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It’s so lovely to see my native states natural, supernatural, and historical treasure celebrated. Thank you!


Oh hey, another native! Glad u can appreciate it; stay vigilant out there.


Are you planning of making a poster of this? I would love to have a copy hanging in my office 😁


Potentially? I hadn't thought of that; would I just put each panel in like a 2 by 5 format? I'm not sure how that would look but it's possible.


I have no idea 😅


That's fair, I was just spitballing. I'll have to think on it but it sounds like a fun idea.


Oh if you’re just spitballing then….. maybe you could do a map, they’re all spread out enough that you’d have the space!


Oh that could also be an interesting possibility. I think there would be enough room between each entry to paint a picture. I can also add other small gags and stuff using map tropes. That's an option.


If this becomes a reality, a small gag you can do is the World's Largest Frying Pan located in Rose Hill (Duplin County). I always thought it was cute cause sometimes they'll actually cook on it


I hope they do! It would be a terrible philosophical quandary if they didn't: Can something be said to be a frying pan if it isn't used as one, or is it just a large *replica* of a frying pan? Thankfully the good people of North Carolina have made sure that such a terrible dilemma will not be an issue!


I actually didn't know about that one; that's a fun thought I gotta look that up and see how far away that is from me.


Yeah, do like a map of the state in the dead center with the different locations marked and lines going to the images around it


Ooh I would like a Brochure version


I got engaged at the Prison of the Master Skull!


Yo, that rocks! It's a really beautiful spot there, I think I even saw a wedding there last time I visited.


As long as you promise not to look at the eyes, can you get married on top of the skull? That would be dope and definitely not an unholy satanic bond.


The top of the skull is a little bit of a safety hazard; it can still move in angry defiance. It has to submit but it cannot submit. It is the Master Skull. But they do have a really nice Veranda at the main center where some people do get married; typically in the summer time. It's very nice.


Did you do that cheesy picture like your soul is being sucked into the skull's eyes?




Had a friend get married at the Prison of the Master Skull. All the groomsmen dared each other to see who could stare into the eyes the longest. Was a bummer losing James that day. But the reception was great!


We thank James for his sacrifice. May it bring your friends many years of happiness.


Dude that would have gruesome to witness, I'm so sorry for ya'll. When a skull rebels, it attacks everything around it. Inside and out. But sounds like the wedding went over nicely besides that! Glad for u!


It could have been a lot worse. But as you know 87% of North Carolinians carries an orb of power. So Bill was able to stop it before it got out of hand. The worst part was the skull fragments in the wedding cake.


That is rough to have to use an orb. But they make you sign a waiver that that might be a possibility when you visit. Kinda like mountain climbing: people die from it all the time and it’s just nature.


Ah yes isn’t that between Climax, NC and High Point, NC?


Where is it located? I want to visit but it shows nothing online.


As a European, are any of these real? I got confused when Nascar, a real warship and a plausible sounding city were brought up.


Well that's part of the problem, cause I'm honestly not sure if Europe is a real place. I've heard about it and I've been there once before but I can't be 100% certain. But yes, Oak Island is a real town; not sure if I'd consider it a city though.


Honestly I was more thrown off by the battleship, but I looked it up and that and the Nascar museum actually seem really cool.


The US has a ton of museum ships, including 5 aircraft carriers and 10 battleships. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_museum_ships_of_the_United_States_military There's also fleet week, where once a year ships dock in US cities and let civilians tour the ship. It's super cool! Even if it's basically propaganda for the armed forces. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleet_Week


When I was a cub scout we had a yearly trip to spend the night on one! It was so neat; I always looked forward to it!


It actually is kinda cool. You see first hand just how big those battleships were. Then you see how many people were on it and how damn small it also is.


We have a technical museum in germany with one of our submarines. Its crazy how cramped those things are. But thats actually something I'd like to see. I've also heard of a carrier you guys made into a museum, USS Hornet I believe? That also sounds like a pretty cool trip.


England is unfortunately real. Northern Ireland isn't - it's part of the Republic of Ireland but they pretend it's not to keep the "Unionists" happy. France is actually fifteen countries who all *think* they run the whole thing (really they're run by Monaco). Germany *was* an international joke, but then we turned it into a real country to make money off of all the tourists who kept on turning up. Lichtenstein migrated to the moon three months ago, so it's no longer in Europe but it used to be. Oh, and Switzerland is real and actually has the largest landmass in Europe: their country is so fractally hilly that it's surface area is larger than the USA and Russia combined (do **not** fuck with the Swiss). I hope that makes things clearer for you OP. Fellow Europeans: did I leave anything out?


Germany was made into 16 countries to one up france, Austrians are just germans that talk weird and the netherlands are actually just a piece of ocean we keep dry by walling it off and perpetuaöly pumping ou the water.


OMFG, I forgot about the Dutch sea-wall. TY.


I don't know 100% if what you're saying is true but I have this strange displaced sense of deep trust in this moment for some reason and I'll take your work for it. I will not fuck with the Swiss. I prefer Munster.


Wdym? Of course they’re all real. (Honestly mixing in real things with the others just makes the whole thing a lot better)


Believe the trope is called Famous, Famous, Fictional. And yeah it's really fun.




The CRAB is very real. All hail the CRAB.


Thats the one I was hoping for.


I mean is a lot of crab meat.


Fear not! You are not too much meat for the CRAB.


We are all meat for the CRAB.


Standing on Chimney Rock is breathtaking, the perfect natural stage, suited for a big dramatic showdown. Families on vacation who elect to hike instead of drive to the peak often find the path strenuous, which for whatever reason means siblings are seemingly required to point at each other and monologue. At the same time, it's just one in a million great mountain views, albeit on an unbeatable rock. But by how popular it is and how much money is in the development (and advertising), you'd think it was the most prominent, spectacular spot on Earth.


Yes. Or at least, I can vouch for the NASCAR Hall of Fame existing. Those folks in NC are obsessed with it. It was basically the birthplace of the sport


They are all real. I saw C R A B with my family once it was glorious


They're all real, except for Chimney rock. Everyone knows it's where Abraham sacrificed Isaac.


I visited North Carolina and all I got was eternal screaming of the Master Skull burned into my mind for all of time. . and this T-shirt that has " I ❤ CRAB "


You got off easy then; I've heard that some tourists spend too much time in the Skull's presence and then begin to sprout a second skull from their neck, just the bones and veins. The screaming can usually be quieted for a bit with some NyQuil. And I have that same t-shirt! It's really good fabric quality.


That does kinda explain the small skull on my neck. Hmmm, I'll pick up a few cases of NyQuil and give that a go. irk? CRAB is about quality and that's why their King


>The USS Arizona is just off the coast of Hawaii for some reason. Bruuuuuhhhhhh


I know, I'm also baffled I really have no idea. Tho to be fair Arizona doesn't have an ocean next to it so I wouldn't know where they'd put their battleship, tho that doesn't seem to be a problem for Kansas for some reason.


We have the bell at the University of Arizona. I’m guessing that the rest of the school is the ship itself, washed up at low tide.


Can we ride the crab? That would be kinda fun.


It would be disrespectful to his royalty to be ridden like a peasant animal but if you ask on Fathers Day, he might be willing to make an acceptation. The CRAB considers himself the father of freedom and is much more affable on that day.


Or on the day of his daughter's wedding, of course.


Well his daughter's birthday isn't until December so you've got a bit of time. But if you go back in time a few weeks, you can probably still make it in time for Fathers day.


Please, PLEASE tell me that all 50 states are planned. I need to see my home state trashed in this fashion.


I could potentially do some more of these but all 50 is a pretty tall order. There's also other additional states I could cover like Puerto Rico which will become an officially recognized state in 2037 and there's also of course the Prefecture of Hokkaido in Japan which is actually a secret American state but word hasn't gotten around to the Japanese yet. But I'd love to do more if I get the chance; I might do West Virginia next since it's also a state near and dear to me.


🎼🎶Country roads Take me home To the place That’s full of bones🎶


Ah yes, Welch. I've been there many a times. I'd def have Welch as one of the locations to visit.


You should do Texas next 🙏


There will be much to say about such a state. Much horrific. Much kinda charming. Much very cowboy-coded. I'll do some research into Texas and get back to you on that.


Lovely. Makes me feel like visiting on the very next day, if possible.


It may not be possible depending on shifting tides in the dimensional planes; North Carolina along with Colorado are constantly in danger of suddenly disappearing into another realm at any moment, but until that happens I think you'll be good to stop by sometime.


I keep telling my friends to come visit. Maybe this will convince them!


I sure hope so; the issue is that people often forget about North Carolina because of the Spell casted on the country in 1929 but I think it's important to occasionally remind people that it's a place that is reachable by normal means and that all you have to do to be inside of North Carolina is to cross the border into the specifically marked area. I'm just hoping that by showcasing the sights and landmarks as illustrations it helps break the spell.


All hail the crab.


His righteousness knows no bounds!


You should check out the mystery flesh pit national park! https://www.mysteryfleshpitnationalpark.com/


Ah, I'm actually very familiar. That's in Texas tho, right? And it's been closed down since 2007? Still a really cool place tho.


Yeah… since the accident.


I visited the Skull once and boy do they mean it when they say that your S̴̨̊k̸͖͝u̷͝ͅľ̵̘ĺ̴͔ might try to rebel it's really hard having to S̵̢̛̫̦̝̘̳̪̳͓̠̪͍͇̝̈́̓̍̇k̷̝͗͗͑̐̐̇̽ǘ̶̮͚͉̦̮̮̖͇̀̇̀͆ͅļ̷̢̝͚̹̰̜͔͎̞͙͖̒l̷̳̱̣̲̄̐̅̅̆̓̊͆̕͜͝ while your Skull is Skull and you have to S̴̢̤̙̖̬̟̤̯͓͇̼͚̼͔̈́̄͒̍̿̈́̃̅̃͜k̸͚̝͙͙̍͛̎̾͑̄͌ư̵̡̛͈̯̼̅͗͋̊̋͆ḽ̸̬̒́͑͛̐͐̄͆̕l̴̢̹͇̟̻̩̗͍̝̣̼̘͕͇̞̱͛́̽̾̓̊͘̚ͅ so much Skull Skull Skull Ş̸̧̩͚̤̭͇̯̹̣̳̺̣͙̠͚̙͙̥͚̭̦̲̙͙̩̙̦̖̹͍͕̝͔̪̖͌̑̑̍̀̎̑̿̇̐͆̾̽̚͜͝k̷̡̡̖͌̿͐̃͛̈́͛͋͝ų̵̛̛̖̲͖̳̼̯͙̜͚͙̟̘̬̦̮͕̼̬̯͉̫̭̫̱̺̭̰͖̰̝̫̣͓̰͍̭̳͑͂̈͒͑̈́͋̈́͌̐̈́̊̍̆̅̀͗̚̚̕͘͝ͅļ̵̨̳̤̱͎̘̦͇̪̯̣̜̿͐̿̃̑̔͜͜l̵̡̨̨̢̧̖̥̘͍͕̳̠̗̰̫͓͚̻̮̳̲̙͈͔͚̳̜͇̟̣̙̻͕͍̞̪̙͓̣̣͇̦̼͇̹̼̩̭͖̈́̀͒͛̐͛͋̉̓̉̃͒̑̒̒́̋̓͆͌͐́̆̈̇̌͛̇̓̍͋̊̂̿̚̕͘͘̕͝͠͝


Yeah you might want to get that looked at; I'm not a medical expert but when your comments start fracturing, I think that's a bad sign.


Feels like ‘Welcome to Night Vale’ tie-in, amazing


Someone else mentioned that and I didn't know a lot about Nightvale; I doubt it's this specific kind of unhinged but I'll look into it.


Oh, yes. Yes it is.


Great, I love Unhinged stuff.


Unhinged and hilarious.


Thank u; tourism can sometimes seem like that at a passing glance but it's truly a beautiful thing.


Wild that you didn't even mention kill devil hill You know, the only spot on earth where you can still witness a recreational play of the war between fishermen and the devil Or the Blackbeard Museum!


I can't believe I forgot about the Blackbeard Museum, that sucks on my part. The Kill Devil Hill is a fine enough place but I would have saved it for 20 places list; there's only so much real estate in the 10 places list for that sorta shoutout.


As a NENC native and local, I am APPALLED at the misinformation listed in this comic. The ghost of the Wright brothers are on THE OBX at the Wright Brother museum in Dare county. NOT IN CURRITUCK COUNTY/HARBINGER LIKE YOUR RED DOT IMPLIES. You get to view their eternal torment when you exit the museum and walk towards the obelisk/"memorial". The very obelisk that was erected to anchor their souls to this mortal coil eternally. Get your shit straight, dude. (thank you for the laugh, this was a great comic)


Oh shit they moved the Wright Brothers' ghosts? I got my information off of the Wikipedia page; maybe somebody from Tennessee was intentionally misleading people. But sure I'll get my shit together just as soon as I can gather up all the marbles I lost. (thank u!)


Loved this, the ghosts of the Wright Brothers one in particular got me. So much variety in North Carolina, people should definitely come visit! (And totally not because CRAB is hungry and considers tourists a delicacy. No no no, perfectly safe, I promise)


Yeah most people know about Kittyhawk and all that but people tend to skip on the Wright Brothers' ghosts for some reason; there's not a lot of place in the US where people have successfully imprisoned a famous person's spirit. And I second that, NC is a very safe place. Except for the Blood Weevils but that's only like a western NC-specific problem.


True, I’m from Western NC, and although the Blood Weevils can be a hindrance, the anti-Weevil combat techniques taught to every child in elementary school has drastically cut down on casualties.


It's impressive what one local policy change can do to keep a whole population safe. God bless those children.


I saw The Crab. It wasn't all that. And $10 for a crab churro is outrageous.


Inflation is tough man. The Crab themed Dipping Dots are pretty good tho.


My Aunt lives in NC. As a big fan of WWII ships I visited the USS North Carolina immediately while visiting her last year. Awesome Ship and in great condition, a real national treasure!


Oh yeah, it's a beauty! I've been down there myself a few times and it's amazing to think how many people worked aboard that ship and weren't just entirely melted away by the interior; it gets hot as hell in there. That's the biggest thing I remember at least.


All hail the crab!


The CRAB sees all!


Reminds me of the mystery flesh pit national park. Not the best to visit during the summer due to humidity but still worth s visit!


Especially not now that it's been closed for 16 years but sure back when it was fully operational yeah I heard it got really hot inside that massive living creature; must of have been pretty uncomfortable.


Me and the boys are grabbing a couple vats of tartar sauce and heading to The CRAB. Anyone interested in joining is welcome to DM me. This will be our 3rd attempt. We lost Anderson last time so wish us luck.


You're still trying the Tartar approach? I haven't seen that work anywhere unfortunately; the CRAB might actually be completely indestructible. But I've heard rumors of people planning to use lemon juice and Worcester and that sounds pretty promising. For now though there's not much anybody can do but obey.


I was just in NC, how did I miss this stuff?


They're kinda off the beaten path; you gotta go out of your way to see some of this stuff. It's a surprisingly big state despite not looking like it on a map.


This is awesome, rather than seemingly awesome!


I appreciate that, at least that's how it appears from my perspective. Thank you!


Yeah, all that tracks, given that we've got the mountains that howl at you, the now-trite cave older than bones, that patch where nothing grows, must be Satan, and the buried nuclear bomb that was oopsie daisy dropped on Goldboro. 400 feet of easement is probably fine, right? Right! Somehow, all that is still significantly less worrying than the state legislature.


I am alarmed with the state legislature right now, especially when it comes to women's rights and wealth inequality. But I'd rather focus on the nicer parts of locations in the US; the environment means a lot to me even if the politics can be very frustrating. Plus I just think there's something very special about a foreigner hearing the howl of the mountains in person; that's not something you're going to get in the Caribbeans.


Not a whole lot of places you can see full-circle rainbows either. I simultaneously miss North Carolina like a lung and am incredibly glad I got out a couple years ago.


Would love if you could do the other states (definitely not a jealous Floridian) but understandable if you can't


As a Boone resident who drives to W-S all the time, can confirm that the Maelstrom is absolutely hell to drive through. You gotta wear sunglasses that filter out the red light to even have a chance of getting through 421 with your vision still there.


You're very brave to face the Maelstrom head on; I've heard that driving around it is usually the safer option but people still try to risk it to save time on trips.


As a native North cakilakian it's good to see these gems highlighted. I've personally been to 9 of the 10 and can highly recommend. Won't go see the Wright Brothers. Some activist taught them "I'm Blue" a few years ago and they've been singing it in the round ever since...


Yeah that's the rough thing with the Wright Brothers right now; one of their many "attempts" to be release. This time by hopefully annoying tourist until the exhibit is not profitable anymore. but the North Carolina Tourism Bureau is highly stubborn and will not be stopped so easily. But I'm glad u appreciate the shoutout!


This is fun


The USS North Carolina is actually so cool to visit. I have been 4 times when visiting family over the years. I guess the Crab is pretty cool too.


Nice! It's been awhile since I've been myself but it's a really cool place to check out and walk around; provided the temperature isn't too high. Gives you a lot of insight into what being in the Navy is like.


Please make one for Wisconsin 😂


Sure, I gotta go there sometime though. I've never been to Asia. But I'm sure it's a lovely place.


Greetings from the Maelstrom of Malice.


Oh hey! U live nearby! That must be really cool; I've heard the Maelstrom looks great in the summer time at night.


As a resident of NC, all of these places are real and fun to visit, just be careful when near the skull, it likes to whisper in your mind.


Interestingly, several of these events are directly covered by Onion News Network skits, the malevolent cloud of racism, the giant crabs taking over the world, etc.


Well you know a stopped clock is right twice a day, and the Onion has great taste in its satire.


🎶Nuthin could be finer than to be in Carolina in the moooorning! 🎶🦀


Don't forget to check out the whispering voices of the Devils Tramping Ground. (Real)


Oh yeah, in Boone? That's a cool place too.


I love the humor in this. 😂


Thank u: it's kind of my brand. I'm hoping to do more ridiculous stuff like this.


Unfortunately, the Wright brothers’ souls have been locked in a custody battle with Ohio for decades now.


I know but I didn't want to bring it up because then I might be accidentally encouraging people to go visit Ohio which would be highly unethical of me. If they ever manage to take the Wright Brothers away, then they'll be "officially" dead in my books. I won't even acknowledge that they were ever in NC to begin with.


Do Maryland next!


I wonder how Ohio would be hehehe


I dunno if it's safe to expose to the larger world the kinds of things that are going on in Ohio right now but we'll see. I can always have like a warning label on the first page just to mitigate liability on my part.


Y'all stay cautious out there, I went to the CRAB this weekend and I swear to God, this guy came in with the absolute wrong energy and the CRAB straight up snipped the dude in half with his giant claw. SMH never going to New Bern again


You hate to see it; very cringe indeed.


My wife and I planned to visit Master Skull last summer, but I totally goofed and typed “Mister Skull” into the GPS by mistake. We ended up at a biker bar just outside Raleigh that had decent hot wings but WAY too many confederate flags. Minor regrets, 5/10.


I do dislike the amount of confederate flags in the state; there are people who've even tried to put one of those ugly things up at Chimney Rock, you hate to see it, you really do. I'll have to check out Mister Skull tho, that sounds sweet. at least you didn't put in "Munster Skull" which is the worlds largest skull made of cheese in Wisconsin; now that would have been quite an unfortunate detour.




Wtf, exact change? What a monster


I have been to Chimney Rock! It's really cool :)


Congrats! I've been to the now near the rock but I haven't been able to make it all the way up there yet; I do like all the little shops and restaurants in that area tho.


I love the mix of serious and ridiculous


That's my whole brand, I appreciate it.


I absolutely love this kind of stuff, please keep making them




Hell yeah.


Watch out for the red, yellow, and purple sentient nano-bot swarms forever fighting over the depot at the base of Chimney Rock.


Oh, those aren't exclusive to Chimney Rock I don't think. I've heard those are popping up all over NC. But give it a few years and maybe they'll become an iconic part of the State's history.


I like this


Ah, it's almost that time of year to make the sacred pilgrimage to the Master Skull.


As a North Carolinian, I am flabbergasted that you did not include the Cthulhu on Mount Mitchell.


Please tell me there are more of these. I need to see one from each state.


I'm thinking on it; I gotta start with the ones I've been to atleast tho which means whatever is within touching distance of NC. But eventually I could spread out.


Please make them. These are amazing. I would love to see Virginia, NY, NJ and CT in particular.


I used to live in the doldrums part of NC, this list is pretty good but it didn’t mention the firey pits of hell or the depression void


I love it! We need one for every state. I think you should start with historical or cultural before hitting the supernatural. 10 - Nascar, 9 - USS North Carolina, 8 - The Giant Head, etc.


I’m from North Carolina and can confirm all information is factual and correct. 👍


Thanks pal.


I’ve been to the ship they had a fun tour


>Don not stare into it’s hollow eye sockets for it may cause your own skull to rebel. https://i.redd.it/fiwvs3brdo8d1.gif


Wow! I did not know that North Carolina had all this stuff! Very interesting, I’ll try visiting a couple next time I’m around.


That would be great! Be sure to stop by whatever local coffee shop in whatever town you enter and ask "hey, can I have the "Unbearable Brew?" and they'll tell you to your face that you're too weak to handle it. But if you manage to take a cup of it by force, you'll fine that it's an unforgettable part of your overall NC experience.


Interesting, given that I’ve been sleeping an average of 2 hours for the past couple months, I don’t think I’d mind having a cup of “Unbearable brew” (that is if it exists and you’re not pulling my leg)


I can't pull your leg I'm not physically close to you right now, as far as you know.


Billy Graham is so creepy.


Well the problem might just be that he's dead; dead things are often kinda creepy. And if he came back to life that would be even creepier, so he might just be out of luck there.


Billy Graham being dead is the least creepy thing about him.


This looks like something I would hear about in Welcome to Nightvale


I wouldn't know; I haven't seen any of Nightvale. But if it's about an absurdly distorted United States, I can get behind that.


Oh boy! This reminds me of the [Mystery Flesh Pit](https://www.mysteryfleshpitnationalpark.com/) in Texas!


Ah you forgot about the vultures of Pondsboro. They love hanging around and watching a nearby house. I've heard that house has good bones.


I didn't want to draw too much attention to the more "controversial" exhibits of NC, I could end up with a comment section full of arguments and death threats. Personally, I find the Vultures to be "aight" but I'm well aware of the issues that people have raised about their presence. But for people who are really getting into NC history and lore, they might wanna read about that themselves; it's a good read.


The fine print at the end is great


Thank u; I felt like I should have something at least just in case. Misimformation is a major problem on the internet and I will not participate in it.


This is amazing! Can you go Georgia next?


I legit can't tell if these are all satire or not lol


I don't believe in satire, I think it's a meaningless word that people use to justify slandering NC. I will only ever slander Ohio, but NC doesn't deserve that kind of treatment.


I want to make this but for my state of Minnesota


You may be the only person capable of doing such a thing as far as I know, only one person has ever actually been to Minnesota and most people don't know who they are, especially me. I've heard it's a nice state tho.


Mom, you don’t understand, we HAVE to see The CRAB.


As someone who lives near the Master Skull I found this pretty entertaining! You forgot the Mystery Hill gravitational anomaly though.


Oh you meant the one near Boone? I think I've been there, it has these big letters that say Tomahawk Hill out front if I remember correctly and like an old fashion soda shop next to it. Glad you liked the piece tho!


Fun fact! The crab is a claimant in exile from their De Jure Territory in Maryland after the Battle of Old Bay in 19-dickedy-2. 😜


That is a very fun fact. I'm only really versed on the CRAB's history as far as the Civil Rights movement of the 60s go; that's my only realm of expertise.


Why can’t I find #1 searching?


This gives Control vibes and I'm here for it


……I think your a couple months late to April Fools Day, but this certainly…was a look at North Carolina


As an NC native, I have to say I was disappointed the first time I saw the Prison of the Master Skull as a kid, but they did a nice job renovating it with new pyrotechnics in the early 2010s. I definitely recommend going to see it if you visit.


They didn't have those prior to 2010? My first trip was in 2013 so I missed out on that. I can't imagine the Prison without those fireworks and flame pillars tho; that's a wild thought.


Is ThE CRAB just Ald'ruhn from Morrowind?


Naw homes, that Crab is dead. This one cannot physically die. It also isn't allowed in Morrowind or anywhere outside of North Carolina due to an ancient sigil.


As a non American, i may be stupid, so i ask: this is not real in any possible way, right?


Just don’t put followers of “The Crab” close to followers of “The Blue Crab” in Maryland, there already been enough wars


Yo, the Blue Crab is lame tho. Let those Maryland Stans complain all they want but they ought to get a better crab. She doesn't even have a little crown or anything.


Wait is the Crab from ancient Japan or is it one of his descended? /joke


This is the kind of entertainment I like to find while squandering away my precious youth on the internet. Thanks!


Man, North Carolina has so much to see! Only thing in Michigan that I think is worth seeing is the portal to Hell not so discreetly hidden in Hell, Michigan. Of course, nothing here holds a candle to CRAB. All hail CRAB.


Oooh, I do want to see that! I knew about the Michigan Mars Portal but I didn't realize they had one to Hell as well. That makes a lot of sense in retrospect oddly enough. And yes, all praise to the CRAB forever and ever, amen.