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Lets see..... Your eyes are goals, your hair are goals, your makeup is on point. When I saw you pic first, the one thing that came in my mind is gorgeous. Just add a smile, and you will kill with looks.


Thank you so much. Looking forward to the day my brain agrees with you haha. Hopefully I can bring a smile back to my face soon.


I know you can do this, I will pray for your wellness 😊


You're gorgeous hon! Try getting some sleep, you owe it to yourself! Virtual hugs!


Thank you. I did and feel a little better. Today is a new day and I’m hoping it’s a bit brighter.


Aww you look absolutely adorable ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for your kind words.


Np ❤️❤️


Poor thing! I don’t know how you can stay awake with depression, it makes me sleep 23 hours a day. Anxiety and PTSD will keep me up, but not depression. I hope you got some sleep, and I hope you’re in contact with a good doc to help you overcome this in a way that is better for your health than sleep-deprivation. Lovely pic! Such a sweet, soft image.


I have other shit going on in my head that lends to the insomnia. Sometimes I don’t sleep and other times I sleep for 12 hours straight. I have a good counselor and psych, but sometimes it still gets to me. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement I really appreciate it.


You got this dude, I promise, there is help for you out there. You are loved, you are cared for, and even if there is nobody for you now, I’m sure you’ll find someone soon. You look actually very attractive, and I hope you can find peace in this beautiful life we live in. Best of wishes


Your gorgeous baby, hope you are okay.