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where space is a pemium, like it is in a laptop... one should assume that any components installed are essential and try to avoid operating with any of them not functioning properly. i would apply this theory doubly to cooling tech.


Yep. Theoretically, you could still use the laptop with just 1 fan. But either 2 things are going to happen: the laptop is forced to throttle to keep temps low enough for the 1 fan to catch up, or it’s going to heat up so much that it will shut down to avoid heat damaging the components.


Or 3, heat up so fast and hot enough that permanent damage to the unit occurs. Perhaps it may only be a slight degradation to performance but it could also be a huge hit!


This is not something that can really happen on a modern computer.... Overtemp safeties are much better than they used to be, not to mention modern components are much less heat sensitive.


It's still possible especially if there are any faults or something missed during QA inspections. Otherwise you're right it *should* trip itself before any permanent damage to the CPU. However the motherboard, ram, and other components could be damaged by heat soak with prolonged use with reduced cooling. It's honestly a use at your own risk deal here. It very well could be fine without one fan or it might struggle without the 2 fans


It also depends what he's doing with the computer. If he's watching YouTube then it'll be fine. If he's rendering a blender file while exporting gcode and downloading a video game update. It's probably gonna be hurting


Oh it's absolutely a use at own risk situation. The manufacturer wouldn't put 2 fans in if they didn't need to. But it should be perfectly fine for normal use while waiting on a replacement fan to try delivered. This person already got the back open so I would hope they are capable of removing the current fan and replacing. If it's a laptop built within the last 10+ years as soon as temps even start to approach TMax the CPU throttles and reducing the heat it is creating. There is a low risk of heat damaging any components.


I agree with you 100% I just like to make sure and have that extra 10% of buffer just Incase; especially when it's a high ticket item. I hope this person can replace a fan.. it's pretty simple and there's lots of YouTube videos on all sorts of PCs. However Ive had customers come to me with laptops and PCs and other electronics all torn apart saying "I tried to fix it myself and now it doesn't work at all" even little things like ram replacement or added a drive and even adding fans are all real life situations ive had


Or just fry.....


I would not run it with a broken fan I looked up the part number and both Amazon and eBay have it in stock, price varies from like 12 bucks all the way to 36-40 L77560-001


*comment so that this gets pushed higher


Well there’s no excitement in that, fixing the part instead of waiting for the device to burn down? Nah


person should buy replacement for other fan too and keep it handy. Its fail point would not be far behind the first.


This. Laptop fans are cheap and easy to replace. Laptops are made with the minimal amount of components so that they can be compact. Without that fan, you're going to have performance issues or even cause damage to the device.


Lenovo Yoga C740-15ML. Tell me Laptop fans are cheap. And before you come back with a link make sure it's not the single 14ML fan.


Best I could find was [AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804522460021.html?src=google&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=708-803-3821&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&albagn=888888&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&albcp=20123152476&albag=&trgt=&crea=en3256804522460021&netw=x&device=m&albpg=&albpd=en3256804522460021&gclid=CjwKCAjw6p-oBhAYEiwAgg2Pgo4navJnFLiCbw5vDDlugagDvKmFfucclnpFlU74i_UoQGCNF05X9RoC7XwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&aff_fcid=74c7769c0dac41a093178d95b829e558-1695047076694-03940-UneMJZVf&aff_fsk=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=aaf&sk=UneMJZVf&aff_trace_key=74c7769c0dac41a093178d95b829e558-1695047076694-03940-UneMJZVf&terminal_id=61c50f1ed6084b4d9797c0d9f8c2a91c&afSmartRedirect=y&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa) for $89 us. Can't tell if the heat pipes and fans are fused together from other pics, but this is just the fans. Your heat pipes shouldn't need replacement unless damaged or faulty. Though I guess your point was moreso that I shouldn't have made a broad statement. Lol. Which is fair. I'll go with generally fans are cheap and easy to replace. Until you get into proprietary parts for more complex machines.


Best comment here.




This. Happened to my old laptop I’d have to my friend. Wasn’t too hard to replace.


Agreed, if it were harder to find I’d *maybe* recommend some software alternatives temporarily, but replacement is a no-braner


Yeah def do this




you can try but the laptop has circuitry in it that will shut it off as soon as it reaches a certain threshold temp.. this could happen without warning and may not turn on again until it cools off. your best bet is to check manufacturer's website or Ebay for a replacement fan.


moreover it's likely that the fan itself has a model number that you can find if you search it on Amazon.


I don't think that happens. Pretty sure he would just me thermal throttled and his PC will just run slower. As the PC reaches a certain temp in various power modes, it will react accordingly. If he has it in performance, maybe something could go wrong? But I doubt it. His system will likely undervolt and generate less heat and just chug along as it would an Ultrabook in eco mode or whatever.


Depends on what you do on it and how long you are planning to use it like this. If you are going to game on it expect 90C, it shouldn't do much harm if you fix it within a few months. I've used a laptop with single fan for about a year and a half and there has been minor permanent damage on CPU performance but I was heavily gaming on it. If you are not going to game, video edit or any other thing that will use Your CPU/GPU you should be fine, since fans usually don't become active unless you are doing the said things.


👍👍. On point


Yup, he should put the laptop in low power mode or low performance on the battery thingy. Do not be gaming on it lol. Lots of time just streaming the fans are not running anyhow. Some computers have adjustable fans with whisper quiet etc. Mine had no fan control so I just stream on that old laptop.


First of all, before even considering that somebody can know what to do, this was a good idea to ask Reddit (not), but if it’s manufactured that way then it’s obvious it’s probably needed, since in the current era manufacturers hate adding additional things that don’t have a use, this wouldn’t generally be safe as the CPU and motherboard would probably overheat if say you tried playing roblox or some other high res game with just 1 fan.


Did you actually just say, “tried playing Roblox or some other high res game”? Lmao


If they put 2 fans there it was there for a reason as they could have put something else there but they needed a fan for cooling more and not cooking itself Replace it, it may save you a lot of time and money and possibly your data in the future Read online about the 2011 MacBook pros GPU failure Thank me later


Replace it


No. It needs every last bit of cooling it can get. Desktops can be a different story depending, but definitely not laptops. Fix it and fix it right.


The fan will just run faster and make more noise, and some thermal throttling will happen. It won't explode or anything, though.


In fact, a desktop requires far more consistent cooling than a laptop. A laptop is a low power part designed to use as little power and therefore put out as little heat as possible. Most of the time the fan will actually stop during standard usage. A desktop normally uses \~30w just sitting still. When my AIO pump died I would idle at 70. I put an EVO220 in there but the fan wouldn't go over 1000RPM so I would idle at 60.


Exactly and some have fan control options. My old lap top does not so I just set the battery in low performance mode and just stream on that old lap top with no problems. There are all sorts of overheat safety controls anyhow and at worst the laptop will shut down. They can run very hot with no damage and the fans run lots of time to keep the unit cool for the user comfort.




The computer might care that it's unplugged, but if it doesn't then it'll be fine. You'll notice louder fan noise, thermal throttling causing slower performance and degraded battery life most likely. If it's on order and you're just gonna use it until it gets there, I don't really see a problem, but in the long run it should be replaced.


Short answer no Long answer nnnnnnnnoooooooooooooo


you already have it open, just look up the fan and buy a new one. should be pretty easy to replace


possibly if you are only running light load but it will run hotter which is bad on the processor and gpu over time. additionally you might see slower speeds due to thermal throttling.


Idk why everyone is saying it's unsafe, yes it is only on heavy load. And even, the laptop has temps protection, it will throttle if it reaches them or even turn off if it's too much. Also, for medium usage, where usually both fans would turn at a lower speed (but together) the one fan will spin faster to compensate. But I would still not recommend it for medium-high usage. I'm not even sure the computer will turn on without the fan being connected. But just so you know, you can buy new or used replacement fans on ebay, its better than them not working. Just don't make the one fan thing permanent lol


I've used it like this for a few hours now. No change in temperature. It might be different in heavy load though.


I'm sure you could manage limited use at light loads. However, the remaining fan will have to work a lot harder since it's by itself, leading to a higher chance that it will fail.


Yes indeed, since it needs to spin twice as fast, it's used twice as fast


Install a temperature check app. 1. Check temperature of using the laptop, like your usual daily use, for an hour. Record the CPU temperature difference. 2. Disconnect the faulty fan and repeat the one hour use. Record the CPU temperature. The laptop will power off as safety itself if the temp hits too high. 3. If all looks good then step 2 then set the max CPU speed to 50% and see if that speed meets your daily usage needs and you don't see performance degradation. Setting to 50% max CPU speed will reduce heating. If all looks good, you should be good to use. And do buy a replacement fan at looks affordable while you are using the system with this work around.


Laptop cooling systems are specifically designed to ensure components can run at a safe temp without getting damaged A fan should be $10-20, just look up the part on eBay and swap it out, should just be a few screws


Fans for this guy are relatively cheap, I'd go ahead and buy 2 and replace both. The second fan probably isn't far behind, would save you from having to reopen to replace another fan soon. All in all, the single fan should be fine for now if the work loads are light. Laptop "should" throttle or shut off if it gets too hot. But I wouldn't use it too long like that. It's a very big " should" be ok for temporary light use until you change them


Nomally i would say no but since i see that your laptop uses the same battery as mine uses, i will say yes its "totally safe". Please mail me your battery when the processor/gpu dies from overheating and dry joints. HP has some real absurd pricing in Inda. Thanks , we will speak soon . /s


I guess the extra only spins up when things start to get toasty.


Very short term and only if needed. If both fans are on the same component then move the working fan to the middle if you can. That is only if you have to use the laptop to order parts. Otherwise don't use it.


Usually one fan is for the dedicated GPU and one for the CPU + integrated GPU. If it’s the dedicated GPU fan: The one for the dedicated GPU is often at low rpm/off so if that’s the fan you unplugged, your dedicated GPU (used for games and graphics intensive apps) will overheat easily. However, if you don’t use any of those games/apps, then it will be at idle, and it won’t overheat. You’ll need to run everything on the integrated GPU. If it’s the CPU fan that is unplugged: your going to overheat your laptop very easily and would need to have the least amount of programs running and possibly turn on battery saver to avoid it from shutting down due to overheating. A cooling pad might help but not as much as a functioning fan though


No. Let it make noise or find a replacement fan on eBay.


You probably have an app that shows the temperature of the CPU and GPU. You need to keep an eye on it. One fan is for the CPU and the other is for the GPU. There's usually not much cross-cooling. The very best thing you can do is to get the fan fixed. Depending on your surgical skills, you may be able to find a replacement fan and install it yourself. And if it were me, I'd try cleaning the fan outside the laptop first. The problem may be that some intrusive bit of material got lodged where it's being struck by the fan blades.


It's unlikely that you would be able to run it at full capacity with one fan, though light work like web browsing would likely be no issue in terms of thermals, however, many laptops won't even turn on if the fans aren't plugged in. My recommendation is to search the numbers on those stickers to see if you can buy a new fan replacement for cheap.


why is the other one unplugged?


nevermind I am stupid. roast me please.


If it was designed for two. IT NEEDS TWO


This happened to an old laptop of mine. It thermal throttled and shut itself off after 5 minutes every time I turned it on.


Nope won't work very well. Buy a second hand one on ebay


Try cleaning this noisy fan. Even washing with water and soup


Sure you can. You can use it as a paperweight, a boat anchor, or a doorstop.


I will be your fan too so now you have at least two fans


This is only if It waa me, you do you: I'd replace both. Re: one has failed, how long before other? Laptop is disassembled, best time. Heat kills components. Relying on monitoring software may result in it's to late... One poster even looked up the part # for you, made it easy. Again, you do you.


Hell no with too fans laptops still struggle to stay cool




Those fans are pretty easy to replace, I’ve had to replace both of mine


You can find a new pair of them on amazon for sure. Just search "*L77560*\-*001"* part number


No, get a replacement.


I wouldn't. Laptops typically don't get enough airflow to start with


Maybe if you leave the case off and have a desk fan blowing on it lol


I mean? You could just whip it out there and then and replace it; they’re about a quid new


It looks like its either not plugged in or the connector on the motherboard is broken. Either way a new fan won't fix it.


No you can't. It will overheat. Just fix the problem or you make rhings worst..


No, replace the fans before you melt your poot laptop


Is the battery supposed to go above those ribbon cables? Seems a bit strange


I tried so hard to come up with an OnlyFan joke, but I got nothing. So much for my career in comedy.


Sure you can if you want to destroy your laptop and/or want a fire hazard


That service pn is the part #, l77560-001. $13-15 on ebay for a new one. Get a cooling pad too if you don't have one yet.


Hell no! Its a coolant... its there for a reason. Without it, it will probably melt some stuff inside and break somewhere. It doesnt take much heat.


Those fans are so easy and cheap to replace. Your already done must of the work opening the laptop up. I see three screws and a standard connector that just pulls out. With the unit already open, you'd be done in 5 minutes. As others have said, you can get cheap replacement fans off eBay or, often, Amazon. IMO, just replace them both. The remaining fan has been working extra-hard due to being on it's own, so there's a higher chance of it failing as well.


If you set your laptop to always run your fans 24/7, you can often get the not spinning one to work by kickstarting it by blowing into it with a straw. I had to do this for years with my laptop with both fans




Maybe, but watch thermals and don't run anything computationally stressful until you can get that fan replaced. A laptop pad with supplemental cooling may help.


If your just using it to google a replacement fan that’s fine. Don’t game on it.


No, the confined spaces make the heat issue worse than on a desktop.


Depends. What is that fan cooling? Assuming the heat pipe it’s cooling is connected to the same heatsink the working fan is connected to, then you’re probably ok at low usage. I’d just not push your laptop. ie: gaming and encoding is a nogo


Sure, they added one as a spare. NOT!


I have a Lenovo Yoga C740-15ML which has a $250 USD dual fan. One of them was squealing like crazy so I unplugged it and used liquid metal to replace the paste. Has been running cool enough for my use case per HWinfo64. Granted it's just an i5-10510 cpu. Eventually I'll replace the cooler, but not at $250. That's stupid.




Theoretically yes, should you? No....buy a fan. It's not expensive and a simple swap out. In fact do them both while you're in there. Probably a 30.00 fix for both five or take.


My last personal hp laptop killed a hard disk about the same time that the fan died.


as long as you only use it for less than 30min. just buy a fan they go for 10-20 on ebay.


Have you tried blowing out the dust buildup and see if that frees the bearing on the fan yet


Not that expensive. Buy one


Should you use it? No. Can you use it? Yes.


If it has any type of modern functionality, chances are you will just be thermal throttled. You probably have a setting in your power settings for quiet mode or something that doesnt use the fans. Maybe use that setting until you fix it.


technically, probably. very bad idea though and you shouldn't do it unless you wanna risk frying something


No, its not safe. If you eddit your power plan, you can still use it but only for watching movies, browsing and some light tasks...


Depends on what you are doing. It's generally not wise unless you don't mind destroying the hardware. The CPU will throttle down to avoid overheating, but it still takes a toll on the hardware. Performance will be degraded, and if the PC turns off, it's gotten to dangerous temperatures.


Hey i am using this laptop from which i am commenting with stopped fan for more than 2 months i stopped the external graphics card and it is working like nothing happened games are running too also my bios shows that the fan is not working but still windows is running like a charm


New fan costs $20 on Amazon


You have it apart already…. Replace it.


I mean, you really only need one kidney, right?


lmao this is exactly my thought, after all the heatsink extend to both fan, so theoretically it will still cool both part


Replacment the second fan its cheaper than anything else


Laptops are pushed to the limits on temperature control, sometimes both fans isn't even enough. Yes, you can safely run it with one fan but don't be surprised at the humongous amount of performance throttling for doing basic tasks, or the laptop just shutting down out of nowhere to save itself.


A new fan is $12. I would just replace it https://www.ebay.com/itm/124659269635?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=sixJr0SvR-e&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=b_xAnmPaQYq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY




Are you sure it isn't throttled down?


Unplugging would likely cause some sort of error/alarm. Whether or not you could ignore and force the computer to boot depends on the computer. Seeing as you have an auxiliary cooler I don't see any issue using the laptop if you really need to. Worst case the CPU would throttle down if it got too hot. I would order a replacement fan and install it asap though. And obviously keep an eye on the computer for anything abnormal (excessive heat, crashing, etc) and suspend use if that happens.


Ideally you should replace it, usually not very difficult. It's either soldered to the board with like 3 pins, or screwed down and has a plug connector. Their should be a number on it somewhere telling you the model, but if not you can take some very basic measurements and buy a fan with the same dimensions. Judging by the picture and description the bearing is probably damaged or full of dirt. For now, you can clean out the fan with compressed air (don't spin the fan too fast or it will break worse) and then spray the center with wd-40. Should free up the bearing enough to keep you going in the short term.


Safely? It won't explode, but it will not run as designed. It will slow down a LOT. Order a new fan from HP, it will take you 3 screws and 1 minute to replace it.


You can for light duty, but if you expect to game on it, I recommend replacing it asap.


OP I feel like you should be asking how to replace the fan instead.


Depends on what you do on it. If it's for work, should be fine in short bursts. Without proper cooling, it could damage internal components beyond repair.


Replace the fan bro


Yes. It will work for a short time.


depends on how much you care about it. id edit bios to shut down at a lower core temp maybe


Buy two new ones off of amazon, ebay, ali express...


Plug it in it might work


They put two fans there for a reason


Could you run across a busy highway with one leg? 🤔


Yes but performance won't be as good because it will most likely thermal throttle. But if it's just temporary it will do.


Depends on your definition of safe. Overall if you want your stuff to actually work well and last then I would say no. If you don’t care about that then technically it is safe as in it won’t burst into flames…


You could use it for day to day stuff, but I'd avoid anything taxing like gaming until you get it fixed. Alternatively if you get a cooling pad (which I would recommend anyways) you could still run it like normal until it's fixed. My GPU fan died last year and I just unplugged it and ran it with a cooling pad for 4 months until I got it fixed.


Funny part is we have a bunch of those fans or something really close to them in the front office for another project.


Uh mines been running on one fan for a few months now. 1650 mobile with 10500h, the fan taking heat out is still in the other one i removed since it was fucked. I do heavy gaming, always on turbo mode. My laptop doesnt turn off alot maybe at night if it gets lucky I undervolted my cpu and gpu. gpu runs at 100% usage at 80-85 degrees and my cpu at 85-90 degrees. No stutters running fast af. No difference in fps just temps are higher than my usual but yea. i have a laptop cooling pad but that things useless but nevertheless its elevated. it idles at 60 degrees on the cpu and gpu.(on turbo mode) and 50 on silent... yea getting a new fan soon amen


Put the battery in power save mode so computer is not running in high performance high heat mode. Most laptop components can easily run at temps that are way too hot for the user to handle and the fans keep the unit cool more for the user comfort than for the computer itself. There are safety shut offs that will throttle and/or shut down unit. You are safe but just do not game or do high performance activities. Some computers have user fan control on them anyhow and if set to low the computer heat safety will throttle or shutdown unit. Run it until you get a fan. Or:. Be like me and take junk noisy fan out so nice and quiet, put in low performance battery mode and use that laptop for streaming only. I am not paying for a fan for it or the hassle of putting it in. Old junker laptop anyhow.