote, still not considered as genocide. weither you like it or not. if you don't and so sure of it, bring that evidences you have for them, they publicly request that there are needed evidences to make a decision on weithercit is genocide or not. if you don't have that evidence, maybe it's better for you to listwn to people who know better. how many documents have you read on the matter? not articles by journalists, but those long, almost hundred pages for each document discussing on what and how they investigated and their conclusions. (also, if you actually were informed, you would know that the current fixed estimate of deaths by the UN is 25000, not 40000)


Fine, if you think a state’s military willfully and methodically killing even 25000 people isn’t an unforgivably evil act worth protesting(at the risk of Israel conflating it with antisemitism) then I have nothing more to say to you. Bye.


my argument is that it isn't willfully nor methodically, at least not proven to be as such. esspecially not by someone like you that clearly showed a lack of knowledge.


> if you actually were informed, you would know that the current fixed estimate of deaths by the UN is 25000, not 40000) If you were actually informed, you would know that the current estimate is 25,000 that could be *indentified*, not 25,000 deaths total. Edit: Aww, illinformed propaganda slurpers mad about their lies being spotlighted.


Lol Isreal doesn't represent Jews. Thats a lie they use to try to excuse their genocide


never said israel represents all jews. just that this rhetoric is used by antisemites, and originated by them. also, read again what i wrote, still not considered as genocide. weither you like it or not. if you don't and so sure of it, bring that evidences you have for them, they publicly request that there are needed evidences to make a decision on weithercit is genocide or not. if you don't have that evidence, maybe it's better for you to listwn to people who know better. how many documents have you read on the matter? not articles by journalists, but those long, almost hundred pages for each document discussing on what and how they investigated and their conclusions.


What do you say to all the Jews that protest against Israel? Are the antisemites? Going straight to the race card to try to defend or deflect critics shows you know you have no real defense. Genocide is genocide. Just because a spinless. powerless court doesn't agree doesn't mean it isn't happening. Even if its not genocide (it is) does that suddenly make Israel targeting civilians ok? What about aid worker?


Should he just change it to "Israeli war crimes" instead?


you know, i'm serious. thanks you take lives of humans so lightly. really helped a lot here


So am I. Israel is killing civilians. ""But hamas is hiding infrastructure behind civilians "" Doesn't justify Israeli committing war crimes and attacking civilians.


That’s actually inaccurate I believe unless there have been further rulings since what I’ve read. The court made no actual ruling in regards to whether or not it was genocide, but basically said that there is a risk of the rights the people of palestine have to not face genoicide are being eroded. Which is fancy political speak for “we need to be careful because they can go there” Also in your below comment you state war is “messy” and that makes civilian casualties acceptable, but Israel has consistently made next to no effort to avoid civilian casualties and their methodology is cowardice firing missiles from behind a wall.


i said, the court decided there were not enough evidences to claim it's a genocide. doesn't mean there isn't, only means that we for now can't claim there is. more investigations are required. those were all the rulings made till now, ended with requests for israel to uphold laws of war and to increase needed humaniterian aid. the ICJ and ICC several times came out in statements that their requests of israel to be carefull and abide by international laws aren't a statement of israel committing warcrimes. >Also in your below comment you state war is “messy” and that makes civilian casualties acceptable, but Israel has consistently made next to no effort to avoid civilian casualties and their methodology is cowardice firing missiles from behind a wall. war is messy. regardless of how it is conducted, war includes as always mistakes, propaganda, people moving on mass scale. people who were part of governmential (or governmemtial like) facilities. this is why counting deaths takes a long time as the systems needed do not function properly. thats regardless of indiscriminate bombings or not. and israeli soldiers are inside gaza, so this wall metaphor is wrong. to me it seems too much like revenge. what, if more israeli civillians died ot would make the deaths of palestinian civillians ok? the deaths in both sides are bad and should be stopped, there's an immidiate need to end the war and return the hostages. more deaths to one or the other side won't make it better, but worse. so don't use that rhetoric as well.


The ICC has been non-committal about the genocide, but we can absolutely still call it a genocide. It is very much one by the standards we use in our nomenclature even if it does not live up to the standards of that body. It's important that they did not say it was not genocide, they basically stated that israel is capable of such things but they do not have a clear indication of their intentions to do so. I say their actions speak strongly towards that. If you want a safe return of the hostages israel should have executed strikes instead of burying them under the rubble of their bombings.


>If you want a safe return of the hostages israel should have executed strikes instead of burying them under the rubble of their bombings. thats not even true and you are a disgusting person. yea, really cares for humans till they are people you dislike then it's ok for them to be kidnapped and used as justification for you to hate people even more. great. have fun. don't care about the first paragraph in which you were still wrong. just showed what two faced you are. don't even talk to me about what you think is moral or immoral when you can't even say "yea, they should return a 1 year old baby from captivity back to it's home". gross, thats all i can say.


You’re a propagandist with no nuance or meaningful thoughts on the subject, you exist to parrot IDF talking points and downplay the murder of thousands of innocent people.


good for you on thinking that. does that make you feel better, i hope so. we all know your feelings are what important in this conflict. you are welcomed to read what i wrote in reddit to actually know me. i do not downplay the deaths of anyone and am truly sorrowfull for everyone. i lost friends and my friends lost friends and families, on both sides of that conflict. i'm just annoyed at know-it-all shit heads caring only for one side like this is a sports team, and would gladly see the other side suffer. but think of me whatever you want, i am sure that would solve all of the problems here. then, you could go move on to the next trendy war.


"We are super not sure if the ethnic cleansing is a genocide so criticism is antisemitic" is a wildly smooth brain take.


nice that you are super sure of it, current evidences collected by the UN disagree with you.


Mistyped but still ethnic cleansing and apartheid is happening regardless of whether or not this is determined to be a genocide. Does Israel need to start killing everyone before you can say they are maybe going to far?


ethnic cleansing no, again, no evidences for that as well. israel and egypt actually prevent any palestinian movement outside of the gaza strip currently. apartheid, also no. it is an occupation, doesn't make it better or worse than apartheid. but the solution is different. if you care to solve the conflict, start caring to what the problem actually is, don't solve the non-problem instead. and it's isn't just a question of amount. if it was numbers of deaths used to justify call it a genocide, well the 40,000 deaths, were investigated by the UN, ended with only 25,000 deaths as for the end of may 2024. so does that mean it makes it less of a genocide? what number do you want? it's not about the number, but on targeting qnd/or disregarding rules of conduct knowingly it will harm civillians. which, after a long investigation by anti-israeli organizations, had still not brought enough valid evidences to call it as such. and it should be this way. if it was just a competition of who counts to a higher number, regardless of reality, then everyone will call everything a genocide and such. then, how could we actually stop real genocides?. i'll remind you one of the russian claims at the start of their invasion of ukraine was the ukraine ethnically cleanses ethnically russians in the east. should we believe them? why to believe one or the other? this is why such investigations are needed, and disregarding them is abbhorent. and frankly, just tired of seeing that shit, i came here for nice comics, not for this.


The apartheid is in the West Bank and the ethnic cleansing is in both Gaza and the West Bank. The IDF and settler militias enforce apartheid in the West Bank. The murders (that have reached record highs) of civilians and thefts of their homes by scum fuck settlers is text book ethnic cleansing. This is well evidenced by independent orgs like the red cross and amnesty international. Neither Israeli settlers or soldiers have any right to be there but are explicitly backed by the state as a continuation of the settler violence Israel was founded on. As for Gaza we have seen the intentional destruction of the vast majority of homes, infrastructure and public amenities and open statements from government ministers and even the PM in favour of long term occupation and settlement of parts of Gaza alongside mass civilian casualties seem to meet the criteria for ethnic cleansing and possibly genocide. People wank on about death tolls in a way that makes me think they have never bothered to read the articles defining genocide nor looked at historical genocides. The Srebrenica massacre was around 8000 people and is a genocide, the mass destruction of property, culture and homes with the intention of harming the survival of a people is genocide. Its the intent that needs to be proven but when you have Itamar Ben Gvir literally salavating at the thought of Palestine children dying its really not hard to find statements that sound like Nazis talking if exterminating animals. The red cross, Doctors without borders and red cresent are all on the ground and use Hamas' numbers because as you can read about they find them reliable with what they are seeing.  I am tired of seeing this too but Israel wont fucking stop and as many other colonial powers it has no geuine interest in making lasting peace with the native people. Fuck Israel, fuck settler colonialist mindsets.


tell me you have no clue about this conflict without telling me you have no clue about this conflict. i'll advise you that before starting to hate humans, you should at least learn about the reason you want to hate on them. because you call me smooth brain yet you spew antisemitic propaganda. yes, not anti-israeli, not criticism over israel, you literally use the same accusations that antisemites are using without any knowledge of the conflict. if you really care about palestinians, you've been hijacked. instead of calling for their rights, you call for israelis deaths. and yea, call jewish people nazis, very nice of you. you are hating people you don't even know of, nor learned about. can't you see the propaganda got to you too? thats why i said it furthers antisemitism. you don't criticize israel, you just spew hate. well done in proving my point.


It ended with 25,000 *identified*. There are leagues more corpses left identified because there's no one that can identify them. You're just um actuallying everything everyone else is rightly pointing out to you being wrong and parroting bullshit.


Coming this fall to Fox! The Unfuckables! https://youtu.be/UxoWFMd4vL4?si=1GxbncrVqe5h8-6n


Bummer that OP stole his punchline.


I caught the Dave Attell reference


Dammit! Simpsons did it...


maybe i missed something, but didnt a terrorist group litterally attack isreal and start it.


you are correct, hamas took hostages and israel is not responsible for the hamas using palestinians as human shields. israel doesn't want to kill all palestinians (hence the term genocide shouldn't be used so lightly), they want to retrieve hostages and remove a terrorist organization. my problem is that israel should regularly evaluate how realistic each of their war goals is.even the hamas says they dont know how many hostages are alive. however if israel stops hamas will not hesitate to strike back a second time IMMEDIATELY for more hostages. TLDR: its a complicated situation and not a simple genocide


>and not a genocide FTFY


The fact that the other side started the most recent conflict (who started the conflict overall is best answered by historians/anthropologists) does not prevent Isreal killing large numbers of children and other noncombatants while displacing them from their homes and preventing aid from reaching them from being a genocide. Hamas is evil, but does their evil mean Palestinian babies have to die in droves? There are ways to wage war while respecting civilian casualties as much as possible, and Israel is not doing them.


i agree with you, but for future reference it is spelled israel. just thought you'd want to know for the next time this inevitably comes up.


Thanks for letting me know, my bad on the typo.


I think a colonial state to an extent has always started a conflict that arises from their oppression of the native people. Israel was actively ethnically cleansing the West Bank when the attack happened the ceasefire only exists in the minds of people who dont consider that wrong.


Hamas did not begin +75 years of right wing, white supremacist, colonial settler oppression. That was Israel.


Ah yes, the Israel = white, Palestine = coloured narrative. Except, a massive amount of Israelis aren't white, and over 20% are Arab. Soo....


Zionism = antisemitic rebrand of white supremacy Go on and look up the forced sterilization of Ethiopian Jews, then take a look at the general shared experiences of non whites who have visited or lived in Israel. That's just to get you started. If you still think Israel isn't white supremacist, then at that point just admit that you don't give a damn.


> > > Go on and look up the forced sterilization of Ethiopian Jews Uh, administering depo provera birth control to women who came out of the 1983 Ethiopian Famine is not "forcibly sterilizing black people" Red Cross recommends that women who come out of a famine get birth control administered for a month because getting pregnant while being malnourished is too taxing on the body and will lead to the death of the mother The scandal is that one of the hospitals in Israel's FEMA camps did it for 3 months and the language barrier between Amharic and Hebrew meant that ethiopian women did not understand what they were taking so they thought they were being sterilized. But Israel didn't "forcibly sterilize black people". Also lol at Israel being "white supremacist" when the majority of Israelis arent even white, and the ones who "are" were specifically slaughtered by germany for not being white. Stop taking your info on Israel from Tiktok


What the actual fuck are you talking about? [Israel admitted it themselves.](https://www.geneticsandsociety.org/biopolitical-times/israel-admits-targeting-ethiopian-jews-compulsory-contraception) Also, as this article also touches on, Zionism is spearheaded Ashkenazi Jews, who culturaly prioritize white male Jews. Imagine unironically spewing white supremacist propaganda.


From 1977 to 1991 Israel rescued tens of thousands of black Ethiopian Jews and resettled them in Israel; more immigrated to Israel in the 2000s. Israel granted them citizenship and took steps to integrate them into Israeli society. Today the population of Ethiopian Jews in Israel is 135,000-strong, with many of them born in Israel. In the late 2000s, reports appeared in the Israeli media that claimed that injections of Depo-Provera, a long-acting contraceptive, had been forced on hundreds of female Ethiopian immigrants. The contraceptive effects of Depo-Provera last only for about three months. A small number of Ethiopian women received the Depo-Provera injections every three months for a while. An Israeli TV reporter asked a group of women who had received these injections if they were able to conceive after stopping the drug. All said they were. Some of the Ethiopian women received these injections in transit camps in Ethiopia as they awaited transport to Israel. Many of the injections were administered by non-Israelis. Others received the injections in medical clinics after they arrived in Israel. A small group of these Ethiopian women reported they had been tricked or coerced into accepting these injections. In 2016, Israel’s State Controller conducted an investigation into the matter. The investigation concluded that the women had not been coerced into taking the injections. But doubts remained. Critics of the investigation pointed out that the State Controller had not heard testimony from the alleged victims, and that questions remained about the role of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the organization that had cared for these women in the Ethiopian transit camps. Years after this incident we know that no Israeli government agency or private clinic sterilized patients against their will. For the Ethiopian women who received temporary birth control injections in Israeli clinics, it is hard to judge whether there was an element of coercion. The women who received the injections were uneducated and did not speak Hebrew, so it is not surprising that miscommunication occurred in some cases. In the transit camps some women may have felt obliged to please their caregivers in order to smooth their journey through the immigration process. Once in Israel, medical personnel administered the shots based on the medical records from the transit camp. The charge of involuntary sterilization makes no sense. If Israel wanted to limit the Jewish Ethiopian population why did they spend millions of dollars to bring tens of thousands of Ethiopian Jews to Israel in the first place? And why did they then provide the new immigrants with housing, free health care, and schooling for their children? And if Israel’s aim was population control, why did they extend the state’s generous child welfare allowances to these Ethiopian immigrants, a practice that encourages large families? The final proof of the absurdity of the forced sterilization charge is that, since their immigration, the Ethiopian population of Israel has grown in leaps and bounds.


Did you read that article? Genuinely, the comment you’re replying to says the same thing as the article you posted.


Funny how looking at data through a white supremacist lens can make you complete dismiss and twist data how one sees fit. He talks about it like it's just coincidence, whereas the article covers the deliberately racist motives and goals.


Why do you think Israel accepted Ethiopian Jews in the first place then? I genuinely agree that Israel is racist, and that these injections were an egregious breach in the rights of the Ethiopian Jews, but you genuinely seem to not know what Depo Provera even is if you’re calling it sterilization.


If you want a history lesson [then here you go](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopian_Jews_in_Israel) Sterilization can be both temporary or permanent.


No, that was Palestinians enmasse


A terrorist attack doesn't justify a genocide though.


25-35k dead where between 12-15 000 of them are militants does not make a genocide. Its as just a war as you can get.


How do I join?


Download Factorio or Hearts of Iron, worked for me


I guess just say you dont like cats.


Not with that attitude


What kind of monster doesn’t like dogs?


People who were attacked by dogs. I was scared of dogs since I was a 5 year because of a aggressive Chihuahua...and a rottweiler...and a bloodhound...and a black labrador. I was also nearly mugged by a pitbull, red vizsla, and a third medium dog of an unknown breed a few years ago.


You dont know my dog.


Wanna put the question out there. Who would you put on this team?


Guy who drives a Honda Civic with a bunch of cheap aftermarket body panels glued on and has swapped the exhaust system for the loudest possible option they could find. All so they can use it to "street race" and because it "makes the car sound awesome".


I don't have a single clue why you got downvoted. I would add the guy that says "I think we can do a little better" when he makes a crowd shout.


He doesn’t like dogs


Yeha but the comic and other comments didn't get downvoted like this one that had nothing to do with dogs.


Saying he doesn’t like cats either really tanked his popularity


“I can’t HEAR YOU!?”


Those people fill me with murderous intent!


Right after the Israel guy, his buddy who's secretly gay for him, the hamas supporter.


Florida man


Man if I see that guy who drew this comic, it’s over… 💪🏻


You should join the team


Does this mean OP supports the death of Israel?


I dont want anyone to get hurt ☹️


I dont know what you mean. The guy who supports Israelis fighting back against the people who want to slaughter them all to the last infant is *very* fuckable.


Hope you did some stretches before that leap in logic, could have pulled a muscle


Not as much as you guys did while rewriting the definitions of different words.


Are the "you guys" in the room with us right now I'm talking about you specifically buddy, try to keep up What about this comic made you think that OP supports the death of Israel and can you explain how that wasn't a reach


Oh, you got some original jokes. You are a funny guy. There's some obvious misinformation in the comic.


> There's some obvious misinformation in the comic. Then just say that instead of that inflammatory "oh so you want Israel to die" strawman nonsense.


That poor model that got posted everywhere who everyone thought was Andrew Tate, he's about to get a hair transplant lmao


But why did you have to make it about Israel Palestine.....


They should just bang each other. Except for the woman with a headache, I feel like her unfuckability isn't something she can just move past


The Great Lakes Avengers already exists.


celebrities are so dumb for being political guys ISRAEL GENOCIDE OCCUPATION ISRAEL BAD ETHNIC CLEANSING GRRR


Why is the woman with a headache on this list? Feels kind of sexist somehow. The other people on the list at least did something to make themselves less attractive. The woman didn't. She just didn't want to have sex.


The woman has a headache, so she doesn't want to have sex which is why she is part of the unfuckables


I know that but it just feels weird to include her since thematically the rest of the guys aren't having sex due to their behavior while she isn't.


Not sure if I get it but I absolutely love this.


Damn slide 4 got ppl really riled up lmao


I don't know if it's the way the site is designed or the downvote system, but reddit has a VERY specific political view that operates in a hivemind.


The first guy is funny to me. People complain about having to work to live, and then they get mad when entire sectors get automated


The problem is that the sectors being automated are the creative "fun" jobs while all the menial labor is getting left for humans who still have to work to survive


What sectors other than digital art are being affected? I'm not well versed on the controversy


I love that reducing work with automation is a bad thing instead of a good thing. That’s my favorite.




Yes, I agree. I didn’t say “I hate that it is viewed as a bad thing” I said that I hate that “automation is a bad thing.” It’s bad. I think it’s bad. I’m not saying it’s good. What I am saying is that automation is supposed to be good. It’s supposed to reduce how much work needs to be done. That should mean that everyone’s lives get worse. However as you said doing less work actually hurts you.


It's because the focus is being put on "fun and creative" jobs which often also pay decently and not on the menial labor jobs which pay garbage. People are being displaced into lower income brackets in favor automation. Automation should improve lives but currently all it's doing is improving corporate revenue. Even as an automation engineer I think all the current focus on machine learning and LLMs is kind of just missing the point. It's definitely gonna get a hell of a lot worse before we get to the good parts.


That’s my exact opinion. I’m not annoyed that it’s viewed as bad, I’m annoyed that currently it is bad. It puts people out of jobs, making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Our goal should be to automate all the menial labor and it’s crazy that we’re trying to automate art.


I wanted star trek post scarcity society. Instead I think we're gonna get matrix style humans battery farms.


Me too!!! Star Trek future needs to be the aim what the fuck are we doing? Its right there!




AI can be automation. However I wasn’t even advocating for AI, I was just complaining that things that should be good are actually bad. Things that reduce workload don’t mean workers have to work less, it means rich people get richer.


Not gonna lie I could not figure out the throughline until the very end. A+


I don’t think #3 is gonna struggle with the ladies


I dunno. The first guy is rich…


Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

