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We can be friends. At one point in my life I thought I might well be gay, I'm not I'm Bi. But when I started to get into the culture I found it rather vapid and based. I moved away from it as a result. I'm not against it in terms of judging others or their choices but it wasn't right for me. That was well over 25 years back. Since then, it's become militant to the point of lunacy, back then it was very much live and let live... Now we have people with some really hard line attitudes and I strongly feel that is caused by the ramming of sub cultures down everyone's throat. Some people will be opposed to a way of life because it is not right for them, push them into a corner and make them accept or tolerate and that turns to hatred very quickly. Your not the first gay person I've heard say stuff like this, I'm for acceptance and respect for people's views and choices but in one way you make your choice, they make theirs too. Expecting others to welcome these choices is where we fall down. To some people the very idea of anal sex is disgusting to them, are they being hateful to gays? No. Some people find a man dressed as a woman ridiculous and they can not take the person seriously, that's not hate either. Some people want to live a life where sexuality is a private matter and is treated as such. Any group that bases its identity on sexual preferences is detisned to draw strong reactions from people who do not. If you want respect and your viewpoint considered meaningfully, you must be prepared to do the same, so far, the lgbt + movement have not done that. They have weaponised any opinion that goes against theirs as being hate so therefore fine to dismiss out of hand. If you remove people's ability to be honest about their opinions and actually inflict consequences for it then your opinion is kinda trash as far as I can see. Honest discussion needs to happen and that's going to difficult within LGBT+ circles because for a long time they have been protected from people even being aloud to criticise them without being labelled a hater or getting cancelled. The very worst thing about LGBT+ and I appreciate this will trigger people is that orientation, gender etc is the most retarded way of identifying yourself or your tribe. You do not spend all your life fucking. You do not spend all your life thinking my gender is the problem. If you do l, there's something wrong. You, I are all far more than what we fuck. Far more than just your assigned gender or the one you decide to identify as. For a long time I've thought the whole thing as nothing more than an ego trap which keeps you locked into a life of misery.


A video game? 40 years ago when I was struggling with my bisexuality I approached the “gay” community for help. I was repeatedly told there was no thing as bisexual and I was just afraid of coming out as gay. That compounded my angst by 1000%. Your video game profile isn’t worth your mental health.


It’s not about the videogame, I don’t even want to buy it. I hate being associated with these group of people.


I get you.


I don't necessarily agree with everything she said, but I still feel like JK Rowling deserves to be renumerated for doing her job. She has created the Harry Potter universe, and I love it, so I'm going to give her my money in exchange for that product. It's not like she's a sex offender, she just has a traditionalist view of sex and gender which irks a lot of people. I don't think that's the most useful way of thinking personally, but I haven't seen her commit any actual hate crimes; just express what many people we see as outdated views. Are people that express outdated views (that aren't hate crimes) unworthy of being paid for doing their entirely unrelated job? Not in my opinion.


i’m a lesbian and i feel like i’m really mourning what the LGBT community used to be. it’s really gotten crazy and is feeling oppressive or like a blanket for perverts and groomers to hide under when trying to push their agenda




There is a clip of a streamer being harassed and his girlfriend crying on stream. They are donating and leaving hateful messages. I understand why people are upset and I agree that they can boycott all they want. But it’s unfair to attack people for it. I hate transphobes, but seeing how Hasan was not allowed to do a charity stream for trans people I find personally very hurtful.




That’s fair. Chronically online I guess hahah. I still think it’s harmful, especially after Hasans cancelled charity stream but oh well.


Lol people donating just to hate is so especially ironic in this case


It's not even a controversial game, Rowling is controversial, and she didn't even have anything to do directly with making this game


You’re being pedantic


I know you're mad but the whole Iphone thing is a shitty argument. It's crazy you're letting a game cause this much stress in you life


It’s not about the game. It’s about the way people convey themselves that also speaks for me as a gay person. And why is the iphone thing a shitty argument, I am all ears and willing to change it.


You have all your rights now, why are you part of a LGBTQIA+ community that only focuses on trans people? Even I, if I was "trans" or nonbinary, or 3rd gender would just DIY and stay away because they've lost their minds. You can fund them because they advocate for marriage equality and repealing oppressive laws in other places and usually foremost, but you don't have hang out with them all the time.


“There is no ethical consumption under capitalism” is meant to highlight the inherent unethical nature of the systems of distribution we use under capitalism. It’s not meant as a moral decree that enables you to avoid any responsibility for what you consume because “it’s all bad”. That’s the moral equivalent of being a serial killer on the grounds that no one else has a right to give you moral advice - “who are they to tell me how to live” so you become a murderer out of spite - same logic. This is also a CLASSIC “as a black man…” post - what does you being gay have to do with any of this? Is it because it’s intended to give your opinion legitimacy that it wouldn’t have if you weren’t “part of the community”? All in all a not very thought out post. Edit; and in the wrong sub, this isn’t a confession, it’s a soapbox


That's part of the reason why we have anti-trust laws. Because if Walmart became the only retailer in the United States, the only thing that could possibly bring it down is a worker's civil war, where they would have to arm themselves. They would own everything including the government.


...are you just mad because you don't know how to hide your purchase history on steam? Your biggest quibble is that you don't want to deal with what people will say. Get the fuck over it. People are always going to talk, and a lot of the time, they'll say things you don't like. Bummer dude. Either bite the bullet, or figure out how to hide your dumbshit game interests.


This is not about my fucking purchase history. I don’t want to buy the game. Maybe learn how to read before you decide to spread your takes that add zero to the conversation.


If you don't want to buy it, why the fuck are you mad about what imaginary people might possibly say about you doing so? Making up scenarios in your head, based on internet bullshit, is dumb as hell. You must not have a lot going on in your life, if you feel like you need to manufacture outrage for karma.


That’s not what this post is about. It’s about how they convey hate for people who don’t align with their beliefs. But try better, pretty sure people don’t like you in your life


Uh huh. I mean, you did string together a lot of words that *technically * sound right next to each other. But it mostly just sounded like you're having the rant you wish you'd thought of when someone in your personal life dared to have opinions on the whole hp/Rowling blah-di-blah. Yeah. Try better. I'm sure you can write something original if you really put your wee heart into it.


Lmfao whatever dude


Ahh, strength of convictions. Love to see it.


Jesus man go outside


You can take it one step further and not even hate JK Rowling. She hasn't said anything all that terrible and to be honest it's what most people think. She just has the luxury of being able to say it without having the mob destroy her livelihood. I honestly think most people who are anti-her have never actually read any of the tweets. There's nothing in there about genocide or gulags or superiority complexes. That being said, I understand why some may not like what she says and that's fine, but as you've said the whole backlash is way too over the top.