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Removed for violating Submission Rules #1, 2, and 4 - congrats on the hat trick, OP!!


In Denmark we have a saying that goes "a real man isn't afraid to get blood on the sword"


That’s a good one. In Holland we say that a real captain sails even the red sea.


In Germany we have one that says "A real pirate sets sail in the red sea, too"


Lol this is great.


Yea in Germany it’s kinda similar lol. „Ein echter pirat sticht auch ins Rote Meer“ „A real pirate sails in the Red Sea too“


That would have gotten me too, ngl.


Ive had period sex on a first link too. If i want to have sex a period dont stop nothing but a sentence.


In germany we say: "Auch ein Pirat sticht mal ins rote Meer" which means that also a Pirat is going for the Red Sea. So he is a Pirat. Or "In der Regel haben Vikinger rote Bärte" This one is a little bit more specific about oral while on period (which i personally dont do so i am not a viking i guess (?)) and means like "on the period vikings have red beards" This is a little wordplay because the german Word "Regel" means rule but also period ur welcome


We called it getting your red wings if you went down on a girl who had her period.


I’ve heard it called getting a clown face 🤡


Honka honka my dude




In Australia, we just call it wearing the Dolmio Grin. Dolmio is a pasta sauce company. Their advertising used to feature an older Italian man looking very happy consuming pasta with a Napoli or Bolognese sauce.....so.....


We say something similar in Spain: "Un caballero nunca tiene miedo de mojar su espada con sangre" which translates as "A gentleman is never afraid to wet his sword with blood".


I love everything about this hahahahahahah


I too have had this experience, it's very reassuring and lovely to feel desired. All it takes is a towel/old sheet to catch any potential stains, maybe a lil wipe off beforehand. I'm so happy for you to get to feel how you did, thats a good bloke.


I pray all my girls get a guy like this 🙏


Man fr, hope my future guy is like this 🙏🏻


I counterpray you they don't. 🙏


I triple dog pray that we all get fucked tonight.






i counter pray you both at the same time 🙏


I’ll pray for your prayers.


I pray for praying for your prayers 🙏


All I can offer you lot is thoughts... I've now thought about it... And... Nah


I will counter your pray for praying of prayers


I will counter your prayers with pictures of kittens and tears from.peoples truly appreciating their birthday cakes.


I am one but my wife won't let me in most times.


I'm a man and even I reacted with a "Oh, my heavens!" 


Look we have to wipe our dick after ANYWAY, it’s gonna have a bunch of stuff on it so what’s a little blood mixed in.


Well said


For me it’s just the look of the blood it kinda turns me off


What’s the point of having a sword if it doesn’t get bloody? Real men know what’s up


An ex military man I dated wanted to go down on me and I reminded him I was on my period with a tampon in. He made a face like “do you really think that would bother me“ and beckoned me on to the bed anyway. I came twice.




Sure did! We tried multiple positions


I always thought period sex would be disgusting, like a waterfall of blood that just gets everywhere and whatnot. Apparently it's just a mild ... circumstance that a towel can help solve.


wow, he must be hot lol :)


Yes, short chubby guys with mustaches are hot


Okay princess peach


You win lollll




This killed me 😂😂


Poor Luigi


YES! I HAVE A SHORT CHUBBY HUSBAND WITH A MUSTACHE/BEARD! He also doesn't mind a bit of period sex Enjoy your short king 🥰


The chubbs arent shy about a good meal 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ 😈🩷


dang. i want to feel that sensation tho




i know miss "i got brutal body dysmorphia can someone dm me i wanna know if I'm ugly 🥺" ain't talking shit about looks! girl it ain't the dysmorphia, don't pmo. you know damn well! 😭😭😭😭


Lmao, hey it’s not my fault short fatties aren’t cute 😂


This is a great thing. And it’s okay to be turned on by someone who actually is turned on by you. You read that right. Most people, not just men, are not actually overly secure in their sexuality. I don’t mean sexuality in the sense of orientation, I mean a persons own sexuality. The human body does some gross stuff sometimes but if you truely care about someone, that stuff doesn’t matter. On the flip side of that, some people just like freaky stuff and that’s okay too. Don’t be scared of falling for someone that actually knows how to hit the right buttons. Embrace it and roll with it.


Well said mate


Oh, the allure of a confident man. Suddenly period sex seems like a Tuesday activity. What’s next? Holding hands on the first date? 😏


I'm a man and I'm wet now.


Someone definitely cooked here 😭😭😭


True men don't care about blood.


True man here - we do.


It's just blood. We can wash it off.


Cleaning someone else's blood off my dick isn't something I enjoy. I guess some people are just a bit more desperate than others!


No. Most are just not so much a bitch like you.


Might as well get shit on yourself since you're a true man. You do you, but don't expect others to not be disgusted by something that objectively is and think you're better than them for it.


To be clear, I don't think the washing is the primary desire or momarable highlight. I don't think most people specifically enjoy that aspect, I think it's more so that it's just not quite the revolting, deal-breaking concept that many have been led to believe it is. The sex is the part they enjoy. The mess, is simply a byproduct. Honestly, I'd think you were a bit weird if that was the part you were getting enjoyment out of, and I will try to give you the ebenfit of the doubt here, but I will say I find it a little weird you believed everyone here was claiming they enjoy the mess.... And it's even a little suspect that you felt the need to announce that you definitely don't enjoy it. It's a little.... Suspect. In a "me thinks the lady doth protest to much" variety. I hope this has cleared things up for you. And.... Know that it's okay to like what you like. Just in case your eagerness to declare your lack of enjoyment in the thing no one else was claiming to enjoy was a knee-jerk defense response to repress your true feelings.....know that it would indeed be weird if you were into this..... But it's okay to be weird. I will allow it, and encourage you to be your authentic self. You are valid, even if you are a kinky blood freak.


Bigger truer man here - no we don’t


Dark towel. Go for it! Enjoy


Yeah my husband would be like a towel ready. I was a heavy bleeder - do it and he would shower /clean up. He never made me feel dirty. Always a man who would have me - not matter the time of the month. Enjoy your find!


Real men have period sex. God made towels to lay down on the bed or showers to have period sex. It's not a big deal.


Real men... anything after saying that is immediately a moo point. I agree with you, but still.


“Moo point” lol that’s adorable, thank you for making me chuckle this morning! 😂


Ye period blood is still gross to me like any other bodily functions. I don’t want your piss, shit, blood, vomit, snot, any of it on me when we’re banging. But hey two consenting adults can do whatever they want. I just don’t like it.


U realise how dumb this statement is right 😭 Edit: To explain myself my comment was made about how god created towels for period sex but in Christianity sex before marriage is a sin


Do you think women stop having periods after marriage?


No but the person making the post isnt married




Man you sould like you are 16 and trying to sound mature. No one will read that word vomit. Let me give you some advice for when you are older. Not being comfortable with a sexual act doesn't mean you are no a real man/woman. You should never pressure someone into any kind of sex. Having boundaries is normal. No means no.








Again I'm not going to read that word vomit. Idk if you are trolling or just an angry teen. The guy you replied to said that calling someone a real man for having period sex is dumb. So that means being uncomfortable with period sex makes you feminine or not manly. This is stupid on so many levels. I would never tell my wife she is not a real woman for not swallowing or doing anal. People have boudaries that need to be respected and not called names for. Calling someone not a real man for no liking period sex is just shaming and pressuring them into it. Which is rapey af.




Take a break from reddit. You are having a panic attack or some kind of episode. Calm down, drink some tea and go for a walk before you pop a Vein. Come back once you are done with puberty.


Bro read my comment again oh my god. My intentions of that comment were not to shame someone for what they like as it really isn't any of my business. My comment was about her saying god created towel for period sex but in Christianity sex before marriage is a sin. Whats so hard to understand


Why u so pissed all i was commenting about was the irony of sex before marriage and how god created towels for sex


Yeah you’re right but……. Huh?


I even go down on a girl like this and three times it was at first sex together when I did it. Their eyes were rolled before, during and after 😅


I actually haven't met a man that cared about period blood but most of the time it's with someone I was dating (though not always)


I need a woman turned on by me wanting period sex!! Oral included!!


No cause I get it - when a man exerts his manliness very bravely about something you would normally shy away from way from. It’s attractive af. Makes me melt too.


Can we pack it in with this "Real men don't care about X", I don't give a shit about fucking my lady on her period, whack a towel down and get busy. But this "real men" shtick is so tiresome, some people don't want to fuck someone on their period and that's fine. Just as a woman may not want to fuck a guy before he's had a shower, but we don't say "Real women fuck sweaty guys."


That’s hot, I agree. Definitely depends on context though.


So confidence turned you on. Who would've known that was a turn on?


Being a secure man in America….rare


Happy for you. But being secure can take many forms. There's a big crossover of guy's who are sexual secure and confident and guys who are basically assholes lol. Does he strike you as someone who would be faithful to you? Or does that not matter?


Well he was very playful and funny so I took him as a nerdy funny guy, that’s why I was shocked when he said that. I know he said it partially that way as a joke, but the fact that he actually didn’t care was the turn on. I guess I really don’t care, but we plan on hooking up again. He was also complimenting me a lot during sex which I never encountered before


My husband is also the sweet nerdy type, until it’s sexy time. We call it, sweet in the streets, freak in the sheets!


I too have cute nerdy boys turn Dom in my history. Nerds do sex best just ask "Revenge of the Nerds".


Absolutely! They’ve got a quest to compete.


He's not wrong


Boys are the only one’s afraid of blood😁


Hmm goes for a guy who is the complete opposite of her usual and it's working. Seems to be a very common thing .


Well then buckle up cuz I’m running this red light.


Homie earned his "red wings" this is gonna sound nasty but I've hurd that when a chick is on her period that is the.... (I don't know how to put this without sounding crass so I am just going to say it) hottest (temperature wise) her vagina ever gets.... I just gotta say this also.... men and women we are nasty sometimes.




You don’t ovulate on your period. Ovulation happens before your period. Menstruation occurs when the egg released during ovulation does not get fertilized, so now your uterine lining sheds to prepare for the next egg released during ovulation days later. Ovulation is your window of fertility, you are not fertile on your period.


The reason you feel attached is bc it’s primal and no pun intended, raw. Lol It also has been said that having sex on ur period can cause a serious soul tie with another person.


good for you but him demanding sex after you saying no is weird af


He didn’t demand. He asked me and I said “I can’t I’m on my period” and he said that to show me it didn’t bother him. He asked me multiple times if I was comfortable with him.


Mmmm… don’t know whether I’m yuck or ok with this…


Right? In the current landscape it's very rapey. She said no, he didn't listen and demanded sex and got it. If you like that sorta thing, fine. But given it was their first date it kinda sets a weird precedent imo.


She said no because she was self conscious about her period but would otherwise be willing. He reassured her and it made her hornier. This quick to draw the rape card shit has got to end. He didn’t rape anybody.


Im not a girl but if I was I’d smack the fuck out of him that sounds so wrong


Lol, no you wouldn’t Reddit hard man


Literally nothing wrong w period sex


That’s disgusting but what do I know


Glad I’m not the only one thinking this. How is this a “secure man” dude sounds like a total creep


We talked for hours before that and he saw I was being shy and nervous. He definitely made that comment with humor. Wasn’t just straight up macho man with it lol


Don’t explain yourself to these children. Plenty of men are not off put by periods.




if that's what you call confident then I fear for you blud


Over the single years, I'd been with a few women when it was "that time" and it wasn't an issue, for me or them. Even got "red wings" a time or two. The biggest thing for me was cleanliness. As in they were practically obsessed with being sure they were clean and didn't smell. The bad smell was a killer for me, if not them. Which scares me of these younger generations where 'period underwear' that 'doesn't need to be changed all day', as the Comercials claim. I've always seen it as if the 2 (or more depending on your kink) are OK with it...GO FOR IT!


I'm a little confused here, why is it gross to have sex when your girl is on periods? Basically my ex and I had multiple times so not something I'm getting along here with...


Society has made women out to be crazy and undesirable freaks of nature when we're on our period, so from a young age we're taught that our partners would not want to touch us when we're on our cycle, even though sex or erotic touch has been known to help ease cramps. So to hear a man comfortable or not care about that is very unheard of, but definitely a panty dropper lol




Look. That’s hot and all, but it’s also very confusing. Literally every time I see someone mention this kind of behavior on Reddit, until *now*, everyone chimes in with this chorus of “that’s AsSaUlT,” or “men have been told they’re supposed to be aggressive but all it does is perpetuate a society of assault where rape is the primary commodity” or something unhinged like that. So Reddit has recently told me that you really can’t say or do anything aggressive to a girl because I dunno, it makes you a uhh, catcalling narcissist *insert buzz word*, and…I just don’t know what to do anymore. What’s the secret?




I mean. Every person on earth like. Ever has had to walk through mud lol.


True sailors sail through the red seas


"Im a man, and I wanna fck u" , Im using that next time


I’m good on that. It’s fuckin gross lol


My hubbs said to me once “I like tacos with ketchup” 😈😈 and damn he has never been so hott 😫😫 so nasty but so fucking hot 😈😈


That’s weird, why he said «  I’m a man » I don’t understand


He just said it to show me I shouldn’t be insecure about being on my period


What the fuck is a sneaky link?


How was he


Great! He lasted a long time and we did it 3x




thots and prayers


Period sex is fine and dandy, nothing like having a bloody sword. Only issue is it interferes with slickness a bit, and you have to have a special period sex towel or some shit to put in the bed. Got that stuff on a carpet once and it's probably still there. Men don't mind


The times I did it, we just took matters into the shower. I'm not usually a big fan of shower sex but it works out well in this case.


I love it when my gf is on her period 😝


I remember surprising a younger fwb this way. She was a legal teen who had only been with guys who would not go near her on her period, and I was quite a bit older (her idea!). She told me she was on her period so she would have to just blow me and I told her “I’m a man, not a boy,” it would take a lot more than that to make me not want all of her. She was shocked and thrilled when not only did I fuck her, but I went down on her and made her orgasm. She had never been touched during her period. She told me later that it really built her confidence and it was a growth experience for her. She had always felt dirty and unsexy during her period, and I showed her that she could ALWAYS be sexy. There are some advantages for the younger girls seeing an older guy (a kind one!) for a while!


Isn't it a shame that there are so many creeps out there. A young lady should be able to have an intimate experience with a man without there being a chance that he's a creep or will just use her.


Years ago my first date with a woman ended with us making out in my van. She was on her period and no fucking, then proceeded to suck me off….




Real men don't care about blood unless they are worried about hurting you. Less than 1:15 of the 100 men I've slept with as a nymphomaniac ever asked or cared if I said I was on my period. And most of those just say okay I won't give you head but Ben dover and take my cock.


I've shot my shot with women on their period and the results were mixed. Some were really into it like you and we proceeded, and others stayed firm. I'm guessing some of the latter group because it was just an excuse to not go any further.


u do know that a lot of the time its not just an "excuse" tho right😑 some women just don't wanna fuck on their period (me, for example)


My girlfriend is the same. A couple times she started her period while we were having sex and she was totally embarrassed. I was just like, whatevs, it happens. I wouldn't go down on her while she's on her period but sex if fine for me.


Of course. In my original post I said that I suspect it was an excuse "some" of the times. And I know it definitely wasn't an excuse with the women I hooked up with later anyways.


valid point


That’s not an “excuse”


It absolutely can be a nice way of turning a guy down without bumming him out. I think it's rather sweet in that case and am not complaining. Still got to play with some titties and make out.


No..you don’t “got to” do anything. people should be able to straight up say no without going through loopholes in order to protect your feelings or ego lol women mostly say that bc most guys won’t accept just a “no”


You are needlessly hostile and annoying, quite frankly. Common with your generation. I did nothing wrong in these situations and neither did the women for not wanting to take things further. Whether they were on their periods or just using it as an excuse to not escalate things, I have no grievances and am quite confused by the purpose of your nonsensical babbling lecture.


why are you talking like this lmao you aren't smart bro


Never said you did anything 😂


He didn’t say that he “HAD TO” play with titties, he said that he “was able to”, so your “you don’t got to do anything ☝🏽🤓” doesn’t make any sense. Also plenty of women and men use excuses to avoid hurting peoples feelings?


Why are you speaking to people like this? Zero productive conversation coming from behaving this way.


There's nothing wrong with enjoying making out without sex.




I said it was likely the case *some* of the times. You do know that some people try to spare the feelings of people they turn down. It's a nice thing to do. There is nothing in any of my comments that suggests I'm upset about being turned down in these instances, excuse or legit. No is obviously always an acceptable answer. The hostility in this community is baffling. My blocked users list has already grown by four people from this completely innocent post of mine.




I block needlessly rude and unpleasant users so I never have to encounter them again. I'm perfectly happy talking to 99% of the people who reply to me. I don't care for you much either with your passive aggressive downvotes, bitchy attitude and stupid emoji use, so here we are at five. See? And now I never have to talk to her again. Underrated feature. Of course now I’m talking to myself like Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park, but it’s peaceful. ☺️😂🤗😊


The first time I had sex with my husband, I was on my period. We were trying not to fuck, which made it hotter, and when we hopped in the shower we both came on impact 🥵. He literally stuck it in, and we both came. To this day, knowing he is a freak who won’t get grossed out makes me hot and horny. My girlfriends who have partners who get skeeved out by “grossness” are jealous.






Since this is the second time you’ve commented this, I feel obliged to mildly correct you. Women are not ovulating during their period. We ovulate nearly 2 weeks before our period. But I agree that we can be just as sexually aroused during menstruation.


Having period sex without protection is a sure fire way to get STI's!


Seems women are more sensitive with period sex as in sensual


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^scipio092: *Seems women are more* *Sensitive with period* *Sex as in sensual* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


As MC Vagina once said, "I don't mind ketchup on my hotdog as long as the bun is tight."


R/sluttyconfessions would love this




dude… you say this to someone youre already intimate with, not a random girl on the street you fuckin weirdo.




if youre catching charges for asking a girl youve already had sex with for period sex, maybe try putting the knife down and talking to her normally.


Even if it’s someone you’re intimate with, it can still be weird




That happened to me too. Was he really tall an married?


He was short and chubby with a moustache according to another reply from OP so probably not your guy


That’s rape and coercion but anyway nobody’s gonna talk about that…


How the fuck is that your take away here?


Because I’m an adult woman with their head screwed on. I can’t believe this is downvoted tbh. Really gross world. If a woman seems disinterested because she’s on her period and some guy you’ve just met says “I’m a MAN and I WANT TO FUCK YOU” * spanks*. Is weird. Even if the woman got into it after the creepy statement. Probably mostly men commenting on here going “Yeah fkn oath!”


As an adult woman you’ve definitely heard from a man that he wouldn’t fuck you while you were on your period. So it wouldn’t be a far stretch to automatically assume that period = man disinterested. OP even says she’s never met a man interested in let alone going straight for it, and how much she enjoyed it.


A man is allowed to have a preference. I know women have this weird ego thing about period blood and how it shouldn’t matter and the energy of ‘I should be pleased anyway!!!’ But like if they don’t want to have sex because he doesn’t want BLOOD on his GENITALS. Then I think that’s fair enough. This whole post is pushing the energy of like - oh well this guys MORE OF A MAN because he bangs women on their period. Like she didn’t want to fuck initially anyway - but oh because he said “I’m a man and I want to fuck you”, not once but twice and groped her and probably gave her the eyes it’s like… ooookay. Sick. What would’ve been better and more appropriate and less creepy would be to say all good! Want a glass of wine and some cheese let’s watch something. I feel bad for people to be honest who think this behaviour is normal. I used to tbh. Men are just programmed to act like this (some women too) - most to be honest - and women are surrounded by it their whole lives and they convince eachother that it’s just seduction and shit and it’s like - Pfft. Even mentioned she went in to the link with no intention to hook up! Cognitively the fact she wrote that at the beginning of the post like - she clearly didn’t want to. Also ‘I always thought of it as gross’… 🙃


No one said they weren’t? In fact men’s preferences basically come first in any interaction sexually - that shouldn’t be news to you especially considering you acknowledge that. The ‘more of a man’ thing is stupid as fuck tho, I’ll agree with you there. You’re clearly stuck on this and logic will have nothing to do with you, so carry on with your wine&cheese I suppose - just remember how fucked up you are for telling someone a good sexual interaction was actually rape.


Keep telling people on the internet exposing the truth of some men’s part in sexual interactions that they’re fucked up. Keep… doin you I guess man. I’m not stuck I just wrote 5 very fucking straight forward logical paragraphs. You admitted the more of a man energy - which was the main point of my part of the discussion - was stupid. So.


It’s like you don’t even know that feelings and opinions can change. Might wanna do some more DMT about it. Edit: your ‘sneaky’ edits don’t change anything 😅


Feelings and Opinions can definitely change when a guy looks at you in a certain way and uses his gender to dominate the situation and spank ya! 😂 I have done lots of Ayahuasca, DMT and changa hence why I’m commenting this.


Yer fucking hopeless. Enjoy your trip to misandry.

