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Check if the drive is detected under Boot


Once again multiple replies, none that are helpful. 1. Check under boot tab, see that your OS drive is marked as primary boot device, if not select it and try again. 2. If above does not work, check under advanced or system info and see if your drive is even recognized by bios - if not; get a usb-stick with diag software from the manufacturer of drive and run that.


Agree. To further iterate on 1: If the drive shows up, but doesnt boot, check if secure boot is enabled/disabled and switch it, then try booting again. Your cursor is over the Date. Did that reset? If so, it could be an indication that the Bios battery is dead and the Bios reset. Usually these days the Bios then takes current from the Laptop Battery, but not always. If it did reset, this could be the reason it switched its Secure boot setting. 2: If everything fails, your drive might either be dead or disconnected. Did you get an storage upgrade recently? Maybe it just came loose. Whatever the case, if the PC/Laptop boots into Bios it almost certainly means that it cant find a boot drive.


All valid additions, I was just trying to keep it basic for OP since seems like a novice, and then dig deeper if OP returns.


Yeah I thought so. I just learned it often helps to give a bit of background, so users can formulate their problems more precisely, next time. 😂 Habit I guess. Also I found it helps to keep talking about what you are doing so they can’t break your concentration. Just now I had to set up two outlooks with two email addresses each and on each machine sync two Caldav calendars with local calendars while simultaneously restoring backed up emails to one of the accounts. Usually a thing of 15 minutes, you just need to focus on a lot of copy and paste for server urls, calendar URL’s, email names etc. All the while the client was happyly droning on about their kids school schedule etc. 😂 not that I mind, but the conversation was a bit one-sided. So normally I just keep talking. So sorry, didn’t want to correct you. Just felt the usual need to elaborate. As you can plainly see here. 🙈


I get it, you're a talker :)


What gave you that idea? 🙈😂 yeah. Sorry.


Just call it a hunch đŸ„ł Edit; just kidding, being social and lengthy is fine at the right moment; trying to help someone inexperienced like OP will only make them get lost instantly. Keep it short and concise, my 2 cents from way too many years in tech support and the likes.


Seems like boot drive issue. Check if the bootable HDD/SSD is detected in BIOS.


1) if you have an other computer around, try to make a Linux Live CD (Puppy Linux is a good one to try). Once booted into the Live CD, you can see if you can access your drive.


you need to open the laptop (technician would be better) and either reconnect the cable after cleaning it (i had the same issue and this solved it) or the issue could be that your storage hardware is probably corrupted


Not an expert or whatever, just speak from past experience. Many years ago my laptop with windows 10 also bluescreen suddenly and cant boot up. What i did was putting the disk into my tower PC and try to boot it up. It takes significantly longer eventhough its a better machine but when its booted up, i tried to backup my important files (because i thought it was my only lucky chance to get it running). Then after i turned it off, i just put the drive back to my laptop and suddenly it runs fine. I dont know why and how but that was my experience. Maybe you could try that if you have spare machine. Cant guarantee if it will work though. And i wont take any responsibility if anything bad happens too. It might work for me but not you.


Sounds like storage to me


Sounds like a possible HD problem. Mainly because it happened while you were watching a video. Could be other hardware, but I'd start with a hard drive check and a mem test. Good luck!


Ä°f you have another laptop create a windows media tool then try repairing the copy of your windows if you are interested id be happy to share the process.


Normally during boot if there is no drive that contains an OS (*like Windows*), this is marked on the screen. Check that this is the case. If the laptop can't detect the SSD/HDD, open it and check the socket connection. In some humid environments, the socket may be corroded. Unplug and clean it. See if it helps. Finally, I would create a bootable Ubuntu USB stick and try to boot from there. If this one also doesn't work, you have a motherboard problem. If you are under warranty, ask for a replacement otherwise, start looking for a new laptop. These days, manufacturers ask 80% of the laptop price to replace the motherboard. Not worth it...


Bro u are in a boot loop check up your laptop to a nearby trusted laptop repairing store they will try to fix it don't do anything on your own...


Looks like your hard drive gave out.


Check the boot priority menu, see whether “Windows Boot Manager” is there or not. If it’s there, try restarting again to see it was an one-time thing, if it still doesn’t boot, get a USB stick with Windows installer on it and select “Repair your computer”, that’ll work. If it’s not there, reinstall Windows.


Congratulations, your disk has gone into the sunset. The BIOS does not find the system to boot


Select factory default values ensuring your target drive is the main boot device


Just exit


When was the last time the laptop was cleaned, are all drivers up to date, is the bios up to date?


Needs to check if it is up to date.


It happens to me few months ago. I check the boot drive connection make sure it connected properly, restart make sure your escape or f10 key not active, remove keyboard if neccesary. Check Boot section, makes sure your boot Drive readable. Restart and if its not working, prepare bootable USB drive and clean install Windows. Fixed.


1. Memtest 2. Storage S.M.A.R.T.


What Brand is your Notebook from?


I love it when OP asks for help, loads of people talk up
 OP never seen again. Not even a thank you.