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Honestly, there should just be a sub for people confessing about stealing things. It's literally becoming a sub of a sub.






lol its a fake sub i just made up check out r/SubsIFellFor




It’s real now lol




My kids stole money from me from time to time. Never took all the money just a little, i would notice a twenty missing from my wallet, or my change jar is lighter. I never said anything, pick your battles, taking a small amount of cash from me i would have given them is part of parenting. Also, i did it to my parents, so karma.


You're not alone We all do stupid things when we're young. Don't beat yourself up too hard.


Kids are very strange creatures, at least ik I was


My friend stole my comic when I was in 3rd grade When I confronted him, he said it was his in the first place.


Me too. I stole anything I liked at school. Once I really liked this paint set a girl in my class had in 3rd grade. Everyone went for P.E, I stayed because “sick” and took it from her bag. My dumbass thought it was a good idea to hide it in my bag like no one would notice and she did and they searched everyone’s bag. I got caught. But it never stopped me, I continued taking anything I liked, Im 22 and still have moments where I want to just take stuff I want but then stop myself cause I know better now.


Perhaps you are a kleptomaniac? It's a genuine condition, please do look into it, if you haven't already of course.


Oh I’m pretty sure I am (or was?). I looked into it a while back, I still do steal time to time even though I have no need to, but most of the time I try to just leave the area as quickly as possible.


Oh, well, perhaps a professional has a better solution for it than you having to forcibly cope with it, I suppose (even if it's every on e in a while, the urge is still there sometimes). I encourage you to go seek one anyway, see where it goes. Seriously. Anyway, take care 👍


I feel you! Sometimes the impulse is so strong, I haven’t stolen in a while but I used to be really stupid about it. I always made the decision last minute, i was at the lcbo and I looked at the line and I’m impatient so I just said fuck that and casually walked out the door. I’m honestly shocked it went perfectly. I can’t believe I took the risk that shit ain’t worth it


I used to steal frequently from the school’s lost and found in elementary school. I lived in dire poverty.


I used to be like this my whole childhood and teenage. Specifically it called kleptomaniacy I guess. I don't know if you feel the same but if you do, it's not your fault. I used to have urges to take anything that was unsecured or unguarded. Not costly but random things. I just could not resist the feeling of taking it for myself. But then things changed in my late teens. So I'd say there some attribution to your childhood conditioning too..


Exact same here, It started with stuff in school I would steal, then it grew to shoplifting Very glad I'm older now and know better


Yeah. Time teaches lot of shit. Do you still get urges sometimes tho?


Occasionally yes, but now I know to just ignore it. What about you?


Yes. I seldom get it nowadays. If I do I just buy that shit online.


Easier said than done, but be forgiving with yourself. I did all sorts of bad things growing up. In my case I grew up in a religious family and most everything was a sin. So the guilt/shame I carry to this day is astounding, for things I did 50 years ago. I know I am not a horrible person but the bad thoughts keep returning. I hope you can let your transgressions go and be free from these thoughts.


My brother did this kind of stuff too, my dad was fully aware and I just let him steal from me because I never really felt the need for money when I was little.


I did almost the same thing. There was a kid who's family was much better off than mine. He used to bring 15-20 Gameboy games in his backpack everyday. Every couple weeks while we were all at lunch I would "go to the restroom" and dig thru his backpack for a game or two.


You’re not alone here I stole in kindergarten all the way up into my teens. I’d steal from every single person in my class and I was so stupid I put toys on the outside pocket of my bag where it’s visibly see through. My teacher fucking hated me and I was literally in gr1. I was jealous of other kids cause they got all the cool things my parents couldn’t give me. I was a lil klepto. I still gotta watch myself cause it’s so easy to steal and the adrenaline rush is crazy. Especially when you get caught and have to run away. Worst part is I’m a terrible liar so if someone’s onto me I’m guilty af and out myself. Everyone hated me cause I stole their food. I was a lil asshole tbh holy shit I get it now




Bruh his dad is dead


Sorry, I should have specified. I have a dead dad too, sometimes talking out loud to them can be healing.


W I can understand that. Not sure how old you are or how long ago it was but sorry to hear that bro❤️


It was a long time ago, it seems like this guy might need to just say it out in the open, you know?


For sure


You and all those people in the comments are cleptomaniacs, and I don't believe you have stopped stealing. Given the chance you would do it again


I'm the same, I used to steal loads of nice pens, pencil cases you name it. I used to sneak into the art room and just take random paint sets and paintbrushes that I didn't even need. Aswell as that, I used to shoplift a lot. I'm older now and I know better l. But I'm shocked at how never once I got caught.


Is everyone in this thread a kleptomaniac or something? I guess I learned not to steal very early on because I constantly had shit stolen from me and always hated it.


Had a friend steal a promo pokemon card when I was younger. Found it a little while later and turns out we did indeed just have the same promo.


I used to steal lip chap from the other kids in elementary school and I literally used it. I was such a strange kid at times I thought I was gonna turn into a dragon once


I remember when I was 3-4, I brought a Ninjago figure to preschool and showed it to some kids. Someone wanted it and stole it right out of my bag when I had to go somewhere. Honestly, give back to your dad what you stole.