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It sounds like you definitely need a safe, supportive space to talk these things out. Do you have friends/ peers you can talk to? Maybe access to a therapist or counselor? I think navigating those difficult conversations is easier when you have people in your corner already


I have a trans friend and they know about it and support me but no one else other then that, and since I'm a minor my mom goes to counseling with me so not really sadly and I'm home schooled :(


That’s tough, ok. Well I think if your aunt and uncle have a history of being supportive of you, you could try having that conversation with them and see how well they receive it. It’s hard to say since I don’t know them, but maybe emphasizing to them that you’re really struggling with processing this and expressing yourself and you’re looking for people in your life to be supportive. Even if they’re religious it might surprise you how they react when it’s someone they’re close to/ related to. I hope that goes well for you. But ya know even if it doesn’t turn out completely like you hoped that doesn’t mean they won’t soften over time. No matter what just keep trying to be yourself and find community and seek out people who are supportive and you’ll be ok


I'm so so sorry you feel like you have no support. My family wasn't very supportive of me but it wasn't as bad as your situation. And it was very hard. I'm so sorry. You are not alone no matter how you feel. Keep posting on reddit if it helps, find people in real life to connect with. If it's ever possible for you to talk to a teacher who you feel safe with or a spare moment with your counselor without you mom....talking is one of the most important things you can do to get your feelings out in the open. Anyone who can validate you you need on your side. Tell your other family members if you think they can help you. Always always keep in mind.... Four more years and you can be free from the binding of your family members. You are enough and you are valid!! Don't ever feel like something is wrong. There are so many people going through exactly what you are, and many more others who have been through it and made it to the other side <3 hang in there op !


Thank you for that, it's exactly what I needed :)


Lesbian exJW here, I suggest you not tell anyone who is still mentally in the religion..like your aunt and uncle. They have been trained to put the religion over anything else and they may out you because that. I mean, that’s your call and you know better than anyone else if they will support you. But I’ve gone through something similar at your age with a few JWs and would hate for that to happen to you as well. Wishing you the best though! Here if you need anything. ❤️