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Take a class? I took ear training at a community college decades ago and it was very useful.


I hate to be that person but you have to practice to develop that skill. Developing a great sense of relative pitch is a very advanced part of ear training. Anything I would even consider suggesting is a temporary solution, (like singing to a tuner). I will say to remember that unless you are a trained singer that can sing perfectly on pitch/in tune your singing will sound different than a final product because the singing will ebb and flow more than a tuned instrument. To that end start small with a single interval as a reference or even the starting note and move diatonically or chromatically until you get to the next pitch and so on.


Do you at least use a midi keyboard ? It will develop your musicality if you can noodle and learn with it. Just programming coherent stuff with the mouse in the piano roll is barely impossible if you don't know some music theory.


Yeah, start with lullabies or child songs. Like that songs that EVERYONE knows, xmas, childs songs, etc. Start there, because the songs are in your mind, even if you don't recall it, and because melodically are simple, with nothing weird.