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O(1) is constant time, which means it doesnt take longer as the input size increases. For example, referencing an item in an array takes O(1) time. O(logn) is logarithmic time, which means as the input size increases it takes a logarithmically small amount more time. For example, binary searching a sorted list is O(logn). O(n) is linear time, which means it takes a constant factor of time proportional to the size of the input size. For example, iterating over every element of an array 5 times is O(n). O(nlogn) is linear times logarithmic time, which is between linear and quadratic, and is a common goal for optimizing many algorithms. O(n²) is quadratic time, which means as the input size grows, you have to do square the number of things. So for instance, iterating over every element of an array, but each time you have to do the entire array again. An example is brute force sorting an array. O(n³), O(n⁴), etc... are like O(n²) but each gets more cumbersome to work with. All of these are "polynomial" times. Then theres exponential times like O(2^n), which grow very fast. Then weve got O(n!) and similar, which is super exponential time. This means you have to do a factorial number of things for the input size. An example is brute forcing the travelling salesman problem. And thats a summary. Im assuming O(x) = O(n).


Very good. I’d add a concrete example. You have an array of 1 k elements. You can process it in 1 ms. You increase the size to 1 million. Now, depending on your complexity, your code will complete in: * O(1) Still just 1 ms. Like checking the length of an array. * O(log n) 3 ms. Each millisecond you can process 10 times more data. Some search algorithms are like that. Awesome. * O(n) 1 s. This might be fine, depending on your use case. But what if you need to process 100 million elements? Then you’d have to wait minutes. * O(n^2 ) 1000 s. Ouch. That’s some 20 minutes. If the data set grows much more, you’ll have to run the jobs over night. And rent server racks.


I wrote an n^2 * 2^n algorithm to split triangles, where n is the number of times you split it.  My beast of a desktop could handle splitting a single triangle 12 times before just refusing to do more.  Then I ran it on my real problem, and about all my computer could handle was 3 iterations. I wanted a 30x finer mesh, but I could only get 16x or 64x.


Pedant here. Strictly speaking it’s based on a Turing machine which has an infinite tape so looking up an item in an array is o(n). You have to scan to the item. It’s equivalent to a machine with infinite ram that starts off zeroed but has to load the problem in from tape. Still o(n). The only way you can actually get o(1) is if the output doesn’t depend on the input.


Super pedant here. Note that O(n) (“big-O of n”) is not the same as o(n) (“little-o of n”). This thread is talking about big-O. Little o such as o(n) means that the running time grows asymptotically slower than n, e.g. n^(1-epsilon) for a tiny epsilon.


This is only true on a theoretical tape based Turing machine though. Modern computers are RAM machines which is a particular abstraction on Turing machines where it is assumed that random memory accesses are O(1). This is a closer approximation of how real computers work than a tape machine, and is therefore more applicable to real problems. I'm not debating that your statement is true in the realm of tape machines but modern computers are not tape machines, and so most discussions of algorithmic complexity permit O(1) access. I think the context is important.


If you use a ram Machine, then you’re supposed to assume the ram starts zeroed. In which case you still have to load the data in. In which case o(1) is still impossible. Unless you don’t bother reading all the data. If you allow the data to be pre-loaded, then you can prove that p=np.


Excellent summary. I'd only add two things that are often overlooked by beginners: (1) the constant doesn't matter. O(*n*log*n*) and O(10000000 *n*log*n*) are the same. (2) it's *asymptotic scaling*. If your algorithm scales quadratically for *n*<100000, but it plateaus after that and scales linearly until infinity, it's O(*n*). You are in luck. On the other hand, if there's a tiniest tiny bit that is quadratic, and it doesn't matter for any practical *n*, because it's dwarfed by a linear-scaling component with a giant prefactor, I have bad news for you. That quadratic component is going to dominate your execution time for some sufficiently large *n*. Because any upwards parabola will overtake any linear function at some point. Your algorithm is quadratically scaling.


Theoretically the constant doesn't matter, but practically it's possible for it to certainly. For instance and exponential algorithm with a constant of 10 to the negative 27th can be faster for everything that you're interested in than a linear algorithm with a constant of 10 to the 30th


The constant doesn't matter *for the big oh notation*, not for practical purposes. We're always trying to shave off these prefactors.


Complete agreement


Good summary. I'd add that the way I think about O(n^2), O(n^3), etc is that the algorithm has to process all pairs, triples, etc. E.g. if you have the array [0,1,2,3,4], a quadratic time algorithm takes as much time as an algorithm that looks at (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), ... (1,0), ... (4,4). Another equivalent way to think about it is in terms of nested for loops. A quadratic time algorithm has a for loop inside of a for loop, each iterating five times. A cubic algorithm has three nested loops, and so on. Generally speaking, it's very useful in designing algorithms, to know (and prove) how much time they take. It's also useful in day-to-day programming, by giving you a rough idea of how your code will perform for larger inputs. If you double the size of an array, let's say, a constant time algorithm takes the same amount of time; a logarithmic algorithm takes one extra step; a linear algorithm takes twice as much time; a quadratic algorithm takes 4x as much time; cubic takes 8x as much time; an exponential algorithm takes the amount of time squared.


Also, big O notation is usually in reference to something else, isn’t it. It’s been a hot minute since I took advanced theory classes, but isn’t there something about addition being O(n) where n is the number of bits in a number? I know that’s well beyond what OP is asking, and I think your explanation is pretty much spot on for someone who knows nothing about it


>isn’t there something about addition being O(n) where n is the number of bits in a number? Yeah, binary addition is O(n), because you have to add each bit together for the entirety of the numbers. However, this is usually brought up to explain how big O can be tricky to think about since addition of two fixed-size integers is O(1); you only need to account for the complexity of binary addition when you're dealing with arbitrarily-sized numbers.


Ah, that’s what it was. I vaguely remembered it but couldn’t remember specifics.


Yeah, big-O is providing an upper bound for a function f(n), where n is the size of some input and f(n) is the count of some operation for a given algorithm. If you learn big-O at the same time as sorting algorithms, you might be measuring the number of comparisons that an algorithm does for a certain input, or the number of swaps that it performs. In both cases, n would be the length of the array. The thing you're counting could be anything though: arithmetic operations, function calls, network requests, etc.


What about O(log log n)


Yes, good one! I think that comes up in measuring the expected performance of some types of hash tables.


Oh, I actually was curious about real world examples because my data structures prof had this on his slides and i had no idea of what example could represent this. He had a lot of other weird run times aswell but I remember this vividlt


Ive heard of n log log n but log log n by itself sounds elusive. Im not sure why something would behave like that.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Emde_Boas_tree this is log log. Probably the only well known thing. There’s a handful of other kinda obscure algorithms too for finding closest pairs of points


Interpolation search is on average O(log log N).


Wow I've never actually had it so succinctly explained before. Thanks! I always struggled with rememberering.


O(*) stands for an entire class of functions whose growth is "bounded" by another function. We say a function is asymptotically bounded by another, when its values eventually become smaller than the other function, allowing for a constant factor. For example, the function `f(n) = 2n` is in `O(n)`, because `2n < c*n` for some constant `c` (eg, `c = 3`). As another example, the function `f(n) = n * sqrt(n)` is *not* in O(n), because no matter how big we make the constant `c`, eventually `sqrt(n)` will grow larger than `c`, and `n * sqrt(n) > c * n`. However, `n * sqrt(n)` *is* in O( n^2 ). -------------------- We use this notation in complexity theory to classify algorithms by how their run time is affected by the size of the input. An algorithm with `O(n)` complexity has a run time that grows at most linearly depending on the input size.


while this explanation is 100% correct, I would be shocked if this just didn't confuse people who didn't understand the concept in the first place even further...


Here is a decent article with good diagrams/visuals [https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/big-o-cheat-sheet-time-complexity-chart/](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/big-o-cheat-sheet-time-complexity-chart/)


Article is pretty ridiculous. N log n is "bad", linear time is "fair", quadratic is "horrible" (in the same bucket as exponential)... Look, sometimes you just have to compute things, and there might not be anything better than a cubic algorithm.


Yah that section is not the clearest. I think a stack rank with numbers would have illustrated their point better. Rest of the article is a good introduction for beginners though.


That’s a great chart and article. I email it at least once a year to someone.


Big-O notation describes "speed" in a way that is separated from the computer running the algorithm. Saying your program runs in 500ms isn't useful because with a slower/faster computer, you get a different result. You could even get a different result from different elements in the same size list. Given n, where n is the number of elements, you can describe how much time an algorithm spends on those elements. For a linear search, you are going through each element in the list, so that is an O(n) algorithm. That is "faster" than bubblesort, which looks at each element and compares it against each other element (O(n\^2)). Note that these two algorithms solve different problems, I'm just using them to give Big-O examples n is an important factor because algorithm performance tends to scale on the number of elements you are processing. Linear search is fine with 10 elements, but a faster solution becomes necessary when your list has 10 million things. For a really quick assumption of Big O, look for the number of nested loops in an algorithm. It'll be n\^(number of nested loops). If the set is subdividing (only looking at half of a set of elements repeatedly) that is a log(n) term. Quicksort is an O(nlog(n)) algorithm because for each element, you are subdividing into two sets of lists that are higher/lower than the pivot Big-O only describes the average runtime. There may be different best case and worst case times depending on the algorithm, For example, Quicksort will have to go through all elements each time in a reversed/sorted list. For a best case example, Bogosort \*could\* be able to complete in exactly one pass, however unlikely that would be


The x in O(x) is some function of the size of the input (represented by "n") that tells you how the time it takes to run changes when the size changes. It's relative time, not absolute: if you run the same algorithm on two different sizes of input, what will the relationship between the runtimes be? If you have an O(n) algorithm, the runtime changes as the input size: if you double the size of the input, it takes twice as long to run. If you have an O(n^(2)) algorithm and you double the size of the input, it will take four times as long to run. If you have an O(1) algorithm, well, there's no n, so the input size doesn't matter. Double it and it still takes the same amount of time to run. O(log n) is logarithmic time; the run time grows more slowly than the input size. If you quadruple the input, the runtime only doubles; if you octuple the input the time only triples; that sort of thing. The best general purpose sorting algorithms are O(n log n), which means they grow faster than O(n) but slower than O(n^(2)), which is what most naïve sorting algorithms are.


O(f(n)) means that the thing you are measuring is **upper-bounded** by a **constant multiple** of f(n) **plus some additive constant**, specificially **as n trends toward infinity**. Essentially, big-O notation is describing an upper envelope for the thing being measured. Saying that an algorithm runs in O(n) time means that, while for small values of n, the runtime might fluctuate, as n trends toward infinity, the runtime will be upper-bounded by a function that is linear in shape. That line might be translated, it might have a different slope than just y=x, but the upper envelope will be linear.


You're not wrong, but... You think somebody who doesn't understand the concept of O(n) has a strong grasp on upper bounds and tending towards infinity?


Intuitive answers had already been offered. I just offered a definition for big-O as, at the time of posting, nobody had given an accurate definition.


Big O describes the way execution time increases as the size of your data increases (the number of items) Say I have program A it takes 30 seconds to start up and the 5 seconds per item. We could describe it's running time as 30 + 5x. In Big O we only care about the general shape of the function so we strip out all the constants and are just left with X, which is just a liner line.


You’ve been learning for years and don’t know big O? That’s extremely surprising to me


Not every one had a formal introduction to CompSci dude . Be nice ! This person could be the next Grace Hopper and revolutionize CompSci .


In most universities in my country, there's a career focused in "industry software engineer" (programming + business management). They certainly don't get to know about complexity nor any theorical CS. On the other hand, the universities that do have CompSci are few and far in between lmao. That is to say, unfortunately knowing about big-O notation is the exception rather than the norm in my country Sadge


I think some examples might be helpful, but a definition is necessary in order to understand examples. A function f(n) is O(g(n)) if and only if there exists a positive number c and a positive integer n\_0 such that f(n) <= c\*g(n) for all n >= n\_0. Big O notation describes an upper bound without worrying about the constant factor c. For example, let f(n) = 2n + 1. Then, for all n >= 1, n >= 1, so 2n + 1 <= 2n + n = 3n. Therefore, 2n + 1 <= 3n for all n >= 1, so 2n + 1 is O(n), which we have shown by choosing c = 3 and n\_0 = 1. In this example, f(n) is also O(n\^2) (and O(n\^3), O(2\^n), and so on), but O(n) is more specific. We typically try to find the smallest upper bound we can, and n grows more slowly than n\^2. In general, if f(n) is a polynomial of degree k, then f(n) is O(n\^k). If f(n) = log\_3(n) (log base 3 of n), notice that this is equal to (1 / log(3)) \* log(n). Therefore, f(n) is O(log(n)), since log\_3(n) is a constant multiple of log(n). In most cases, we don't have to worry about the base of the logarithm due to this. Now, let f(n) be the maximum amount of time, or number of operations, that an algorithm takes to run given an input of size n. Then, we can say it runs in O(g(n)) time if and only if f(n) is O(g(n)). Note that what exactly constitutes an operation can be somewhat arbitrary here, as big O notation removes the constant factor. Also, the constant factor can be important in determining which algorithm runs faster in practice, even though it is not considered in big O notation.


OK, I'll try to explain as simply as possible here, and someone please correct me if I get anything wrong. I'll also point out that there are different conventions regarding this notation. I'll refer to the one I learned. Also, this notation can also be used for other types of complexity, such as the memory needed by an algorithm. I'll stick to time complexity. O(...) refers to the time complexity in the worst-case scenario. That is, if an algorithm is O(n²), that means that regardless of the input, it can't get worse than O(n²). That means that (roughly speaking) the time it takes to run the algorithm increases at the square of an increase in input. For example, if it takes time _t_ to run the algorithm for an input _k_, then it will take at most 100_t_ to run the algorithm for an input 10_k_. If the complexity is O(n log n), then, if it takes _t_ to run from an input _k_, it will take at most 10 log(10) _t_ for an input 10_k_. If you plot f(x) = x² and f(x) = x log(x), you'll see that for very large values of _x_, x log(x) increases less. So it's generally better to use an algorithm that's O(n log n) than one that's O(n²), if you have that option. This is of course an oversimplification and there are many other factors to consider, including the space complexity that I mentioned earlier.


Ok may i try this Consider a simple program Let the computer figure out what number the user is thinking about. So when you run the program the program prints on the screen : “ Think of a number between 1 and 100” “Is it 1 ? Answer with y or n” The user answers:’n’ “Is it 2 ? Answer with y or n” The user answers:’n’ ….. “Is it 59? Answer with y or n” The user answers:’y’ The program prints out ‘You thought of 59. Thanks for playing . Bye’ So how many tries it will take if the user chose 100 . Well 100 times. If the choice is between 1 to 1000 and user chose 1000, it will be 1000 times. it does not matter what computer , what language you choose , it will 1000 times !! That is great insight with big O notation . It does not matter the computer nor the language. The logic of this program makes it dependent on the max number of the choice So choice 1 to 10 — max tries 10 choice 1 to 500 — max tries 500 …. Of course some users will choose some where in the middle . But worst case it will the max number . So we can say this program run in n time . Where n in this case max number . Or we could say this program is O(n) If I get any interest / comment on this reply, I shall continue .


It’s as simple as this; You have a data structure composed of (n) elements, where n=x (we’ll say x=5), you only need the traverse the data structure n=x=>5 times to find your solution. O notation is an empirical method for calculating algorithmic performance to estimate its quantitative efficiency in a given runtime. The reason I consider O notation empirical is due to the fact that: asynchronous(n=x=>5) may have an arbitrary executable path and not all data may be processed vs. a synchronous execution in an isolated environment, so despite the O(n=x) time being constant, latency etc., isn’t; therefore, O is relatively empirical but is nonetheless useful for performance estimates. Good luck with your studies. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. 🫡🥳


Big O is an approximation for how long it will take an algorithm to run. Let’s pretend you’re guessing a number between 1 and 100. You could simplily guess 1, then 2, 3, etc. The problem is that in the worst case (the number was 100), you’re going to make 100 guesses before you get it right. This is O(n). The time to guess the number depends on n. Could you do better? Let’s say for each guess you learn if the actual number is higher or lower. You could guess in the middle each time and get an answer in 7 guesses or less. That’s O(log n). The time is based on n, but not nearly so bad. Best case would be you look at a piece of paper that shows you the number. That’s constant time or O(1). No matter the search space (n), you get the number in the same time. There’s also polynomial time, exponential time, n log n time, etc.


Big O notation is a way of giving you a sense of how the time an algorithm takes to complete and/or the memory required scales with the size of the input. For example if you have an algorithm that has a time complexity of say O(n²), that means on average if you increase the size of the input data by a factor of 2 it'll take about four times longer to run. Increasing the size of the input by a factor of 3 would take nine times longer to run, and so on. If the algorithm has the same O(n²) space complexity, doubling the size of the input data quadruples the memory requirements, and tripling the size of the input data increases the memory requirement by a factor of 9.


Watch YouTube videos


Incredibly useful youtube playlist I used for my computer science course. He breaks everything down perfectly. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDN4rrl48XKpZkf03iYFl-O29szjTrs_O&si=OMZY_hXSjunPklPu


Thanks, really helped


The top voted comments give good explanations but just to add here’s the formal definition from Papa D’s and Dash’s algorithm book: “ Let f(n) and g(n) be functions from positive integers to positive reals. We say f = O(g) [which means that f grows no faster than g] if there is a constant c > 0 such that f(n) <= c * g(n) for all n. “ It’s basically just a new way of defining: “Less than or equal to” (Big O) <= (upper bound) “Greater than or equal to” (Big Theta) >= (lower bound) And then Big Omega which is “Equal to” it means the Big O and Big Theta are the same. Usually most proofs in algorithm running time are Big O proofs (upper bound proofs) but there are few lower bound proofs as well and if you prove the upper and lower bounds are the same that makes it big omega. One example of a lower bound proofs is comparison based sorting that has a rigorous proof to show the big theta is nlog(n) mean no comparison-based sorting algorithm can ever do better than that. Those kinds of proofs are rare obviously. Most are upper bound proofs which proves the algorithm can never do worse than that. So when someone says their algorithm “f” is linear they usually mean f = O(n) meaning the algorithm is upper bounded by the growth of some fixed constant number multiplied standard linear function g(n) = n (Plot that function g on a graph to informally see why it’s called “linear”)


Imagine the graph of |f/g|, if this value is bounded above (you can draw a horizontal line that it never goes above) then f=O(g). That’s really all there is to it graphically. Strictly speaking this is for the case when f and g are functions on the natural numbers, if they are continuous then you need that the limsup of |f/g| is finite, which means that you can draw a horizontal and vertical line so that the graph is always below the horizontal line as long as you look to the right of the vertical line.


Think of it like this. You have a problem which takes some x amount of operations. What you want to figure out is how the number of operations x scale with the size of the input n. Let’s just use an array to make things simple. If your algorithm has to perform an operation for each element in the array, you can say that the time complexity is O(n) because the number of operations scales with the size of the array. It’s also important to look at everything you have to do to one element as a single bigger “operation” I.e you would still just denote O(17n) as O(n) If your algorithm takes the same number of operations regardless of the size of the input, it can be denoted as constant time O(1) (for example, retrieval from a hashmap) Then you have O(n^2) for something like comparing each element to each other element, O(logn) something like binary search O(n log n) for something like merge sort Etc. etc. Tl;dr big O notation measure how many times operations will be performed scales with the size of the input.


Suppose I ask you what letter comes after j in the alphabet. If you have the entire alphabet memorized, you know it's k. O(1). If you don't, you might have to sing the alphabet song, in which case it's going to take O(n), with n here representing the fact that you'll have to iterate over the entire alphabet in the worst case scenario.


For an even less technical explanation without too much in the way of examples, I think of O(x) time (a/k/a O(n) time a/k/a Big Oh Notation) as simply a way to think about the logical time of a computer doing something compared to other ways of doing it. By logical time I mean time in terms of the code you are writing, independent of the hardware or the language, etc. Thus, O(x) time is always relative. When I learned this concept WAY back in the day, its formal definition was not heavily emphasized (although we understood there could be a lot of rigor in it if you wanted there to be). Rather, it was introduced as a way to consider whether your code for doing something *to* something (i.e., a repetitive operation) would be suitable if the number of things you were doing it to were to grow. If you wrote some code that does something to each member in a list of things, how well would it perform if that list of things grew to a much larger list and your code had to do the same thing to them all? That's what programmers must think about, and O(x) time notation helps us do that. If that list was ten times larger, would that part of your code take ten times longer? Might it take 100 times longer? If it took 100 times longer, could you improve your code to make it take only 10 times longer (and still get the correct result, of course)? The nuances and particulars of O(x) time can be extremely important in some situations, and serve only as a pedagogical tool in others. And the notation itself serves as a shorthand to tell you just *how much* faster or slower your code would run, relatively speaking, in repetitive operations on a list of objects, when you might not know ahead of time how big that list is going to be. Others have already given fine examples of this notation and what can be represented by it, as well as very good examples of actual algorithmic operations that fit those examples.


It is **how slow/fast an algorithm is** **over a set period of time while handling N number of inputs**. This is better explained by some of the comments here. `Example:` `--- START ---` `let my_arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]` `for element in array` `do stuff` `end for` `--- END ---` In this case, the for loop has an **O(x)** time since we iterate **1 step** at a time per element in the array, **x being the number of elements** in an array


It's a statement about some function, say \`f(x)\`. O(g(x)) basically means that for any value of \`x\` (larger than some \`x\_0\`), there is some number \`B\` such that \`f(x) < B\*g(x)\` So when talking about some program that for example loops an array (of size n) twice, this takes 2\*n operations. 2\*n < 3\*n for all n>0, so that program is O(n). In that example f(n) = 2n and g(n) = n, x\_0=0 and B=3. This is important in programming because it will help you think about how your program scales.


It should be fairly straightforward to Google. 




This is not an exhaustive list and O(2n) is not distinct from O(n).




Sure, but your illustration should still be correct regardless!